Population City Limits 7.206 Trading Area 15.000 (1945 Ration Board Figuw) i I VOL.63 NO. 6 i Sixty-Second Year I Kings Mountain. N. C.. Thursday, January 31. 1952 Established 1889 J 4 Today PRICE FIVE CENTS Local News | Bulletins METCR RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the week ending: Wednesday noon totaled $139.27, according to report of City Clerk Joe Hen drick. LITTLE THEATRE Regular February .meeting of the Kings Mountain Little Theatre, inc., will be held at the organization's office on East King street Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to attend. IN NEW TORK Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gran tham, of Victory Cheverolet Co., are in New York City this week attending the National Automobile Dealers Associa tion annual convention which ends Saturday. WITH RAINWATER'S Bill Moss, formerly associat ed with Sears-Roebuck in Shel by, has Joined Rainwater Fur niture Co., as a salesman and collector^ according to an an nouncement by George Quick, manager. DISTRICT DIRECTOR W. W. Tolleson has been no minated as a district director of Association of Citadel Men, according to Information re ceived here. McSWAIN ELECTED LOUISVILLE. Ky. ? The Rev. Haburn L. McSwaln of Kings Mountain, N. C.,, has been na.r? ed president of the 1952 class of the Southern Baptist Theo logical Seminary in Louisville, Ky. ". . ' STATE INCOME MAN A representative of the Nor th Carolina state department of .revenue will be at City Hall on February 13 and 20 (Wed nesdays) to assist tax payers in filling out state incou.e tax forms, free of charge, it was announced this week. Hours will be from 8:30 a, m. until 5 p. m. GROVER LIONS GROVER. ? The Grover Lions club will sponsor a box supper and cake walk on Saturday night at the Grover school gymnasium, according to an nouncement by Hunter Ram sey, official of the club. The public is invited to attend. ALLRAN PROMOTED Robert AHran, son of Mrs. A. L. Allran of Kings Mountain, ? was recently elected a vice> president of the Surry County ?Loan & Trust Company of Mt, Airy. Mr. Allran has been as sociated with jhe Alt. Airy 'bank since his discharge from service following World War II. CITY TAG SALES A total of 876 City auto lh , cense tags for 1952 had been sold through Wednesday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock, aocording to report of City Clerk Joe Hendrlck. Deadline for pur chase of thq tags is close of business January 31. The tags will cost $1.05, after Thursday, ? and in addition, motorists will take a chance of being cited to court for failure to display the tag, Mr. Hendrick stated. COMMUNION SERVICES St. Matthew's Lutheran chur ch will observe the Festival of the Transfiguration Sunday with Holy Communion services following both the 11 o'clock service and 7;3o evening sec vice. / IN HOSPITAL Warren Reynolds, Kings Mountain automobile dealer, is a patient in Presbyterian - ? hospital, Charlotte, where he is receiving treatment for a back ailment Pharmacy Group Taps Blanton Charles Blanton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Blanton, of Kings Mountain, was tapped recently In to membership of Rho Chi, na tional honorary pharmaceutical fraternity at the University of North Carolina. A Junior, he was one of eight members of his class tapped for membership. Membership re quirements are based primarily i on attainment of a minimum ?dhoi*st!c average of 92.5. Blanton was also recently elect ed to the University of North Car* ollna Student Council. Dickson Firm Gas financing Proposal Made "You folks should know defi nitely that you want gas before going to Washington to seek an allocation," Ed Wulborn, repre. sentative of R. S. Dickson Com pany, of Charlotte, told members of the city board of commission ers at a special meeting Janu ary 23. Mr. Wulborn appeared before the board to offer the services of his company in financing a city natural gas distribution sys tem. He said that the Federal Pow er commission, which has appli cations for much more gas than is currently available, is looking for reasons to turn down appli cations and that any indication of indecision on the part of the city would result in a turn down. Mr. Wulborn explained points of law governing the Issuance of revenue bonds on the part of cities and said his company would enter into an agreement to handle the pre-sale work for 1.5 percent of the total bonds sold, should some company oth er than R. S. Dickson purchase the bonds. He said the fee