The Kings Mountain Herald Established 1889 A weekly newspaper devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for the enlightenment, entertainment and benefit or the citizen* of Kings Mountain and its vicinity* published every Friday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second cIms matter at the postoffice at xClngs Mountain, N. C., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1873. Editorial Department Martin Harmon '. Editor-Publisher Charles T. Carpenter, Jr. Sports, Circulation, News Mrs. P. D. Herndon Society Me#vanlcal Department Eugene Matthews Horace Walker Ivan Weaver* Paul Jackson Charles Odepia (??Member of Armed Forces) TCjjgpnQggg, 167; Other. 283 71 SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR? $2.50 SIX MONTHS? $1.40 THREE MONTHS ? 75c BY MAIL ANYWHERE TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. 14:1. School Needs . Much interest should have been elici ted locally by the publication of the 13 point legislative program of the United Forces for Education, and for several reasons. Principally, schools are th . February Notes Metes Fun: A couple ol w*k? ago. a goodly numtsr of Kings Mountain dttwi received by their fenrorito poetoffice neat little postal cards with a per sonal invitation. Written In something akin to formal stylo, the ' message instructed the honored recipients to pay a vis it to City Hall and leave one dollar for each card received. In lieu of being cited to court under charges of parking me ter violations. \ f-n No loss than 87 of these cards were posted, but hardly that many individuals were Invol ved. as some received several invitations. Grady Howard, for instance, the Metropolitan In surance man, was blessed with six, and there were several who received a trio or a pair. <-a The medicinal department of course, one of the city's best parking meter customers (both in the fine and regular fee categories) had to be in the act. too, and rated two invitations. One was dated as far back as October, another in the furious busy days of December. Doing a little figuring 1 recalled that one was csedltable to a defec tive meter, while the other was credited to an over-long conver sation with Byron Kseter. But I had missed my chance on the defective meter excuse, which should have been handled at once. There was an interesting money-saving process of rea soning. such as. "They won't mally cite anybody to court." But there followed a second and more-intereating thought. The absolute minimum costs of court which the Honorable Re corder assesses is $8.60 and this can easily go up the ladder. Thus it became quickly appar ent that the proper course was to pay off and quickly. f-n The paying off process was 1 not a lonesome one. Colfman Buck Pressley and Neighbor Harry Page preceded me. I shouldn't tell this on Harry, but he was muttering something about he'd never received a ticket and it was bound to be his wife's. f-n After glancing over the cul prit list, 1 felt much better. Mayor Pro Tempore Hal Ward was listed, as was former Judge and City Attorney Ector Har rill. It was really quite dis tinguished company. In Election Season: Though there has been no formal action in the forthcoming city political season (election day is less than three months away). Kings Mountain is not without Its politic*. Mid-season elec tions were held at the high school last Friday, and, as this is written, they were still tally ing the rotes. The young folks did their politicking in a man ner which would do their eld ess proud, with placards, hand bills, and other drum-beatings designed to get out the rote and result in a successful cam paign. There was no shortage of candidates, and almost all of them had their campaign man agers to pull the strings to cor ral the votes. f-n Blackface Repeat: Friday and Saturday night, the Jaycees present their "Jaycee Minstrels of 1951", a new-model show featuring some of the same dark faces who delighted au diences last year. This depart ment has seen no preview, but has the word of several parti cipants that the show will be an even better one than was presented in 1950, if that Is pos sible. Ifs hard to beat a local talent minstrel for good enter tainment and most folk are looking forward' to hearing the "Darktown Strutters Ball" a gain. < f-n The Weather: The weekend was a nice one? for the young folk ? who finally found e nough snow to play in. It would have been tragic had the first cold winter in three pass ed ? without giving the young ster* a chance to try their hand at snow man building, or aim testing with a well-packed snowball. But now that WO*>* had it. rd he quite satisfied if. .the weatherman would make a point of disproving the old Gkou^dhog Day theories. Mr. Groundhog most definitely saw his shadow, which would ordi m id-March. And spooking ol the weather. I am indebted to Dfc J. K. Anthony, 1 suspect, for a copy of the Oasparllla edition of the Tampa Morning W hum, under date of February t. Though principal treatment city by the bolidaytng pirate*, the ?tory "Tamp Jumps from ' ?jour*"' rated front-page treat CROSSWORD ? ? ? By A. C. Gordon ACROSS I ? European nation ft? Land, favorite of a'chaeologirt* (po* II ? Historically (amoui city 1 1? Equal 14 ? "Emerald hie" 15 ? Bone 16 ? Large city formerly known (or Ks gaiety ' IV ? United India (abbrev.) 