HHMm pjfocie MRS. P. D. HERNDON, Editor ?aiawniimi^piiiiniiiiiiwuwiini Mrs. G. F. Lattimore, Jr. Lutheran Choir Honored At Reception Have Dinner Party m PHONE 167 One of the largest and most out standing parties of last week was, <he one given Saturday afte.noon by Mrs. G. F. Lattimore, honoring her daughter in-law, Mrs. G. F. Latti more, J r;, a recent bride. The attractive horn* was excep tionally lovely for this occasion. As you entered the floral arrangements on the drop leaf table of white glads red carnations and red baby breath, the Magnolia leaves and nandina ' berries on the piano, 'he low bowl ' of red carnations <ind white asters in the hall h'ciided in with the color scheme of the paper. Mrs. E. W. Griffin welcomed J guests on their arrival. Mrs. Arnold 1 Kiser received guests in the living ? room. Mrs. H. S. Blackmer introdu- 1 ccd guests to Mrs. Lattimore, Mrs. I G, F. Latimore, Jr? honoree, and Mrs. j R. Shelton White, of Raleigh, a sis- j ter-in-iaw of the hostess. ? i The mantle in the living rodm' held a centered bowl of yellow snap ] dragon and asters with tendrils of i fern extending to cloissone Valses on each end. On the tables were other low ar-'j rangements of snapdragons, garden | las, and carnations in shades of, * yellow. .1 Mrs. L. W. llamrlck of Boiling Springs greeted at the dining room door, also giving out madeira nap kins, party plates consisted of pop over shells of chicken salad, cheese straws, assorted nuts, heart-shaped t pickles, bell shaped sandwiches and i tiot tea were passed by Mesdames H. R. Webb, George Houser, Garland Still, W. K- Mauney, Jr., PJiilllp Patf gelt and. C. 0- Blantoi). The dining table with the beauti ful cut work and lace edged ma deira cloth, centered with en trancing arrangement of white dou ble Ester Reed daisies, c'.:ysanthe mums, carnations and baby's breath with the antique silver candiabras, white tapers, silver ' antique nut (bowls, silver trays of cheese straws was a ravishing scent of beauty. The silver service and candalbras on the buffet, the fioril arrangement of white snapdragons and carna tions on the chest added much to lovely dining room. Mrs. J. A, Nelsler received in thei Th<; men of the St Matthew's Lu- , therait church choir were entertain- j ed by the women of the choir' At an infoimal dinner on Wednesday j night, DecembcJr 7, n the recreation hall of the church. I The ,tabje was beautifully ap pointed with Christmas decorations and the members found their place from individual place cards of tiny Christmas trees. Pastor and Airs: Stender were guests of the choir. Af- ] ter a three course dinner, the ban quet hall was upset and turned into a music room where choir pr.;c- ! tice was held, with the following members present: Mrs. James Simp son, Miss Ruth Randall, Miss Sylvia Randall, Mrs. Willie Grice, Mrs. Hil dreth Sherer, Mrs. Frances Mltchem,1 Mrs. Helen McGill, Miss Helen Ram, sey, Miss Mary Ann Crouse, Mri;. Joe Moore, and Messers George Houser, Garland Still, James Simpson, Gene Gladden, W. K. Mauney, and Clar ence My el's, 'Jf(- . t hall. On the chest of drawers was a bowl of red baby's breath and fern with a cluster of red berries in the center. Receiving in the den and passing cranberry juice from an Old Eng lish Tolle tray were Mrs. H R. Neis ler, Mrs. W. L. Ramseur and Mrs. C. F. Mauney. From the unique spray of love ap ples in the lustre pitcher on the desk, the pyracantha berries, used on the tables with the green leaves and the soft glow from the red can dles',' the cherry glow from the open fire made you want to linger on. Presiding at the desk with the bride's register were Miss Mary Bell Teague and Mrs. J. M. Cooper. The candles in antique holders were entwined with illy of the valley and small white ribbons, a slipper with dainfy flowers made a lovely set ting for the register. Good-byes were said by Mrs. Hugh Ormand in a room that was lovely with antique furniture. On the man tie the pink sweet peas and snap dragons blended in with the dresden lamp and arrangement on the table. More than 150 friends of the hos tess and honoree ealled between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30. I*ii