MRS. P. P. HERN DON. Editor Phone 167 I t ' *< ' * n- - 1 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED? Mrs* Willia mPaxker, Jr.. of Alexan dria. Va.. hat announced tbe engagement and approaching mar riage of her daughter. Mary, to George Fletcher Ware, son of Mrs. John Fletcher Wore and the late Mr. Ware, of King* Mountain and Gastonia. Capt. Mary Parker To Wed Mr. Ware Mrs, William Parker, Jr. of Alexandria Va? announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Capt. Mary Parker ANC, to Mr. George Fletcher Ware of Kings Moun? tain and Gastonla, N. C. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Parker and the late William Parker, Jr., of Cedartown, Ga. She graduated from The Christ Hospital School of Nursing in Cincinnati, and Joined the Army Nurse Corps in 1944. She served in the array four years, two of them in the European Theatre. Since then she has been superin tendent of Circle Terrace Hospi tail, Alexandria, Va., and super intendent of Gaston Memorial Hospital in Gastonla. Capt Park er is back in the army, and is now stationed at Ft. Bragg, N. C. The bridegroom Is the son of Mrs. John Fletcher Ware, and the late Mr. Ware of Kings Moun tain, N. C. He served in the army lrom 1932 to 1936, and again from 19-12 to 1915 spending some time overseas during the latter tour of duty. He was with the Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Gastonla for a number of years, and is now with Morgan Fabrics of New York City. The ceremony will be perform ed by the Rev. Dr. Herbert L. Southgate on the grounds of St. Agnes School in Alexandria, Va. on June 23. Capt. Parker will have as her maid of honor, her sfister, Cpl. Margaret Parker of the U. S; Air Force, and as ma tron of honor, the groom's sister, Mrs. Holland P. Dixon of Kings Mountain. The bridesmaids will be Miss Susan Parker, younger sister of the bride, and Miss Ei leen Ransom of Towanda. Penn. Mr. Belv No. 6 Meets Circle No. 6, Central Methodist church rr^t Monday night in the church basement following a pledge service of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. The following ofxicers were . named for this new circle: Winifred Fulton, Leader; Grace Davis, Co Leader; Mrs. Baxter Payseur, Sec retary; and Mrs. Ben Ballard. Treasurer. Program chairmen named were Dorothy Hayes and Margaret Cornwell. Secretaries to assist those in the W. S. C. S. were also named. Pledge cards were passed a round by Mrs Ben. Ballard, and , > . monies collected. Winifred Ful ton led the business session. Grace DavJ* and Lela Clark in vited the circle to meet with the next time. The meeting adjourned on mo tion at Dorothy Hayes. Cake-Cutting For Falls-Cashion Party Miss Joyce Falls and Bill Cash Ion were honored Saturday night atter their wedding rehearsal with a cake cutting given for them 'by an aunt of Miss Fall's, Mrs. J. B. Falls. The lovely affair was held in the Woman's Club, the foyer and lounge were decorated with re gal. lilies, sweet peas, daises and lark spur. A striking arrange ment of lilies, jrweetpeafl and dai sies with a background ' of ivy was used on the mantel. In- the formal dining ro?m a color note of green and white was . carried out. Three tables were arranged for refreshments, each was overlaid with a lace cloth, the center tables held the decorated four-tiered wedding cake flanked on either side with silver cand lei a bras holding ligh ted tapers, extending f^om the cake were satin ribbons, when these were pulled toy the brides maids they found the traditional wedding symbols attached. A bowl of regal lilies and fern completed the decorations. A large crystal punch bowl sur rounded with feathery greenery was used on one table while the third table held the china, silver and rvapkl ng. The color motif was further emphasized in the nap kins with the garland of ivy. Joyce and Bill were engraved on each one. A little white picket fence en twined with Ivy was used ^across th? back of the room. The piano was banked with tern, daises, crysanthemums and lilies. Music was furnished toy Miss Bernice Harrison. Mrs. Don Blanton of , Gaston la and Miss Bessie Lee! Bumgardner served punch and* assorted nuts. Mrs. J. E. Ldpford' and Miss Margaret Kend rick pre-' sided at the china table. After, the bridal couple?had cut thej traditional first piece of cake, Miss Eunice Hord of Ashevill* cut and served the cake. Others; assisting in entertaining and serving were, Mrs. Andrew Jen kins, Mrs. Sap* Weir and Mrs.' Thnmons Hord. Mrs. George Blalock Was In charge of the register where the. one hundred and fifty guests reg istered. , t Motion pictures and photos were made during the party. 1 Social Calendar Friday: 5:00? Covered dish supper at the . Masonic Hall for mem bers of the Eastern Star Chapter and out-of-town guests, . 7:00--Chapman-White rehearsal V at St Matthew* Lutheran Church. . . 