p H. Y. Belk AND HIS NEWS OF NEBO VALLEY Pardon O/VE QUART ) golde/v Gt/?R/VS?y <*? W/LK SI- = '0 EGGS i Archdale Farms ??jp PRESCRIPTION SERVICE W? Fill any Doctors' Pre scriptions promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. Kings Mountain . Drug Company THE REXALL STORE We Call For and Deliver Phones 41 ? 81 ft :l was very much shocked to learn Of xhe-deam of my dear t'r.end, Har vey Ham bright. | I met Jim Ballard at the City .Hell. He gave me $2 and I .sem the Herald to his mother. What a fine gif; for mother from her son. ? Baxter Haye? gave ;ne I sent him the Herald for a whole year. We love- to iove our friends, tho.se that, will accept. ou: love: 1 really got set up for Christmas. So many cigar*, chaw gum. 1 don't smoke. I don't chew. 1 iove my lov er and my lover loves" rne too. 1 got a nice Xma.s letter from Jfeien Meacham at Grace church. She, likes my column, so she said, and clips it out of the paper. I hop my dear oid pal Wray Stewart don't freeze up in the Land of ?the Midnight Sun. Today 1 got my last Xmas gift Joy.. A nice letter from that sweet little German girl in Berlin so far away, Vdu know it was sad for all those 1 killed Christmas. Do you ' remember What J God said to Noah after the deluge? ! Whoso -sheddeth i man's blood by man shall hisi blood be shed. For in the image of made He man. He is built for e ternity. In Ameri -today human sacred than the life In heathen lands hu man life Is no more sacred than the life of a dog. An infidel philosopher of the 18th century once said in the sight of God every event is of alike Importance to the Universe and the life of a man is no greater impor tance to the Universe than that of an oyster. Where is the crime?' He Inked of turning a few ounces of j hlo^d out of its channel. Such lang uage needs no answer. Only rhou shait not kill. The man who once hoarded mon ey was Known as a miser. Now they call him a marvel. Siie-stepping only gets you farth * hen ilmplr h^jirt Makes nervra *r? for help. trr fast, senile C M HEADACHE POW l>KRS. I'm tnly ?i ^IfKlrd. er away from where you hoped youJ w ere going. - In i New York a maid Stoit- So.000 in Jewelry not long ago. She r'eailv cleaned up the p. ace jus, before she look her fijght. ArnerK.an.aid to Europe i.s a gam bielor peace. We *hai; win or lose when all the results are in. I'd be; e l0iL>. Well.- our cards don't look very good. Maybe its thv wav w? traced litem on the tabie. dendT T?^ W* divi dends. There s mucn we can leant b> b?;;ng friendly. Your interest in peopxe antl their point of view ami experience wii; help v0U add to < "th? T'n St?Ck ?f in'?rm^'jon. Whv , '"af ! grouchy at f stuck up? We may be as good as those who oa^ to? M W? ai' ,ivp t(,i?other and die ritv nd hope t0 to the" same City prepared for us. I speak '0 every one I pass. Some don't ! speak but few they be. I draw no col ! or lines either-black or white ah streets mC as 1 RO ?" V<**> trtets. All just poqr mo-.als trav sob?IT?U8h a - *a v?':d THE SABBATH DAY bince I was a child there has been an awful letting down in this coSn the Sabbath. The Sab bath was made for man. not man I for the Sabbath. We need to ob- > VVeVTivl ?nSabKa,h m?rp than ever live in such an i n tense age. The thP Sahhd?t?e IT0re to break down | the Sabbath than anything yet 1 To quote Dr. Clarence Po?: J dirpNn^h0f KlaSS ?f PeOPle in such ) icaf art?ntf hospital car* and mod n ?h 4 un?.?s ?Ur farm familles rn ?ou,h' should not rest un '' ***av.e *??en ?ur congress and ! helD inrt hR SlatUre-S to plcd^ their ton ha i f"' we e Pe?P'e. Should See that their pledges are kept. What of or? be^ame of cornerstone of our foundation left bv the ladv on the corner? Today a new hospital in^ile Rr"a,e,st nped of this almost fain y.F"OWn as Kin&s Moun tain With all, its wealth and fame No hospital you say? Shelby just a riirf Sma!j ,wuh no Southern rail 'oad at all. keeps a fine hospital for many people great and small I n?nf H'T Moun:air- ^e city beau tiful, bui.ds a nice- hospital rhis anHrr W3nt 10 have my eyes seated fal rt-K3!!1 " d0nf> in a neW hosPi- I tal right here at home. Lets ge?' to- ' gerher and talk it over. We all want I it l m sure. Back in the ga> '90's ladies, manv I li T?'uW?re hoop skirts and bust- : les The hoop skirts in the wind flop Ped up and expanded the bustles. ; ; not only wore bustles but used ?tlves -to COWSeal their slim i fffiti 7J,?y wereJ made with cloth | filled witr saw dust and tied a round the leg and they wore corsets ?de ,of wnre padded with cloth so ?ight to make the waist look slim- j mer. 1 have known some of the fair I ladles faint by being worn so tight I *iut they didn't smoke. I like the mo dem woman best. All men are liars but I swear this is so. This Nebo weather is getting light and wet. Looking for snow just any old day. . Back in my coming up days every body rode horseback. Ladies had a side saddle and th rowed their leg ?VV saddle tree. The saddles were built for ladies side saddles. They of course had riding skirts and rode well. Seems like to me there is as many ways and a lot more reasons to fall In love as there Is to fall in a cret'i but its so much easier to get out