MRS. P. D. HERNDON. Editor Mrs. W. K. Mauney Fetes Ace Of Clubs Mra. W. K. Mauney, Jr., enter tained the member of the Ace of Clubs at Glenbrook last Thurs day afternoon. Invited guests were Mrs. Bill Ramseur, Mrs. Sam Davis, Mrs. George Houser and Mrs. Jimmy Simpson. The home was decorated with an abundance of early spring flowers. High score was held by Mrs. W. L. Ramesur, second high by Mrs. Jacob Cooper, A salad course was served. A sweet course passed. Conveys Its Best Wishes '? . C ' to ? ?' Burlington Mills ? PHENIX PLANT on its Firm ANNIVERSARY For the Phenix Plant and its employees, we wish continuing success and progress. me of Better Values to Burlington Mill ? ^ "A Vovtn into O tht Lift if A m erica .'V ? -v* ;.X- >:rV;t* \ . \ ' ? PHENIX PLANT - ? . ' ' "**V ? ; ? on its Kings Mountain Is proud of the progress made by this plant and Its employees during the past five years. . ' . ' ? ... 1 --v ' . ' - ' .'I . ?'' *? i.'*'' ? >' y, ? V' . ? ' . . " . % ? ^ j f We take pleasure In wishing continued success lei good citizen. ? . > 1 1 Marlowe's era ON THE BUST CORN1 Phone 62 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ? Mr. and Mrs. nounce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce Doug let t*? William Zurd (Bill) Caihton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cashion. The date for the wedding has not been set (Photo by Hord.) ' -t ' ? ... ? ? " ? , ? ' - Senior MYF To Have Special Program Special morning worship pro grams preceding and including Easter will begin Sunday morn jing in the youth chapel for the Senior MYF, at which time Pa I tricla Prince will present a pro jgram, "For He Had Great Poa ; sessions," using a drawing of the 'rich young ruler turning away I from Christ, as a worship center. Special music will be rendered by a quartet of the MYF. All young people are urged to attend and bring friends. Betty Cash served as program ; leader last Sunday morning, iwhen the group'thought together on the question, "What does ! Church Membership Mean?" Spe jcial music, "O Love Divine and | Golden" was rendered oy Mis^ Jo iAnn Falls, Barbara Grantham, | and Don Patterson, with Barbara Gault at the piano. This group, in choir vestments, led the singing during the program. The young people were delight 'ed last Sunday upon reaching their goal of $50.00 in their per sonal donations on their Orphan Fund. This money has been sent to the Children's Home In Win Ston-Salem, for the sponsorship of Miss Louise Williams. They are now raising money with which to buy gifts for Miss Williams by selling greeting cards. Leading in the sales is Billy Bumgardner, who has sold 26 boxes, and sec ond and Barbara Gault with 21 "boxes. Miss Williams was sent money as a Christmas gift, and a box of candy as a Valentine's gift. The group hopes to have her as their guest fbr a week this summer during the Youth Activ ities Week. Central Methodist Church Host On Thursday night, Central Methodist church was- host to the Gastonla MYF Sub District meeting. Seventy-five were present. A lovely pot of azaleas were placed in the sane, tuary for the meeting. A prelude of soft organ music by Barbara Gault, called the group to wor ship. Following a brief worship Junior Woman's Club Honor Past Presidents The outstanding social event of the past we,* was the recep tion given Friday night In the Woman's Club *y the Junior Wo man's Clu> honoring their past presidents for the past ten years. Mrs. S. S. Weir, Jr., and Mrs. Hubert Davidson greeted guests as they arrived and Introduced them to the recelvlng Hne^Mch included the president, Mre. uon Blanton of Gastonia. the follow ing past presidents, Mrs Hoyle of Shelby, Mrs. ^ynwood Parton of G^ton a Mm Bus Oates and Mrs. Craig Falls. Mrs. W. B Thomson of KannapoliSi also a 'ormer president, was un able to attend. Red "C.imellias and the George Washington motif were clever y carried out In decorations. The refreshment table was covered with a white linen cloth andheld a large crystal punch bowl in i the center, surrounded with camel lias and greenery. Individual cookies Iced with a cherry and leaves, open faced, sandwiches In red, white and , blue was served with cranberry! punch. Favors were marshmal lows stripped lh Ted, white and blue with a little hatchet stuck In them. Those helping to ?tainj? j the affair were Mrs. Pink Ware. Mrs. J. W. Webster. M? John, Rudisell, Mrs. G. C, Yelton, Mr*, R S. Oates, Miss Diana Gamble I and Miss Grace Davis. , j A large number of guests call I ed between the hours of 8 p. m. j i and 10 p, m. | service, led by visiting young ^ people, an inspiring motion pic ture was presented, with Bill Brlggs operating the machine, assisted by B. S. Peeler, Jr. The picture depicted a y?un? gl.r* from a wealthy family in Arabia who went to college and there learned to love the common peo ple, even to the extent of devot Ing her life to serving them after becoming a Christian Her room mte, a Christian girl from a poor family, who was sent to college by the church, was a great influ ence in her life. They learned that life's richest blessings can and members Of her circle. Devil ed egg sandwiches and peanut butter flUed cookies were also served, buffet style, from a table centered.wlth yellow spring flow er? - A delightful period of recrea tion followed, led by visitor* Laughter insued as the group Joined In comical antics and games. Mis. B. S. Neill Bridge Hostess With ? predominant note of , yellow being carried out in the decorations and party appoint ments Mrs. B. S. Neiil delightful ly entertained the Entre-Nous club Tuesday afternoon. Tables were laid for refresh ments and upon arrival of all guests a dessert course was ser ved. .? Several progressions of bridge ensued with Mrs. Robert Neill winning high score award and Mrs. J. H. Arthur, second high. ??? I in 'mi m Mrs. George Houser Ace Of Clubs Hostess Mrs. George Houser graciously, entertained members of the Du plicate club Monday afternoon in her home at Lake Montonia. For the event the home was decora ted with lovely bowls of Japoni ca and jonquils:. During the afternoon several progressions of bridge was play ed. When scores were tallied, Mrs. L. E. Abbott held the high score prize, Mrs. Sam Davis held sec ond high. When cards were laid aside a fruit salad course was served with coffee. _ .. Mrs. Amos Dean was invited to play with the club'meiabers. McCurdy CLEANERS-DYERS Congratulates 1 PHENK* PLANT Burlington Mills, Inc. Management and Employees on the occasion o! their FIFTH ANfflVEBSABY Kings Mountain to Burl urimgton Mills rHENIX PLANT To the firm and to its employees ,oi| their *> ? . ? ' ?* .*'? ? r" Filth Anniversary Keeter's Department Store # Dixie Bargain Store ?;WL? urimoton {?J $he Lift of ^America T. F. Bailard