7:30 ? Mrs. Howard Jackson i? entertaining the A?e of Clubs "with a dinner bridge at the Country Club. 8:00 ? Public Installation of East ern Star officers at. the Ma sonic Hall. 8:00 ? 'After rehearsal party for the Chapman-White wed ding party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hill. Saturday: 5:00? Miss Chapman and Gene White will be married at St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Monday: 2:30 ? Duplicate Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Paul Neis ler. 8:00 ? Mary Kennedy Circle of Of the A. R. P. Church meets with Mrs. Marvin Goforth. Tuesday: 8:00 ? The Study Club meets with Mrs. S. H. Patterson. Thursday: 2-30 ? Ace of Clubs will meet with Mrs. W. K. Mauney at her home Glenbrook. ? t . ' Miss Hunter Bride Of R. M. Ross Exchanging pledges on Tues day afternoon at 4 o'clock at Gar rison Memorial ARP Church in Bessemer City, Miss Mary Ca therine Hunter and Robert Mc Glll Ross were united in mar riage by the Rev. J. W. Carson, pastor of the church. Music was presented by the bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. N.- Ful ler McGill. organist, and the bride's cousin, Miss Frances Rhyne, who sang. Organ selections were "The Sweetest Story Ever Told," by Stults; "Andantino" by Lemare; "I Love You Truly," by Bond; "Meditation" from "Thais." by Massanet, and* the traditional marches. As vows were spoken, Mrs. McGill played "Clair de Lune," by Debussy. Miss Rhyne's numbers were "Because," b$ d'Hardelot; "I Love Thee," by Grieg; and, as' a benediction number "O Perfect Love," 'by Barnby. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the 'bride wore a gown at white slipper satin and Chan tilly lace. The fitted bodice o< satin featured a yoke of the lace, a round neckline, and lace sleeves. The gathered satin skirt was acented with a scallop ed waistline and swept Into an aisle-wide train. As an ornament she wore the bridegroom's gift of pearls. Her fingertip veil of imported illusion was in two tiers and was festooned ffom a bandeau of seed pearls. She car ried white roses on a Bible bound in white and showered with ribbon streamers caught withvalley lilies. Brldcd Attendants The bride's sister, Miss Vir ginia Hunter, was maid of hon or; Mrs. Earl Turner of Oreens boro, sister of the bridegroom, was matron on honor, and serv ing as bridesmaids were the bride's cousin, Miss Betty Phlfer oX Statesvlile and Charlotte, and Mtss Helen Helton of Gastonla. They wore taffeta dresses, the honors attendants 4n pale pink and the bridesmaids in light blue. Gowns were designed with snug bodices, scalloped sleeves, and full skirts gathered to acal loped waistline. They wore short mitts, matching hats of net and taffeta, and carried arm bouquets of multi-colored giadoli. John O. Ross, Jr., of Charlotte Was his brother's best man, and ushers were Ned Rhyne of Besse mer City and Harry Brown of Statesville, both cousins of the bride, and Frank Grissom and Charles Eggers of this city. The bride's mother was gown ed In aqua crepe and wore white roses at her shoulder. The bride groom's mother wore imported printed voile and a shoulder bou quet of pink roses. Mrs. Roa was graduated from Scotts High school, and ASTC, Boone, and is a member of the faculty of the Bessemer City schools. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mnj. William Ernest Hunter at Bessemer City. Mr. Ross is the son of Mr. and AT AMOS & SON Hot Weathez Specials or Gits For Dad N?w Group Nylon-Acetate MEMS PANTS New Shipment 2-Piece SUN DRESSES ir chombtay. broadcloth, pique $6.95? $7.95 PRINTED SKIRTS ... $2.48 50UD EYELET TRIMMED SKIRTS ? * $2.48 ?Ism U to 30 Blue Denim or Cotton SUMMER SLACKS lor ladies Children's .... * ? SUN SUITS 1-3 ^ ? Seersucker Pajamas 2-4 ? Shorts 2-14 boys or girls ? Halters ? ? ? T-Shirts . ? Sport Shirts yjifeiaft $5.95 Cotton Stripes or Corduroy MEN'S PANTS $2.98 i>w tt to 44 SHORTS & SWIM SUITS LADIES GABARDINE SHORTS AMOS & S 413 N. Piedmont At - >' swS?" MR. AND MRS. NEWELL ODELL THORN BURG N. O. Thornburg Wed To Miss Champion Miss Betty Jean Champion and Newell Odell Thornburg of Kings Mountain were united in Carri age Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the Rev. C. C. Crow, vith the Bev. Mr. Crow pastor o 1 Oak Grove Baptist church officiating. The bride wore an akle-length white 9ktin dress with navy blue accessories. :? Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cham pion, Carl, Arbradella, and "Dar ling" Champion, Mr. qpd Mrs. Wray Thornburg, Helen and Dwan Thornburg, Mrs. T. A. Champion and Mrs. Annis Mc Swain went with the- couple to the pastor's home to attend the ceremony. Mrs. Thornburg Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cham pion and the bridegroom is a son of Mr.