CELEBRATES FIRHT BIRTH - DAY ~ Little Debbie /Inn PagO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page of Cherry ville, granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Spencer . of Kingn Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Page of Cherryville celebrated her first birthday Wed nesday, October 29. Boyce Memorial YPC Have . Weiner Roast, Hay Ride The YPC of Boyce Memorial ARP Church met at the church last Tuesday afternoon and went on a hay ride, arriving later at Logan Springs where a weiner roast with all the trimmings was enjoyed. Marsbmellows were roasted as the group sat around ? the fire, and told of interesting ahd 'fuiiny experiences, _ Those enjoying the affair were Shirley W'iiitaker. Jerry Smith, Jerry MeCarter, Patrica Short, Don McCarter, iiutchy Houser, Shirley ? Ware, Rannie Arnette, Gary Allran, Jackie Arnette, George Harris. Pr i-y Malcolm, HUlie Mahry, .Rev, and Mrs. VV. L^Pressly, Mr. and Mrs. W. U McMackin. and Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul Ham. Miss Bobbie Grantham and "Little Sister" Marie Hob In son of Great Neck.- Long Island, stu dents at Guilford' college, were 'guests during the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. VV: G. Grantham. Drive Up Here .... Leave Your Car We love cars , . .we treat 'em light. That's why you never need worry when you leave your car with us for lubrica tion, oil change, tire rotution, car cleaning, etc. Remember, for better service and superior auto products, drive up right here! Our Care Will Make iSx. Your ? Car last longer CENTER SERVICE Corner Mountain and Battleground Phone 62 Social Calendar Thursday. ~ ^T" " 2: 45- Ace of Clubs meets with Mrs. Amos Dean at the c? ? - ciub. ; 8:00 -i-win Table Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Claude Hambrlght. Saturday : 7:30? Club Night at Country Monday : 3:30? Circle No. 5 of the Pr.es byterlan Church meets 7- in ^ Mx?- C E' Nelslor. ] 7.30 - Circle No. 1 meets with j Mrs. R. D. Arrowood. Circle No. 2 with Mrs. Paul Nelsjer. V j Circle No. 3 wjth Mrs. Booth Gillespie. Circle No. 4 with Mrs. Philip Padgett! Circle No. 6 with Mrs. W. D. Sawyer. Tuesday: 3:30? Home Arts Club meets with lyilss Elizabeth An* thony. 7:30 -Bid and Bye Club meets with Miss Bernlce Harri son. 7:30- La Fete Rook Club meets ? nn ^Uh Mrs" H- R parton. 8.00 Queen of Clubs meets with Mrs. Don Carpenter at her home In Bessemer City. Wednesday. 3:30? DAK meets with Mrs. C. E. Neisler at the Coun try Club. Thursday, Nov. 6: 3 : 30 -Thursday Afternoon Book Club meets with u-i Mrs. John Plonk. 3:00 Mrs. J. C. Smathers, Mrs. C. W. Mauney and Mrs. B. B. Speidel are enter taining with bridge at the Country Club. 7:45 Monthly Duplicate Brid ge gamo at the Country Club. * Friday. Xov. 7: Mrs. Snytthers; Mrs. Mauney and Mrs. Speidel are entertaining with bridge at the Country dub. / . 3:30 JUagnolia Garden Club meets with Mrs. David Neiil. F rutin/: 7:3r> Council of Church YV<S men and the Woman's .Club will have a combin ?'<! meeting at the Presby teri-an Church,. S:'K) Mrs. Smathers, Mrs. Man , ney and Mrs. Speidel are entertaining with bridge at the Country Club. Bridge Party Honoring Mrs. Nelson Bridges One ?>! the- prettiest parties of the week was given Tuesday af ternooh hy Mrs (J. K. Bridges and Mrs j. <\ Bridges at the t'oiintr> ciut.. .The party was planned a s a courtesy t ?? Mrs. Nelson Bridges, a recent bride, and guest of t h e hostesses, Five tables were placed for bridge in the private dining room which was decorated with yellow and white chrysanthe mums and lruit. One very strik ing arr.in^eruent was achieved with white ehrysanthemifms and sea, grass in a silver container. Back of (his were silver candle sticks with White candles The corniteopia with thrt fruits and randies also made an entrain ing picture Mrs J. B. Simpson- received high -score |*i/e. Mrs BilUe Ful ton was. runner-up for second high Tiu* floating prize going to Mr> Rudy Sehenk. At the conclusion of the gam es the hostesses served a salad plate with coffee. A sweet cour se was passed; Out of town guests were Mrs SWienk. gliest of her parents Mr and Mrs. G Bridges and ?Mrs. Jackie Gamble i>f Svlacau g.?. Ala guest of Mrs J N. Gam OlO. LATE CLASSIFIEDS WANTED ? Television and Ra <Ho repairman Apply i? p,.r son to Hatha London Televis ion Center, Shelby.- \*. v- or ealj Shelby ??ItW 1. 