/{(<<{ t/ .J*. Mr*. P. D. Hemdon, Editor 1 Linda Darnell Stewart Celebrates Birthday Miss Linda Darnell Stewart was the inspiration of a party Saturday afternoon Riven by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .G T. Stew art at their home. The social e vent was honoring Miss Stewart on her eleventh birthday anni versary. Games were played through out the afternoon with prizes be ing awarded the winners. Mrs. Delbert Jackson and Miss Annie Mae Sellers assisted the" hostess in serving birthday .cake, cookies, delicate party sandwi ches and drinks. Those sharing the happy oc casion with the honoree were Gary Dean Stewart, Joyce Ann Childers, Brenda Jackson, Patsy Smith, DOrothy Bolin and Vickie Jackson. Mrs. Virginia Hamriclc Entertains With Party Mrs. Virginia Hamfick recent ly entertained a number of friends in Anderson, S. C. The af fair was planned as a surprise birthday party for her aunt, Mrs.j Ester Nodine, formerly of Kings ?Mountain. The homeof Mrs. Nodine was | gayly decorated with fall flow ers and many lighted candles. In the center of the large living room was a table holding the three tiered birthday cake .which was cut and served with coffee and punch. Dancing, singing and special piano music were used in enter ] taining. The honoree received many beautiful gift.s. vj^a, j irrTj'ffyfif||r;mi(Bl IWTIfWjPfWT ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ? Urn. John Edgar Garrett of Bur lington announces the engagementyof her daughter, Sarah Carolyn of Durham and Burlington to Dr. Ladd Watts Hamriek. Jr. of Dur ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hamriek of Boiling Springs. The rbedding will take place Janttary 3 at Front Street Methodist Church in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Hamriek t cere former citizens of Kings Mountain ' Thursday Boole Club Met With Mrs. J. O. Plonk The November meeting of the Thursday Afternoon Book Club was held with Mrs. J. O. Plonk We Pay For Wrecks.... That is if you're insured with us Consider your risks on the highways and what it would cost should you ?be. faced with paying for a serious accident. See us and get your car insurt % The Arthui Hay Agency ALL KINDS OF1NSURANCE Phone 182 . L * ? AT.. * at her home last week. Colorful arrangements of chrysanthe mums and dried seaweed were featured at vantage points around the party rooms. Mrs. J. E. Anthony, president, presided over the business meet ing, after the roll call and min utes of the previous meeting, the following 9fficers were elected for the ensuing year. Mrs. H. N. Moss, presideni; Mrs. P. G. Pad gett, vice-president; Mrs. J. G. Darracott, secretary; Mrs. L. P. Baker, treasurer. Two new books. "Queen Mary by Printess Hail and "The Woman With the Whip" by Marie Throes were voted on. Mrs. C. Q. Rhyne, program chairman. for the month present ed Miss Mary Mallard, who show ed several motion picture films PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W: F. Keeter and family of Landing Street moved last week to Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Miller of Burlington-were weekend guests of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Arthur. Henry Neisler and Mrs. Neisler of Camp Pickett, Va. spent the weekend with the for mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neisler. ? ? O ? ( " * '? Mrs. Tommie Tro' ' has return ed home after speiiuiug several days in Bennetsville, S. C. Kenneth Spencer, student at Stale College -spent the weekend with relatives in Kihgs Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridges and children were. Hickory visitors Sunday. ' ? . .