CHARTER NO. 5451 RESERVE DISTRICT NO. 5 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIBST NATIONAL BANK of Kings Mountain, In the State of North Carolina, at the Close of (Business on September 30, 1953, Published in Response to Call Made toy Comptroller of the Currency, Under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, aqd cash, items in process of collection $1,197,321.59 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed ... 928,333.50 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 478,164.85 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 54,000.00 Con>oratc stocks( including $7,500.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) 7,500.00 Loans and discounts (including $ None overdrafts) 1,127,558.78 Bank premises owned $42,800.00, furniture and fixtures $19,392.00 62,192.00 Other assets v* . . ^ . 5,800.00 . TOTAL ASSETS $3,860,870.72 \ ??? . ; LIABILITIES ? * ?; v V - .. Demand deposits of Individuals, ?'V, partnesrships, and corporations $2,508,882.12 Time deposits of individuals, V partnerships, and corporations \ 527,974.73 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 133,411.^9 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 269,691.62 Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.) 80,026.54 TOTAI, DEPOSITS $3,519,986.10 b . ^Kbwar 7 ? * - . f 1X>TAL LIABILITIES ........... $3,519,986.10 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 4 " Capjtal Stock: -dKfe Common stock, total part $100,00(x00 $ 100,000.00 Surplus 150,000.00 Undivided profits 70,884.62 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred stock) 20,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 340,884.62 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ..... . $3,860,870.7? ? . # . ? ir r MEMORANDA x X Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes $530,107.45 (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 10,814.61 ? I, L. E. ABBOTT. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement true to the best Of my knowledge and belief. L. E. ABBOTT, Cashier. CORRECT? ATTEST: G. A. Bridges M. A. Ware . B. S. Nelll Directors. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY .OF CLEVELAND, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of October,, 1953, and I hereby certify that I am not an otflcer or director of this bank. Louise Carpenter, Notary Public. My commission expires Sept. 10, 1955. I Church . . ?v. f- D. PATRICK. Put or Sunday: 0:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 9:49 a. m. Sunday School. Mr. J. O. Darracott, aupt. Tuesday: 7:30 p. m. Preabyterlao Youth Fellowship tnCI MTW. TABEHNACLZ 1 Block From Cora Mill REV. lAMVa W. SELF. Pastor Sunday School ? 10 a. m. Preaching Service - 11 a. m. Night Service ? 7:13 p. m. Thursday nUht prayer service ? 7:19 p. m. ? Saturday Night Prayer Meeting ? 7:13 p. m. TRUE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Second Street REV. O. C. McCURRY, Pastor ' Sunday School, 10 a. m. Worship Serflce, 11a. m. Evening Service, 7:19 p. m. Prayer Service every Wednesday at 7:19 #. m. Every 3rd Saturday night. Extension Service, 703 p. m. MXDV1EW BAPTIST CHURCH (Near Morrison Airport) REV. JAMES < BUD) WHJJAMS, PMtflT Sunday School 9:45 ? Sunt. Herbert Bobeler Morning Worship iik? Evangelist Service 7:00 Saturday evening Service 7:30 1ETH1EHEM BAPTIST - REV. B. t BOBBINS, Pastor Mornlnf Service 11:00 a. m. SECOND WESLETAH METHODIST YANCEY B. CASTER, Minister Sunday School 9:45 r. H V ? w Evangelistic service 7:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:00. REV. SO BEST U HARDIN, Pastor Oundjiy ; 9r?f Sunday School. 11 :00 Morning Worship. ? '00 p. m. R T. U. ?* ' TiOO p. m. Preaching service. ?? Wednesday: -~T -- 7:00 Midweek prayer servke. f"!^ ? TEMPLE BAPTIST DAVID N. MOBRIS. Pastor Comer of Cansler A Pulton > 0:49 iu m. 4 JlrrctoT. SBSs'l Evening Worship, 7:00 p. HV 1 Midweek Pnayii- Service w?C. 6:49 p. m. i Visitor* always welcome. Sam Phillips. Supt. Worship. Service 11:00 a. m. Sunday Evening Service 7 p. m. HHfitt w-_l,u:7^J? MTTHODIST REV. A. J. ARGO. Pastor tuaday : 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship Service^ 6:19 p. m. W. Y. P. S. 7:19 p. m. Evangelistic Service. Monday: 7:19 p. m. Boy Scouts. Troop 3. EL BETHEL AMD PENLEYS CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCHES REV. BOYCE HUPPSTETLER 1st Sunday: Morning worship 10 a. m. ? Pealeya. Morning worship 11 a. m. ? XI Bethel. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. ? B B^eL Kid Sunday: Morning worship 11 a. m.? D Bethel. Evening service 7:30 p. m. ? S3- Bethel. Srd Sunday: Morning worship 11 a. m. ? Penleys. Evening service 7:30 p. m. ? E Bethel. 4th Sunday: Morning worship 11 a. m. ? SI Bethel. Evening service 7:30 p. m. ? S- Bethel. M. T. P. each Sunday, 6:30 p. m. at H Bethel. Choir practice and Prayer service each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. at EI Bethel. Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts "Clothes harmony" for Fall includes shirts attuned to the newest style trends. We have them I ? Broadcloths O Flannels # Gabardines $1.98 to $3.95 ? ? West Mountain Street SHIRTS bBVHUI CTowders Mountain Cbtmmintty REV. V. WAYNE KIRK. Patftor Saturday: I 8:00 p. m. "Hour at Power" Meeting. | 8unday : 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship Scrvte*. 8:00 pi m. Yothg People's meeting. 7:30 p. m. Evangel latlc Service. ALUM MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHUSCH W. L. MeSWAIN .Paator I Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10:00. Forsgt Fortenberry. Rupt. Won hip each aecood and fourth Sunday ooornlnjt at 11:00: worship each first and third Sunday evening at 7:3a B. T. U. each Sunday evening at 6:3a Albert Hardin. G. D. Choir practice each Thuraday evening at 1:00. "For we are laborers together with Ood" - Paul. SECOND BAPTIST CHUSCH REV. B. r. AUSTIN, Paator jUIidty; b-AL Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Service. "* ' <+ f ?:1S 8. T. If. 7:30 Prayer Meeting '* *?? Wednesday; 7 :30 Prayer meeting. " ' ''ill CHURCH or GOO Corner of Parker and Gaatnn REV. poc WILBANKS. Paator Sunday School 10 a. m. Night Service 7:00 p. m. Saturday night ype 7 pm. Tte. Everyone Invited to attend. ? MTSSIONABT METHODIST Second Street. Cora Mill Ssrvioea pKV. H. SPURGEON SCRUGGS. Paator W nf Mountain, lie Sunday! - . Sunday School: 9:45 a. ?. *"v!.r Fred Bowsna. Sunt. Arth-T Carrlgan. A art. 3upC Morning Woaahlp: 11:00 a. m. Thuraday: ~ Young People'* Sotdety: 6:30 p. m. OAK OSOVE BAPTIST REV. c C. CROWE, Paator Sunday*: ' 10 a. a. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning la ifcs (first and third Sundays). 8:30 p. m. HTU. 7 -JO p. m. Evening service ( fourth Sunday*). DAVID BAPTIST CHURCH W. U MeSWAIN. Paator . Worship every first and third Suneav morning* at UjOO; ?nd every *econd at.d fourth Sunday eveftlfllt at 7:3a Bun 'My School every Sund*y rnTfjUng at Dale Vollbracht, So pi B. T. U. every Sunday evening at 6:. TO Mr*. Toye Grlgg. O- D. Church Family Night Wednesday even ings after each first and third Sundava. Choir practice each Wednesday night at f:00. The Lor 'in Jhtnper on each Sth Sunday. Aa Moso aald to Hobab. "Come thou | with u* ar.d we will do thee good." CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH REV. P. u SHORE. JR., Minister Sunday: 10:00 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Worship. ?KM Intermediate Youth Fellowship. 8:30 Senior Youth Fellowship. 7:30 Evening Worship. Wednesday: 7:30 PrajM-r Sendee. 8:00 Oiolt Rehearsal. EASTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH REV. B. L. CRANKY, Pastor Sunday: 9:43 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Worship, 7:30 Evening Worship Wednesday: 7:30 Prayer Mc SECOND BAPTIST CHUaCH MISSION Corner of DUItns St.. and Railroad Ave. H- C. WRIGHT. Supl Sunday: P:45 Sunday School. 11-00 Morning Service. ' '> ? ? 