??Pill i Ik i ill ? .* ? POPULATION City Limits (1940 Cuimi) 6.574 laaudia <? Trading Asm 154)00 . (1945 Ration Board Piguiu) VOL. 60 NO. 45 ^VVvV.-.'-r * % "? ;? ? ? : , ? . ' Kings Mountain. N. C. Friday. November 1 1. 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS PMHI TTRST KINGS MOUNTAIN FOOTBALL 7XAM ?Shown abore are member, of ?ho lftt edition of the Kings Mountain high school football team, first team in the hiiUtry of the schooL at J quit* "informal." according to reports of tMB veterans. They are, ftont row. sitting: Joe Loo Woodward. Mormon Kayos. Hoyt Matthews. Tom Fulton, and Jake Hordj Mfrsnd row. loft to rigU. Forrest Hou - 1 Off (standing). Howard Pursloy. Lloyd Ormcmd. Tom Saunders. Hoyto MeDcmieL Charlie Saunders (standing); and hack row. loft to fight CI em on see Boone. J. M. McCinnis, Plato Gofocth, Odoll Mc Clnnis. Frod Plonk. Noyce Croon ?m Xxtwroaeo LorolL Supt. J. T. Errin is tho 'plain clothes" , gentleman at the back. . . ____ ?* local Newt Bulletins * ?- v' ; ? l I III 1 v. GRIMES IMPROVING Joe Grlme^5B^*|itere<i Char lotte Memorial hospital about two. weeks ago, la reported In an im proved condition tj?b week. . . ** , T 1 Sank will be y. The hank will not the ctfctomsry Armistice ly hol.day, it was enounced by ?. Weill, executive rlcepresi ^ent. ' <WfH IIBTHPfM ? Charles Thomasson has accept ed a position aa salesman with Saunders" Men'a Shop, It was an nounced this week by D, D. Saun ders, manager. ' X-RAY UK IT HERE The Cleveland county mobile X-Ray unit ta scheduled to fiqifh out a week's stay at Bonnie Mill Friday and Saturday. No further schedule has been announced. / ^|iwCK MEETING ? Members of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Comerce will hold their regular meeting at the VfomanVCkft Tuesday night at 7 O'clock. Program details hud not been completed at press time Thursday. -4 ABOARD TAK*jp ' J. B. Weaver, son of Mrs. Carrie Weawr, has been assigned a Pacific fleet tanker, the USS Cal ient ( AO-53). The Kings Mountain ?a41or's address is : J. B. Weaver, WSS Calient (AO-53) FPO, San Francisco, Calif. $1 %. * '* ? . V. . BUILDING PERMITS Building permits were issued to J. R. Cline, on Wednesday, for re roofing of building on ' West . Mountain street, $300, and to First National Bank, on Monday, for closing in stairway on West Mountain street, $50. blRX. SCOOT FUMD to the Girl Scout finance campaign in Kings Moun tain totaled $700 Thursday. Goal M the drive is $ljB00, and Chair man tfohn L. McGUl is urging campaign solicitors to complete their WOftF. ' U ?ndg*?. CtNhlMk It Newton, ordered a mistrial Monday in ^Cleveland Superior Court, in the civil action brought by adminls mm- Of the estate of Charles illard against the City of MouBtaiSL Dill and died ?ft a tell on Battleground avenue i summers ago, and the adtnin atora charged that a defective sidewalk caused the death of the boy. The efty refused to admit that the fall mwited in tKv boy* death. City Attorney 0. R. Davis and E. A. Harrill represented the city, and C. C. Haw and J. L. the plaintiffs. Will Hold Reunion Members of Kings Mountain's first high school football team? *rin tage of 1922 -r> harve received limi tations -to gather for a reunion din ner at the Kings Mountain Countijn Club Friday night, November 18, and subsequently to after* the 1919 edition's home-coming game ?with'' Lincoln ton on DUtt #veaing at City Stadium. -? tfoe L&f Woodward, one <rf the ori ginal teams players, is making ar rangements for . the gathering and is expecting a good attendance. AH ot the team members In the picture of the group (shown above,) are very much alive and the ma jority of them live in Kings Moun tain, or close proximity to It. I In the team picture were Lee j Woodward, Hoyt Matthews, Tom' Fulton. Jake Hord. Howard Pursley, ! Lloyd Ormand, J. M. McGlnnfcs, Pla- ; to Goforth, and Fred Plonk, who still have a Kings Mountain address. Lawrence Love 11 and Ode 11 McGln nis live in Gastonia, Royce Green and Supt. J. Y. lrvin live at Shelby, and the more distant addresses are: Herman Hayes, Cla/ksboro, J., Forrest Houser, Washington, O. C., Tom Saunders, South Boston, Va., Hoyle MtfDanlel, Charleston, S. C., Charlie Saunders, Newport News, Va., and Clemonsee Boone, Rad ford, Va. ; x ( [ The team had no formal coach ing, until late in the season when Fred Ormand took over, and It prfic- 1 ticed and played on the* old- Mar grace field, which Is now the site of . the Margraee finishing plant. 