Population City Limits 7.206 Trading Area 15.000 (1945 Ration Board Figure*) VOL 63 NO. 35 Kings Mountain's RELIABLE Newspaper 14 Pages Today Established 1889 Kjngs Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 27, 1953 Sixty-Third Year PRICE FIVE CEK'TS Local News Bulletins COMMUNION A special service of commun ion will ,t>e held at St. Mat thew's Lutheran church Sun day morning at the 11 o'clock morning worship hour. The service will be broadcast over radio station WKMT. HARMON REUNION Annual Harmon reunion for the descendants of the late Haywood Harmon will be held Sunday, September 6, at the home of Mrs. Eliza Harmon Bridges on Graham street in Gastonia, off Bessemer City road. All friends and relatives are urged to attend. FIRE ALARM City firemen answered a fire alarm Sunday afternoon at 2:30 to the home of Will Pryor * on. the corner of Gold and Cherokee streets. An oil stove fire was extinguished in the kitchen. No damages were re ported. LIONS DIRECTORS Directors of Kings Mountain Lions club will hold their reg ular monthly supper meeting Thursday night at 7 o'clock at Kings Mountain Country Club. TO MEETING Miss Alice Averltt, city schools teaching consultant, is attending a meeting of North Carolina consultants toeing held at Catawba college, Sal isbury. FULLERS MOVE Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Fuller have moved from Kings Moun tain. Their present mailing address is Lauada, N. C. Mr. Fuller Is a fortifier city admin istrator. No announcement was made as to his plans. The Ridge street residence the Ful lers occupied, which is owned toy Mrs. Pritchard Ferguson, of Atlanta, Ga., Is toeing rented toy Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbott. Little Loop, Pony Banquet Friday Annual banquet for Kings Mountain Little League and Pony League ibaseball players will be held Friday at 7 p. m. at the Woman's clutohouse. Red Layton, director of the leagues, made ' the announce ment and urged all players, par ents and others interested In the programs to attend. Price lor (parents and fans is $L50 per plate, he said. Reserva tions may toe made toy calling Mr. Layton or the police depart ment, and tickets may be paid for at the door Friday night, he addc-*1 Pony league team players will toe guests of W. K. Mauney, Jr., one of the team sponsors. Trophies and award* to be pre sented at the banquet are now on display in the window at Belk's Men's Sto're, Mr. Layton reported. Little League all-star team players are urged to bring their uniforms to the (banquet to toe turned in to Mr.. Layton. W1U Grice, coach of the Pony team, has also requeued that his play ers bring their uniforms Friday. Ladies of Bess Hoey Memorial Methodist church are to serve the dinner. Davidson School Policy Altered Full first-day attendance at Davidson Negro school Is being urged by J, A. Gibson, principal, who announced an Important change In the dally schedule at the school* Principal Gibson said a half day cpenlng day schedule will be observed but that beginning Wednesday there will be no noon recess, with all pupils re quired to eat at the school cafe teria. However, pupils may bring lunches from home IX they deslte. Cafeteria lunches will be served at 20 cents and will include mQfe Milk tjjtil be fold separately at four cents. "This schedule means," he add ed. "that pupils will not be allow ed to leave the school grounds at any time during {he School day without written note frotn pa rents and principal. We are going all out for the health and safety of the children, and we ask the full cooperation of our patrons." magamsksm ? ^ ? ? - ? LEGION AUXILIARY OFFICERS INSTALLED ?Pictured above are the officers of the American Legion Auxiliary shortly after they were installed by Mrs. Warren Neill, of Charlotte, department ?ice -president at a meeting at the home of Mrs. G. W. Allen. Left to right are Mrs. C. L. Jolly, president; Mrs. Sam Collins, vice-president; Mrs. Neill; Mrs. Otckie Tate, rehabilitation chairman; Mrs. Pride Ratterree, treasurer; Mrs. Clarence Black, chaplain; Mrs. John Gladden, historian. The lady pictured- in the mirror is Mrs. Paul Mauney, publicity chairman. (Photo by Carlisle Studio.) City And Park Grace Schools Open For Fall T erm Tuesday Moie Pupils Afe EXpftCt*d For New Tern Summer will "officially" termi nate for Kings Mountain city1 schools and Park Grace school students Tuesday morning at 8:30 a. m. when the bell will ring for the beginning of the 1953-54 term. City schools* students will at tend a half-day session on open ing day, with a full-day operation to begin on Wednesday for all ex cept first-year students. First graders will continue a half-day schedule the remainder of next week and all the follow ing week, going