would be one percent, if the city agreed to pay fees of the bond attorneys and advertising costs. Should R. S. Dickson Company buy the bonds, no fee would be charged. He said the current market on revenue-type bonds, which do not pledge the full credit of the city, has been ranging from 3.69 percent to 4.2 percent. > To questions put by City At torney J. R. Davis, Mr. Wulborn said a defaulting on the bond payments would mean the bond holders could take over the .dis tribution system. He also said a system could be installed within three months of the date the money from sale of bonds is obtained, and suggested that the bonds be made callable at an early date. Advantages of an early date would make it possi ble' to refinance at lower inter est rates, he said. The city had previously plan ned to appear before the FPC in Washington on January 28, but has been notified that the hear ing was postponed to March 3. Report of Barnard & Burk, en gineers, had not been received at the meeting, but City Adminis trator M. K. Fuller said it was expected momentarily. Actions by the board at the meeting included: 1) Acceptance of a counter proposition by Stater Manufac turing Company, whereby the city will install an eight-Inch water line on York Road, from Gold street to the Slater mill, with the Slater firm paying cost of 700 feet of the line. The city will pay for the additional esti mated 2Q0 feet. Slater had sug gested it would be advantageous for the city if the line ran along the road, rather than across p*< vate property. A previous sug gestion was iq secure a 700-foot right-of-way across the Ameri can Legion property from Gold street, with Slater, defraying all costs. 2) Ordered professional bonds Continued On Page Eight City 150 Blood Quota Pints Friday Thursday Lost Day To List For Taxes Annual J952 tax listing is to , end Thursday. Listing business at City Hall courtroom, where B. D. Ratter - ree, Number 4 Township list taker, and Clarence Carpenter, city list taker, have been del uged for the past 10 days, was still brisk Wednesday, with only one day remaining. How many persons had com pleted listing was not aralla ble, but Charlie Ware, hr,nd ling the farm census, said only about 80 percent of the farm ers of the area had reported to him. Penalties apply for those who fall to list their properties dur ing the month of- January. The maximum is 10 percent of the amount of the tax bill. Special Seivice For Vets Sunday A spcclal service commemorat ing the ninth anniversary of the death at sea of the famous "Four Chaplains" will be held at Cen tral Methodist church Sunday evening at 7:30. Announcement of the spedial service, at which members of Otis D. Green Post 155, American Le gion, will be special guests, was made by Rev. J. H. Brendall the pastor. The service here is at the sug gestion. of the national comman der of the American Legion, who is urging "a nation-wide move ment for a spiritual re awakening of the people of America in one of the dark, hours of our country's' I history". ? ? j The nation-wide launching of the movement Sunday comes on the ninth, anniversary of the sink ing of the U. S. Transport Dor- ] Chester. Before the ship sank, four chaplains representing three faiths? "Votestant, Jewish, and Catholic? gave (heir life-belts to enlisted men, remained aboard and went down with the ship. "We invite all Legionnaires and service veterans as special guests at this service," Mr. Brendall said. Country Club Party To Be "Hobo Night" Regular monthly Club Night at the Kings Mountain Country Club Saturday night will take the form ,of a Hobo Party. It is being advertised as "Club Night at the Hobo Jungle." Priz { will be given for the couple aajudged "best -dressed." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Page and Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Padgett are hosts for the party. Dinner will be served at 7:30. Members are asked to phone the club for dinner reservations as early as possible. Dover Will Get Taxi Franchise He's Sought For Several Years Forrest Dover, who has been seeking a taxi franchise for three years or more, will get one> ac cording to action of the city board of commissioners Tuesday night The board, following three meetings in six days which in cluded discussion of. the taxi franchise business, seemingly settled the' matter Tuesday night when It voted to raise the limit on taxi franchises to 22, one more than the limit- In vogue for five year" Prt- ously, on Wednesday January 