N^iss Williams Reveals Plans For Her Wedding ? **?' ? ' "*<? '? -? * Miss Betty Lou Williams, ? laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Suford Williams of Route 2, Kings Mountain, this week re peals plans for her marriage tp Robert Franklin Ware, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ware, of ftoute 3. The wedding will he solemnized on Sunday, July 26th. at 4 p. m. in David's Baptist church or High way 74 near Kings Mountain. The Rev. C. C. Crow of Shelby will be the officiating minister. A program qf wedding music will be rendered by Miss Shirley Robinson, pianist, and Miss Sarah Lee Carver, vocal saloist. of Shel ?>y. .' Bridal Attendants Miss Williams will be giveri in marriage by her father, J. B. Wil liams. Miss Lora Lane Morris will , be maid-of-honor. Miss Carolyn Bell, cousin of the bride, and Miss Annette Ware, sister of the groom will serve as bridesmaids. Miss Annie Ray Williams, sister J of the bride, will be flower girl. Mr. Waller Ware of Shelby will ^'attend his brother as bestman. Buford Ware, brother of the j bridegroom and Menzell Phifer, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, ?will serve as ushers. 4 There will be no reception af ter the wedding, j Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williams will entertain with a cake cutting 'Saturday evening immediately 'following the rehearsal. A cordial invitation is extended 'to all relatives and friends of the couple to attend the wedding. ! Duplicate Bridge Club Met ' With Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr. ?, A delightful meeting of the . * Duplicate Bridge Club was' held Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. ' K. Mauney, Jr. at her home, Glen ' brook, ' Numerous .arrangements of ? colorful summer flowers were J used with pleasing decorative pf ? It^-t. 1 Following several progressions, j tallies were compared and prizes given Mrs. Tolly Shuford and j Mrs. Howard Jackson for win \ ning the two highest scores. * A salad and sweet course was served after the games. 1 Mrs. Harry Warren of Roa noke. Va. and Mrs. G. E. Still 1 were invited to participate in the 1 games. ? ? 1 Mrs. A. C. Dellinger Fetes 1 presbyterian Circle No. 2 Members of Circje No. 2 of the f Presbyterian Church met Mon t day night with Mrs A C, Dollliv ( ger in her attractive country f homo. X Tiie program was opened with t prayer followed by an inspiring ( devotional period conducted * by j-; Mrs. O. W. Myers. The topic of study was ???Jesus the Mighty Miracle Worker". The lesson was e laken from Mark I: 10 t;"i; 11- HI 15 Mil III: I f".. 9 Mrs. I', D. llcrndon read an 'Article on "Christian Citizenship." A short business session was Veld, after which Mrs. Dellinger served a tea course. S * " P Mrs. Robert Grigg Hostess 3 o Dorothy Lee Morris Circle Mrs. Robert Grig? entertained * members of the Dorothy. Leo Mor ? ns Circle *>f Temple Baptist t. c. i u rch at her home Mondav E night. |j The program was opened with |j the hymn. "The (ire.it Physician" ^ followed with prayer by Mrs Herbert Dover. The scripture lesson was read 5 \-y the group. , r Those taking pari on the pro J* pram were Mrs. Helen Blanton. "Mrs. Jessie Hor<l Pennington. * Mrs. Dewey Styers and Mrs. Ag r! nes Cole. 5 The meeting was closed with prayer* by Mrs. Helen Btanton. | A social hour followed during ^ .vhich time the hostess served j refreshments. Social Calendar Thursday: 2:45? Ace of Clubs meets with Mrs. W K. Mauney, Jr., at the Ctiuntry Club. 7:45- Duplicate ? Bridge game Fractional Point, individ ual game. Players riot re quired to bring a partner, but are requested to phone Mrs. C. E. Warllck by 7:00 p. m. if they plan to attend. 8:00- -American Legion Auxili ary meets with Mrs. C. A. Goforth, Sr. 8:00 One High Rook Club meets with Mrs. E. T. Plott. Friday. 7:30 Margrace Woman's Club meets In the club house. 8:00 ili-Lo Bridge Club meets with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridges, . Monthly: 7:30 Spiritual Life Group of Central Methodist church meet In the church. K:00 General meeting of the WSCS at Central Metho dist church. Tuesday : ? 3:00 Mrs. W. L. Ramseur will entertain the Tuesday Bridge Club. 4:30 Watermelon feast at the Country Club for chil dren of Club members. 