Church / kij CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH REV. P. I. SHORE. JR., Mlnliter Sunday t 10:0U Sunday School. 11:00- Morning Wnr*hl|> 6:00 Intermediate Youth Fellowship. 6:30 Senior Youth Fellowship. 7:Q0 Evening Worship. Wedne?day : 7:30 Prayer Service. (1:00 Choir Rehearsal. ? DAVID BAPTIST CHURCH W. 1.. MrSWAIN. Pant or Worship every first anil third Sunday morning* at 11:00; and every second and fourth Sunday evenings at 7:30. Sunday School evpr Sunday morning at 9:45. ' " Dale. Vollbracht. Supt. II T. U every Sunday evening at 6:30 Mra. Toye GrtKK. <3. n. Church Pamlly Night Wednesday evening* after each first and third Sundays. Choir practice each Wednesday night at 7 00. The laird's Supper on each Blh Sunday As Mosen snld to llobab. "Come thou with us. and we will do thee good." ALLEN MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH W. U MrSWAIN. Pus I or Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10:00. Forest Porter.berry, Supt. Worship each aecond and fourth Sunday morning at 11:00, worship each first and third Sunday evening at 7:30. B. T. U. each Sunday evening at 6:30. .? Albert Hardin. Q. D. Choir practice each Thursday evening at 7:00. "For w<- are laborers together with God" ? Paul. MID VIEW. BAPTIST CHURCH (Near Morrison Airport) KEV. JAMES (BUD) WILLIAMS. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 Supt. Herbert Boheler Morning Worship 11 :00 Evangelist service 7 M . Saturday evening service 7:30. SECOND WESLEY AN METHODIST Yancey H. Carter, Minister Sunday Schaol 9:45. Morning Worship 11:00. W. Y. W. S. 6:30, Y. M W. B 6:30. Evangelistic service 7:30. Prayer meeting Wedneaday eveain* 1 :80. PIN ST CHURCH OP THE HASAAENS Rev. C. K MrKlnzte. Pastor Sunday School: 9:45 a. m. Wesley Moaa. Supt. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. Junior Society at 6:00 p. m. Mra. Jamca Holln. Director. Young People's Society at 6:00 p. m. ?lord on Whiteside*. President. Evangelistic Services at 7:00 p. m BETHLEHEM BAPTIST Morning Service 11:00 a. m. Sunday School each Sunday at 10 . m CHURCH OF OOD Corner of Parker and (last on Rev. Glenn G Kaaom. Pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m. Night Bervtcs 7: p. m. Saturday night YPE 7pm .Everyone Invited to attend VIBmi PRIMITIVE CHURCH Cider E H Simpson. Pastor Preaching Servtoea: Flrat Sunday '2 p. m. Third Sundays 11 a m Praysr meeting 7:30 p m. MACEDONIA BAPTIST Rev. Robert L llaidtn. I'astnr Sunday? 9:43 Sunday School. 11 00 Miming Worship. 6 00 p. m. II T If. 7 :00 p. m. Preaching service Wednesday? 7 .00 Midweek prayer service TEMPLE BAPTIST DAVID N, MOKRIS, Pastor Corner of Canslsr A Pulton Sunday School 9:43 a. tn. a T 0 fl 00 P. m. P*'*r \nryy DlfectnT. Evening Worship 7 :00 p m Midweek Pray?r Service Wed. 8 45 p m v tatntv welcome, Sain I'hllHpn. SwpU Worahtp Svrvte* 11:00 n rn I BOYCE MEMORIAL A. R. P. CHURCH Kin* and Piedmont Ave. WILLIAM U PRBHLY. Minister Church School 10 a. m. . ? John Cheshire. Supt. Morning Service lla m. The subject for the morning hour I* "Reatoral of Klvlnl". The New Life Move ment will be formally started at Ihe morn-, tag hour. All member* are urged to be r???nt nn.l vlfcltor* are welcomed, letting* In afternoon: r ' Juniors an<l Intermediate* at 2:30 Young People at (1:30 at the home of Mr. nnd Mr*. Paul Ham. I Woman'* Missionary Society at J:30. Elders at 3:30 Ip Session Room tH-acon* at 3:30 >n Education Build In,; Monday: -Cub Scout* meet at the church. Wednesday: Prayer meeting at 7:30. Choir Practice at 8 <00. Come, and worship with us.. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wednesday. Oct. 29: 7:.'