10:3<Y i VOTE TUESDAY | Foi The Candidate Of Youi Choice This Bank Will Observe Tuesday, November 4th I ' . .. . . As a Holiday ii First National Bank Member F D I C ENOAOEMENT ANNOUNCED ? Mr. and Mra. Arnold W. Kincaid announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Mae, to Bobby Ray Bush of Gardner -Webb College, ~son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jackson Bush of Summerville, Oa. The wedding date is set for De cember B7th. Miss Helen Hay Entertains Her Bridge Club Tuesday ' Miss Helen Hay was gracious hostess to members of the Tues day night bridge club this week dt her home on Gaston Street. The guests were seated at small tables scattered through the living and dining rooms, where special at tention was directed to vivid ar rangements of mixed autumn flo wers and leaves. Covers Were laid, on arrival of the guests. Miss Hay served a chicken salad course with coffee, and also a sweet course. Several progressions of bridge wct'e enjoyed throughout the evening and when tallies vere counted, prizes were awarded the winners. Mrs. Hugh Ormand proved to be the high scorer, Mrs. E. E. Smith received low score award. Guests present for the social oc casion, other than club members were Mrs. James Anthony and Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Kings Mountain Garden Club To Sponsor Sale Of Shrubs Members of the Kings Moun tain Garden. Club arc sponsoring a sale of plants from the Mc Queen's Nurseries of Whiteville, N. C. on Thursday and Friday, October 30 arid 31. The truck will be on the corner of West Mountain and Cansler Streets and will offer for sale a complete line of azaleas, camelli as, roses, evergreens, flowering trees and shtuibs. The Nursery is a member of the N. :C\ Nursery association and the stock has all been state in ?spected. Eastern Star To Sponsor Pansy Platil Sale Here Members of the local Eastern Star Chapter are sponsoring the sale, ef pansy plants. Anyone de siring plants call one of the mem- I l>ers or BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Frank Rhodes announce the birth of a >-oh, Wiiiiam Todd, October 22, Kings Mountain Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Dix on annonce the birth of a son, I Friday. October 24, Shelby Hos pltal. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Palmer, Route 2. announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, October 26, Shelby Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis of Albany, Ga. announce the birth of .1 daughter, Monday October 27. Albany Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nicadenus Bolin announce the birth of ? a son, Marvin Dean Tuesday, October 2X, Kings Mountain Hospital. I Mrs. H. R. Hunnicytt and Mrs P.iui Peterson- were Charlotte ' visitors Tuesday.. Mrs. Peterson j *vill spend a few days in Char ; lotto before returning to her ! home in Augusta. PERSONALS Mrs. E. C. Brandon of Burling ton was a guest during the week-' end of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mayes. Miss Hilda King, student at Furman University, was a guest over the weekend of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E .R. Harding of Guilford College are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. G Gran tham and Mr. Grantham. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petty and daughter, Patricia, Mrs. G. B. Petty, Sr., of Columbia, Mrs John Sandlfer and daughter, Beverly, of York. Misses Janny- Mae and Ed Mo na Carothers of Gastonia were Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bobbitt of Linwood Road. Miss Kitty Sutton Teaches Mission Course On Africa Miss Kitty Sutton has lust com pleted teaching a series of studies at Central Methodist Church on Africa. ? ? The collections taken during the week of prayer and self denial will go for the work in Africa. Members of the WSCS will help with the contributions. One mem ber of the class stated the lessons had been most interesting and instructive and she felt the Dark Continent of Africa should profit by the work being conducted there. . l Final Service Held In Present Building St. Matthew's Lutheran church will worship in i-ie Sunday School auditorium Sunday morning at 11 o'clock," The old stage has been rebuilt into a proper chancel, which will accomodate the altar, pulpit, lec tern and can be arranged for Communion. The chancel and ceil inp have been painted. Two class I'ooms have been fitted for choir rooms, with some radiators chan ged. The room will provide an ac ceptable chapel for worship for a year, while a new building is con structed. Last Sunday an impressive ser vice was held with a large con gregation in attendance, when thanKsgiving was offered for the 75-year old building and all those who have worshipped in it. The sacred vessels were carried in procession to the chapel, which was blessed with solemn <ltual. On Sunday Reformation Day will be observed in sermon and music, commemorating the begin ning of t lie Protestant movement. The Lord's Supper will be offered after the flose oi the regular wor ship service. At 7:30 in the ever.