7:30 Queen of Clubs meets with Mrs. Charles Neis ler. 8:00 Study Club meets at the Country ,Club. Thursday, July 23: 8:00 One High Rook Club meets with Mrs. W. T. Weir. 8:00- Gleaners Class of First Baptist Church meets with Mrs. Bill Laughter. Mrs. M. E. Bolin Celebrates Birthday A number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolin Sun day honoring Mrs. M. E. Bolin with a surprise birthday dinner, a bountiful lunch was spread on the hack lawn. Guests from out-of-town were Mrs. Charles Bon, Benny, Rebec ca and Chuck. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dawn, Dennis and Danny from Gastonia, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Owens. Angle and Dwane from Granite Falls, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Owens ami Buddy Wayne from Cherokee Falls; S. C. Mr. and Mis. Boyd Bolin an ! Shirley from Siler City, N. C. and Miss Ella Ruth McNeil of Aberdeen, N. C. Mr. And Mrs. L. C. Ledford To Note 50th Anniversary Invitations reading as follows have been issued: Mr. and Mrs. Letlford C. Wilson ? request the }>lensurr of your rom/iany at the celebration i>f tht Fiftieth Anniversary of their marriage ' at their home Stimlay, tin' nineteenth of July trow two until fire o'clock Route 3 Kini/s Mountain, Xorth Carolina Methodist Circle No. 7 Met With Mrs. Paul Brigg Cirole No. 7 of Central Metho dist Church held its regulai- meet ing Monday night with Mrs. Paul Briggs. Mrs. J. C. McKinney presided over t hi- business session. Mrs. Paul Briggs gave the de votional using as her topic. "The Cpper Boom". Miss Mozelle Mas ters. D. R. E., gave a most inter esting program ,on "Labors For the Lord". Mrs. Oren Fulton was welcom ed as a new memi>er. During the social hour the hos tess was assisted by Mrs. Ben Beam and Mrs. Walter Harmon in serving a dessert course. The meeting was closed with the Lord's prayer. Mrs. John C. Pike and children of Greensboro are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Hprd. at AMOS <? SON. .... PRICES SLASHED on all Summer Merchandise Shop Amos' and Save! / Amos & Son 413 N. Piedmont Ave. Telephone 325-W Mrs. Y. F. Throneburg Entertains Circle Circle No. 5 of Central Metho dist Church met Monday night at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Y. F. Throne burg. The meeting was called to or der by Mrs. Throneburg, circle chairman, who presented Mrs. A. H. Patterson who gave a most interesting talk on John Wesley. Several records of sacred music were played.. Mrs. Throneburg presided over the business session. 'ii.e meeting was closed with prayer, after which a social per iod was enjoyed and delicious re freshments were served the thirty members and one visitor present. Mrs. Paul Ware invited the group to meet with her lor the August meeting. Macedonia W. M. U. Met With Mrs. Carl Herndon The Woman's Missionary So ciety of Macedonia Baptist church met Monday night, July 18th With, Mrs. Carl Herndon. Eleven mem bers were present. I Mrs. Robert Champion opened the meeting with 'prayer. The de votiohai was given by Mrs. Carl Herndon, with a special prayer led by Mrs. J. E. Dover. Mrs. Ray Wright was program leader. Those assisting were Mrs. R. L. Hardin, Mrs. Ruth Lynn, Mrs. Bud Falls, Mrs. James Bo lin, Mrs. Robert Champion, Miss Ruby Stroup and Mrs. J. E. Dover. The meeting was closed with prayer by Miss Dutch Clonlnge*. During the business, plans were made for an ice cream supper for the Junior G. A.'s to be held at the home of Mrs. Carl Herndon. It was announced the August meeting would be with Mrs. O. T. Gunnells. Delightful refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. A. H. Cornwell Notes Birthday Anniversary I i Mr. A. H. Cornwell celebrated his 74th birthday anniversary Sunday, July 12th, the occasion being marked with a gathering of his children and grandchildren. A bountiful dinner was served at the noon hour. Those sharing the happy event with their father were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Furse of Summerton, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cornwell of Newark, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sandford, Ja nice, Kenny and Charles Sanford, Hartsvllle, Ga. Also Mrs. Ernest Hayes, Rebec ca and Patrica Hayes of Charles ton. 3. C., Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reynolds. Vernon, Jr., Joanna and Gersham Reynolds of Bis hopville, S. C.. a grandson, Reggie Cornwell, of Cleveland. Ohio, and Miss Margaret Cornwell. j Three Are Hostesses . For Margrace Girl's Club Ten members were present for the Margrace Girl's Club meet ing held Thursday night at the Margrace Woman's c lub house. Summer flowers were used as decorations in the club room. Do ris Sellers presided over the rou tine business session and girls, age 13 and old? . were invited to join the club. Pat Owens and Nancy Hard in presented the prograr. after which a social hour was enjoyed. Hostesses for the meeting were Pat Owens. Nancy Hardin, and Cordie Hardin. 