Social Calendar Thursday 2:30 ? Ace of Clubs meet with Mrs. Fred Plonk. 8:00? March of Dimes square dance at the American Legion Hall. Friday 8:00? Le Fete Rook club meets with Mrs. Ben F, Beam. 8:00? Mr. and Mrs. Si R. Suber, Jr., will entertain the Couples club. Saturday ? 7:3 evening with Magistrate E. Getty Nunn hearing them take the vows. The bride wore a becoming all silk navy blue dress with navy accea S?Rf? ?.nd ? cor*aKe of red roses. Relatives and friends who went to York with the couple to attend ^er?er?>r?y were Mr. and Mrs. Rooert Fulton of York, Miss ft?1'," "CmS iner City. Costner of Besse . The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Goforth and aln hj'rtT'J ?! 'hc Kl,,cs tain high school and is employed ?$?!?&" x,The 'bridegroom, son of Mr and Pf,mr D" Ff'ton 1, aiso a ,rom ac,,ve Mr and Mrs. Fulton left for a vedding trip to the mountains of Western Carolina. Mrs. Fulton J" r?ninin in Kings Mountain while her husband is in service. Collins-Hord Nuptials To Be Held Sunday Mis* Jessie ; Pear ie Hord of' Vf ar~?,c' daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Thdmas Zeno Hord of Waco .1" ,Davis Collins of Mrs . VUntal?' son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Roy Collins, of Elkin will ^married, Sunday afternoon at ?? o Hock in the First Baptist church in Charlotte. Rev. Warren pastor of the church will perform the ceremony. ENGAGEMENT ANNO UNCED?Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Caldwell an nounce the angagement of their daughter, Faye Elizabeth to D. C. Payaeur, Jr., son of Mr. and Mra. D. C. Payaeur. The wedding will | be an event of March tt. P. E R S O N A L S > Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jenkins spent Sunday in Salisbury. John C. Smathers went to Can ton Sunday to visit his father. Kelly Dixon, Marlon Dixon, Qdell Benton, and Robert Caveny left Sunday night for Palm Har bor, Fla., on a business trip. They will be gone about 10 days. . Mrs. Charles Neisler, and Mrs. M. L. Plonk leaves Saturday for Palm Harbor, Fla., to spend sometime at the Neisler home there., Enroute they will visit rela tives in Reynolds, Ga. ? Little Barbara Spake Hord, young daughter of Dr: and Mrs. D. F. Hord is seriously ill in Shel by hospital. Reports Wednesday morning were that she was some better, --o? BM Jack A. Letlford, of, the Navy, arrived in Sasebo, Japan, on January 10th. He is the hus band of the former Miss Patricia Prince. - ? lllH6 ? ? ? "Is Redecoration Time! fc.ll.-ta 1 Paints Wallpaper OF ALL KINDS NEW-LOOK PATTERNS Venetian Blinds Floor-Finishing FLOOR CLEANERS AND WAXERS Featureing the new Re-Tone Cleaner for All Types of Floors ? * ? Expert Installations 1 * ' Wall Tile # Floor TUe # Cabinet Coverings ARMSTRONG INLAID LINOLEUM ? ' " ' " ? * .. t ? > City Floor Service Features Nationally-Known. ^ Time-Proven Products. Visit Us and Solve Your Re decoration Problem I * / -.viion Floor S W. n Mrs. O. W. Myers and Mrs. R. D. Goforth were in Charlotte Tuesday on a buying trip for Myers Dress Shoppe. ? o % Mrs. C. W. Kennedy, sister of Mrs. Claud Ware under went an operation Monday in Mercer hos pital in Charlotte. Mrs. Emory Murray, of Mea dowbrook Road, who underwent an operation at Kings Mountain hospital, returned home Satur day, and is reported recovering satisfactorily. I Miss Faylene Falls, student at 1 Limeston college, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Falls. Mrs. . Robert . Taylor of Mur freesboro, N. C., was a guest dur ing the weekend of her mother, Mrs. P. D.' Herndon. ? o ? Joe Ware and B. T. Wright, Jr., students at WCTC, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ware and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Wright, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Comwell re turned last week from Tarpon Springs, Fla., where they spent the past several weeks. Harold England, student at UNC, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eng land. ? o ? Donald Patterson, student at WCTC, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. JLloyd Paterson. Jack Crouch, freshman, at Gardner-Webb college, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Croucl\ Demauth Blanton, of Wake Forest college, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Blanton. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Harmon left Tuesday for Miami, Fla., to visit their daughter, Mrs. Wayne Ware and Mr. Ware. They were accompanied by H. W. Gamble, Mrs. Hoyt Matthews and son, Eddie. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Payne, Grov. c route 1, announce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia La kay, Wednesday, January 23rd., Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Odell Gregory, route 2, announce the birth of a daughter, Wanda Gall, Thursday, January 24\h.,. Kings Mouraain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Sanders announce the birth of a son on Thursday, January 24th-, at Gar rison General hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Mea dows, route 3, announce the birth of a son Thursday, January 34th., Gaston Memorial hospital, Gas tonia. Mr.-and Mrs. Lloyd, McDanlel announce the birth of twins, a son Danny Ray, and a daughter, Lin da Kay, Friday, January 25th., Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tessener announce the birth of a son, Michael Steven, Sunday, January 27th., Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White sides announce the birth of a son, Thomas Edward, Sunday, Janu ary 27th., Kings Mountain hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie B. Ran dloph, Jr., route 3, announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Irene, Monday. January 28th., Kings Mountain hospital. Mrs. Paul Hendricks Gives Pretty Party Sprays of pink and white Japo nlca and daffodils were used as a decorative motif by Mrs. Paui Hendricks Tuesday afternoon when she entertained with eight tables of bridge. The attractive new. home of Mrs. Hendricks with the spring flowers made a lovely setting for the party. When all guests had ar rived and found their places at prettily appointed tables the hos tess served a dessert course. Mrs. J. E. Harndon was the most successful player for the afternoon, with Mrs. M. A. Ware e Wednesday alternoon, Jan. 12, 1952 Girl Scout troop number 6 met at 3:00. Elaine Burton our treasurer called the roll and col lected the dues. We sang songs and worked on our scrap books. ' * t . ' ' f 1 ? . ' 1 I runner up for second-high. Con solation gift was won by Mrs. Clyde Kerhs. Later group two the May flower put on a play, It was called "School on the .Mountain". The teacher was Jackie Dixon, the pupils were Patsy Slsk, Carol Jackson, Becky Blapton. Alter that we had a color cere mony, the two guards were Jackie Dixon and Elaine Burton. Barbara Proctor carried the American Flag. By Becky Blanton Demand tor farm . products grown In North Carolina is ex pected to be good in 1952 accord ing to specialists ol the State Col lege Extension Service. Come in, see, and be -delighted with out advance showing of Spring '52 Suits and Toppers. They're qual ity styled, and amazingly low-priced. SUITS Handsomely tailored suits by leading man ufacturers _wi 11 give you the new, many* purpose suit you want and need. They're featured in men's wear flannel, worsted .sheen gabardine, and sharkskin. $22.95 ; v;: 859.95 Toppers are again tops for Spring, as they should be, featuring smart styl ing, and giving the proper amount of comfort Spring weather requires, Lovely pastel colors - in* fleece and suede cloth. $16.95 to $ 36.95 DRESS SHOP 9 Second Floor #