23, the board had voted to up the limit to 23 in a split 3-2 decision, on a motion toy Lloyd Davis, seconded by Olland Pearson, and supported by May or Pro Tempore James (Red > Layton, who was presiding in the absence of Mayor Garland Still. B. T. Wright, Sr., and C. P. Bar ry opposed. Mr. Davis, in offering the mo tion, made It plain he was prin cipally interested in "getting Dover off ray neck." following that action, the city's taxi opera tore became somewhat ?xclted about the up ping of the limit and asked for a special board meeting to pro test. The board convened again the following afternoon (Janu ary 24), and Jim West, Shelby attorney, was on hand to plea for the taxi operators that, the limit Of 21 was quite sufficient However, Lloyd Davis . was ab. sent Mr. l?yton was late, and the other board members accept ed the opinion at Mr. Wright that all should tee present when the cab franchise action was recon sidered. * A special meeting was sched uled for 7:30 Tuesday night. Meantime, the cab operators agreed among themselves not *? protest the franchise increase Word got around that the Tues day night meeting was cancell ed. All didn't get the word, and Mayor Garland Still reissued the notice of meeting, which re sulted in amending the action and setting the limit at 22. The motion granting Mr. Dov er a cab franchise, made by Mr. Davis and seconded by Mr Wright, Included the provision that he "qualify** within 30 days, which, members of the board said, meant that he should ob tain a vehicle, show evidence of required insurance coverage, ob tain an off-street parking lot, and buy the $50 franchise within a month. The action was unani mous. Mr. Dover, who was at the meeting Tuesday, said he ex pected to qualify in plenty of time. Frank Price and Bill Whet stine, for whom Dovter had pre vlously worked as Cab driver said hi* driving had been satis factory to them. ' Mr. Dover had first sought a franchise several years ago. and had sought one intermittently ' I luKr. I Kin' ma^? itS^firsf iqe^?^niob'le 1 K^g? Moumaj? L^53 ^slt t* up at the Woman's cS ,sott'ng ciw^T* 0 5 P- ?T1 and < ?m U Cross o/flrlnl. an? with P?i cl 5 p. m a:"1"" *rom n Cross officlalsme wlfh Rocj ???&%%?;? iMouSl ?T'0" "i curing Pl^ggU^ph?ye been se jtlons. Alreadv an bIood dona SrdplH ttASSf?-- have '?r Fridays visj;Ves as donors jj ^ ^sterday; Rev I I "" """'"I "?n?l blood"^" Cross Na | r-^ kr^nl'y0 oir '4^rxr ? p? ? I lv7,?h?" 5X ??? national hK?ut charge bv P^y^cians anrf k d "roR-am to J on,y cost to "h Vitals. Th'? 'ee charLd I * patl?)t is TJ* I Physician in ^ 'V tflc hospital nr I ?><? Soici I ?VaVr?>J> TSSf^? , if?p Jarcfes? Cross . /jjived in Kings S??s* fv*' re- 1 I that 1',nfs' This 1: WH \Fv?? c>"n,;t for fhL 'Plates ;,f7 R bec" reachnH C,,y h;'? | strong appeaj ? A verv o, ^tizcns, betwo-0 ? ?adp to| bltfn"'1 59, to make' J aRes ^Banquet Tuesday Night A capacity crowd is expected Tuesday night for the annual Kings Mountain District Boy Scout banquet, according to statement this week by Ollie Harris, acting chairman of the district. Rev. Harlan Harris, pastor 6f Shelby's First Baptist church, will make the feature Address ot the evening. The banquet will be held at the Masonic Ledge Hall begin ning at 7 o'clock, and tickets are now on sale at one dollar each. The Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce is serving as host for the banquet. Other business at the meeting, will Include annual reports of district, officers. The banquet Is one of the lo cal features of the annual ob servance of Boy Scout week. ? On Sunday, February 10, Rev, T. L, Cashwell, Jr., will preach the annual Boy Scout sermon at First Presbyterian church. It will be a union service. More Meters To Be Installed Actions of the c>ty 'board of commissioners at Tuesday night's speciai meeting iraclud ed: 1) Ordering of installation of parking meters on the East side 6f Piedmont avenue, from Moun tain street to King street, order-' lng of installation of parking meters on S. Battleground aven ue at the zone formerly used as a city bus stop, aijd restriction of* parking to 10 minutes from the Harris Funeral Home drive way, south to Mountain street. 2) Authorization of numbering seats on the concrete bleachers at City Stadium. 