on a full-day on Monday, September 14. Cafeterias will begin operations at all schools on Wednesday. School Superintendent B. N. Barnes said yesterday that he was expecting an increase in er rollment at city schools and stat ed that crowded conditions are expected until the building pro grams at East and West Elemen tary schools are completed. West school will use auditorium space for two temporary class rooms to take care of added first and eighth grades, he reported, and at East school, where an eighth gra'de has been added, au F1RST GRADERS With some 225 or mora stu dent expected to eater the city schools system's eight first grades on Tuesday. Super intendent Barnes this week re stated regulations governing enrollment of first-year stu dents. A child must hare reached his sixth birthday on or before October 1$ in order to enter school this year, he said. The regulation was changed from October 1 by the state school board several months ago. The state attorney general has rul ed that a child bora on Octo ber 1$. 1949. Is qualified to en ter school Tuesday. City school* regulations alee require that no child will be enrolled in the first grad* without a birth certificate and that each child be Immunised against whooping cough, small pox and diphtheria before en rollment. ditorium space will be used to temporarily house one class room. City schools principals met at Central school Wednesday morn ing and Mr. Barnes announced general teachers meetings for MoniMtf jBflOtao a. m/lfcCttftral school and Dertdeon eoKocjt ?] Mr. Barnes also announced that school child insurance would bq available at $125 per child and Elementary students would M Jtqutred to pay a?U0 fee, as before, for supplementary rpadife. - THjf Continued On Page Bight m!' 5 k * Vi'i.. > % : v <* Merchants Plan Labor Day Holiday Majority of Kings Mountain retail stores will observe - the annual Labor Day holiday. It was announced this week by Mrs. Elaine Queen, secretary of the Kings Mountain Mer chants association. Mrs. Queen said the by-laws of the association lUt Labor Day as one of the regular sta ted holidays and that majori ty of the merchants will dose for the day as usuaL giving retail personnel a long week end holiday. Labor Day falls this year on Monday, September 7. The Jacob S. Mauney Memo rial Library will also observe the holiday, it was announced by Mrs. Charles Dilling, librar ian. A/IC Baker Wins Top Plane Awaid A/IC Thomas P. Baker, of Kings Mountain, won top honors in the seventh International Model Plane Contest In 2??frolt this week. The meet, which brought to gether nearly 500 of the top mo del plane flyers of the United States and Canada closed Mon day, and winners were announ ced and awards tmade at a ban quet Monday night. Airman Baker represented the Air Force in the contest. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Ba ker of Kings Mquntain and is married to the former Miss Mary Beth Hord. Clerks Nabbed Napping Uriel At Belk's Monday Sammy Roseboro, 21-year old Kings Mountain Negro man, and four-day parolee from New Jer sey State Penitentiary, is being held without bond on charges of breaking and entering Belk's De partment store here Friday night. Preliminary hearing of the case is set for Monday in Kings Moun tain Recorder's court. Roseboro was apprehended Saturday morning at the stair way exit of Belk's store. Hilton L. Ruth, manager of the firm, and his son, Bill Ruth, had opened the store and heard noises in the back, they told police. The Negro man, who said he entered by way of the roof, had shirts, pants, and other merchan dise valued at $81. He could not make good his escape, he said, because of officers outside the store, and decided to wait until earlier in the morning or until the store opened ar.d leave as a customer. His plan back fired when he went to sleep at the back of the store, overslept and awakened about the time Mr. Ruth came to open the store, Police Chief Hugh Logan, said. Roseboro was serving a five year sentence on automobile theft charges and was parolled last week. He was once employed by Belk's some years ago. Officers assisting in the arrest were City Officers Jack Stone, H. L. Gladden, Martin Ware, S. R. Davidson, and Police Chief Log.tn raid. City Votes Expenditure Of $2400 To Properly Mark Streets 01 City The city board of commission ers approved purchase of 150 street-name markers at a special meeting last Thursday night at a cost of $14.50 each. The action was taken to place names on the many streets not now designated and to speed ex pansion of city mall routes to Areas not now Serviced by 'city carriers. Mayor Glee A. Bridges told the bodfd of commissioners he had counted with a postofflce in specW, here to survey the re quest of Postmaster W. E. Blake - ly for expanded carrier service, and that the inspector had told him the expansion would be ap proved, but that approval could not be implemented until streets are properly marked and houses properly num" wed. The board also approved In the same motion purchase of traffic signs for a number of needed spots. ,-V' i i In other actions, the board: 1) Upped the pay scale of city policemen by $15 per month at all levels, effective September 1, on rtquest of Chief H. A. Logan. The increase will raise the maxi mum to $250 per month and will raise rookie pay to $204 per month. 