ST /t/ JS Mr a. P. D. H&mdon, BdUor Miss Frances Huffstetler Extended Bridal Courtesy Mrs. Clyde McDanlel, Mlssl Phyllis Lall and Mrs. E. T. Huff- [ stetler of Shelby entertained Sat urday night August 16th with a pretty party and shower for Mfss Frances Iluffstetler, bride-elect of August. Miss Huffstetler chose a dress of white crinkled nylon ! lor the occasion and a corsage of red carnations gift of the hos tesses. The McDanlel home was made festive With a variety of mixed summer flowers, silver, paper wedding bells were. hung from the mantel with green and white streamers. Bridal games we^p played dur Ing the evening with Mrs. II. K. Dixon, Mrs. Forrest Fortenberry, Mrs. Brady Lall and Miss Peggy | Dixon winning prizes. . Parly plates of open faced bell shaped sandwiches, individual green Iced cakes with white wed ding bells molded on top, peanuts and Iced lime punch were served. The honoree received a variety of pretty and useful gifts from the forty guests present. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Nescla Thackerson, Mrs. George Carr, Mrs. Bertha Greenway of Shelby and Mrs. Bobby Huffstet ler of Gastonla, Mrs. Brady Lall and, Mrs. Forrest Fortenberry of Grover. A. R. P. Circle Met In Goforth Home The Frances Garrison circle of the ARP Church met Monday night in the home of Mrs. Marvin Goforth with Mrs. Garrison Go forth and Miss Mae Sue Goforth as hostesses. Program leader was Mrs. .Wil son Crawford Who led the devo tions. Also taking part on the program, on "Dunlap Orphanage Mrs. K W.' Neal, Mrs. Mar ritt Pinter and Mrs. John Che shire. . Mrs. Cheshire, circle chairman, presided over the business ses sion, after which the hostesses served delicious homemade ice cram and take with punch. ? King Of Hearts Club Meets In Reed Home Dr. and Mrs. N. H. Heed enter tained members of the King of Hearts bridge club at their home Tuesday night. Zinnias and daises were used | In floral decorations. Three progressions of bridge were played with high score prizes for the evening, going to i Mrs, Johnnie Kerns and Gene | Timms. High score for the series was won by Fred McDanlel. Chocolate ice cream, cookies and mits were served after tlve games. More Used Bargains From BAIRD'S i SOFA BED originally SU9.95 S59.95 1 $69.50 Platform Rocker Looks like new S34.95 1 $24.95 Platform Rocker Looks like new S12 I Philco Electric Range Retails at S399.95 First come gets it at $209.95 i ZENITH RADIO Retails $59.95 S39.95 1 Lane CEDAR CHEST A 1. Was SS9.95 S39.95 ALL THE ABOVE MER CHANDISE LESS THAN EIGHT MONTHS OLD. ALL IN GOOD SHAPE. REAL OPPORTUNITY DAY BARGAINS. BA1RD Furniture Phor.e 53 Social Calendar Thursday: 8:00? Miss Betty Wilson is en tertaining for Miss Betty Cash, bride of the week. Friday: 2:30 ? Fortnighter's Club meets with Mrs. Jim Smith. 3:00? Mrs. M. H. Biser, Mrs. U A. Hoke and Mrs. W. K. Crook are entertaining with bridge at the Coun try Club. 7:00 ? Cash-McCarter wedding rehearsal at the Metho dist church. 8:30 ? Cake cutting for the Cash-McCarter wedding party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Cash. 8:00? Regtflar meeting of the Eastern Star Chapter. 8:00 ? Mesdames, Biser, Hoke and Crook are entertain ing with bridge at the Country Club. Saturday: 12:00? rMrs. , John Cheshire is giving a bridesmaids luncheon for Miss Betty Cash. 5:30? Miss Betty Cash and Charles Andy McCarter wijl be married in Cen tral Methodist church. Monday: 2:30 ? Duplicate Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Paul Nelsler at her home on Gaston Street. 7:30 -Monthly meeting of the Spiritual Life Group of\ Central Methodist church 8:00 -General meeting of W. S. C. S. at the Methodist Church. 