s. iijrtaur Hay Entertains D. A. R. Mrs. Arthur Hay, very graciously entertained member of the Colonel Frederick Hambright chapter of the D. A. R. and invited guests at her J home on Wednesday afternoon. The home was made attractive I with lovely arrangements of yellow | chrysanthemums, roses, and green ! ery. Nine members were pfesen*. | Mrs. Frank Summers, the regent, 1 presided over the business session. , After the regular ritual, minutes and ' roll call, Mrs. C. E. Nelsler gave a ! report of boxes sent to Crossnore I School and read a letter from the chapter Becker girl, Jacqueline Cof I fee. A message from the State Re* gent, Miss Virginia Home, was read. 1 The members also brought gifts to send to veterans in hospitals for j Christmas. " j The program for the afternoon was presented by Mrs. W. T. Weir, who gave a most enlightening and Challenging discussion of "Com- j munism in the United State." Mrs. : Weir discussed the forceful methods, | purposes of the Communists. She I brought home the spread of Com- ; 1 munlsm and the deep infiltration: i into our own communities In clos I ing, she contrasted Christianity to . Communism and pointed out the great challenge to every American citizen. IJuring the social hour, the hos tess served a delicious salad plate ! wltn accesories. Invited guests in - 1 eluded Mfg. Ellerbe, Mrs. Short, Mrs. . Thomson and Mrs. Harrill. Story Hour At Library Friday 4 P.M. Story telling hour Friday at 4 p. m. in ?he library will be for children ! in the first and second grades, j Mrs. J. B. Simpson will tell Christ mas Stories, Mrs. J. G. Darracott .will be hostess. ' It is urged that children in these I grades come and enjoy the after noon. Girl Scout Uniform Exchange December 10 Girl Scout Uniform Exchange will be held on December 40 at First Bap tist church Hut in Gastonia. The hours are from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ? This exchange is a service project of Troop 9 in Gastonia. Anyone in the Pioneer Girl Scout Area can bring in all usable, out-grawr. uni forms, washed and pressed, Brown ie, Intermediate or Senior. Attach name and address, size, and amount wanted for the uniforms. Girls with [out uniforms are urged to buy one at reduced rates. -?J v ?' ?. ? #? rf" * ?" ?>?' ' , Or." - STILL PLENTY OF TOP BARGAINS! Keeter's Sale , ? Of Ladies' Redactions to Vt Original Price SAVE IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS ? ' . ? f ^ >' ? ' 'c*'1' " ' ^ , ?' - ' 5 " ' ' J~' . ? : ' _ ? ? ? - ??? :? . : . X .\;-Y. . DEPARTMENT STORE I.-. ' ? >?? ?. ' . ? Social Calendar Thursday 8:00? Mrs. H. R. Neisler. Miss Pat Neisler are entertaining at bridge, a.-,- a courtesy to Mrs. G. F. Lattimore, Jr. fridoY 3:00? Mrs. Sam Davis will be hos tess to the Fortnjgljters club entertaining at thf> Country Club. ' 7:00 ? Supreme Forest Woodman Cir cle will meet at the Woodman Hall. Saturday 2-30 ? The piano students of Mrs. J. C. Bridges win have a party St her home. * 8:00-? Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbott will be hosts to the Bid and | ! Bye club. ' Monday 2:30 ? The Duplicate Bridge club meets with Mrs, J. M. Cooper st her home on Piedmont ave. 7:30 ? The Mary Kennedy Circle of the A. R. P. church meets at ' the home of Mrs. J. L. McGill. Circle 3 of the Central Metho dist church meets at the home of Mrs. Clay Poston. Circle 2 of the' Presbyterian j church meets at the home of Mrs, Jack Arnette. The Rachel Mitchem society of the Lutheran church will enterain the Myrtle Derrick! and AUie Bell societies for the! regular December meeting. ,8:00 ? Circle 3 of the Presbyterian! church meets at. the. home of; Mrs. O. P. Lewis. Cornelia Lovell circle of First Baptist church meets at the home of Mrs Ray Kirby. Frances Hamilton circle of the A. R. P. church meets at the home of Mrs 'John Gamble. 1 Tuesday 3:00 ? Lula Herndon circle of the Baptist church meet9 at the home of Mrs. L. L. Benson. The Contract Club meets with Mrs. George W. Mauney at 1 her home. 7:00 ? Frances Hord circle of the Bap ' tist church meets at the home of Mrs. Baxter Hayes. Mrs. Aubrey Mauney will be hostess to members of the Study Club. 7:30 ? Sophia Nichols circle of the Baptist church meets at the home of Miss Irene Allen. Wednesday 1:00? Mrs. W. <K. Mauney, Jr., Mrs. <<1. B. Simpson are entertaining with a bridge luncheon, hon oring Mrs. H. P. Neisler. 