Miss'Sarah Betty Stone Announces Wedding Plans On Saturday the twenty-sixth of September at 6 o'clock In the evening at El Bethel church. Miss Sarah Betty Stone will become the bride of Andrew Thomas De Bruler, Jr.. of VVlnston-Salem and Burlington. Rev. Boyce Huffstet ler, pastor of tlie bride, will con duct the double ring ceremony.. The bride will be given in mar riage by her father, V-illiam Floyd Stone. The groom will be attended by T. N. Thompson, Jr., of Burlington, as best man. A program of preliminary wed ding music will be rendered by Mrs. T. E. Jackson of Bessemer City, pianist, and Miss Peggy Maples of Rockingham, cousin of the bride and B. is. Peeler, Jr., vocal soloist. Mrs. W. B. Logan will direct th6 ceremony. The honor attendants will in clude Mrs. W. F. Stone, Jr., sis ter-in-law of the bride, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. P. N. Thompson, Jr., Bur lington and Mrs. William Step hens, Reidsville, sister- in-laws of the groom, Mrs. Roy Walker of Shelby, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. iSroy Morrow. Four honorary bridesmaids in clude Misses Anita Stone, Mary Stone and Patty Ledford, cousins of the bride, and Miss Nancy Spearman. Ushers will be W. F. Stone, Jr., William Stephens of Reidsville, . Douglas., Buip of Winston-Salem and Edward Martin. Little Elaine Iiixon and Vicky Petty will attend as flower girls and Billy Stone, nephew of the viide, will servo as ring bearer. Immediately following the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone, Sr., will entertain with a recep tion at their home. On Friday evening following the rehearsal, Mrs. Andrew Jen kins and Mrs. Troy Morrow will entertain at the Woman's Club with a cake cutting. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ? Matter C. Stevti Crosby, son of Mr. and Mrs, Vernon P. Crosby, celebrated his Second birthday an niversary Friday, September 4. Mrs. G. F. Lattimore Hostess At Bridge ' Mrs. G. F. Lattimore delight fully entertained the Tuesday Af ternoon Bridge Club and one ad ditional guest, Mrs. Arnold Kiser, at her hon.c this week. Gorgeous arrangements of da hlias and other fall flowers were effectively utilized in colorful dis plays Several progressions of bridge were in play during the afternoon and when cards were laid aside. Mrs. Hunter Neisler was the re cipient of club high award. Mrs. Kiser received the visitor's prize. At refreshment time. Mrs. Lat timore served a pressed chicken salad course with party accesso ries and a sweet course with cof fee. Miss Eva Moore will enter the Charlotte Memorial hospital Fri day and undergo an operation on Saturday. dr. d. m. Morrison EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED IK KINGS MOUNTAIN MORRISON BLDG. TUESDAY & FRIDAY AFTERNOONS PHONE 3IG-J I TO 5 F. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ?Ms ? 1 MYERS' a1* ^ % What a difference there is in a JIK Perma-lift"* High Waist Girdle? so smooth, so slimming, so comfortable. Nt bones, front or back? just tl|e soft, yet firm, Mag ic Inset to keep it from rolling over, wrinkling or binding. Super Weave Elastic gtvea you extra control over hips and tummy without extra weight or bulk. Yot* will enjoy a new comfort thrill when one of our ^ expert corsetkres fits you in the ? wonderful, comfortable girdle. Mj Please come in today and ask qj tor It by Na 3750? $9.95 A $12-95 ^ The perfect companion is a "Perma- lift" Bra *i* /ty ?The Lift that nef?f lets you down." $2 45 y \ i* ? J?* v> Looi/cr tkt Maf ic Imtt and *HJ'J lit dtjtrmu MYERS' Dress $iop # Second Floor + ill Social Calendar Thursday: 10:30? Mrs. Howard Jackson is entertaining at the Coun try Glub honoring Mrs. Carl Davidson, bride elect. 2:45 ? Ace of Clubs meets with Mrs. L. E. Abbott at her home on Ridge streeK 7:30 ? Gleaners Class of the First Baptist church meets with Mrs. Bryan Hord. 8:00 ? Membership bridge game , at the Country Club. 8:00 ? Twin Table Bridge Club V.. meets at the Country Club with Mrs. M. A. Ware as hostess. Friday t 2:45-r-Fortnighters Club meets with Mrs. Sam Davis. 8:30 ? Mrs. Aubrey Mauney and Mrs. L.. L. Benson are ? honoring Mrs. Carl Davidson at the home of Mrs. MaUney. 9:30 ? Mrs. Andrew Jenkins and Mrs. Troy Morrow entertain Stone-De Brul er wedding party with cake cutting at Woman's Club. Saturday: ? . 6:00 ? Miss Betty Stone and A. T. De Bruler, Jr. will be married In El Bethel church. Sunday: 12:30 ? International Relations Department of Woman's Club will serve dinner at the ? club house. Please make reservations with Mrs. J. K. Willis. Monday: 2:45 ? Duplicate Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Don Blanton. 7:30 ? Ladles Class of the Bap tist church meets with Mrs. Gulnn Whlsnant. . 7:30 ? P.-T. A. of Park-Grace School meets. J. H. Grigg of Shelby will be guest speaker. 