3> Cancellation of ? $3.09 tax bill for 1960 charged to J. R. Yelton. which C P. Barry mid was listed in error. Mr. Yelton la a hoapMa! patient in another county, and Mr. Barry said the listing was done by Mr. Yelton* father. All the actions were unani mous. with all member* present. Bank Installment Loan Department In New Quarters The First National Bank is transferring its installment loan department to the second floor of the Dr. J. E. Anthony build ing, effective Friday. The department will be loca ted in the offices formerly occu pied by Dr. Paul E; Hendricks, who is now oh active duty with the army medical corps. The of fices have been completely cen. ovated and redecorated. All installment loans and re payments will be handled In the new quarters, under, the direction of Dick Cannady, department manager, it was announced. This office will be open dally from 9 a. m- to 1 p. m., and from 2 p. in. to 4:30 p. m., with the ex ception of Wednesdays, when the department* will close at noon, and Saturdays, when the department will close at 1 p. m. City Tax Levy Two-Thixds Paid I , ? ?, ? ?? In spite of the fact that two thirds of the city's 1951 tax levy had been paid through the close of business Monday, some 1.200 citizens who had not paid 1951 tax bills received second notices Wednesday. ? City Clerk Joe Hendrick said the notices were mailed Wednes day morning. They reminded the 1.200-plus persons that a penalty of one percent applies if the bills are not paid before the close of business Friday, February 1. Totai payments ot. 1051 tax b'ills through Monday wefe $73, 865.89, with several other large payments having been made Tuesday a'nd Wednesday morn ing. Or the jUtlal,, $12,068.42 had been paid since January 1. The total 1951, tax levy for the city was $109,182.47. Similar penalty applies on un paid 1951 county tax bills. Vance Wright's Rites Conducted funeral services for Vance Clifton Wright, 52, of Sevejen. Marylahd, a former citizen of Kings Mountain, were conducted Monday at Tuscaloosa, Ala. He died Friday morning at his home in Maryland of a heart at tack. Mr. Wright was a former civil service employee. He married the former Miss Lucielle Ramsey March 30, 1918. Mrs. Wright, a citizen of Kings Mountain, survives along with the following children: Miss Ma. rie Wright, Miss Peggy Wright and Troy Wright of Kings Moun tain, Wilton Wright of Washing ton, D. C? and Paul Wright, now serving with the US Army in Germany, Ih 1947, Mr. Wright was mar ried to the former Miss Callie Winters, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., who also survives. Other survivors include three sisters, Mrs. June Hartsoe, of Black3burg. S. C., Mrs. Bob Woods, of .Shelby, and Mrs. Cas sis Jones of Kings Mountain; four brothers, Floyd Wright, of Ellenboro and Edward, Fletcher and Boyce Wright of Kings Mountain. Four grand-children also survive. Among local area residents attending the funeral were Miss Marie Wright, Miss Peggy Wrl-, ght, Troy Wright and Mrs. June Hartsoe. v/: ;. , , Rites Conducted For Mrs. White Funeral services for Mrs. Pan sy Myrtlf White, 44, Who died Monday morning around 11 o'clock, were held Wednesday at 4 p. rt. at lemple Baptist church. Rev., W. F. Monroe, the pastor, officiated and burial was in Mountain Rest cemetery. Mrs. White succumbed at Kings Mountain hospital after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage during church services Sunday rooming. She was a resident of Linwood road and was a former resident of Dallas. She was a member of Temple 'Baptist church and was a former employee of Bonnie Cotton Mill. Mrs. White is survived by her husband, Columbus B. White; three brothers* Ernest Gragg, J. B. Gragg and Trsnt Gragg, all of Gastonta; four sistart, Mrs. Wal ter Brannon and Mrs. Theodore Roberts, of Gastonla, Mrs. Grier Jenkins, of Dallas, and Mrs. R. D. Cook, of Kings Mountain. v * Kincaid Declines To Run ? ? " ' ? ? _ - ? i For Representative Post Home B. & L. * Reports Good Year In 1951 Homo Building &. Loan asso ciation enjoyed a. prosperous ?year in 1951, according to report of A. H> Patterson, secretary - treasurer, presented at the an nual meeting of shareholders of the association last Thursday. - The shareholders re-elected all directors for the coming year, and, in session following the shareholders' meeting, the di rectors re-elected all officers. Of. ficers are Dr. J. . E. Anthony, president; G. A. Bridges, vice president; J; H. Thomson, vice president; and A. H. Patterson, secretary . treasurer. Directors include the officers, L. A. Alexander, I. G. Patterson, J. P. Mautjey, B. S. Peeler, arid B. I). Ratterree. Mr. Patterson reported that the association had made 140 mort gage loans during 1951, totaling of $263,501.38. The loans includ- j ed 46 new construction loans to- 1 taling $121,360.03; 43 home-pur chase loans totaling ?89,504.46;! and 50 loans of other typos to-1 taling $52,336.89. The association paid divi dends to shareholders during the year, at three percent, total ing $28,103.18. It added $14,000 to its reserve' for contingencies, bringing the total of the reserve {und to: $83,000. Shareholders numbered 1.297. including 1,177 white citizens and 120 colored ci. ti^cris. Flaming rate for the year, aft er addition to the reserve fund, was 4.2182 percent. The association assets at De cember 31, 1951, were $1,014,422. 