I H. Y. Belk ?AND HIS NEWS OF NEBO VALLEY Mr. Roland Hardin from Charlotte Visited the Belks Sunday. Loyd Self and Betty visited the news reporter from Cherryvllle this weekend. I Miss Pauline Self came over to. ?he Valley from Cherryvllie and ?pent the weekend with H. Y. and family. Walter Brown is spending some time In Chester, S. C., with his mo ther. Ha r ley Wells and your reporter Went to Ant loch Saturday and visit-, ed Mr Aaron Wells' grave. It's a nice spot of earth, quite and beauti ful for the dead.' Tom Doster is working in Boston on the railroad with his brother, Bob. Our Kings Mountain boys make good any where they go? our girls do too. We are having very hot weather, but not for long we hope. King David said strong d-rink will debase a man. Well It might do that very thing, but what about Strong drink for a wo man? They get drunk too| I was Surprised the other evening. I met a woman that was eougflt once for her charms. She wa? (loved by those who knew alas, she was drunk, so drunk she was crying like a sick child and cursing because she had lost one ?hoe out of the caT. I never heard of a woman getting drunk back in Bi Ible times. I reckon they would If they had of had cars. I believe cars have done more to wreck woman hood than all the whiskey, but they go hand in hand. Bud we know there's some good in All of us if we try to find k. It's best not to look on the bad side ot things in this life. Lets hunt for the good in our fellowman. Then as the years fly by, tho' short they be, we become better and the world be comes better. Its not all darkness even when the shadows of evening gather and darkness covers the ear th. Soon the morning comes with hope and new life in our souls. The darker hour comes just before the dawn of a new born day. Then we can say God is good and God is great for having let us live through another day. Yet vve can't say what tomorrow will bring but we can hope. That's as far as we know for ! a brighter tomorrow. If we had a 1 million in our name we can't say what we vvill do tomorrow because /tomorrow belongs not to you or me ? \ ft belongs to the time keeper of the Universe. Many of us will be dead tomorrow. I'm glad we don't know ; how near the end may be. It just wouldn't do. We'd all be sent to Mor- 1 ganton. . We all may weigh the material that goes in this person's life if we care to love and be loved. Without ! Jove we can find but little happi- J ness. We should first prize health as the greatest blessing we can find. Without health we find no great hap piness. Wealth cannot bring happi- | ness without health. Life, cannot be enjoyed to the greatest extent, j Wealth as a potential blessing is! only bestowed on a few and when ' < MACK'SfSb MENTHOLATED Shaving Cream FfrHm Mfto Pr+ftr Smooth Sham Distributed by All Leading Stores those are si?k they ran find but lit tle happiness with out health.' ! We gain love and confidence from those we. meet by our -devotion to ; duty. If we treat others as we would have them to treat Us but without i health we can find but little happi ! new. . We should take no pride in weak er man and women if we have good j health, and bear no malice to those |who treat us wrong. To worship in all that is good, right and beauti ful and to recognize God's coming Kingdom and try if toe can to help men to love one another. Then wars will be fought no more but what I | have said is so hard to do if we have ; not faith in the unseen faith in God 1 and faith in man would go far to wards healing the ills of the pres ent world. If another war starts its | because of the great lack of faith. ? You ask when will strikes come to art end. You may ask. We don't know, but are pretty sure they will be with us until John Lewis t9 be headed like John the Baptist was. He strikes because he knows Tru man can't stop him. So they all feel like they have the same right to strike as Johri L. has to pull the coal men out ort pits and freeze a pill lion poor children and their parents. Most all poor people could live quite well on their income if we did not have so many dirty bosses to make rich. They say that scientists have found the keys to the mystery ol how humans grow. It used to be by eating whofesome food and keeping warm. Now we about freeze and eat What we-can buy and its so high. Poor families can't buy what they should have to sustain life and health. Now if we knew real facts as they are the Roman Catholics rule -the big ger pan of the world. They are first last and all the time. Catholics con trol in such sections as New York, Illionis, well in all the larger cities of the world. Well I suppose any kind of religion beats no religion. I guess so. Our appreciation! This is the time of the year when our thoughts turn especially toward contributing to the happiness and joy of our loved ' ones and friends. That's fine. But we can eictend the Joy. Our world , would be a happier place the yearl around if we were truly apprecia-' tlve of the many things that are! done for us by our friends and lov- . ed ones. 1 am in a mood to write about this for two reasons. First .because you a-re so kind to express your appre ciation for the poor efforts I make in trying to write for your paper knowing I do the best I can. Sec ondly, have you ever gone out of your way to do a favor and ever ' failed to get a "thank you" for it?' Who's fault was it? Of course it was the failure of the one who re ceived your kind regards. We are not born to be appreciative and to al ways be able to evpress apprecia tion as we should. I have done so much for those around me at times they don't seem to appreciate any thing one may do for them. The more we do the more they , exJJeot of us for our special kindness. We can't see the spirit that gives and loves, not always no. But really folks are so very kind. Well the au tumn winds are blowing. The leaves are falling and soon mother earth will be in her winter robe with the frost and the snow. Then Christmas will soon oe just a little piece away. Then our joys will be complete. Its the birth night of the Christ -child, the greatest gift the world and its people have ever received. In the autumn breezes. 1 1. By rearranging kitchen equipment, farm a wives can make housework easier and ^ save time and hundreds of steps a day. 2. A checking account saves time, tripe and energy, too. See your county home demon stration agent about first sugges tion. See us about the second. ('Maybe more, maybe less) BANK CMfDIT FARM CRtDlT FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member F D 1 C ! Cotton Fanners To Receive Aid v- . - ? Cleveland county cotton farmers who want to keep abreast of the mar keting picture will receive highly specialized help again 'this year from the U. S. Department of Agri- : culture's Cotton Branch, Ben Jenkina : county agent for the State College Extension Service, said this week. ? Mr. Jenkins lists these services asj available to growers requesting j them: ' Weekly Cotton Market Review: Is- 1 sued each Week-end. Covers the ' movement of average prices for ? middling 15-16 inch staple in the spot markets; market activity; loan rates and current parity, and gin ning and mill activity. Farmer ' Weekly Cotton Price Re port: Enables a grower to determine the approximate price, or the govern ment loan rate, on varlpus grades ; and staple lengths; also shows the' prices paid on the major Southeast ern spot markets. Grade and Staple Length Report: Issued about twice a month during ' the ginning season. Shows percenta- j ges of cooton in each staple length j and grade ginned in Alabama, Geor| gia, and the Carolinas. with comp arisons with last' season. Cottonseed Review: Lists high, low, and average grades of cotton seed, and prices cur/ently paid farm ers for cottonseed, in wagon lots, by counties, in Alabama, Florida, and ^ foundation that k^ Chevrolet buck. Kaollng at ___ ?fflciancy mila ufla mlla, yaar after yearl Add Owvfda't 2*5 *??***? i c