8:00 ? International Relations Department meets with Mrs. B. B. Speldel. Tuesday: 3:00 ? Tuesday Afternoon Brid ge Club meets with Mrs. Joe Nelsler. Wednesday: . 1:00 ? Luncheon -at Assembly Inn. in Montreat, com plimenting Mrs. Carl Davidson. 3 until 6 ? Town and Country Garden Club are giving a Garden Fa|r on the lawn of Mrs. E. W. Grif fin. Public invited. Thursday, October 1: 7:45? Masterpoint bridge game played at the Country Club. . *? _v ** FIRST BIRTHDAY ? Johnnie Reed Caldwell, above, son 0/ Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Caldwell, celebrated his first birthday an nivermry Wednesday, Scpteinber 2. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Caldwell and his maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Childers. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Smith, of Raleigh, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kincaid. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Keeter and Mrs. Annie Roberts left Tuesday for Richmond on a buying trip for Keeter's Dept. Store. Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Ooforth, Jr., of Sylva, are guests at the home of B. H. Goforth, Sr. Mrs. Ben Cornwell and Mr. and Mrs. William McCloskey, of Ak ron, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Go forth. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jolly have returned from a tour over the state of Virginia and a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ki ser and Pvt. Kiser at Fort Lee, Va. Miss Pauline Mauney, piano teacher in the Salisbury schools, will spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mau ney. Mrs. C. W. Blankenshlp and sons of Florence, S. C. will spend the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gault. Alan Blankenship arrived in the states last Thursday after spend ing three years in Austria. | Benefit Garden Fair Wednesday At Griffin Home Members of the Town and Country Garden Club are having a Benefit Garden Fair Wednes day afternoon, September 30 In the garden of Mrs. E. W. Griffin. The public Is cordially invited to come between the hours of three and six. Bulbs and garden plants will be for sale. A silver offering will be taken and pro ceeds from the fair will be used for club projects. Mrs. Walter Harmon Fetes Queen Of Clubs Mrs. Walter Harmon was hos tess to the Queen of Clubs on Tuesday evening at her home on the Phifer road. Pleasing arrangements of chry santhemums added a festive note to the home. Mrs. Will Hemdon and Mrs. Eddie Campbell were Invited to share hospitalities, A salad plate wss served Mrs. Will Herndon held high score at the close of the play with Mrs. Charles Neisler, second high. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Wilson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Ronda Dianne, Tuesday, Septem ber 15, Gaston Memorial hospital, Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Biggers, Grover, Route 1, announce L*e birth of a daughter, TuetVj, September 15, Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Greene announce the birth of a daughter, Monday. September 14, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Carter announce the birth of a daughter; Tuesday, September 15, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bolt an nounce the birth of a son, Sunday, September 20, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chllders, Route 1. announce the birth of a daughter. Monday, September 21, Garrison General hospital, Gas tonia. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lawaon announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, September 21, Kings Mountal* hospital. , v' Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds announce the birth of a 'daughter, Monday, September 21, Kings Mountain hospital. * Mr. and Mrr. Pawl Whltworth, Grover, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, September 21, Kings Mountain hospital. Duke Official Addresses Lions Conversion from coal to atomic fuel as a source ol power for electricity would only make obso lete the boilers in use today, a Duke Power Company vice-presi dent told members of the Kings Mountain Lions club Tuesday night. Chuck Reed. Duke's rate engi neer and a Matthew's dairyman, said he could only guess wildly concerning cost of conversion, date atomic electricity will be produced commercially, and cost of the lost facilities .which Con version, * if it comes, would re quire. "It's > many years away, but atomic electricity is definitely in our thinking," he replied to a question put by Howard B. Jack son, in a post-address open forum. Previously Mr. Reed had out lined Duke's phenomenal post World War II growth and gave as a background what he termed phenomenal growth of the Duke area. He cited figures to shew that the Charlotte area and Pied