1 The team physician, also to at tend the dinner, was Dr. J. S. Nor man. Team members report that Dr. <Norman would treat their injuries and would refuse to charge any fee. : ThL? was a big boon, as money was f not very plentiful. The team met with a modicum of i success, though a complete record! of the games has not be*n oompll- < ed. In an early game, Gastonia wax ' played to a 0-0 tie. considered a "moral" victory, and the Hist win came on a Friday the 13th. as the . Mountaineers trounced Mt Holly,; 19-0. Later In the season, Kings Mountain, playing at home, defeat ed Oowpens, <1-0. This was the for feit score in those days. Cowpeits, behind 7-0, walked off the field late in the game when they 'became en- I raged at the official for a 15-yard penalty. The charge: personal foul. Coincidental ly, the 1932 team played Lincolnton, losing by 12-0. ' Most of the veterans can spin most interesting yarns about the games and particularly the trips to other places, made in the old open-style automobiles over roads that the modern-day motorist would oali cowpaths. Reportedly, a car was mlr#i deep on one trip and the play ers were out to push. Hoyt Math thews was pulling at the radiator. But Lloyd pulled too hard. The ra diator fell of*. jfjS: Chief intfortes of the season were suffered by Lawrence Loveli, who (Oont'd on page el^ht) % A. Grantham Mr. Grantham died Sunday at St. Leo's Hospital in Greensboro. He had 'been ill for the past three weeks, suffering from a heart all went: ? He was a native of Wayne coun ty, the son of William U. and Edith Perry Gran '.nam. He had lived at Guilford College for 90 years and for 25 years was superintendent of the college power plant. Surviving, in addition to his son, here, are his wife, the former Gulie Henley, another son, David, of New port News, Va, a brother, George Grantham, of Fremont, four slaters, Mrs. Ethie 3asserf Mns. Lorn* 3a* ser Mrs. Ella EdgettOn and Mrs. John Weal,, all of Goldsboro, four great- grandchildren, Barabara Ann Grantham and Dorothy Smith, of Kings Mountain, Mrs. Howard Kauf man, Guilford College, and Walter B. Smith, Lakeland, Fla., and 'a great-granddaughter, Carol ; Ann Kaufman, Guilford Collets. ' Mr. Grantham has visited here many times and was known by ma ny people of the community. Model Plane Slow Plans Progress ? Some 20 model flying enthusiasts of the area are expected to compete for a $100 In prizes at the Jaycee Model Air Show on Thanksgiving Day, according to announcement by President Grady Howard. The Air Show will be held at City Stadium, and will feature Jet model competition. The competitors are expected to' begin trial runs around 10 a; m. Thanksgiving morning, Mr. Howard said, with contest runs 'beginning at 1 p. m. Tickets for the event are on sale by members of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce. METHODIST THIP Members of the congregation of Central Methodist church will vis it the Methodist Home at Char lotte Sunday afternoon, with the . pastor, ReV. J. H. Brendall, and choir to ttteamt a pjogmm.. The members toe td carry a ple^"/ nic lunch, wfelch will be aerved, rcl lowing the vesper service at 5 o'clock. Merchants To Stage Christmas Opening Parade Next Thursday ? "Relief Voted j To Over-Parking ; Local Patients The city board of commissioners met in regular November session Wednesday afternoon, but 'the major part of the meeting was devoted to routine matters. Major action by the board was a vote to install a new traffic light at j the intersection of York Road and E. King street. The ooard took cog nizance of the accident Tuesday in- . volving a heavy truck and auto, and ! it was mentioned at the meeting that both drivers "claimed the green light and had witnesses to prove It." It was pointed out that the light , now operating at this correr doesj not have a caution ?t2na? and that the light shows both red and green when changing. The new light is to] be installed as quickly as it can be ofotalned. In another action of Interest to motorists here, the 'board altered! slightly its policy regarding park ing meter violations. A person who niters a doctor's office and Is de tained more than one , hour