*) p, m Choir Practice. '? ThUrcday. Ofct. 30: 10:00 a m. Prayer meeting at the home of Mr* C. I> Rlanton 3:15 p. m. Brownie Scout*. Friday. Oct. 31: 10:00 a. m. Prayer meeting at the home iof Mr*. P. n. Patrick. Sunday. Nov. 2: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Mr. Harry Page. aupt. . 11:00 a m. Morning Wor*hlp. 5:30 p. m. Pioneer Fellowship 6:30 p. m. Senior High Fellowship. .7:30 -p. m. Evening Worship. Monday. Nov, 3: ' ... .."?!? 3:30 p. m. Cub Scout*. p. m. Circle 5 Mrs. C. E. Nelalrr. (7:30 p. m Hoy Scout* Circle. 1 ? Mr* R. D. Arrowood. Circle J - Mr* P. M. Nel*ler. Sr Circle 3 -Mr*. Booth W. Gillespie Circle 4 ? Mr*. P G. Padgett Circle 6 Mrs. W. D. Sawyer. grace mtthodist C. L. GRANT. Paator Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Youth Fellowship 6:00 p. nv Evangelistic Service 7:00 p. m. Wednesday Evening Prayer Service 7.00 Thursday Evening Choir Practice 7 :00. Friday Evening Cottage Prayer Service You are Invited and we will Da delighted tm. PARK ORACH CHURCH OF THB NAXARENK Rev. Ray ChUdara. Paator Sunday School 10:00. Supt., Raymond Gregory. Morning Worahlp 11:00. Young People1* service 8:80 Herman Ruff, prealdent. Evangelistic service 7:30. Midweek prayer service Wednesday ?rvrnlng at 7.30 Radio program: "Shower* of Blessings", each Sunday morning at 9 a. m. arm WGNC, Oast on la. PFJfLEYS CHAPEL Bev R U Fort) Is Pastor Sunday 7.00 p. m Evening Seivka. EAST* IDE BAPTIST CHURCH KEV. H. U CHENEY, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 Sunday School. 7:30 Evening Worahlp. 11 :00 Morning Worship. Wednesday : 7:30 Prayer Meeting WESTOVER BAPTIST CHURCH KEV N S IIARDIM. Pastor 9:15 Sunday School. 11,00 Morning Worship 2nd and 4th Sun day*. ? 7 00 Evening Worship l*t and Ird Sun .days. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH MISSION Corner of Dllllng St.. and Railroad Ave. H. C. W RIGHT, Supt. lunday: 9:45 Sunday School ? 11:00 Morning Service 6:15 B. T. U. 7:30 Prayer Meeting Wednesday : 7:30 Prayer Meeting SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH REV. R F. AUSTIN. Pastor Sunday: 8 45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Service 0 15 B T. IJ 7:50 Prayer Meeting Wednesday : 7 30 Prayer meeting ran wuucta* mzthooist w ruioc fjfL*- School EAV.Iffl'"* * 7:1ft V. m. Ev*ngallaUe " 7:1ft p. m. ?or Seoata. Troop a /i ??? p. m. Ctrl Scouts. 7:18 p. m. Prayer UMUnt. MXTBODVT _ orm HH hr BL Bpwgsuu Benign, Pi ?lags Mountain, n c. Softool: 9:45 a. m. tw ill Supc _ ? Oumaa, Ant. SupC MarnlngWorshlp: 11 :00 a. m. Young Paoptra Society: S.30 p. Thursday ? mcvktaiw tow baptist Kev. noyd Roller, Putor Frank Davis. Supt. cm*4?i Mountain Community Sunday? 10:00 .Sunday Srnool. 11.00 Morning Soviet. 7 SO Evening Service. OJtX OMOVK BAPTIST . a*r. c. C Crow a. Putor Sunday*: 10 a. m. Sunday Softool kJL ?? ,Mornln? "Trtet C third Sundays). ?M P. m. BTU. i 7:30 p. bl Cmlw fourth Nadayt). CABSOM'B CHAPTL Oowdera MIA. V. WAYIOt K1RT, Pastor Sunday: Sunday Schaol 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. evangelistic Service 7:30 p. m. Saturday: Young People' ? Service 8:00 p. BL ? Independents, Kegs Post Bowling Wins The Independents and the Keg., lers went ahead In the standings j of the Kings Mountain Bowling League with victories Monday ' night, . *? Both now have records of four | wins, three losses, with the Pin i Boys and the Alley Cats trailing | with 3-4 records. Arrowood's 321 set with a 121 high line wasn't enough as the Independents dumped his Pin Boys by five pins, 1412 to 1407. Carpenter paced the winners with a 317 set. Clark led the Keglers to a smashing 1449 ? 