68. J. R. Davis, association attor ney, explained to the sharehold ers new federal tax laws affect ing the association,, Vict -president G. A. Bridges, presided. ' ; ' ? ? 1 ? Sauline Players Here Friday The Sauline Players will make their annual appearance here on Friday (February 1). Two perfor mances will be given. The matinee, "Tom Sawyer", is scheduled to begin at 1:15 p. m. at Central auditorium. Admission for students of grades one through eight will be twenty cents and for students of grades nlne'through twelve, thirty centi. "Father Knows Best" is to be given at 8 p. m. on Friday night in the high school auditorium. Ad mission for students of grades one through eight will be twenty five cents and for students of grades nine through twelve and auults, fifty cents. Persons desir ing tickets are urged to contact any member of the Junior class. The Sauline Players appear ance in an annual event, spon* sored by the Junior class of the Kings Mountain high school. Mr. and Mrs. Josef Sauline, of Belmont, with their all-star play ers, have presented numorous plays during their many years of appearances at Kings Moun tain High school. CANDIDATE ? Robert P. Mor gan, of Shelby, has announced that he will be a candidate for the North. Carolina Senate, sub ject to the May Democratic pri mary. Mr. Morgan opposes Sen ator Clyde Nolan, who has an nounced he will seek rc-nomina tion. Morgan Opposes Nolan For Senate ? Robert F. Morgan, Shelby bus? inessman, is - a candidate for 27th district' Senator subject trs, the May Democratic' primary. Mr. Morgan ? opposes Senator Clyde rtolan. also a Shelby bus inessman, who announced his candidacy for re-election one day before Mr. Morgan threw his hat into the ring. The two announcements are tli?' first of .the ' currehi county political season. As 2TtlT district Senator, the Cleveland representative- also represents, Rutherford anil .\Jc IJoweH conn tics. However, by agreement anion*,' Democrats of the district, Cleveland has one of the two list I'M senators each biennium. Mr. Morgan, a 2T> year-old World War II veteran, made no formal statement concerning his candidacy except to announce that he would support a state wide referendum on the legal sale of liquor. The state currently has a county option system and dry leaders have pressed Jor several years for a state wide vote. Sev eral legislatures have failed to pass legislation whjch would have provided such a referen dum. Mr. Morgan also said he would be glad to state hiS opinions on "any issue ifhich might arise in the campaign." He is associated with his fa ther, O. Z. Morgan, in a feed and seed business and ,s president of the Cleveland County Ginners association. He is a Mason, a well-known lay leadeT of Beaver Dam Baptist church, a Rotarian, and member of the VFW and American Legion. He entered the Air Force as a private in 1942, serving in both the Atlantic and Pacific theatres, and was a cap tain When discharged. He was chairman of the successful 1951 March of Dimes campaign in Cleveland County. March Of Dimes Drive Very Short; Benefit Square Dance On Thursday A big gala "ole -ilme square dance" has been set for Thurs day night at the Americarf Le gion hall with all proceeds to go to the March of Dimes drive as officials of the annual appeal here report that It "looks like we're going to be between $3,000 and $4,000 short" of the Number 4 Township quota. Jack White, township chair man, reported yesterday that only some $2,235 dollars has ac I tually been turned in, with re j>orts still to come from a major ity of the campaign divisions. He urged all division heads to make their reports as soon as possible. , . . The Thursday square dance will begin at 8 o'clock and , ad mit ion will bo one dollar, per peitoon, Mr. White said. Ham rick's String Band, of Shelby, has been contracted to furnish the music and