1 Miss Williams, Bride-Elect, I G en Party And Shower Miss Hetty Williams, bride elect of the month, was the in spiration for a lovely party and miscellaneous shower Monday night at the home of Miss An nette Ware with Miss Caroline Hell sharing hospitalities. Throughout the attractive Ware home which was thrown ensuite for the gala event, were numer ous arrangements of white glads with ivy and white candles, carry ing out a green and white bridal motif. The honor guest was pre sented a corsage of white carna tions upon her arrival. Bridal games were directed by Mrs. Buford Ware. Following the games, the hostesses, assisted by Mesdames B. Ware, W. F. Stone, and Men/ell Phifer, served a , sa lad course with punch and mints. Miss Williams received a num ber of lovely gifts from the 28 guests present, which she opened and displayed. 'BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr and Mrs. Louis Shercer an nounce the hirih of a daughter. Monday. July 6. Garrison Gener al Hospital. Gastonia. Mr. anil Mrs. Oscar Greene an I iounce the birth of twin daugh ters. Sunday. July >12. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchins an nounce the birth of a daughter, Susan Georgette, Sunday, July 12, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. MarVIn Cash an nounce the birth of a son Marvin Eugene, Sunday. July 12, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Laws an nounce the birth of a son, Monday, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. Houston Black were guests during the weekend of their parents, Mr. ami Mis. Clarence Black. They were en route to Rockingham where they will make their home. P E R S O N A L S Mr. and Mrs. Solan Moss spent Sunday at Mt. Mitchell. o ? Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Lynch spent last week in Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Owens I and son of Anderson, S. C. were j weekend guests o I Mrs. Virginia Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Clarey are] ?pending several days with Mrs. Clary's mother in Laurens, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cash re cently returned from a vacation trip to Folly Beach at Charleston. Mrs. L. H. Miller and daughter, Barbara, have returned froi\\ a two weeks visit with Mr. Miller who is employed in Huntersville, Ala. Mrs. D. F. Hammett Was a guest over the weekend of Mrs. Bessie Elmore of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Livingston and children, Michael and Libby, of Belmont were weekend guests of Mrs. Livingston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Foster have returned to their home after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hamrick and family spent several days last week with relatives and friends in Boiling Springs. Among those from Kings Moun tain spending the weekend at Lake WacCamaw were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ham, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hamrick, Mrs. ltobert Go forth, Misses Bernice Harrison, Peggy Clonlnger, and Macie Go forth, Gene Dye and Joe Ware. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hamrick and family have returned from a vacation and fishing trip to Pensacoia, F)a. v ?' "|V? ? Miss Mitchell Williams has re turned from a visit in Southport and Myrtle Beach^ Mrs. Claude Kelly of Daytona Beach, Fla. is a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson. Miss Ann Cooper is visiting Mrs. Roland Hamer in Gastonla. Mr. and Mrs"^T"w. Neal, Jr., of Hickory, were guests over the week end of Mrs. E. W. Neal. Wednesday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hughes, Jr. were Rev. and Mrs. Eade Anderson of Gastonla and James D. Newsome. Miss Marjorle Lou Dicky has returned to Asheville after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Paul Beam and Miss Charlotte Jenkins of Kannapolls. Miss Ruby Burrage has resum ed her duties at Belk's Depart ment Store after a vacation spent in Richmond, Charlottesville and Williamsburg, Va.. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cooper were Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Putman of Green ville, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirtpatrick of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Neal, Jr., Hickory, and Mrs. E. W. Neal. Miss Mavis Owens of San An tonio, Texas is now visiting in Kings Mountain with her grand mother, Mrs. L, B. Turner. Miss Owens has just returned from a tour of the mountains of North Carolina. Fractional Point Game Thursday At Country Club - There will be a Duplicate Bridge ? Fractional Point game played Thursday night. July 16th. at 7:45 p. m. at the Kings Moun tain Country Club. This will be .an Individual game. Players are not required to bring a partner. You are requested to phone Mrs. C. E. Warlick by 7:00 p. m. Thursday If you plan to attend, so that an even number of tables can be arranged, the movement planned, and the game started promptly and ended early. Mrs. George Blalock Fetes Methodist Circle No. 4 Mrs. George Blalock was hos tess to Methodist Circle No. 4 Monday night with seven mem bers present. Mrs. Ralph Mauney presided in the absence of the leader, Mrs. James Hamrick, who is on vacation. Mrs. Carl Logan gave the de votional, and Mrs. Pink Ware pre sented the program, "The Labor ers Are Few". The hostess served delicious chocolate cake and fruit punch. Mrs. Elmer P.nea invited the group to meet with her in August, Mrs. Charles Oilling Entertains Bridge Club Only members were present for the meeting of the Tuesday After noon Bridge Club this week at the home of Mrs. Charles Dilling. Mixed summer flowers were utilized in the room decorations, and after several progressions of contract bridge, tallies were com pared which revealed Mrs. H. S. Blackmer to be high scorer for the afternoon; When cards were laid .aside, a tempting salad course was served with an ice drink. Air Conditioned DINING BOOM ? For Yonr Comfort? Serving The Sooth's Finest Foods THREE MEALS SERVED DAILY We Specialise In SEAFOODS AND JUICY STEAKS SOFT SHELL CRABS DEVILED CRABS FRIED OYSTERS FRIED SHRIMP SHRIMP COCKTAIL FROG LEGS Catering Only To Those Oi Good Taste 24-Hour Curb Service The Only Air-Conditioned Dining Room in The City The Only Eating Establishment Recommended Na tionally by Scott M. Thomas Tourist Association. Horse Shoe Grill Stay Sweet in the Heat Helena Rubinstein's PERFUME DEODORANTS u The truly perfect, effective deodorant is a rare gem indeed. Hie acid test of its perfection? does it keep you your freshest, coolest self on the roost wilting day of summer? The answer is-emphatically yes if it's a unique Helena Rubinstein Per fume Deodorant that deodorizes and surround* you with a whiff of something lovely a9 well. What's more, you get your choice of beatthe-heat weapons. There's perfume spray deodorant, the anti-perspirant that sprays on and dries in seconds. 1.25. There's perfumed cream deodorant, the anti perspirant that's pleasant to handle and kind and cooling to your skin, 1.00. And then there's brand new perfume deodorant stick, frosty solid deodorant (hat's purse-sized and a born traveller. 1.00. All prices plus tax. Your baby will be a reg ular "Sunny Jim" ? if yoA keep him cool and comfortable, healthy and happy with these famous products that prevent, or relieve, com mon "summer com plaints". They're the ?e ry products doctors recommend because they measure up to profes sional standards for quality and dependabil ity. And at our low, low prices ? they give you a full measure of economy to baby your budget. J? iful 0f*;r \ breck! SHAMPOOS Wonderful for Baby't Hair ? 4 ox. size 60c Comforts for Baby >Desitin Ointment, 1 ox. tube J Johnson's Prkkley Heat Powder. Borofax Borated Ointment. Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion. Tod'l Baby Bath, 5 ox. 57i 25< 50< 49< 89< -V eiectresteemYA BABY CHEF JR. BOTTLE WARMER Automatic safety shut-off; Also bolls baby's egg. Thermometer, oral or rectal~1 .39 Baby Comb & Brush Set-?-- 69< Nurser Tongs 39< Nylon Bottle Brush 49< Safety Pins 2 cards 11< Johnson's Cotton Tips 29 i > Borden's Biolac, 13 o?. 34 < Baby Health Need BABY POWDER v i org* K * ThH ?xtitrntly *?? I SH? i .'9 ABMC Drops, 15 cc drop, bottfo rl J6 h\) lederplex liquid, 4 or jpji^MUjj" 1?57 ^ P J Homktbrin, 60 <c botth TwfjL 67 1 V , Squibb Cod livor OH, 4 OT^ggT W< i^^>Vt-Daylin, 90 ? . ABDEC Drops. 15 cc. drop bottle 1.26 Lederplex Liquid. 4 or. ... ...... . . 1.57 Homicobrin. 60 cc. bottto He KINGS I10UNTAIN PTvTT) store DRUG COMPANY PHONE 41 & 6 f THE CITY'S MODERN STORE Yon Save When You Buy At Til* . REXALL STORE ' : ?* - \l h i- . ; ' .. '?

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