of the creek. A lady declared to me that she ain t ever had any words with her husband because he don't ever have any change to use his mouth -piece. It's hard for a man to keep his mouth closed all the time. That's why some men snore so loud when he's a sleep. Then if he keeps it up ! It may lead to a dtvorce. You never thought I'd be a poet: I Now ushers in 1949, How^-apidly the years go bt It was only yesterday I *as a child. Today I can hardly Realize I'm old and gray, Most of the ones with whim I play ed, But yesterday are gone today. This life is but a fleeting breath Let us make use of every day, So that when we shall pass away, Some may say we dM our best. Perquimans County has been se lected for the South's first trial of multiple crop ihsurance, a program which offers the farmer protection on more than one crop on the same farm. Only two other counties ,-In the United States, both located in the Middle Wear, have ever tried tried such a plan. ??wore Coughs Fraai Cmhmm Calds That HANG ON t!*fpa and aid aat trouble ?cum to tooth* and MB btxjchiU -Tell your drug/titt to toil jwa a hotel* of Crcomuuioa with di* ??liiiimilM ytm mot lik* th* w*r k quirldy *!!?y* the cough m yom *r* to have four *tooey buk. IN litis - : > oy Way Ot Mention UK B?atti? Mr. and Mrs. Elbert ? Payne and son, Bill, spent Sunday with Mr. and ; Mrs. O. V. Fulier and children of Bel rnont. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wright and chil j dren and Mr. Dave Smith, Jr., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Dave Smith, Sr., of Lawndaie.. Mrs. H B. Jones had a> tier guest recently Mrs. Darwin Mcv'arter of : Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Blakely had as ?fveir guest for the week ?'tid Miss' Mary Blakely of Chester. Mrs. Da ye Smith, Jr., and children spent 'he week end with relatives! in Gaston ia Mr! and Mrs. R. Lee H' mton had ! as their guests .law week Mr. anrj ' Mrs. Zay Moore ot Sunshine. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wright- had a* their guests recelty Misa Blanche ?vriit-h ftf GaStonia and Mr. Theron Houscr of Louisville-, Kv. Mr. and Mrs. J. f. Hope had as their guests Monday Mr. and Mrs-, j R, L. Hope of Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Blanton were recent .guests of the latter's mother. ; Mrs. Jennie Lovelace of Charlotte, j Mr, and M their guests Sunday Mr and Mrs. E. M. Lohr of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blanton, Mr. | and Mrs. R. Lee Blanton and Mrs. j Raymond Blanton and children } spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | Zay Moore oLSunshine. A total of 2.711,000 ctiicks were produced by commercial hatcheries in the State during November. This figure compares with 1,499,000 hat ched in November, 1947, and an av erage of 1,608,000 hatched during November in the years 1942-46. Headline For Active Reserve Is Extended The Pepa'rtment of the Army to day announced an extension of the deadline until Febrary 1, 19-19, foi Reserve Officers of the Army who are not current iy engaged in Reser ve activities to apply for active Fie >ervc status. This extension provides an addi | iionai month for Reservists who have not previously indicated a pto ference for active Reserve status to notify rheir local unit instructor or Senior Army Instructor of their de sire for retention in. the active Re serve. If preference is no; indicated be fore the expiration of the February : 1 deadline, these Reserve Officers will he automatically transferred to the Inactive Reserve and will not be eligible for promotion, drill pay and retirement benefits. They will be subject to call to active duty in the event of a national emergency, however, during the life of their commission. - i The Senior Army Instructor, State QUICK RELIEF FROM S/mptoms of Distrau Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Fraa BookT ellsof H?m?Tr?atin?iit that Mutt H.lp or It WIN C*?t You Nothing OvsrltirM m llion bottl??of th? Wii-tAno I'uk.MMSNT bK?? beon sold for re lie f of ?;".ptooianrdliiUM?*.rl?lD| from IbnMk and UU?ra du? u> l>M? AcM ? f ??? DI(MtUn, Sour or UfMt llmiihi ttiiilnwt. Nairlkurn. llnpHMMM. due to Iimm A?M . Sold od !? d?y?' iriall A?l< for ?wniar4'? Mnup" ?rhteb fully KINGS MOUNT AIM DRUG CO. BeMmer City: CENTRAL ORUG STORE ?Quality Cleaning? ?THAT'S THE BRAND YOU GET AT? WEAVER'S CLEANING Phone 382-W of North Carolina, is located in the Ral?igh Bldg , Raleigh, N. C., and the Unit Army Instructor (or this lo l cqi district is Major W. N. Cowan, 15)21 J 1th St., Hickory, N. C. 1 Farm land values are now above she peak prices <>t 1920 in all bus 12 states. In North Carolina, current land prices are V) perce rii higher ? than the top 1920 figure. GIVES FAST RELIEF when COLD MISERIES STRIKE ? SUBSCRIBE TO- THE HERALD? Program for a successful New Year with poultry ? 1 Above everything else GET GOOD CHICKS 2 Arrange to house chicks in a clean, comfortable place. 3 Use a feed that will give maximnm growth. CLEVELAND CHICK STARTEB or 1 CLEVELAND BROILER RATION WILL FILL THE 3rd REQUIREMENT EAGLE ROLLER MILL CO. Shelby, North Carolina world's toughest Proving Ground 1 ITS ECONOMY WAJ PtOVtO HUE "sjj m *