6:19 a T. U. 7:30 Prayer Meeting Wednesday: - 7:30 Prayftr Meeting FIRST PRESBYTER IAH CHURCH REV. P. D. PATRICK. Pastor Sunday: Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worahlp 11:00 a. ' m. Sermon by Rev. Dayton Castleman Pioneer Fellowship 5:00 p. m Senior High Fellowship 6:30 p. m. Service with Boyce Memorial A. R. P Church 7:30 p. m. Monday: Cub Scout* 3:15 p. m. Boy Scouts 7:30 p m. Circle II. Mrs. O. W. Myers 8:00 p. m. Wednesday: Senior Choir Practice 7:30 p. m. rhursday: Brownie Scouts 3:15 p. m. Friday: Girl Scouts 3:30 p. m. r ? Central Methodist CHURCH NEWS By Mrs. Baxter Payseur Next Sunday at 11:00 a service of installation for Church School officers and teachers will be held. For the next three Sundays the morning worship services will be broadcast over Radio Station VVKMT. . ? Worldwide Communion was observed last Sunday. Sunday al so marked the beginning of a new church year, with the pastor, Rev. Phil Shore, returned from Conference. Ushers for October Itfe: Ben Beam, head usher; Pink Ware, Eugene Dye, C. J. Gault, Jr., Paul Walker, and Hllllard Black. Flowers for the sanctuary are provided this month by Circle No. 9. Circle No. 4 is in charge of the nursery. Trees have been removed from the site of the new education building. Bud May^S was host to the Youth CeWicll last night (Wed nesday) at 8 o'clock at his home. Senter Choir rehearsal will be held tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock. Meeting of the official board was held Monday night. Monthly meeting of the M. Y. F. SubDistrict Is next Thursday night. Girl Scout News Brownie Troop 32 met at the Presbyterian church In Kings Mountain October 1st with Mrs. Harry* Page and Mr*. Nell Gran ford as leaders. There were nine members present. All members said the Brownie pledge and the flag pledge. The following officers wei elected: Gall Morrison, president; I Kay Caasler. secretary; Marian | Plonk, reporter. The leaders took the member* to Mr. Hardin's bird and chicken farm hi Grover. They later en Joyed refreshments. Marian Plonk | and 4th ana r--? _ iwrar . - ? : ? *? *? HAMHlt. 9:45 Sunday Ictool U :00 JtaX>TwSShlp 2nd 7 00 Evening Wormhlp 1st and rxM* c*ragi or m -""tht m. a E. licKINZIE. Putv Sunday School: 9:45 la Werttjr Mom. Supt. ?: 11:00 a. m. 8?rvlc?? at 7:00 p. m. mookjw tow KXV. FLOYD "Oly Carpenter, Crowd en VI 10:00 Sunday School. ?#35Sus? JJ* AiBdajr 2 p. m. Thlrd Sundaje 11 a. m. 7:30 p. m. ? ttlS&P UV. SAT CHILDERS. Paster Sunday School 10:00. SupL. Raymond Gregory Morning Worship 11. -Oa Young People'! service 6:3a Herman Butt. President Evangelistic Service 7:30. Mldwask prayer serrlee Wednesday even ing at 7:30. Radio program: "Showers of Messing I", each Sunday morning at ? a. m. orer WONC Oastonla. a U OSAMT, _ Morn lux 8er?lc?i: Sunday School 9:49 t. bl ~ Morning Worship 11:00 A. m. Evening Service* : MKT 6:30 p. a. { Evening Worship 7 JO p. BL Wedneedejr evening: w Prayer Service 7:30 p. m. Thureday evening: .'r Choir Practice 7:30 p. m. v Friday evening: 20tta|?JF,5',5 JOE*? To" tawted and we wUl be delighted. . ^ Armour's All Meat lWi Can ArfO Sugar Del Monte Yellow Cling PEAS 2 31c PEACHES ~ 31c Libby's Cut Underwood Deviled ARMOUR BEETS 2 "25c HAM.. ."- 21c ' ^ v y-*v'A ? - .< ' v* y?*:.. '? ious. Meat, Balls In Rich Gravy! Chef Boy-Ar-Dee ^ eat Balls ?- 29' -???9nr ?? t .iifr ?? - . j. * A Real Buy In Coffeellted Label (!-&, Delicious Creamed! Sliced DRIED BEEF '?* 35c KARO SYRUP No. IVi Bot. 23c En>-w i tie r:..? riavor ana tenderness of U. S. C^'w Top Round Steak 85 Jutt The Thing For Country Fried Steak and Brown Oravyi U. S. Choice Cube Steak "? 85' >?* Traat Your Family To A Taste Treatl Table Dressed LONG Ml AND DUCKLINGS C :l.. C I E L ? ? u>. Family Favoritel Fresh Argo STARCH 14c U. Box Niagara Laundry STARCH 19c 12-Oz. Box Macaroni or Spaghetti SKIIWEP V Pkg?. ? 25c r , Children Love CRACKER JACK 8 13c ^ 9*4?/100% Pure IVORY SOAP 2 & 25c Per Pin* Washable* Granulated Ivory Soap IVORY FLAKES IVORY SNOW A LumIoui Salad With Hrr - ^||p^ Per Family Wash Household Cleanser Por Shining Sinks For That lvr>y took IVORY/SOAP 4 "7, r 20c It Ploats IVORY SOAP S r 22c Gets Hands Cleaner LAVA SOAP irtm?nt Valu??! Fresh J win bo Puerto no *9 Imported Holland (12 iwlbs to the Ph?.)> Cocoanqfc . Radishes 2 & 9c Rose Bushes - 69c First Quality 2-Year Old Assorted Variety HliHH

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