1371 verdict over the Cats,' posting a 124 high line| and a 328 high set. Ware had 307 for the losers. The scores: Pin Roys (1407) Independents (1412) Morrison 288 Braofcett 270 | Enrlcy 269 Carpenter 317 Housor 255 Phlfer 303 Wright 274 Kerclah 240 Arrowood 321 Everhart 282 Allay Cat,. <1171) Keflex (1449) Wore 307 Clark 328 Bluer 255 Jonas 277 Ha'mrlck 257 Kelly 273 I Gamble 282 Wilson 302 I Howell . . 270 Logan j MfMeViT? SELL IT THRU THE HERALD WANT ADS Sterchi s will be Closed ? ? ? " , ? ' ' ? " ? " ? ' ' * ? NOVEMBER 4 UNTIL NOON TO GIVE ^/ERY EMPLOYE AN OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE AND ALL EMPLOYES ARE BEING URGED TO EXERCISE THIS PRIVILEGE .There are too many non-voters who neglect to vote because il ,?v do not like either candidate. This is an ento^onal in dulgence winch ho, one can afford in everyday Hie. If A Man Needs A Job and Has Only Two Offers, He Will Take One of Them Kven Though Neither Is Exactly What He Wants. The fact that we have a choice of candidates is reason enough to exercise the right and privilege of voting. If the time ever comes whefi there is no choice of candi lates. democracy will have ceased to'exist We urge vou to help "KEF.PTHE RIGHT TO CHOOSE '? vote, your choice -but VOTE. IT COSTS LESS AT - ? # TIE SOITI'S LAMEST M*l MIIIIMIS PHONE 348 KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. ?91. V WEAtHER SPiCf AlS I ? ? ' * " ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 t _ L / _ v/ ? ? | " ? j ? ? ? ? 't ? ' r t t f TTrrp T rF'F n'F t WIWfWFWW Men's Ecru UNION SUITS short sleeves, ankle-length $1.49 value Weekend Onlyl $1.19 Regular 58c One Lot Boys' Sweateis Regular $2.95 values $2.19 New Shipment Just In DRESS SHOES for men and boys $195 to $6.95 Sewell Fall SPORT COATS all patterns, styles, colors $19.95 Men's T only 48c Cotton Knit WORK SOCKS '? . . *-*' ? ? "' V'- * ? 4 t*" y ' heavyweight, regular 25c value 5 lor $1 Big Dad's All Sizes High and Low Backs OVERALLS Just Received Men's DRESS PANTS Flannels, worsteds, gabardines $6.95 to $11.95 Men's UNDERSHIRTS Regular 48c 39c ?sf-% ' ? ' ? * ; * ? . Boy's Long-Sleeve T-SHIRTS Novelty patterns, football and sports emblems, reg. SI. 49 Weekend Only . , . . $1.19 The Dobbs "NEW YORKER" Hats for Men $7.50 Hopldns $5.00 Boys' Flannel Shirts Plaids/ checks sizes 8 to 18 $1.98 Students'. Men's Corduroy Pants Reg. $8.95 to $10.95. sizes 27 to 34/ snugtex waistband, brown, maroon, green, nut. Closeont $199 Extra Special! . Nationally - advertised DRESS SHIRTS Whites, made from 16-count broadcloth, sizes 14 to 17 $148 Sewell's New FALL SUITS Men. all sizes, colors, stylee. only $2195 Long-Sleeved UNION SUITS By Monarch, winter weight, all sizes $1.98 CNE RACK LADIES' RAYON DRESSES SPECIAL! Colored Sheets Pillow Cases First quality, in rose, arppn pink, blue, yellow. 81 x 99 Sheets, each ..... . 42x36 MJfif PILLOW SLIPS, ea. 43c Unbleached Seamless SHEETING 81 -in. wide SPECIALI 50c yd. 81 -in. Bleached SHEETING Seamless, tyue 140 Extra Special! 89c yd. SIZE 38 TO 44 $2.98 nylon hose SPECIAL! 79c / Nylonized HALF-SLIPS all sizes 49c each Table Fast-Color PRINTS Chambrays. stripes, checks 29c yd. Permanent Finish Organdy Curtains White, yellow, blue. pink, green. Size 42 x 86. $2.79 Children'* Print Dresses Fast colors Sizes 1 to 3 $1.19 BIG TABLE LADIES SHOES Ladies' Cotton HALF-SLIPS Eyelet trimmed/ first quality 79c Rockabye OUTING Florals and nursery patterns, regular 58c value. 49c yd. 18 x 36 TOWELS Reg. 39c v6lue SPECIAL! 25c each Children's. int Dresses Fast colors. Sizes 4 to 12 51.98 Asst. colors, sizes Values to 56.95 CLOSEOUT .. $1.00 Children's Cotton Panties White, colored, sizes 2 SPECIAL! 8 for $1 One Table Striped Outing 36-in. wide 25c yd. ^"gle-bed Size c?tton Blankets SPECIAL! . $U9 Southdown ??lseye Diapers Extra Special! $1-99 dot IT* ?" <iZU\ ?/

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