Ray Smith has offer* ed to call the dances free of charge. "The American Legion is not charging us rent for the building, so practically all the proceeds will go into the polio fund drive," he added. Chairman White appealed to all citizens who have hot been solicited and who wish to con tribute to contact him or mail or bring in contributions to his office this week. He also sugges ted that contributors might make use of the numerous "Iron lung" banks placed in business houses all over the township. According to reports t'o date, contribution^ turned In other than individual, were listed by Mr. White as follows (most fig ures approximate.) * >463 ? Margrace employees. $338? Civic Clubs. $263 ? G rover (City). $163 ? Grover (schools). $156? Mother's March. $90 ? Talent Night $168 ? East Elementary. $234.13 ? West Elementary. . . $100 ? Sadie Mill. $100? Park Yarn Mill. Kings Mountain Man Won't Run "At This Tune" 1 Arnold W. Kincaid, prominent ly mentioned during the past week As a 'possible candidate for . i the Democratic nomination tor I Cleveland County representative 'to the North Carolina House of Representatives, said yesterday he would not seek the office in [the May primary. Mr. Kincaid. currently chair i man of the city school board, I said he had seriously consider ed making the race but that the current plans of the school board for a considerable building pro gram was the principal factor in his decision not to offer for the House of Representatives. ' The school . board has been j laying (dans for a building pro- ? j-gram to include improvements . ' in the Davidson Negro school plant, and. for the construction [of an additional elementary building for white children. Infcrentially, Mr. Kincaid left the door open for future years stating he declined "at this time" to offer. His statement follows; "I have seriously considered offering my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Cle veland County representative in- ? ^ the North Carolina Hbuse of Re presentative's, and it has been most gratifying to me to receive marty indications of support from ail parts of the county. "However, I am also keenly interested in the u looming building program of the Kings Mountain city schools. I regard the forthcoming two years as most important to the progress of the schools and, having some three years to serve on my cur I rent .term jis school trustee, feel [ it. necessary to continue to serve in that c.tpapity. Therefore, I i shall nui be a candidate at this ? time. "1 appreciate deeply the many statements of Cleveland County people that they would tender , me their unqualified support, should I seek to be their repre sentatives." Mr. Kincaid, a Bessemer City industrialist, Is a prominent Ma son and lay leader of Kings Mountain's First Baptist church. He is currently serving as Wor thy Grand Patron of the North Carolina Order of Eastern Star. As yet, no candidates have of fered for the seat in the state House of Representatives, thou gh Rep. B. T. Falls, Jr., of Shel by, is regarded as sure to seek re-election to a fourth term. Funeral Held Foi W. H. Webb Funeral services for William H. (Bill) We>bb, 52, former Kings Mountain theatre operator, were held at his home in Shelby Mon day morning with burial follow ing in Shelby's Sunset ceme tery. The rites -were conducted by Rev. Frank Jodan, pastor of Cen tral Methodist church, of which Mr. Webb was a member, with Rev. Harlan Harris assisting. . Mr. Webb died on Saturday, following a heart attack suffer ed the previous day. For a number of years, Mr. Webb operated the - Imperial Theatre here, of which he was part-owner, first in the early 1930's, and again, for three years, from 1948-50. He was a nephew of Claude Webb, present operator of the Imperial Theatre. Mr. Webb was sole owner of the Carolina Theatre at Shelby, and held part interests in sever al other motion picture theatre properties. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ruth Franklin Webb; a daughter, Miss Barbara Webb; his mother, Mrs. J: E. Webb; five brothers, Giles, James, Charlie, Fred and Ha) Eugene Webb, all of Shelby; and five sisters, Mrs. J. O. Lutz, Mrs. Clarence Carpen ter, and Mrs. Frank Watson, all of Shelby; and Mrs. Bill Elkln and Mrs. John G. Hammond, both of Asheville. REPORTED IMPROVED The condition of W. E. Blake ly, Kings' Mountain postmaster who is a patient In Charlotte Memorial hospital, was report ed improved Tuesday.

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