3:00 ? Kings Mountain Garden Club meets with MYs. W. L. Ram seur. Mrs. GG. H. Mauney will be in charge of a Christmas program. West School PTA meets at the school. Thursday " ' 7:30? Gleaners Sunday school class will have a Christmas party ft t the Woman's club. Friday V 7:30? Intermediates of the First Bap tist church will have a Christ mas party. Junior. Woman's Club Met Monday Night The monthly meeting of the Ju nior Woman's club was held Mon day night in the club house. The mantle In the club lounge was banked In greenery and color ful Christmas decorations, greenery and red berries were used on the desk while the main point of inter est was the Christmas tree with the beautifully wrapped packages. Miss Elizabeth Anthony, as guest speaker, gave a very Interesting and helpful talk on "Color Harmony in the Home." A short business meeting was held, after which a social hour was enjoyed, climaxing this was the. ex change of gifts by the members, i The hostesses were Mrs. Blllie Weir and Mrs. Paul McGinnis. Dur ing this time they served delicious refershments carrying out the Christmas motif. Pauline Club Met Tuesdays Night The Pauline Community Club met ! Tuesday night, December 6, In the club house. j: The meeting was opened -with the group singing, "Foot Steps of Jes us." Mrs. Earl Led ford gave the de votional followed with prayer by Mrs. Jack Hullender. During the business, plans were made to bring Christmas Cheer to the elderly people of the community. { Winners in the games and con l tests during the social period went to Mrs. May Gordon and Mrs. Vera t-Ccah. ? . I Peaches with ' whipped cream, cake, sandwiches and coffee was served by the hostesses, Mesdames ) Clyde Jolly, Clyde Blackwell and ' Hsnylftmmel. , The meerjng was closed with the Lord's Praygg ;v |j Birth Announcements |L Mr. ard Mrs. Jesse Martin, 611 J| Gold street, announce the birth of a Mrs. G. F. Lattimore Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. G. F. Lattimore delightfully entertained- the member of the Tuesday Bridge this week. The home was beautifully deed' rated withm a variety of flowers and Christmas greens. Mrs. H. R. Nelsler received high score prize for the afternoon. When cards were laid aside the hostess served light refreshments | carrying out the Christmas motif. | Personals Little Sammy Houston is recover ing from pneumonia. Miles Mauney left Monday night for New York City. Mrs. Fred Hambright who felt and broke her hip thirteen weeks "ago, and has been In the Gaston Memo rial hospital is now at the home of a daughter, Mrs. B. O. Weaver. Mrs. E. L. Campbell returned Mon day from the Garrison General- hos pital in Gastonia where she has been a patient for the past several weeks. - Little Wally Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Harris, has been con fined to hie bed this week with symtoms of measles. Mrs." Humes Houston had the mis fortune to stumbh over a chair and fracture several ribs. She is still con fined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ward attended the Shrine gamp in Charlotte Satur day afternoon. Mrs. Jl* Shelton has returned to her home, iii Raleigh after a visit with her sisfter-ln-law, Mrs. G., F. Lattlmore, and Mr. Lattlmore, Mrs. J. B. Thomasson, Mrs. Abresch and Dick Thomasson of Gaston ia left Thursday morning for Palm Harbor, Fla., to spend the Winter. Farm people save a lot more of what they earn than do city folks. One survey in Iowa shows that farm families put almost twice as much Into savings as do town (folks with the same Income. ? SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD ? Basketballs Footballs AUTOS Station Wagons Fire Tracks WAGONS Mixers Percolators BICYCLES FOB THE SPORTSMAN! AUTOMATIC RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS Double and Single Barrels HUNTING CAPS AND COAT* TRACTORS Derricks and Trailers Optional (Also Chain Drive) Scooters Skates

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