2) Employed Jack Stone as a city policeman, after Chief Logan had reported the resignation of Officers D. H.\ Street, Earl Stroupe and Gus Huffstetler, each of whom lived outside the city limits and declined to. move , Inside, the chief said. 3) Increased the salary of Tom my Owens, city office clerk, by $15 to $215 per month. 4) Voted to pay Policeman Paul Saunders two weeks' salary,. Jn lieu of vacation time. 5) Designated Arnold Falls a* city plumbing inspector, a duty formerly assigned to Tom Henry, Continued On Page Sight Goforth, Hoke Low Bidders On School Job Kings Mountain district board of school trustees accepted bids totalling $67,447 for construction of a new six-room Negro ele mentary school building at a spe cial meeting held at Central school Tuesday at 6 p. m. Frank D. McCall, of Drexeli, was awarded the general con struction contract on a low bid of $52. 200. L. A. Hoke Electrical Co., of Kings Mountain,, was awarded the electrical contract on a low bid of $2,395. Hon 1 . Goforth, of Kings Moun tain, was awarded the plumbing contract on a low bid of $5,065. Taylor O. Johnson, of Shelby, was awarded the heating contract on a low bid of $7,737. Architect J. L. Beam, Jr., of Cherryville, 'publicly opened the bids on the project at 2 p m. Tuesday at Central school. Seven bids were received on the general construction work with a bid of C. T. Bennet Con struction Co., of Kings Mountain, secwd low by $1,040 to the suc cessful bid of $52,200 by Mr. Mc Call. Bids ranged as high as $64,. ?75 on the general contract. One contractor submitted a bid after the closing time and jt was not opened. It would not have been low, the bidder said. Mr. McCall gave his construc tion time as 190 days. i" our firms bid on the electrical ??ract' with Mr- Hoke's low bid $530 under the second low figure. Bids ranged as high as $2,975. Mr. Goforth's bid on the plumb ing work wa? $274 lower than the next low bid of the six submitted The high bid was $6,795. Four of the six plumbing and heating firms also submitted bids on the heating work for the pro ject, with Mr, Johnson's figure $941 lower than the next lowest bid. High bid was $9,725. The general construction work by Mr. McCall .'Jgurejj al $6 53 per square foot for the 8.000 square feet in the six-room building. The total cost-per-square-foot of the building, Including plumbing and heating, will be $8.43 per square foot. Adding Mr. Beam's five per cent architect's fee of $3,372.35 to the total of the bids, the new building figures to cost $70,819.35 exclusive of the cost bf the new Negro school site. Construction of the new build ing is expected to begin as soon as the contracts are formally ap proved in Raleigh by the state board of public instruction. Chairman A. W. Kincaid per sided at the meeting and all mem bers were present and voted fav orably. The board also adopted a for mal state resolution to request a grant of state funds for the new project. The plumbing bids included a deductible alternate for installa tion of pipe in the concrete floor ing for hot water In the toilets and rooms of the new building. After considerable discussion, the board unanimously agreeded to accept the low base bid, which in cluded the hot water piping. In other actions, the board re leased Walter R. Johnson from contract to teach here. Mr. John son, who signed a contract on July 31 to teach high school math, science and history, had asked the release to accept a principal ship in Union County, which be came open after he had agreeded to come to Kings Mountain. The board also appointed Miss Mary Lee Pope as treasurer of Davidson Negro school on recom mendation of Principal J. A Gib son. Willis loins Station WKMT J. K. (Jimmy) Willi's, Jr., has joined Radio Station WKMT as advertising salesman, according to announcement by John Greene, manager of the station. Mr. Willis, a Kings Mountain na tive, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K, Willis, Sr. A graduate of "Lenolr-Rhyne college, Mr. Willis was previously associated with Station WMAT Monroe for more than a year, with Station WHKY Hickory for four years as com