^ g the Pas tor will again speak on Africa. Light iunch will be served at Luther League at 6 o'clock. "B" Team Game Set For Stadium Monday Kings Mountain high school's "B" football team is slated to hit Cherryville's "Jr. Ironmen" here at City Stadium Monday after noon at 4 o'clock. The two teams battled at Cher ryville last Thursday afternoon, Cherryville coming out on top of a stiff defensive battle 7-0. The winners score came In the final 40 seconds after Kings Mountain suffered a .series of losses to put the ball on their one yard line with Cherryvilie in pos session. Beginning a series at about midfield, the Little Mountaineers lost 30 yard* in three plays and a fourth down center snap on a punt try was bad, Kings Mountain recovering on the one to set up the tally. Kings Mountain s "Bees" dTop^ ped a two game series to Lincoln ton earlier In the season. Legion To Meet i Next Thursday Members of the Kings Moun tain National Guard company will present the program at the regu lar November meeting of Otis D. Green Post 155, the American Legion, to be held at the Legion hall Thursday, November 6, at 7:30 p. m. The meeting night was chang ed from Friday to avoid conflict with the Kings Mountain ? Shelby high school football game, sche duled for the Shelby park on No vember 7. National Guardsmen from the local company, Headquarters & Headquarters Co., 3rd Battalion, 120th Infantry Regiment, will de monstrate and display new Items bf equi; ment, including a fluid drive two-and-onerhalf ton truck. All members of the organiza tion are being urged to attend the meeting and to bring a for mer member or prospective mem ber as a guest. Regular monthly meeting- of the post's executive committee will be held at the Lfeglon Hall on Monday night at 7:30 p. m.? Commander Sam Collinft has an nounced. Two Cars Collide On King St. Monday None was Injured in the acci dent fwhich occurred Monday morning at 6 o'clock on King Street, according to a report by city police department. According to the report, James Gann of route" 1 was traveling north on Highway 161 crossing at the intersection of Highways 29 and 74. Valmore J. Forgett of Clemson, S. C. was.traveling west on Highway 29 and 74 going through the intersection of 161. The vehicle driven by Forgett col lided with the right rear fender of the Gann vehicle. Officer VV. G. Ellison Investi gated the accident. Church To Hold Sale At Friendship Club A hot dog, hamburger, cake, and pie sale sponsored by Second Baptist church will be conducted Friday, October 31 at the Friend ship Club House on Piedmont Avenue. The sale begins at 9:30 a. yi, and will continue throughout the day, a spokesman for the group staid in making the announce ment. . , .. ? _ .. ? iniwW? AREA STUDENTS AT QUEENS ? Mi** Suzanne Arrowood. front row right of Bessemer City, and Miss Nan Jean Gantt. back left, of Kings Mountain, are students at Queens College. Miss Jeanene H oilman, not shown, is another student at Queens from Kings Mountain. Others in the picture are. front left to right Miss Syndor Patrick. Belmont, and Miss A no wood; back. Miss Gantt. Miss Sylvia Stuart. Shelby, and Miss Joanna Adams. Gastonia. Carrigan Residence Damaged By Fire City firemen answered three fire alarms this week according to a report by Chief Grady King of the city fire department Wed nesday morning. Friday night at 9:45 o'clock city firemen answered a call at the Booth Carrigan home on Grace street. Cause of the fire was not determined and damage to the residence was extensive, Chief King said. The fire start ed in the kitchen of the home. Saturday night at 10:30 o'clock a blaze was extinguished in a rail box car in front of the B. & B Soda Shop. No damage was re ported. Wednesday morning at 8:05 o' clock, firemen answered a call to Murray's Grocery store on Stone street, off Cleveland aven ue. Smoke damage to the store was reported. ,*11 . . Colored