mont North Carolina, an area of about 20,000 square miles, had grown faster, outside of big. cities, than comparable areas elsewhere in the Southeast. "We like It that way," he noted, "for we prefer to serve a multi plicity of small towns and cities rather than concentrated big ci ties." Mr. Reed illustrated his ad dress with graphs and sketches which he said he had used last week before a group of bankers in New York, in support of a loan for $35,000,000 that Duke -has just obtained for further ex pansion. Other statements from Mr. Reed's address an>1 answers to questions in the forum discus sion: The U. S. government spent $80,000,000 on one hydro plant, which army engineers had Esti mated would cost $27,000,000. "If Duke's engineers messed up like that, they'd be canned," he noted. Duke's coal bill last year was $27,000,000. Natural gas is not quite as ef ficient for producing electricity Owner Demolishing Derelict Houses Mrs. Love Ellis, owner of two derelict houses at the corner pf Cansler and King Btreet, Is de molishing the derelicts. . The city board of commission ers at a recent meeting had in structed the city attorney to take legal steps to have the houses demolished as a public hazard'. Previously, Mrs. Ellis could not be located in New York where she resides. Last week she telephoned City Hall and told city officials she had just learned of the action via a newspaper report and would be home over the weekend to at tend to the work herself. Under condemnation proceed ings the city could have assessed the cost of the demolitions to the property. Coe Is Jailed In Lieu Of Bond A 29-year-old Kings Mountain man is being held in Cleveland County Jail in Shelby ln-lieu of $1500 bond on charges of assault with intent to kill. Junior Coe, resident of Chetry ville road here, was jailed Fri day night and bond had not been made Wednesday afternoon. The alleged assault occurred on N. Piedmont Avenue here Fri-k day night about 9 o'clock when Coe's wife was allegedly -pusl?ed from the car operated by her husband. Mrs. Coe was taken to Kings as is coal. Air-conditioning and home heating via electricity gives the electrical companies a oad peak load and they seek less than any these types of business. However, Duke has a policy of giving the customer what he wants, he add ed, and does. Due to -sudden demand peaks, Miami electrical companies en courage their customers to buy oil heaters for heating purposes. Duke is about twice the size of Carolina Power & Light Com pany. Mr. Reed spoke on a program arranged by Tolly Shuford. Mountain hospital where she was treated for head injuries sustained in the fall. She was discharged from the hospital Monday. Police officers, who drew ?the warrant, said Coe was drinking at the time of the assault CARD OF THANKS ' We wish to express our heart felt appreciation to those who were so kind and thoughtful In their expressions of sympathy at the recent illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Zora Eliza beth Abernathy. The children of Mrs. W. M. Abernathy. ? In 1952 farm fires destroyed $133 million worth of property and food. Baptist Revival dosing Sunday Rev. Marvin Damefon, pastor of Love Baptist church of Gas tonia, Is conducting a week's re vival series at Macedonia Bap tist church* Services, which began last Sunday night, are at 7:30 each evening this week. The meeting will close with the morning ser vice Sunday. KeV. and Mrs. Harold Craig of East Belmont Baptist church, Belmont, are directing the song service. The public is Invited to attend any and all services, Rev. It Hardin, the pastor, said in mak ing the announcement. at AMOS & SON .... Ladies and Girls AU-Wool and Gabardine TOPPERS. SUITS. COATS LADIES ? SWEATERS Cotton, all-wool and nylon In short and long iImvm. ? SKIRTS In gabardine, corduroy and wool, ? BLOUSES In nylon, cotton and crop* NEW SHADES ? FALL HOSE $1.00 - $1.49 SMALL CHILDREN'S Dungarees and Gabardine Pants In red, black, nary and green BOYS ? JACKETS sixes 2-18 in corduroy, gabardine and 100 percent wool interlined ALL-WOOL ? COAT SWEATERS sixes 4-12 and 32-36; adults 36-46; assorted colon. ' r ? DUNGAREES plain and laced-back ' . * I. *** ' -5 p'* V*" - V* "V ' * ? PANTS In gabardine and corduroy sixes 4-18 ? SHIRTS T-Sbirts, long sleeves; flannel; plaid cbeckj dress, also neck ties and bow ties. ?|E-Z Underwear AMOS & SON 413 N. Piedmont Telephone 325-W F ? v- * \ . ? ? ' V.V3fef. 4"t :? . . ashion excitement in classics... essential casuals by and COLLEGE-TOWN JfJffSk ? , : ' Clearly conceived styles in multi-wearable Fall Skirts, capturing the unlimited texture and tone interest of Autumn's most important colors. Designed to be the favorites of smart campus and career girls! Si, V i i I t [$5.95 ' VU ; ?

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