Notice Ci Sale Of Real Estate Fei Unpaid 1948 County Taxes As required by law, I, as Tax Collector of Cleveland County, will sell at the Courthouse Door in Shelby, North Carolina, on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 5 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. for unpaid 1948 taxes due the County of Cleveland, the follow ing described real estate shown by name of owner, and the township in which it is located,. The land described in such case is land owned by delinquent taxpayer as shown on the tax re turn or list. There will be added in each case the amount of cost, penalty, and interest to the taxes. This sale may be continued from day to day, at such tihie as may be provided by law, in the event such sale is not had or completed on the above date specified. R. S. GIDNEY, Tax Collector. * ' mmBTlt ? TOWNSHIP ? WHITE ? .. James J. Alexander $S .68 lot 60x220 Alexander frt. Dafwin Allen . . $23-33 27 A. Long Branch Rd. #Vank L. Anderson ... .. $8,00 2 A. Highway 26 ' J. C. Arnerte ; . $30.25 9 Lots 60x170 6 Lots 60x170 Eddie L. Arrcrwood . ...'. ... $3.75 Jl C. Arrowood . . . $3.09 t-2 A. Battleground Rd. Ricfjard Barnett . . . $20 76 lot 100x1145 E. S. Waco Rd L. W. Barren . $W.34 12 A. Cherryvlllf Rd Ml L. Beam '. $ .21 t lota 25x175 Nolan Prop. ^am Beam . $10.45 0-10 A. Grovex'Shelby Rd. M.J.Ben... $?.58 2 A. James H. Black . . $1528 iot 100x180 Cora St. H. B. Black Weil' ....... $3496 18, 19 and 20? . ? j ^ V&xflSO Cleveland Ave. Junjous Bold#. ..... $6.62 4 lots 25x150 Monte Vista Drive William Bolln ....... . . $9.00 i 18 A. Allen Prop. . . , I William G. Bowen $640 1 A. Highway 74 Clyde S. Brakefieid . 5763 -1?5A. Bethlehem Rd Urady C. Bridges $f f>() J lot 75x150 Waco Rd. l< L. Broadway Si<7 63 2 rots 60x370 H B. Bundy :?%' $l707i 1 2 A. Ey Bethel Rd. j Charles C. Burton ...... . $rj3,?0 J-crt 100x375 I/a Camp . *4 55 l?ot lOOx? Harry Fails Prop I.iraie Camp $7]7: I lot 1 00x1 50 Grace st. J lot 25x1 50 Grace st. ^ M. earner ....... $ 90 "2 A. Grover M Gary Carpenter }rj018; tot 87x106 Cora Mill Jeff A. Carrol) . $936; <ot 90x108 near Cora MiU William K Carroll $8.04 J A. Cherryville K. Mtn Rd l.uther L Carson ... $1:3.87 ! ?Jlot 75x250 Highway 74 Henry Ciippard . > $30.38 tot 75x84 3rd st *iev H E Crump 5^34 02.5 A MmMurry Prof H Davis '..... | $10.30. L?>t lfK?x230 McGinm? *?: L C Dettmar $3 ">-34' I lot 50x31-1 5- 5. Kirif ?rt. I lot 25x11-1 S S Kinp yt H (K Dixor. 5.16 46 I 22 A C. S Iiixon Prop Frank L. Dotsor .. $32 ;?o lot 80x103 3rd St Lot 75x251' Stowe Prof' Herbert P i>over $884 lot 70x150 Alexander Si *R M Earney 1 ... $15.34 Lot 85x96 3rd St. Ambrose H Flowers . $2000; "tots 88, 89. 90 1 75*150 1 <W. S. Keller at. Mrs. Elsie Poster ... $2 "14 4 lots 100x150 Monte Vista I'j ?oy L. Fredell J4 68[ Lot 40x178 W. S. Gra<t- st. T A. Gadd> $33 62' 3 lots 75x3? Monte Vista. Dt. J, E. Gouzaley ... . $2 89 lots 97 and 98 Montorua lake "W. G. Granthom . . $3793 Lot 75x220 Mtn St. Willie Gredson . $J3 40i Lot 60x95 Cora Mill Grover W Greene . $714 I 101 60x120 Highway U I 87 A. OfJ Highway "74 ?lethro Hamm Lot 75x195 Cora Frank L Hamrick 5wi9 74; Lot 123x139 City st. ? .j Wilhurn Hamnck $"1608., La?\ 50x100 Cansie: . P H lf?;dij?. . ? Vifi 36 15 17 Acres Turner li<{ ?MeKin C. Hajilm ? . ? 