7:30 Gleaners Class of the Baptist Church will have, a covered dish supper at the home of Mrs. John nie Beam. Tuesda,y: 3:00 Contract Club meets with Mrs. Amos Dean at her home. K:00 Twin-Table bridge club moots with Mrs. Charlie Thoniasson at her home. 8:00 Miss Anne Roberts, Mrs. Bill Logan entertaining for Mrs. Wayne Church. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Crow, route 2, announce the birth of a son, Thursday^ August 14. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wilson an-', nounce the birth of a son Sunday, August 17, Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. anil Mrs Robert Oates announce the birth of a son Sun day, August 17, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. lluln'tt Petty an i not i nee the birth of a daughter Monday. August 18, Kings Moun tain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mathis -an nounce the fSirth of a daughter Sunday. August. 17t Kings Mountain hospital Mr. ami Mrs.. Van Wrape of KinstoH ann?iunee the birth of a daughter Tuesday, August 1!>. Mrs. Wrape is the former Miss Margaret Ware: daughter of Mrs. John Kletvher Ware. ? Mr. and Mrs. Donald Connor, ?announce' the ""birth of a daugh ter Monday. August IX. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr and Mrs. Charles A. Wor tham. route 3, announce the birth of a daughter. Tuesday, August H>, Kings 'Mountain hospital-. Mr . Kittys Mountain has ,pital. BAIRD'S Ultra-Opportunity BARGAINS 1 P h i 1 c o Demonstrate! Range, used two days at cooking school. You save S60. $259.95 1 Five-burner table -,top New Perfection Oil Range. You can't buy the chimneys at this - I ' ? price. $29.95 1 Used battery radio. A-l condition, new battery. Easy terms I S29.95 BAIRD Furniture Phone 59 Canasta Party Given For Brides-elect Misses Barbara Grantham and Sarah Jackson entertained with a pretty planned canasta party Monday night at the Grantham home as a special courtesy to Misses Betty Cash and Doris Jol ly, brides-elect, and Mrs, Bobby Cox. a recent bride. The honorees were presented corsages of white split carnations upon their arrival. . In the living room there was an Illuminated arrangement of white pompoms and gladioli re flected on the mantel. In the din ing room was a brilliant floating arrangement in a crystal bowl. Canasta prizes, pine scented note paper was awarded Miss Betty Cash and sachet to Miss Barbara Gault. Gifts of crystal were presented the honorees. At refreshment time a frozen dessert was served with lime punch. -,.y Miss Pegqy Arthur Honors Miss Pat Harris At Bridge Miss Patrlca Harris, bride of last Saturday was. the Inspiration for a loVely dessert bridge party Wednesday night given by Miss Peergy Arthur. Picturesque arrangements of white gladioli, snap dragons, pink, lilies and other mixed flowers were used as decorations through out the house. Five tables were appointed when the guests arrived. The bride-elect's place was marked with a china wedding slipper fill ed with sweet heart roses; the other tables were centered with nosegays of sweetheart roses. Tallies were also In bridal motif. Lime sherbert, bridal squares, nuts, mints and lime punch were served. Tables were rearranged for bridge and at the count of tallies It was revealed Mrs. E R. Harris held high score and Miss. Pauline Mauney low score, each were pre sented attractive prizes. Miss Harris was remembered with an electric Iron from the hostess and Miss Patty Neisler. bride-elect 'of October, was given salt and pepper shakers In her selected pattern. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. E. B. Harris, mother of the bride, from Jacksonville. Ela., Miss Ann Stroud. Falson, N. C.. Miss Nat halie Ramsaur. Eujlerton. Penn. and Miss Sue Ruddock of Char lotte. Mrs. Y. F. Throneburg Fetes La Fete Club Mrs. Y. P. Throneburg deKr^* fully entertained members of the La Fete Rook club at her attrac tive apartment on Piedmont Ave; Tuesday night. Giant dahlias, asters, roses and red sage were used in pleasing arrangements in the rooms. Rook was played in progressions with score prhrcs awarded to Mrs. E. T. Plott, high and Mrs. R. D. Go forth, runner up for second high. Tables were appointed for re freshments and when all arrived a salad and sweet course was served. The meeting was planned to celebrate the birthday anniver sary of one of the members, Mrs. C. A. Goforfh. The club remem bered her with a gift. Mr. ahd Mrs. Oliver Ramsaur and Miss Nathalie Rariisaur of AUentown. I'enn. are visiting Mr. Kamsaur's sister. Mrs. Paul Man ney ami f '.mily. ? . Mis-- Sara Kiinaid will be one of the, models in a fashion show to be presented at the Woman's Club in Gastonia Thursday night, - o - Mr. and Mrs. I-'. C, Ware and son, Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Mar ritt .Phifer and children, Patilet ta and Jean have feturned from a visit with Dr. ami Mrs. J. O Ware in Fayjpteville. , Ark. tit Z.MOS & SON .... Back - to - School BARGAINS Boys B-Oi. Dritlum Dungrarees ,? SIZE 3-1 6.1$ ' * Boy ? Broadcloth and Gabardine T-Shirts ?oy ? UK C-lt E-Z Shorts OtJ? Broadcloth Shorts sac ?cnr t [HirllM Jackets $7.95 * $9.95 CIHL S SCHOOL Dresses Slips Panties Socks H? Shipment lADirs dak hiveb Print Dresses Comin? Soon To S*K1 A? $1.98 ? $4.98 ? $5.98 A m o s < 413 N. Piedmont Ave, Tt;ej hone 32SW PERSONALS Miss Jean Davis visited in Lex ington and Durham last week. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Davis last week were a sister, Mrs. J. W. Stevens, Mr. Stevens, Mrs. Boyd Stevens and Boyd, Jr. of Lavona, Ga. < * M", and Mrs. B. T. Wright. Jr. spent Sunday In Winston-Salem with Mr. and Mrs. Smyre Wil liams, -Jr. Mrs. B. T. Wright, Jr. spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Ashe: ville going especially to sing at an assoclational meeting at the First Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Emily Houston and daughters. Emily and Susan of Blakely, Ga., are visiting Mrs. Houston's mother, Mrs. Laura Mc Gill and other relatives. Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Patrick re turned Saturday from a week at Montrieat, Rev. Patrick returned Monday to spend this week there. George Thomasson of Durham was a guest over the weekend of | his mother, Mrs. Charlie Thomas son. Miss Elaine Chance left Char lotte by plane Saturday for .ler home in Jacksonville, Fla. after a month's visit with her aunt, Mrs. Charlie Thomasson. Mrs. B. N. Moore of York Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Lae key and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rlcketts and Miss Edna Ricketts, of Mi ami, Fla., have been visiting for] the past week at the home of W. L. Plonk and Mrs. Mary Lovejl. Little Marjorie Cook, of Clover, S, C., has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Wea ver. Mrs. Robert Lewis, and chil dren. of North Wiikesboro, are | visiting Mrs. Lewis' mother, Mrs. | J. O. Plonk. Peggy and Tommy Black spent j last Week In Chester, S. C. with relatives. Miss Barbara Grantham goes to Winston Salem Sunday to at tend the wedding of a college | mate. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Arndt and Walter Arndt of Cleveland, Ohio Were recent guests of Mrs. Ar> ndt's mother, Mrs. L. O. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Raymond and family of Miami, Fla., have returned home after a visit with Mrs. Alice Jones and Mrs. L. O. Welch. A. C. Deliinger and Noel Web ster nave returned from a two weeks vacation in Key West and other points of interest in Florida. ] Bill Davis and son Michael and Tom Knowell of Albany, Ga. ar rived by plane to spend the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis. Guests during the weekend of Miss Gienda Honeyeutt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kin caid were Miss Janet Wilson of Pensacola, Fla., now W. M. U. field representative for the State of- North Carolina, apd Rev, Paul Miller of Atlanta, Ga. : Mrs; P. D. Patrick. Mrs. Bill ! Merritt and two sons leave Tues day for a ten day visit in South (Carolina visiting the Paul Pa 1 trick's in Charleston. Mrs. Pa li trick will visit in Florence and Ma rion, Mrs. Merritt will visit the Mcrritts in Mullins. Mrs. Claude Caricl and daugh . ters. Jane and Betty, have return-, i ed to their home in Roanoke after a visit with Mrs. Bill Merritt at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Patrick. ? o ? Miss Blenda Honeycutt, DRE of the First Baptist Church dur ing the summer, leaves Friday to resume her studies at the Bap tist Seminary at Louisville. Ky. She will be accompanied by her parents, and Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. Kincaid. Mr. and Mrs. M A. Ware, Mof. fait Ware, Joe Ware. Mrs. Paul Monty, Miss Kitty Monty of Char lotte. Mrs. J. T. Loesch and son Johnnie of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monty and daugh ter: Kathy of Clemson College spent the weekertd at Ocean Drive Beach. ? . Miss Edith Arthur from Tryon, N. C. is visiting in the home of her brother, J. H. Arthur. Mrs. Wayne Church is spending two weeks with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Teague while Mr. Church completes his course at summer school. Mr. Church will be principal of the Bessemer City High School this year. Miss Nancy Jo Everhart from Thomasvllle. N. C., former room mate of Miss Peggy Arthur at W. C. U. N. C., was an overnight guest of Miss Arthur's Tuesday coming especially to attend the party given by Mrs. Jimmy Spi vey and Mrs. George Tolleson. Miss Jan Batts from Waynes ! boro. Va. aqd Miss Katherine j Windtey from Henderson, N. C. I were overnight gues's of Miss i Peppy Arthur Friday: they were r-.ere for the Harrii-Sumrell wed which took place Saturday. OPPORTUNITY DAYS SAVINGS! rics 46-in. and 52-in. Drapery MATERIAL plaids, solids, values to SI. 50 Opp. Days Onlyl 49c & 59c yd. 36-in. wide CHINTZ and PLASTIC Floral designs 49c yd. 80-square Topmost PRINTS. GINGHAMS Opp. Days Only 44c yd. Reg. 39c Value PRINTS. CHAMBRAYS checks, solids, fast-color Opportunity Days Only! 29c Reg. 59c and 69c PIQUES Waffle, finewale, in figu es, solids, all colors. , Opp. Days Only! 48c yd. ALL LADIES* Summer Shoes l-2Price 36 IN.-WIDE Yard Goods ? Shantung ? Twills ' ? Others Water - damaged, but regular values to 50c yard. OPPORTUNITY DAYS SPECIAL RUGS 10 16 20 Rugs 2' x 4' white, purple -and -white Rugs 3' x 5' rose and- white Rugs 4' x 6' black-and-white, rose -and -white 79c $2.00 $2.99 TOWELS 20" x 40". ieg. 79c ...59c 14" x 28". reg. 48c 35c hand towels, matching bath towels. Matching Wash Cloths Regularly 25c values . 2 for 25c 20" x 40", reg 48c \ . 3 for $1 18" x 36". reg. 39c . 4 for $1 NYLONS Opp. Days Only! 79c One Big Table TAFFETAS Solid Colors Reg. 79c value Opp. Days Onlyl 50c yd. ONE TABLE MATERIALS Picolay Cloquey Cloth-of-Gold Values to $1 yd. 48c yd. Values to 48c yd. Lawns, Ratistes, Dotted Swiss Closeout 29c yd. Short Lengths Gabardines good colors, 46-in. wide. Opp. Days Only! 39c yd. Unhleached 81 -in. Seamless SHEETING a 69c value, during Opp. Days. SOcyd. Dotted and Plain Curtain Scrim 25c yd. ONE TABLE Socks 25c and 35c Values but slightly soiled 10c RUFFLED ORGANDY CURTAINS Permanent Finish! White. Pink. Blue Yellow. Green $2.79 ^ ***** *??????* A|S?oa|?44 wmw m* For Opportunity Days. Friday, Saturday. Monday, Shop