News DAVIDSON HIGH SCHOOL The first and second grades are asking everyone to be present at their play Thursday night, Oct. 30. The playlet is centered around Hallowe'en, Miss Gidney and Miss McCleod are sponsors of the play. The admission is: Adults 25c, Children 15c. "There will be a Hallowe'en par NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REGISTRATION in the CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN. NORTH CAROLINA A special bond election will be held between 6:30 A. M. and 6:30 ] P. M., Eastern Standard Time, Saturday, December 6, 1952, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Kings | Mountain the following question: Shall an ordinance passed on October 8, 1952, authorizing not exceeding $600,000 Sanitary Se wer Bonds of the City of Kings Mountain fob the purpose of providing funds for enlarging and extending the sanitary sewer system of said City, includihg the construction of sewage treatment plants and a pumping station, the installation of additional sewer mains and lines, and the acquisition of necessary lands and rights of way, and a tax for said be' approved? The question hereinabove set forth contains a statement of the purpose for which the bonds are authorized by the ordinance referred to in such question. If said bands are issued, a tax will be levied for the payment of the principal* and interest thereof on all taxable property in the City of Kings Mountain. For said election the regular registration books for elections in said City will be used and such books will be open for the registration of voters not theretofore registered from 9 A. M. untii sunset on each day beginning Saturday, November 8, 1952, and cloising Saturday. November 22, 1952. On each Saturday during said period said books will remain open at the polling places, Saturday, November 29, 1952, Is Challenge Day. The polling places and the names of the election o'flcers, subject to change as provided by law, are as follows: WARD POLLING PLACE REGISTRAR JUDGES I City Hall C. L., Black M.L.Harmon Mrs. J. G. Layton II City Hall Mrs. H. R. Parfon Mrs. P. D. Herndon Mrs. Ruth Thomasson III Phenix Store Mrs. Ruth Bowers Mack Murry Rochel Connor IV Kings Mountain Paul Leuford O. T. Hayes Mfg. Club Room Floyd Williams V Victory Chev. Co. Mrs. J. T. McGinnls, Jr.C. C. Wilson ? Arthur Barrett By order of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Kings Mountain. J. R. HENDRICK City Clerk and Treasuf?r OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL BOND ELECTION CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA ?December 6, 1952 INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote "YES" make a cross (X) mark In the square to the right of the word "YES". 2. To vote "NO" make a cross (X) mark In the square to the right of the word "NO". 3. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it, and get another. Shall an ordinance passed on October 8, 1952, authorizing not exceeding $600,000 Sanitary Sewer Bonds of the City of Kings Mountain YES (~) for the purpose of providing funds for en larging and extending the sanitary sewer system of said City, Including the construc tion of sewage treatment plants and a pump tag station; the installation of Additional NO [_J sewer mains and lines, and the acquisition* of necessary lands and rights of way, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? J. R. HENDRICK 0-29-N-6 City Clerk and Treasurer ty Friday night, October 31, 1952 at Davidson School. The public is invited to attend. A prize will I be given to the funniest dressed! person. Admission will be: Adults 15c and Children 10c. SCOUT NEWS Sunday, November 2, 1952 ends our Girl Scout Drive. All Scouts are asked to dress in uniforms Thursday night and also Sunday. Sunday afternoon all Scouts and leaders will attend the program Community Day ToBeObseived World Community Day will be observed in Kings Mountain, un der sponsorship of the Kings Mountain Council of Churchwo men, on Friday, November 7, with a service at 7:30 p. m. at First Presbyterian church. Theme of the 1952 observance is "Building Lasting Peace". First observed, in 1943, the pur pose of the observance is 1) to define Christian responsibility to international relations; 2) to liv terpet world community in term* of today's situations; and 3) to help churchwomen to understand the United Nations and to sup port it as an organization through which all mankind can work to gether toward