mercial manager, and recently with Station WINX Rockwell, Md., a* manager. Mrs. Willis is the former Miss Ann Crapps. Mr, and Mrs. Willis have two daughters and are liv ing at the King Apartments, N. Gaston street. CHURCH Or GOD HOUR The Church of God will con duct a Gospel Hour broadcast on Radio Station WKMT Sun days from 2 to 2:30 p. m. be ginning Sunday, It was an nounced this week toy Rev. Doc Wllbanks, the pastor, who will conduct the service. Nicholson To Succeed Henry As City Public Works Chief LOCAL TALENT ON TV SHOW? Miss Louise Gladden. Rev. H. Cor don Weekley, and Miss Melba Tindall, First Baptist church tiio, will appear on the Grace MYF church sponsored TV Talent Day show to be held at City Stadium Saturday night. They will be accompan ied by Miss Blenda Huneycutt. (Herald photo by Carlisle Studio.} A TV Talent Hunt Set For Stadium Saturday Night A TV Talent Show, first of its kind in this area, will be held at City Stadium Saturday night at 8 p. m. sponsored >hy the Grace Methodist church MYF. Arthur Smith, Don Reno, Tom my Faile and the Crackerjacks, Clyde McClean, the Sisk Quartet, and other radio and TV enter tainers are to appear In a full one hour variety show previous to the talent portion of the pro gram. Admission is priced at $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. Advance tickets may be purcha sed in local business establish-'] ments or from members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Local talent appearing on the program will include Gene Whitstine, guitar soloist; James N. Peterson; William Rogers, WBT soloist; Miss Evelyn Cline, song stylist; Gene Ellis, trumpet soloist; Marvin Edward Bishop, song and dance; Miss Marie Cobb, dancer; BH>by Huskey, baritone soloist; Kings Mountain Trio, religious singing group; Miss Elizabeth-Camp, piano sol oist; Miss Sarah Garver, soloist; Carolina Twins, guitar artists; Miss Brenda Ann Sweezy, accor dian soloist, and First Baptist trio, religious singing group. The winning contestant, as chosen by CBS-TV talent scouts is to foe offered a week's TV con tract with options. Popularity winner of the show will receive a cash award. Proceeds from the program will go to the Grace Methodist church Youth Educational Build ing Fund. UNION SERVICE Sunday night's union service for five city congregations will "be held at First Presby terian church with Dr. W. P. Gerberding, pastor of St. Mat thew's Lutheran church, to de liver the message at 8 o'clock. Anti-Dusting Motion Teases City Fathers The Bridges administration almost broke its record for unanimity last Thursday night, but not quite. The difference of opinion developed' when Commissioner J. H. Patterson offered a mo tion to ban cotton dusting within the city limits. "People are hot about it" Mr. Patterson declared. 'They say they can't br*ath*< that their babies are sick and their dogs are dying." Commissioner T. J. (Tommy) Ellison rejoined, "I don't be lieve the dogs are dying from cotton poison but from some other kind of poison. Besides, the only man I know who grows cotton inside the city limits is Sage Fulton." Commissioner Fulton grin ned and noted that he had only nine acres, adding that he was sure his hand -dusting at dawn and dusk couldn't both er anybody. The revelation that Commis sioner Fulton was, at least, one of the chief in-city cotton ' growers gave all the board j members a good laugh, Mo tion-Maker Patterson and Cot ton-Grower Fulton included. The result was a substitute motion suggested by Mayor Glee Bridges to name a com mittee to Investigate. Mr. Elli son and Mr. Patterson drew the investigating Job. Owens Twins Left Hospital Wednesday Dicky Dean and Ricky Gene Owens, five-week-old twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Owens, were discharged from Kings Mountain hospital Wednesday morning. They had been hospitalized since birth. Jhe twins, the Owens' eighth child and third set of twins, weighed only three pounds each at birth; City Fathers Dusting Off 1949 Dickson Sewage Survey Report The city has pulled out of its files the four-year-old W. K. Dickson sewage survey, basis for an unsuccessful 1949 bond issue election, and has made arrange ments for the engineer to bring the survey up-to-date. Under the agreement Mr. Dick son, a charlotte engineer, will re work the survey for $200. He was previously paid $2,000 for the original survey after the bond Issue failed to carry and the rec ommendations, therefore, not carried out. Should the survey be used, the fee of $2,200 would apply against the customary en gineering contract commission of six percent The action to dust off the Dick son sewage survey was taken by the city board of commissioners at a special meeting last Thurs day