SOCIAL AND PERSONAL HAPPENINGS of INTEREST to WOMEN 4WKS. P. D. HERNDON. Editor PHONE 16? Birthday Party Honors Couple Msx Baxter Payswur was surpris ed <111 Saturday nigm w^ea a j;.oup a / hps Jnendseniercained tor h?r and Ur.s -Grady leHon at the home oi Mft Floyd Payne, Honoring tncir >Mrtt)day*. Shv and Mr. Payseur stop ucd by there on 4. heir way some ?vHvxe else, and were :net Hy a group **?*!?>?. "Happy Birthday." A .oveiy was lk with candles, aiid in -wrtiH xl. 'Happy Birthday. Geneva ra*i OtroJyn." After the pair, opened ?ji.-?uy nice gifts, a light supper was Miru'd, followed by homemade ice ??m and cake. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Payne. Mr. and VfrH. Linwood Parton, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Grad> Douglas Veiton, and Mr. and Wra Baxter Payseur. Legion Auxiliary Met Monday Night The American Legion auxiliary uif Monday night Willi Mrs. J. 6. Ware. Mrn. I.loyd Phifer was co-hos TWpnty- three nremlwrs were pres ?m. During i.he business the foilow 5'nj? officers were elected: president. Mrs. t". L. Jolly; vice president, Mrs. fx E. Tate; .secretary and treasurer, Mr*. Kred McDaniel, jr.: chaplain, Mrv Gordon Beaty; historian. Mrs. Brn H. Goforth; custodian. Mrs. P. G. Hattrrree. Mrfl. W. L. Logan rei?orted home snadp oandy had been .sent the boys Oteen. Plans were made for the iKtppy sale. Inr cream lopjjed with strawberri us and cake was served by the hos f MACKSA MtxruO^ATEO Shaving Cream ItrHctt )thc> Smooth Shj\vs ALL LEADING STORES IJU5T FOLKS LJ ?J lust a tnuiu'.'vv iiiinuctor. I n< t>n mv -v.iv to buy ,vinit> SJLVKRWARS .'roin DKI.l.lNGKRS JKWKL SHOP. W.% thvy sell ?ifts of quality an 1 fceam.v so when you wain the rn S1LVKRWARE. JEWEl.RY. Vv .1 CJIt'.S, DIAMONDS ??' v'OSTUMK fKWKLUY, shop, at DKLI.INGKR'S iKWKL SHOP, li pays to 'my where tjnaMty is hii?h and prices low, so f'ni low the v% ?i to D?iun<*3's - ?v J?ek will be excepted. as she wishes to mail them by the ? ? tir* ' > The largest (lower known wedghtn Any one else who would like to do 1'5 oounds. .iv* it *>r 'the Wtt* THAI WEM^? Seen in dHARM May, 1949 $195 1 White and Red *REC U ? PAT (iff. Enjoy happiness with ever)' step in styles for work and play. They're, these exciting hand-laced shoes with li^ht. soft, wonderfnlly flexible, yet "bubble soles" that you've seen in outwear ordinary shoes. Walk smart,, all your favorite magazines, Com- feel smart, be smart- ? buy Foam*) fort at a comfortable price iu smart treads Cor "The Walk That Relaxes." Myer's Dept. Store Dress Shop # Second Floor G/tC t&e TfrUujHts "3ui3'.cstcfPiN<;" on (;*M rubber nuUtrw. "8UBSLC-SITTING" On fount rvbbri