a just and lasting world peace". Each year material aid tor needy peoples Is asked, and the Items of clothing particularly de sired this year are good used clothing for Infants and children up to the age of six years. - An offering will also be taken at the service and is to be ear marked for supplying medicines and vitamins to under nourished children around the world. in Gastonia at the Highland School. The Davidson School choir, un der the leadership ot Miss Mo Cleod, will be on a program. All friends are asked to attend. The first successful beet sugar factory In the United States was built at Alvarado, California In 1879. Kings Mountain, North Carolina KINGS MOUNTAIN CITY SCHOOLS Cash Receipts and Disbursements Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1952 RECEIPTS A ? CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Cash Balance June 30, 1951 Cleveland County Special School Tax Veteran'* Training Program Child Feeding Program Refund Bible Teacher Refund Home Economics Teacher Income From School Property Miscellaneous Income Total Current Expense Fund B ? CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND Cash Balance June 30, 1951 Cleveland County Insurance. Reiunds Total Capital Outlay Fund C ? DEBT SERVICE FUND Cash Balance June 30, 1951 Cleveland County Total Debt Service Fund D ? SPECIAL BOND FUND Cash Balance June 30, 1951 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCES JUNE 30. 1952 KINGS MOUNTAIN CITY SCHOOLS Kings Mountain, North Carolina Condensed Statement CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1952 DISBURSEMENTS CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 7.875.10 32.401.49 2,843.28 13,749.83 8,221.39 2,756.96 2,100.50 368 28 16 25 26. 709.21 7,029.57 416.73 942.13 3,244.64 - i J 70.393.07 34.155.51 4.186. 77 83.391.91 J 192.127.26 55.935.80 J 136.191.46 General Control Instructional Service Operation of Plant Maintenance of Plant Fixed Charger Auxiliary Agencies Total Current Expense Fund CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND Old Buildings New Equipment Total Capital Outlay Fund DEBT SERVICE FUND Literary Fund Loan SPECIAL BOND FUND Fees and Other TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 2,016.86 21,592.63 998.34 6. 3.10.07 1,955... 39, 146 08 r9 995. 19 656.94 * 52.039 67 3,652.13 208 00 KINGS MOUNTAIN CITY SCHOOLS Kings Mountain, North Carolina Special School Funds CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1952 CENTRAL SCHOOL Cash Balance June 30. 1951 RECEIPTS; Lunch Room Athletics Student flubs and Activities Student Classes Student Store and Concessions Other Student Activities . TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: Lunch Room Athletics Student Clubs and Activities Student Classes Student Store and Concessions Other Student Activities Cash Balance June 30, 1952 DAVIDSON HIGH SCHOOL Cash Balance June 30, 1951 RECEIPTS: Lunch Room Student Activities' TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS. Lunch Student Activities Cash Balance June 30. 1952 EAST SCHOOL Cash Balance June 30, 1951 RECEIPTS: Lunch Room Student Activities v TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: ' Lunch Roon Student Activities Cash Balance June 30. 1952 16. 4, 3. ? ? 4. 3, 737 19 101.19 481.07 -3M.31 702.97 044 25 809 21 949.59 394.76 447 41 664 52 824.07 J 3,5*1.63 873. DO ? 3.780 91 863. 32 4,256.33 34,3;O.S8 a.r., 069. 56 229.37 .,4, '>5 13 .684.50 4,644.23 * 1.548.21 $ 5 378 24 ?">08t 6.239.05 * 7.787.26 <5,61X10 646.02 6.258 12 Caah Balance June 30, 1951 RECEIPTS : Rand and Band Uniforms Mental ? Stat' Hooks Classes School Run O^her Activities TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Band and Rand Uniforms Rental ? State Books CIIWW School Bus Other Activities Cash Balance June SO, 1S62 WEST SCHOOL i 1,729.45 Lunch Boom Student Activities TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: June 30. 1961 1,437.13 1.798.01 863.50 360 50 276.11 1.071 39 1,798.01 1077.06 m an 273.5 7 10,1? 56 478 09 10.153 78 452 73 4.73&.2S 6,464.70 '<.?42.9e * 67a. 13 10.043.03 * 11,310.00 >0,000.31 f,pr^i^Arrw,"wn' 36 00 55,935 SO J 38.577.31 t 3.487.75 40.27 KINGS MOUNTAIN CITY SCHOOLS Kings Mountain, North Carolina Special School Funds CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1952 KINGS MOUNTAIN GFmDED SCHOOLS 1.53a 14 3.131.74 97. .28:3 itaJ-i .. . . - c\ riilis. .???> .<

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