19? The British "Z" 22 ? Compel* direction JJ ? Comparative Miffix 74 ? Japtnew Coin iS- -Skill 2? ? Command used in striding team* IS ? Correlative ol "neither" ' 30 ? Cognizant 33 ? Public announcement* JJ? Prdlt denoting "not" 36 ? "No" in Scotland J> ? Printer s measure 38 ? Greek letter 39 ? Aacend* 40 ? Benda forward toward* 30 ? Respiratory ailment 57 ? Ancient aun fod 53? To exude 54 ? Spherical body S3 ? Part of the body 56 ? Prefix daaM^' apl 57? Border Jl ? Unrefined ikamit 5V ? European Sociology (abbrrv.) DOWN I ? Stat* of the Arctic region* t ? Floral emblem of England 3?? Pert of verb "to be" 4? U. S. "Silver State" < abbrev > 5 ? Fencing foil 6 ? (Sea eagle 7? Affirmative 8 ? Greek letter V ? Loyal 31? Part of verb ~*> be" ? 31 ? The thine, fct low 34 ? To taonaii 39? Depeeaaion lade by a vnlraoii ? I ? Well-known African region (poaa. ) 43? ^Abakan city 44 ? Solemn promise 45? Smalleet particle cf on element 46 ? The boaa of o ahie4d 47? Water-*urrounded tract of land 41 ? North American water body SI ? Unit of time (abbrev.) See Ths Want Ad Seethm Fo? This WnTs Completed Pauls Other Editor's Viewpoints ACID TEST (The State) Under the glass on top o f desks of my business friends is .where I find many choice hits of philosophy that I copy down on the back of an envelope to be di gested later or filed away. One of them Is before me now, and It reads:. ...He may wear a greo throw hor own dinner to the dog most of the time. It made her side just to look fM^towfwol len wm gas, full of bloat, felt worn-out. Finally she got CERTA-VIN and says she now eats everything m sight and digeeMRSBhetiy. This is the new medicine that it helping so many stomach "vie time" tier* tn Rings Mountain. It helps you digest food faster and better. Taken before meals, it wortcs with your food. Gas pains go! Inches of bloat vanish. Con tains herbs and vitamin B-l with Iron to enrich the Mood and make nerves stronger. Weak, misearble people soon feel dif ' mt> on offering. Get CERTA-Vm *a??s Mountain Drug C*. that if it Is a choice -between having their schools deteriorate or pay more taxes, the people would without hesitation choose the latter alternative. ' To Relieve ^ Misery g Cr9l666 ^^^uqwo on TMim-tMu msi nuo PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Pre sci1ptio*s promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. Kings Mountain Drug Company THE REXALL STORE Phones 41 ? 81 We Call For and Deliver TO V CAROLINA Easter is March 25th this ysar. Yes, there la plenty for all, of work and play, that goes to make North Carolina a grand place to live, and, for refreshing relaxation any time, most of us Can enjoy a temperate glass , of beer? sold under our ABC system of legal control that is workipg so well. . North Carolina Division UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, INC. All of our golf courses begin to get extra workouts with .Pinehurst holding a tour nament on March 30th? proceeded by an early spring horse show on the 2Sth. March, of course, is the month for early planting of tobacco seed beds- as if you didn't know? also white beans, watermelons. Did you know the cotton gin was patented March 14, 1794? V Don't miss the Azalea Festival this year? Wilmington March 31- April Z. Many people come from faraway parts of the country to. visit? yet it's right here at hom* for all of us. Remember fishing picks up on the coast in March? Spring is getting an early start and it's good to bo alive in North Carolina. I No wonder your watch needs oiling! FREE INSPECTION Your watch is an amazing mechanism in constsnt motion. Cleaning, oiling are vital to its performance. And sometimes repairs. Bring it here for e> pot, guaranteed work. SPECIAL NOTICe TO ELGIN OWNERS The most dependable power for accurate time keeping U the DuraPower Mainapring*. Guaranteed never to break in servicel Available for moat F.lgina. tick I T\Cfc \ Printing ? Phone 167 and 283 CHECK IN AU DEPARTMENTS- YOU'LL HMD Check the color* in Ford*a new Luxury Lounge Interiors. They're custom matched with outride color*. Check the docen* of other new fea tures. New Automatic Ride Control blots out bumps. Automatic Mileage Maker sqoeeaes the last ounce of power out of every drop of cas! And new Fordomatic* givea you the finest, most flexible automatic drive ever!