-and Mm. Wray Thorn burg. Both attended Beth ware high school and the bridegroom is engaged in carpentry woric. After a brief honeymoon spent In the mountains, the couple will live with the bridegroom's par ents. ? . Mrs. John Odom Ross, also of Bessemer City. He was graduat ed from the School of Pharmacy of the 'University of North Car olina, and served for three years in World War IL He is employ ed as pharmacist by Smith Dri/g Stores here. For a trip v to ' the mountains, Mrs. Boss wore a white suit with green aocesories. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Ross will be at home in Besse mer City. Among those attending from Kings Mountain were Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McGill, Mr. an : * Mr. and Mrs Austin Bell. i route 3, anounce the birth of a son Tuesday, June Kings Mountain hospital. Mrs. Edith Goforth and Mrs. Baxter Paysjpur attended, a tea ill Spartanburg. S. C.. Saturday afternoon at the new home of Mrs. Lambert Hammond. The] tea was in honor of Mies Peggy] ?? Graves-Bames Vows Heard In Home Rites \ .... * Miss Zadie Allegra Graves, of Atlanta, Ga., and William Faison Barnes were united in marriage Thursday, May 31 at 4 o'clock In a'simple wedding at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. R. L. Mc Kee. The Rev. C. E. Piephdff, pas tor of the bride, officiated. The home was beautifully dec orated with an altar bank and an entrance hall bouquet , . ? Hie bride wore a Hktc suit with an white accessories and a cor sage of pink baby orchids. immediately after the wed ding tile couple left for a wed ding trip to New York later fly ing to Mlaroi, Flm., .wtiere they vlH 1 Formal Tea Given For Mrs. Ne?'slejr One of th? loveliest and lar gest parties of last week was the tea given Friday afternoon by Mrs. Hunter Neisler- and daugh ter, Miss Pat Neisler at their spa cious home on Piedmont Ave. Mrs. Charles Neteler, a recent ?bride was the Inspiration for the party. Guests were greeted by Mrs. J. A. Nefsler and Introduced to the ' receiving line by Miss Sadie lAitz of Shelby. In the receiving line were Miss Neisler. he hon or guest. Mrs. Charles Neisler, Mrs. Hunter Neisler, Mrs. Soro mers of Charlotte, mother of the honoree, and Mrs. Paul Neisler. Mrs. W. L. Pressly and Mrs. P. D. Patrick directed Into the hall where Mrs. J. L. McGill greeted and directed upstairs. Mrs. H. R. Hunnfrcutt received in the break fast room. Lime punch was served by Mrs. Arnold Klser and Mrs. Carl Mauney from a large cry stal bowl in a mound of green ery, small white crysanthemums and clusters of cherries. Mrs. George Houser, Mrs. Har ?sy Paige, Mrs. Phillip Padgett and Mrs. iR. H. Webb received in the dining room. The table was cov ered with a green satin cloth in the center of which was a large boat tureen filled with double white and blue delphiniums, chartruse carnations and dyed shasta daises. Block cream and cake was served. Mrs. Henry Neisler directed in to the library where Mrs. C, E. Neisler welcomed callers. Good byes were said to Mrs. W. L. Ramseur. Gladioli, and snapdragons In pastpastel shades, roagndlia blossoms and other harmonizing cut flowers added a color note to the lovely Neteler home. The several hundred guests calling between 4 and 6 'o'clock included many from out of town. attended the National- Conven tion of the Jaycees. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are now living on East King Sit Mr. and Mrs. C- E. Warlick, Mr. and Mra. Hazel Bumgaidner at tended graduating exercises at State College. Bud Warlick and, Harvey Bumgardner were among the graduates. 11 ? ? Mr. and MnwTam?s M. Whisnant anounce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Rachel, to Harold Leonard Hord, Bon of Mr. Mrs. Forert It. Hord. Both families are of Kings Mountain. The wedding will take place July 21* ' ' '-..v'""; , Methodist Have Youth Director Miss Betty Kate Jones, of Wln throp College, arrived in Kings 'Mountain Saturday to assume her duties as director of youth for the summer at Central Method ist church. Miss Jones, an attrac tiveArunette with sparkling per sonality, resides at the teacher age. She met with the Seniors Sunday morning, and also visit ed with the Intermediates, and was with both groups of the You th Fellowship at their evening meetings. Rev. Brcnd&B lntrodu ced her to the congregation Sun day morning, and she was pre sented to the Woman's Society of Christian Service at '.their meet ing Monday night by Mrs. C. A. Butterworth, President of the W. S. C. S. Plans were made Sunday for a plcrrte and swimming party at the lake during the week for both group*, at-whfcto, time Miss Jones met the young people more periforxally. A youth coun cil meeting is planned (or next week. ?>? ' - or Hazel wood iS i Phillip Padgett. I7*> E 4 W and Manhattan. An ld?ol gift for Father. Colorful Ties A new shipment of Womb le*s. the kind Dad's prefer.