may have his ticket voided in the fu ture by getting his doctor's certifi cation that he was detained for longer than an hour (written on the , back of the ticket.) Commissioner] Cart Mauney offered the motion. ?M the suggestion of Fire Chlel| Grady King,, the board voted a ten dollar service charge be made to the Southern' Railway for supplying wa- j iter to train engines. Nearest water stations are Blacksburg, S. C., and Gastonla, and it has been the cus tom <xt the fiie Chief to use fire de partment equipment In supplying water to the engines when the ser vice Is requested. The service charge will be in addition to the regular billing for water. _ %, T. Plott asked the board to share half the 9M0 cost of improvement to Mauney avenue to make it passable in toad weather and the board agreed to the proposal. The board also officially adopted (Cont'd on page eight) v Ware To Head CBOP Group J. S. Ware, prominent farmer, was named chairman of the steering committee of the Kings Mountain area CROP organization at a meet ing held at -First Baptist church Monday night. ? Other members of the steering committee are Clyde Randall, Way ne L. Ware and Glee A. Bridges. i The notion - wide CROP program (Christian Rural Overseas Program) Is an effort to obtain gifts of com ? modities for needy overseas persons. It is being sponsored -by church or ganlz*uihs throughout the country. In Kings Mountain the drive be gins on Sunday artd will continue through November 27. Members of county churches are asked to take their gifts to their particular chur ch, which the First Baptist church Scout Hut a,nd Bridges and Hamrlck have been designated as receiving stations for the city. j ' Articles desired are wheat, corn,| cotton, dried fruit, canned meats, peanuts, soybeans and wool. Represented at the organizational meeting Monday n*?ht were the host church, Bethlehem, Patterson; Grove. Oak Grove, Allen's Memorial David's and Sacond Baptist church es, First Presbyterian church and , Boyce Memorial ARP churoh. Wednesday To Be Last Hall-Holiday Wednesday will bo the last dory prior to Christmas that Kings Mountain merchants talce an aft ernoon half-holiday ' as they fol- j low customary practice of sus- I pending the closings for the Christmas shopping season. They will b? open ail day for the first time on Wednesday, No vember 23. tho day before Thanks - giving, and will not rosum* tho closings until after Christmas. They will, however, be closed * all day Thanksgiving. November 24, according to announcement by th? Kings Mounttkta' Merchants Association. Thanksgiving is one j of several regularly observed hol idays. Club Stockholders Meeting Tuesday Annual stockholder's meeting of the Kings Mountain Country Club, Inc., will be held Tuesday night at 7 o'clock at the club dining room. | The meeting will be a Dutch Sup- 1 per- I Following the dinner, the business session will include election of 12 directors for the coming year, re- 1 ports of officers and committee chairmen on the past year's activl- ! ties. Directors elect the officer*. ' j President Paul M. Neisler has ap-1 pointed Joe H. Thomson, B. S. Neill, and C. D. Blanton to serve as mem bers of the nominating committee. ? Members are being urged to make reservations for dinner Ijy calling the club secretary Gfeorgo House?. . I Dom H aiu* Rites Confuted Funeral services for Dorus H. Al len, 38, of 108 City street, wets held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at First Presbyterian church, with interment ' following in Memorial (Park of Mountain Rest cemetery. Mr. Alien, a veteran of the 30tK Infantry division in World War I, died Friday night at Moore General hospital at Biack Mountain. Death was Attributed to a cerebral hem orrhage suffered two days previ ously. He was a native of Cleveland! county and a member of the local VFW and American Legioa posts. Surviving axe his wife, Bthel Ma mie Thomas Allen, a son, Carol l Al len, Kings Mounsin, a daughter,' Mrs. Odell Barber, of Gaston i a, a brother, Arthur Allen, Kings Moun tain, a lister, Mrs. Grier Payne, of Kings Mountain, and one grand child. The rites were conducted by ReRv. P. D- Patrick and <Rev. W. H. Stender. Full military rites were performed at the graveside by members of the Kings Mountain and Shelby Na-,| tional Guard units. Members of