*"? . ?-<? ? (?' ~ Mi*; .and Mrs. Harold Crawford and son, Hal, spent Sunday with friends in Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Henderson, Mrs. Pearl Mcintosh, Mrs. Vera Cash, Mrs. Boyce Ware and Mrs. Jake Hord visited Mr. L. L. Ben j son at Black Mountain Sunday. Lieut. John Fulton and Mrs. Fulton Of Ft Lee, Va. are spend ing two weeks with the former's ( parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deck Ful ton before reporting to Ft. De vens, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mauney and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finger and daughter toured, the mountains in Western Carolina Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Crosby and son, Steve, have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mauney, in Hyde Park, L. I. on their rpturn trip they visited friends in Baltimore and Washington. Mrs. Bobby Crawford left the first of November to join her husband in San Diago, Calif. Bobby L. Crawford who ha^ been in Korea for the last eight months arrived in California November 5th. and spoke on the Bible. Showing pictures from the first Greek translation on through the New King James version. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. O. Plonk, Jr., Mrs. M. L. Har mon and Miss May Plonk, served a salad and sweet course. Duplicate Bridge Club Met With Mrs. Abbott ' Mrs. L. E. Abbott was a delight ful bridge hostess on Monday af ternoon when her guests were members of the Duplicate Bridge Club and two additional guests, Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Jr^ and Mrs. Bruce Thorburn. Numerous arrangements of chrysanthemums were used in decorations. ? When scores were compared, Mrs. Frecl Plonk held high score for the afternoon with second high being split between Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Thorburn and Mrs. Haul I lend ricks. When cards were laid aside, the hostess served a salad course and col fee.' ..." ?' ' ' '? ; * si-lisruini: TO THE 1 !KI? AI .!> mesQ/nmm') ^ WANT ADS In the HERALD All America NEW Curve-Holding Ride ? New "Stabilizer" suspension cuts side-sway, tames curves, izi both the Coronet V Eight Sories and the Meadowbrook "Six" Series. u,u, new Sleek, Trim Action Styling? IWCrr Surging Power? Beneath Its Gives piore hip-room, head-room and rakish hood throba the mighty MO-h.p. elbow-room than ever. New Cargo Carrier Red Ram V-Eight engine . . . moat effl- rear de?k provide# up to 11 cubic feet dent engine design in any American car. more spece. TSrilk to the M'V N6W <?* . i * ^ m* ? ' ? . T Ik In city after city, town after town, record-breaking crowds are thronging Dodge dealer showrooms. Their enthusiastic response acclaims the *53 Dodge as the newest, nimblest piece of live action on- four wheels. Sptrific4rfjf*nt and ?q*Upmrnt lo ckanf* ttiihcui noiic <, A/qw/ Ntw 140-h.p. Med Mom V -Eight Engine. NtW Gyro-Torque Drive with "Scat" Gear. NfW Jet Air-flow Hood. NtW Pilot- V I* w Curved ? Windthleld. NfW Tro?ol- Lour, go Inferlort. ?? (^4 Great Drives |^) (^tOSparklirg Models! Action-Tailored to Your Driving Needs ROAD TEST 7%e y4cffo/t C9r7or/4c7>re /4#?e/fc&/is REYNOLDS MOTOBS 5 507LKingSl v - . ?? tUatOg . v ,*"<? , ;L'\ / ?' *.? t ? '.v ? .. f H - . ?X-i: : r ? - V 1 '??? .* V* :'*i ' ?