5'13i5( 3 lots Ba;;legrounn Fit. Charles W Harrilj .. $33 Lot 51x100 st B A. Harry,- Sr.:. . , . . $2938 1 lot Grm c; Raymond Haruoe $?3.19! Lot 95x150 N S. Parkf r ft 1 Guy Henderson $20.96 Lot 80x200 S S Ridge s: D G. Herndon $2878 lot 230x157 t?TOver Herbert E Hick? . $2.t3 Lots 6 and 7 Philbeck Fjc-j Mary Ruth Hicks $327 Ixits 8 and 9 Philheck Ptoj Emma Haliman Homessiey . $f-H5 ? Lot 57x124 S. S. 74 Kuf'.is L. Hot?e $12.90 8 li3 A Arrowood S' E, I lord . $24 86 3 A Kingdom , Let 40xl0(" C^'^>en?er L-ot 75x1 1^ Carpenter Lxrt 50x125 Ridgj. ^ Cflfpf rilpT toi 5Ctxl07 "W Carj^nitv Paul A Hord $26 98 Lot 320x20c1 L. C. Hord Prop. i W. H. Howard $35.59 5 Jots 25x150 Highway 74 John Fritz Howell .......... $6.70 Lot 125x150 off York Rd. P. Calvin Howell ... ..... $9.64 Lot 80x184 W. S. Ganft at. Otto Huff $8.04 Lot 75x157 Grace st. Romie Huffstetlei ......... $1.34 ! Lex 86 and 87 50jc200, - '? ' S. S. Now St. Staeey Huffstkkler $3.35 Lots 36-46 Falls st. Geo. J. Hull $17.57 Lots 46 and 47 50x150 York Rd. C. B. Huliender ... .. $11.91 Lots 61, 62, 63 75x150 Morris Prop. Lula Hullender ? $19.77, 2.5 A. off Gantt St. I Lot 75x215 G an rt St. J. F. Jenkins; Heirs, ........ $4.17 15 lots sold to Paul Allen J.H.Jenkins $2165 Lot 50x419 Highway 74 Lot 58x419 Highway 74 Lot 64x300 Highway 74 , Addle Lee Killough $7.,"8| JyOt 85x99 Cors St. ? ? Milton Kiser $13,591 3 lots 25x160 E. S. Cieve. Ave. W. G. Lancaster -90 1 3 lots 25x195 G. W. Ledbetter V- $11.52 I Lot 70x200 W. S. Cansler St. Filmore M, Lee . . , . $15 93 1 Lot 100x120 Br ice st. Clyde Lindsay ? ?. $20.70 . Lot 60x150 N. S. Gold J. A. Lybrand ... ? $10.92 j Lot 7- 12 <150x110 Stowe Prop. J. C. Lynn . ; . C. .... . , . ...... $12.06 ; Lot 61x161 Oriental Ave. James Russell McAbee $11.79' Lot 85x99 Cora Mil! Sam T. *McAbee $14.67 4 low Battleground Rd ?? Lot 75x237 McGinnis st. Broadus E M<"Daniel $"13.66: Lot 100x100 off Cherryville Rd. Lot 75x96 3rd St. Cora J. S. MeDanW $35.97 ! 80 A. Mary McDanie} Prop. 1 Perry* Montgomery $1569 \ 1 1-4 A. R. R. Ave. Grover Lot 30x352 R R. Ave Grgver John Randolph Moore, Sr., . . $25.72 i Lot 100x150 S. S. Ridpe St. Violet Morris ,...y $12.06 ; Lot 50x100 ' ? W. A Morris. esft., ........... $3.02 j Lot 50x100 Morris St. Dr. D. M. Morrison . $&46 92 1 29.2 A HunnicUtt Prop. 5.2 A Hunnicutt Prop. 5.12 A. Herndon Prop. Lot 30x100 S. S Mtn St. Lot 25x75 R R. Ave. ? Lot 50x110 P. R. Ave ana Goio ft Lot 25xil0 Cherokee srt. Lot 50x108 E. S. R. ,R Ave. Lot 50x120 Cherokee st. | Mrs. Beulah Moss ? $115.31 j Lot 100x200 Grover Philip. Myers $33.02 Lot. 42 and 43 tS0xl50) Cleve. Ave, . Mrs. Willie T. Myers * . y. y .. . $1-34 j Lots 21, 22, 23, Falls Prop. I D. H. Owens ............. ? ? ? $1 34 Lo; 90x90 1-4 Littlejohn Prop. Floyd R. Payne ; - *3.31 4 lots <100xl75> Highway 74 Van R. Powe)) $40.20 Lots 51 74 25x237 York Rd. Lots 78 .97 25x175 York Rd. Edward H. Queen $28.26 Lots 21 and 22 . >. * (50x127) Herndon Prop. W. T. Hippy ... $6 82 1 1-4 A. McSwain Prop. M. S, Roberts - - - . - $4.22 Lot 75x178 Grace" at 0. L. Sappehfield ? ? $2.46 1 Lot Lake Montonla ? v- ? Paul Short ) f6Ji6 1 A. VV. J. Barnes Prop. Euai E. Sniith, es*. . $8 50 Lot 70x115 2nd St Cora Jomes R Stamey $19 22 9 lots 25x1 40 W S. New St. Witt, Stowe ? ?- ?