the VFW were active palbearers, and members of the American Legion post were honorary pallbearers. ASP MEN'S SUPPER The men of the Church organi zation off iioyce Memorial ARP church wiil hold a supper meeting at the church on iFriday evening at i 7 o'clock. No program has been arranged, it was announced, in order to avoid a conflict with the high school football game be tween Shelby and Kings Moun tain. Union-Mined Coal Ma; Be 10 Days Fran Kings Mountain, Dealers Say Ltoeal coal dealers, as Wall as con srumers, were happy Thursday over the return of the ooal miners to the . pita, but It was expected to be 10 days yet before union-mined coal is l*m?m It King* Mountain, y| Both local dealers, W. Ted WHr and Claude Hambrtght, had talked mine presents tives Thursday j " i*ir.g, but dale of first shipments not too definite due to ?xhaus- , of stockpiles and big demand, p. Vfeir said his supply is "out," | as did Mr. Hambrlght, but the latter who ha* been joining in the bidding for non-union coal, Mid a ear was expected Friday and other* through next week. . i He mU4 th? price of coal would be fl9 per ton until the first union mirted coal i* reoeived, which he e*. timated would he November 31 or 22. Both reported the mine operator* were dtitlou m to John L. Uwtf next move and felt it po*rit>ie that the miner* would be called out a gain on November 90, baring an ear Uer *etUement <M the dispute * 1 ' Record Crowd Is Expected > For Yule Event ' Plans "were shaping up yesterday for next Thursday afternoon'-* j Christmas opening celebration in | Kings Mountain and the annual pre Christmas visit of Santa Claus. Feature of the celebration will be a large-scale parade through the busines area, featuring a number o* I fast-stepping bands, floats, and oth er features. | The parade will get under way ( from the Central school building at ] 5:30 sharp, according to announce ment by W. Faison Barnes, secre tary of the Kings Mountain Mer chants Association w4if?h sponsors the Christmas opening celebration, j Line of march had not been defi nitely set on Thursday, i>ut from the high school the parade would pro ceed South on Piedmont avenue and follow a circuitous route through the principal business district. It- was announced that stores I would close at the customary 5*30 I hour. . Bands to appear in the parade I will include the Kings Mountain school baad and school bands from Shelby, Llncolnton, and Gastonla. It Is also possible that the Gaffney school band will appear In the pa rade. . I five floats will be in the parade. Including a Santa Claus float, and the Queen City Coach- Company float. -- Other units in the parade will *e the Bantam football teams, Boy an* Girl Scout troops ot the qity, an* several klaidssgarten classes. Record attendance has been pre dicted for the event. In -charge ot arrange meats W a committee including Hilton Butlk* chairman. T. W. Grayson, J. C. Brid ges, Mr. Haithcock, Sam Weir, W. C. Grantham and John L. McGlll. The parade will mark the offlelai opening of the Christmas season in Kings Mountain, and the city elee ' trlcal department has been kuy this week installing Chrlstma?~ I Rights in the business area. Book Fnnd Gills Now Total $357 to the Jacob HNwitol library of Mm i Minna Inn la all of which titob* uaad In chasing now books for tbo lILint Donations reported this wwk included : Plonk Motor Company S SJI Wostorn Auto 1IM Joe Lee Woodward Ul rings Mt. B. A U ISM Grayson Jewelry SJ9 Center Barber Shop Ul Baker's Grocory 2j00 Dean Butck Company 5jBB J. C. Lacker SM Home Building & Loan IMI Griffin Drag IOjBB Ward's Teed & Seed Store 111 Blalock's Grocery tlJB Ted Gamble UM Center Service SUM Friendly Billiard Parlor Ul Panther Shoe Shop IJI De lunger's Jewelry SjBB McGlnnls Puraiture SJBB Otis Palls UN Myers Department Store KJI Dr. Paul B. Hendricks 1BJI Dr. L. P. and Dr. Bobt. Baker SJI I. B. Davis SjBI Dr. O. P. Lewis SB! Dr. D. r. Drag eat St Hop nihil sill Store MAIL MBSSSNGKB II. L. Bond, of route 3, Mountain, assumed the dutie* a t mall messenger at the King* Mountain pootoffice November 1. Re succeeds Charlie Bis lock* who resigned. Mr. Bond was the Ml* cesftf"! blddet among el?ht whs ?ought the pott which is awards* on a contact basis. Christmas Visit November 17th

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