night. It Indicates that the Bridges administration will not consider the sewage system sur vey of Olsen Engineering Com pany, of Raleigh, made for the Still administration in 1951. The Olsen survey called for building a new sewage disposal system. A $600,000 bond issue election, based on the Olsen recommendations, failed to carry last December by a narrow margin. The Dickson sewage survey was presented to the H. Tom Ful ton administration in January 1949, At that time, Mr. Dickson recommended immediate con struction of an activated sludge type sewage treatment plant to replace the over loaded McGlll tank on Potts Creek. At that time the tank- \*as serving an area covering 720 acres and occupied by more than 600 houses. Mr. Dickson also recommended $33. 000 in line extensions. He esti mated that the new installation he recommended would cost $175, 000 to build and would adequately handle the sewage disposal needs of the area until the city's popu lation reached 14,000 ? double the 1950 population. The action of the board of com missioners indicates that the re vised Dickson survey wiH serve as its basis for a sanitary sewage bond election, mentioned several times by Mayor Glee A. Bridges in 4n formal statements at board of commissioner meetings. * -?% ' v' ? *? . . '* V City Appointee To Begin Work Heie Thursday The oily board of commission ers has. employed "Emory C. Nic holson, of Gastonia, as superin tendent of public works, and Mr. Nicholson will assume his duties Thursday morning. Mayor Glee A. Brklges con firmed the employment of Mr. Nicholson early Wednesday af ternoon. after (lie hoard of com-' missioners had tentatively ap proved his employment at a spe cial meeting Tuesday night. The new superintendent is 51 years of age and has lived in Gas trin ia the past 13 years, though his duties in various construction employment has taken him throughout the Southeast. His work experience has included en gineering work, paving, wiring, and related construction work. For two years he served as a superintendent under the city manager of Cornelia, Ga. He has spent a year with DuPont at Aik en, S. C., as layout man, and was previously employed by C. J. Fea therstone, Charlotte, as a con struction superintendent and by Barge Thompson Company, An niston, Ala. When the board of commission ers interviewed him at their meet ing of last Thursday night, Mr. Nicholson told the commission ers he had just completed a con struction job for Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company, at Anniston. He is a native of Georgia. Mayor Bridges said the board had chosen Mr. Nicholson from a large number of applicants for the position, which is being vacat-. ed by Tom S. Henry. Mr. Henry has resigned, effective September 14, to accept a similar position in Cherryville. . - ^ Board Conducts Brief Session Mooting in brief special -ses ision Tuesday night, the city Koard of commissioners dispos ed of several items of business as follows: 1 > Voted to purchase miscel laneous garage equipment from Tom Henry, who has. resigned as superintendent of public works, for $800. 2) Authorized paving of Gofor th street, from MQuntain to Gold street. 3) Accepted a sidewalk peti tion for more than 1,100 lineal feet on N.. Piedmont avenue. 4) Voted to pave S. Rosewood Lane. 5) Adopted a policy of renting city equipment on an hourly (ba sis at $1 per hour for each $1, 000 of cost. Service from a ma chine purchased toy the city for $10,000 would be charged out at the rate of $10 per hour, includ ing operator. 6) Authorized the city clerk to ototaift quotations on & 40-gal lon hot water heater for City Hall. The clerk is to report the quotations at the regular meet ing September 3. All members were present and all actions were unanimous. Cemetery Gales Markers Up Gate markers on the six en trances to Mountain Rest ceme tery were installed during the past week. The gates were named by the recent city adm nistration as fol lows: Fulton gaf>, in honor of the late H. T. Fulton, Sr., Kings Mountain and Cleveland county pioneer mortician; Dweile gate, for the late H C. Dwellr. onetime city commissioner and ardent landscaper who developed the cemetery landscaping: Falls gate, for the late Robert Falls, who by his gift of two acres found ed Mountain Rest Cemetery; Green gate, for Otis D Green, first Kings Mountain man killed in World War I; Blackwell gate, for Johnny W. Blackwell, first Kings Mountain man killed in World War II; and Suber gate, for Sam Suber, veteran cemetery superintendent. METER RECEIPTS A total of $145.98 was collec ted from the city's parking meters Wednesday morning, according to a report from the city treasurer's office. '

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