* ..????? ..?? $1 64 1.? A. L C. rforrt Prop. Charies F Thomassor., Jr. $144.35 l )ot ' waiefcom*" C. F. Thomassor. est. ? Pauline Thrift- ? ? . ?- , : , $3 62 f Ld- 90x156 C. D. Ware $2960j Lot 70x200 King st. Alvin Jack Welle ;. . ? ? $^.91 j Lot 58x115 Cora H. D. White ' ? $20.54. Lot 100x131 K. Mtn Grover Rd. - j Lot 100x344 K Mtn Grover Rd. Charles F. Williams $24.76 : Lot 89x400 N. Piedmont ft. Mrs. Charles S Williams bal $891| ljOt 373x400 E. S Piedmont Ave. Delbert H. Wilson $14 4l ! Mrs: Ruth K Wiisoh Lot 75x200 Limvood Rd. Lot 40x200 Whiteside* Prtfp. H. C Wilson ;?.| $5?49j Lot 95x165 E S. Piedmont Ave. Rockford Henry Wi9e ...... $12.98 [ Lt* 87x150 Alexander St. , F, etcher C. Wright ? $33.93 { 4 A. T-N Wricht Prop. Jessie Yarb?f<> $16.14 j 8 Lots 25X150 2nd St. Cora 4 Warren Yates $4.68 j Lot 164x24? , _ I SOCI AL* SECURITY t NOTES B-y Notely Maddox Recently 1 received a letter from ! a Wage earner asking how he could jmake certain that hi* record of wa , gea in our Accounting Division Is being kept correctly. The answer to i this question is important to every worker. I am going to tell you how j to be sure. first, get out your account num j ber card. Have you found it? If so, i yqu s?e that the number has nine j digits, divided into three parts. This number identifies your own account.' No other person can use that num ' ber; have that number assigned to | him; be paid retirements benefits ! from that number, excep* you and your family, upon your retirement !or death. Your family also has a i stake in your account. Now let's look at the way we keep up with your wages. Every three ' months your employer sends in a report showing wages pdid to you durjng that period. He puts your name, your account number, and the wages on his report. Our Ac counting Division posts, by machin es your wages to your record. If your employer gets your number mixed up, or leaves out part of it, or NUMBER 4 TOWNSHIP? COLORED Clyde Adams '???? $16.42 1-2 A. York Road. Eola Adams, Bal . $17.81 Lot 150x235 Ridge & Dilling st. Lot 55x130 Ridge at. James R. Adams ............ $8.00 1 A. off York Rd. Jane Adams $6.02 Lot .55x100 W. S. Wilson st. Nancy Adama $5.96! Lot 110x150 Ridge & Dilling St. Pete Adams $4.02! Lot 50x100 Watterson St. Andrew Blaloek , ? $3.02 2 Lots 25x125 W. S. Watterson St. Curtis Blaloek ...... $3.80 Lot No. 55 ( 80x100) Waco Rd. Mattie Blaloek $6.76, Lot 50x125 W. S. Watterson Nannie "Blaloek $5.30 1 ?Lot 50x150 Watterson st. ,Dsvid Burrua $14.57 .33 A. Theodore Morgan. Prep. . Frank A. Burris $16.36 2 A. Lake Rd. R. J. Davidson $7.38 Lot N. S. King st. - ' Isabel! Dooley $21.76 3.32 A. 2.5 A. 34 A. Freeman Dooley est. Lot 85x200 Rice Prop. Mary Fall9 *.... $ -34 2 lots (50X125) Cansler St. John Galloway $9.92 I-2 A. *N. S. Watterson st. J. A. Gibson $23.50 Lot 45x111 E. S. Watterson St. James Grier $6.36 3.32 A. ^ ^ Lizzie Harry, est $9.25 II-4 A. Watterson St. j Hubert Herndon $8.58 3 A. Battleground Rd Hilliard Hunter $3.81 Lot 45x105 off King st. { Tom Jackson $15.08 1 41 A. . -1 Wm. Jackson ............ $2.23 j 2 A. L. C. Hard Prop. Luther Kft>bler $10,841 Lot 50x190 Ratterree Prop. Brooker T. Leslie $1.64 3 A. Hord Prop. George Lewis **433 Lot 40x180 Yord Rd. John F. Lewis . . . . . $3.82 4 A. York Rd. George Lindsay $12.39 Lot 30X171 Hambright Prop, Lot 30x171 Hambright Prop. Will McClain $11.02 9 1*4 A. Lake Montonia Rd. Clifton MeCleary $14.60 45 A. D. C. Mauney Prop. William * Qora McGill $9 32 Lot 50x90 W. S. Ridge st * Tom Meeks ? $6 96 3 A. Waco Shelby Rr. David Miller, Jr ' $7-56 1 A. Katie Miller Prop. Pauline CaJdwell Miller ...,. $1152 1-4 A. 60x180 S. S. King st. N. W. Mitcham $10.64 3 1-4 A. near Cora Mill James G. Morgan $25.80 Lot 40x105 off King srt. Lot 83x247 N. S. King st. Pearl Patterson ? - X$1 **> j 4 A. Price est. Jeanie Pearson ..... ... $ 68 Lot 50x90 N. S. Ridge St. j John Perkins ? $6-58 1 5.6 A. York Rd. 1-2 A Gold Mint Frop. j BecJha Reed .. . , -v. . 44-02 1 Lor 50x107 Cansler. St. Eliza Rice . ? $4.82 3.32 A. Ricc est. ' _ Pearl Rippy $6.1$ Lot 45x200 Cansler st. Corrine Borders Sealey fl.01 Lot 50x130 Watterson -st. Brown. Smith S10JK) 6.8 A. Burri? Prop. ' . _ David Thompson, Heirs $4,02 Lot 50x150 WAtterson ?. Hood Waters . . ?> $ 82 Lot 100x200 . ^ Leonard Watson $8.54 Lot 100x290 Arthur Williams $10.52 1-2 A. Lake Rd. Vestuba P. Wilson .....$Mr7| 1 Lot Lizzie. Falls Prop. NUMBER 4 CORPORATIONS Du-Court Mills. Inc $6,113.4$ Textile Plarft (Phenix No. 1) Lot 79x150 W. S. Highway 74. Lot 148x150 Keller St. Kralbck Minerals, Inc. , . ... . . . $2 20 9?' A*, ' ? RUM. Motors $1? Lot 21 A 22 Ki/igs Park , ' ? " ? - ? ';???? ? "-V, ; . ' ' ' '? ? i ? - A " Vi&j, /iV .. ? "*? ? ?' ? "?** ' ' ? uses a different name man 2s niiown x>n youi card, those machines refuse to accept such a report. Make certain that your employers get your name and number exactly as shown on your card. - Now, how <?an you be certain that j you have been getting full credit r for all your wages? Write us ask- j ing for the form- used for this pur- j pose. When you get it, give the in- 1 formation asked for on the post card . and mail it <h is adready address-) jed). You'll get a reply giving your credits. If you do not sigree with the i amount shown, again write to. the Social Security Office, Gastonia, N. j [ C. A thorough recheck of our records j will then be made, and If the added j wages are not located, the employ- j er involveu will be called upon to, clear up the matter. We also want to be sure that your wage record is correct, and we encourage everyone to ask for a statement of his ac count at least every 2 or 3 years. Er- j rors left uncorrected more than 4 j years are almost impossible of cor- j rection. " . There is no cost to you for this) service beyond the stamps you use in correspondence. The Social Security Office for your county Is located in Post Office Building, Gastonia, N. C. ? Negro News By Mrs. Cannle Gordon Mrs. Nina Mitchem and sons, Ray. mond and Jerry, and her sister, Miss Mophie Wilson returned last 'Friday from Jacksonville, Tla., where they attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Odell Wilspn. While there they visited Ocala, and the famed Silver Springs, Fla. Mr. George Mcclain has returned home after spending two weeks in New York visiting Miss Thelma and Carlee Rippy. Rev. P. B. Falls has returned home from the Shelby hospital and is do- j ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Sanders of the Compact community had as; their dinner guests last Sunday. mm Mr. and Mr*. Jack *Hallman and son Mrs. OJeare Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Parker -Gil more and children. Miss Sadie Mae Lyies, Mr. Ray Cannon, all of Spartanburg, S. C. They are niece and nephew# of Mr. Sanders. There will be a fellowship tier- ' vice at Si. Paul Methodist church | Friday, night August 13. Everybody ; a, cordiaJly invited. Sponsored by i Mrs. Daisy Lee Sprit h. CpJ. Alfred Davis and wife, Lula Davis of . 