-? % S ? ? v V-; Kings Mountain -v ; v" ' ... VJ.. , . >:,? Bessemer City ?: ' ?: " . , . ' ; , \ Candy-Coated Puffed Wheal No Sugar Needed! Post'* Sugar Crisps ... 2 Z: 29 c look To libby's For Perfection! Libby's Catsup. . ,19c With Meat Or Mushroom Sauce-rChef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Dinner ..... * 39c For E^tro Flovor ? libby's Garden Pillsbury White, Yellow or Chocolot* Lima Beans.. Noc.n03 25c Cake Mix ... ii, 37c Hunt? for The Bestl Yellow Cling Keystone Pure ? Concord Peaches Nc.ns 27c Grape Juice . 24Bo? 25c Eat o Betler Breakfast- Com Hokcs Good All Puipote FIa..-' ?*-' Kellogg'* " "" fof.Oelic'*"* M~* -A Prune Juice . ? e e Bo* 31c Enjoy It* Hcorty flavor Instant Postum . . 4?'-. 31c Magnolio Fresh Creamy Marshmallows I'^MSc Hormel Meat of Many Uses Spam. . . . . . 'c?' 41c Firtf Choice- Bomo Strawberry Preserves n,?: 27c IU Lb o0 " ? ?? Pk. . . y U I . , , , , Bnq u?lC 'or D.liciout Hot Cocoa' H?rr?he> 1 Ike tell Cooli Ui? Slokely i Cul ? Cocoa 8<?; 25c Beans ... . . %? 15c BoWcr's Southern Style A Good Buy Host*" * - * Cocnann* 4?' -??WW . Bot Zo C riokci Good All Put poir floor Red Bon.) - s . 2 pS: 29c Flour..... ?6 L?b g^c Cocoo! Hershey s The Bist Cooks IK- ?*-?*- * 8 0 ? ? ? ? WW o?yte ** ooo<J Buy ? M6s?esv fco?ly .Jyne'. Cocoanut . . . 4c?n 17c Peas . . 2 25c Rich Flavor Hershey's Baking ? *' fconomrca' Alasko Chocolate . . 37c Pink Salmon ??c.? 43 For Light Dnmti Aitortcd Flovo-i S-.lt ? Fine Shortening Jr?..l J e l 1-0 . . - * ? Uic rink Salmon 43c for tight Desserts Assorted Flovo'S 'Swift s fine Shortening Jewel J e l I - 0 ... 3 23c Shortening . . . G9c loose leaf Note Book Fortified With Liver DasH Paper 19c Dog Food . 2 25c Stort TH? Doy With A Good Brnokfoilt Krolt Do.ry- freih ? Wheaties . 2 if.'. 29c Caramels 33c SMOKED (4 to 6 Lb.) PICNICS one Choose a flavorful picnic for the weekend? saves a lot of cooking? and saves money! Ground Daily From Quality-Tender Beef! Fresh Ground Beef . . . You'll Enjoy Its Homemade Taste! Liver Mush ... . W?iri/ I ?/?<?/ Our ( hft Sufgf/t'His! Dixie-Home Fresh Creamery (14-lb. Prints) Try Them At This Speciar Price! Butter . . . . - 77c Crabs . . 2 39c Pkg. 23' Green Giont PEAS 2 303 Cans . 27c Dixie-Home Self- Rising FLOUR 25 Lb B?g $2.15 Wilson's S!i.->rtening BAKE RITE 3 -lb. c?n 73c Peanut Butter SWIFTS ?a-o*. j?. 39c Wilson Certified ? ? . nJIUW"! Corned Beef Hash '6 Oi c?n 33c UAnllCU Vienna Sausage . 40. c.n 21c MEATS Tripe i4 0,. c,B 49c Spcciai Offer! Buy one No 2 can of Rod Soui Pitted Pie Cherries at 21c a -J get a 9-Ot. Pkg. of Jiif / P,.? Crust Mix for only 10c. Pie Crust Mix JIFFY 9 Ox Pkg 10? KtH?n-?oft 7 ply bathroom ti??u? PASTEL PEACH, OREEN BLUE# CANARY SKINNEffS MAKES MEATS /r a For Your Daily Vitamin C! Juicyv Florida Oranges 8 U. S. No. I Idaho Potatoes 10 79 New Crop English Walnuts ? Cello Bag 47 Jumbo Yellow Spanish Onions . . 2 - 25' Vitamfn-Ricli Florida Broakfost Size 17 G 'fruit 3 Canadian Waxed Medium Rutabagas Fresh Crisp Green , . , Collards . . en<h F* * J' COFFEE Lb Pkg 63C LIFEBUOY 23c Playmate* Sweet Mixed PICKLES iw, i? 28c LIFEBUOY 2 SiM 23c Cloverleot Dry Milk Solids SKIM MILK ">. n, 1 5c Complexion Soap IAL SOAP mm Family Wash KIN SO Pk? 27c In:. Bleaches, Disinfects CLOHOX oi 17c Deodorant Soap DIAL SOAP ??th Sua 17c For Fine Woshables LUX FLAKES pi. 27c Hollywood's Favorite LUX SOAP 3 si?? 23c Fine Bath Soap LUX SOAP Soop You* SWi ?t i $EA?? 3 "?9 Sim 23c

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