'VfcHimore, Md., spent two I weeks visiting their parents, Mr. and , Mrs. Roy iDav]^ of Raleigh'. Mra Da vis, a native of Kings Mountain is the daughter of Mrs. Lucy Burris. Mrs. Ernestine Bell of New Jersey and Mrs. Ruth Moore of Baltimore, Md., were Tuesday dinner guests' of Mr. and Mrs. D. R Alexander. Mrs. Ernestine Bell of New Jersey Miss Ernestine Rice of Chicago, 111., Mrs. Ruth R. Moore of Baltimore, Md., spent last week in Kings Moun ; tain visiting their sister and aunt, Mrs Lottie Means on E. Ridge st. Mrs. Mar> Jimerson is at home on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Wtight and Mrs. Edna Mae Crockett and baby returned .to their home in Philadel phia last Sunday. A revival meeting will begin Sun day at Adam's Chapel AME Zion church, through Aug. 14 to 19. THIJtTTT AME aoN CHUBCB P. B. Falls, Minister Sunday ? 10:00 Sunday school. 11:00 Morning service 7:00 Christian Endeavor. 7:30 Evening service. Wednesday, p:30 p. m., Mid- week prayer service ST. PAUL METHODIST CBOBCfl Rev. J. W. Gamble, Pastor Church school lOtOO a. m. Mrs Daisy L Smith, Supt . v Morning Worship 11:00 a. rru Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. UHITT AME ZION CHUh ?K P. B. Falls, Minister 10:00 Church school. 11:00 Morning worship. GOOD HOPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. A. M. Foster, Past** Sunday school 1Q a. m. Moming worship 11 ?. m. Evening worship' 7:30 p. m. First arid third Sundays. EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. A. Costner. Pastor Sunday school 10:30 a. m. Everett Ramseur, Supt. Morning Worship 11:30 a. m. B. T. U. 6:30, Howard Roberts, president. Second and fourth Sunday. MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. R. L. Garvin, Pastor , Preaching every first and third Sundays. ' Sunday School 10 a. m. . W. M. Brlggs, Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. ? ? ? BTNUM CHAPEL AME ZION CHURCH Rev, J. D. Hamilton, Pastor Sunday school 10:00 a. m. R. J. Brown, Supt Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. . Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m Evening worship 7:30 p. m. CAUJLEE METHODIST CHUBC& Rev. J. W. Gamble, Pastor Church school 10:00 a. m. J. V. Burr is. Supt Morning woehio 11 a. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. First and third Sundays. MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH > (Rev. J. A, White, Paator Sunday school It a. m. J. A. Rossf Supt. Morning worship 11 a m. Evening worship 7i30 p. m. Second and Fourth Sundays. ADAM'S CHAPEL AME ZION CHURCH Rev. S. I. Clement, Pastor Sunday school 10:00 a. m. A. A. McClain, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Worship 7<30 p. m. Deodorants & Depilatories OM PA NY PHONE 41 & *?& _ M gf ? f 5 Petio laga . . 58c Bisodai large . . ,89c O tips large - 98c Bayjpr Aspi rin, lge . 59c Hadacel $1.25

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