? Elizabeth Stewart, Editor Phone 167 Mrs. B. N. Barnes Study Club Hostess Members of the Study club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. S. A. Mauney with Mrs. B. N. Barnes as hostess. Mrs. Barnes, program chair man, introduced Mrs. Aubrey ? Mauney who showed colored slides of her recent trip to Mex ico and told the history of Mex ico. Souvenirs of Mexico were paSsed among club members. Mrs. M. H. Biser, club presi dent, presided over the business session. The rOll call was read and the treasurer's report given. Members voted to make a con tribution to the Library Fund drive. Mixed spring flowers and ar rangements of Easter lilies were used throughout the home in de coration, and the hostess was assisted in passing a salad cour se with coffee and a sweet cour se. Miss Margaret Stem and Mrs. J. P. Swain, Jr., were visitors at the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ware spent Easter Sunday with their daugh ter, Miss Phyllis Ware at M^rs Hill. They attended the Innaugur al stervice at the new Mars Hill Baptist church. Miss Ware is a senior at Mars Hill College. J. C. Keller and Miss Jane Wilson ac companied them. Open Gate Garden Club Held Meeting Wednesday Opfcn Gate Garden club mem bers met last Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. P. R. McCurdy with Mrs. B. T. Wright as co-hostess. Arrangements were brought by four of the members, Mrs. Eu gene Roberts, Mrs. Packard Elli ott, Mrs. Gordon Weekliey, and Mrs. B. T. Wright Mr*. Turner, of Dallas, Judged the exhibitions and gave suggestions for im provements in making flower ar rangements. During the business session, plans were completed for a cake and pie sale to be* conductcd by the garden club at the building formerly occupied by Rainwater Furniture Co., Saturday morning beginning at 8:30. Cakes, pies, cookies, and other swteets will be sold. Mrs. Claud Hambright, club president, pre sided over, the business session. Mrs. Maude B. Foy of Kinston, who has been visiting In the .home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kln cald, was a visitor at the meeting. A social hoUr was enjoyed fol lowing the mete ting and the hos tesses passed a salad plate with dessert and tea. - Billy Ramseur, 10-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Ro. nseur, is recuperating at his home from a case of measles. Free Estimate FOR: ? Metal-Vent Awnings Mineral Wool Insulation Weather - Stripping Installed Aluminum Screens Ornamental Iron '?SEE ? Don Crawford 116 W. Lackey St. Phone 607-J Kings Mountain Representative' of NORMAN HARRIS & SON ? Shelby ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED 1 . Social Calendar. Thursday: 2:45 ? Ace at Clubs meets at the homte of Mrs, Howard Jackson. / 7:00? M a r g r a c e Girls club meets at ti.e Margrace vyoman's club house. 7:30 ? Phebean class, First Bap tist church, meets at the home of Mrs. Howard Ware. 7:30 ? Gleaners class, First Bap tist church, meets at the home of Mrs. Bill Laugh ter. Y:30 ? American Legion Auxili ary meets at the home of Mrs. Paul Mauney with Mrs. C. H. Moss and Mrs. ? A. S. Lynch as co-hostess es. 7:30 ? Town and Country Gar den club meets at the home of Mrs. J. H. Arth ur. Friday: 7:00 ? Woman's club Husband's Night banquet at the Wo man's club house. 7:30--"-E c s t e r n Star chapter birthday party at Ma sonic Dining Hall. 7:30? Margrace Woman's club mteets at the Margrace club house. . Saturday: 8:00 ? Mrs. Gould Hamrick will entertain at her home on Linwood Drive compli menting Ml8? Helen Pen son, bride-elect Monday: 2: 45? Duplicate Bridge club meets at the home of Mrs. C.. D. Blanton. 5:00 ? Mission Study at Resur rection Lutheran church. 7:30 ? American Home Depart ment' of the Woman's club meets* at the Wo man's club house. 7. JO ? Park Grace school PTA meets at the school audi torium. Installation ser vice. , . 8:00 ? King and Queen of clubs meets at the homte of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kerns. Tuesday: 3:00 ? C o n t r a c t Bridge club meets at the home of Mrs. H. M. Heavner. ' Wednesday : 10:30? Brunch at Kings Moun tain Country club for flo wer show Judges. 2-6 and 8-10 ? Spring flower show of the Kings Moun tain Garden club at the Woman's club. 2: 00 ? Wednesday A f t e r n oon Bridge club meets at the horfie of Mrs. O. W. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson and family visited during the weekend in the homte of Mr. Pat terson's sister, Miss Martha Pat terson and Mrs. J. S. Chandler in Fayetteville. Billy Patterson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat terson, became 111 and was con fined to bed with a case of mea sles. Mr. Pattterson returned to Kings Mountain on Monday. We Close .At I P. M. Saturdays Kings Mountain Building & Loan W. K. Mauney, Pre*. \ ic.-AmL- -r.. \,sk&kt Each Account Is Insured tip To $10?00t There'* nothing like cold cash to surround your future with the warm glow or security and success I To hare cold cash on hand when you need it better start putting some "on Ice" now . ... in your servings account Best way is to deposit a pre -determined amount right off the top of your pay. every week, your regular soring*, pius accumulated Interest will soon add up to the kind of cold cash that will make a big difference ... In TOT7B favor. No time like the present to provide for your future. Open a savings account here . . . NOW! Wright-McSwain Vows Solemnized Miss Louise Ellen Wright and Luther R. McSwain, Jr., both pf Kings Mountain, were united in marriage in a simple service at the David's Baptist church parso nage last Wednesday, April 14, at six o'clock. Vows of the double - ring ser vice were heard by The Reverend C. W. Walker, pastor of David's Baptist church, and The Reverend J. J. Thornburg, pastor of Patter son Grove Baptist church. For her wedding, the bride wore a navy blue suit with navy acces sories and a shoulder corsage of red rosebuds. Mrs. Wright, the bride's mother, wore a light blue dress with black accessories and Mrs. McSwain, mother of the bridegroom, was dressed in navy blue with pink I accessories. Miss Betty Hovis of Charlotte, Mrs. J. J. Thornburg, and members of the two families attended the ceremony. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Travis Wright, is a graduate of Bethware high school and is employed in Charlotte by South ern Bell Telephone Company. Ths bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther R. McSwain, Sr., was graduated from Bethware high school and is a student at Lenoir Rhyne college, In Hickory. Kathy Louise Hullender Honored On Birthday Kathy Louise Hullender cele brated her first birthday anni versary last Wednesday, April 14, at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs; Jack Hullender. She is the daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. James L. Hullender of Chey enne, Wyoming, who visited here until yesterday in the Hullender home. Party games were directed throughout the afternoon and re freshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. Guests attending the party in cluded Richard and Vickie White, Pat and Janice Murphy, Robbie Moss, "Ren" and Christy Hullen der, and . Barry Walker. Gifts were presented to the honoree. Stella Austin Auxiliary Met At Church Tuesday Members of the Stella Austin Girls' Auxiliary of FirsTT&aptist church met at the church Tues day afternoon for their regular meeting. Miss Blenda Huneycutt, Direc tor of Music and Promotion at First Baptist church, met with the group in the absence of the GA leader, Mrs* Howard Ware. During the business session, the group discussed plans for a softball team for the summer and completed plans for a pro gram they are to .present at the general meeting of the Woman's Missionary Union next month. A social hour followed the meeting, and the hostess was assisted in serving light refresh ments. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith of Mount Holly announce the birth of a daughter, Marcla Anne, Sat urday, April 10. Mrs. Smith is the former Miss Betty Bell, former resident of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beam, route 1, Grover, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, April 13, Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wortham, route 3, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, April 14, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Hurdt An nounce the birth of a son, Sun day, April 18,' Kings Mountain hospital. ? Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Black an nounce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, Apni 21, Kings Moun tain hospital. PERSONALS Miss May Plonk suffered a broken arm In a fall at he?- home last Tuesday. Bill Amos, student at Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wln ston-Salem, visited during the | weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Amos. j Susan Amos of Charlotte vis ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Amos, here several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Looney are attending a two-day Stanley convention in session at the Ho tel Barrlnget in Charlotte. The condition of Sylvia Morris, who Is .receiving treatment for spinal meningitis at Kings Moun tain hospital, was reported "im proved" Wednesday by her pa- j rents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Morris. Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Patrick are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul] Patrick and three children in Charleston, S, C. They will return to their home here the latter part of the week. Miss Ramona Allen, student at Lees-McRae college, Banner Elk, spent Easter holidays with her partents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Al len. Miss Alien came home last Wednesday and returned to t school on Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. David Earl Allen of Four-Oaks, S. C., visited during J the weekencTTh the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Allen. They wtere enroute to their home in Four- 1 Oaks after a vacation spent in | Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Looney, Jr., of Newport News, Va., Kenneth | Looney and Miss Connie Bum gardner, of Lee College, Cleve land, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Tanner and son of Aiken, S. C., and Mrs. Hilda Johnson and son, Douglas, of Charlotte, were guests during the weekend in the home of Mr* and Mrs. G. C. Looney. Garden Club Discussed Final Plans For Show Members of the Kings Moun tain Garden club completed final plans for theil: spring flower show to be given Wednesday, In meeting at the home of Mrs. Ver non P. Crosby last week. Themte of the flower show is "Flowers Light the World." Mrs. J. E. Herndon, program , -chairman, presented a program j on' "Organic Gardening." Each member displayed a one-flower arrangement and ribbons were won by Mrs. George Hotfser, Mrs. W. L. Prtessly, and Mrs. H. R. Nelsler. During the business session, members voted to make a club contribution to the Library Fund drive and other business was dis cussed. Mrs. H. C. Mayes, club president, presided. During the social hour that fol lowted the meeting, Mrs. Crosby Aiea Geologists j Inspect Foote Geologists from all the South eastern United States visited Kings Mountain Saturday as the enji point of their annual con vention to inspect Foote Mineral Company's spoduraene mining operation. , , Approximately 100 geologist , visited the plant. The annual convention of the Southeastern Section, Geological Society of America, convened for technical sessions at the Univer sity of South Carolina on Friday and adjourned on Saturday for field trips to points of geologic interest, ending here. T. L. Kesler and W. E. Dill, of the Foote staff, and Mrs Kesler, attended the meeting at Colum tela.. Egg production on North Caro lina farms during 1953 totaled 1.337 billion, a new record high and 3 per cent above the previous high of 1952. was assisted in serving a salad plate with sandwiches and t^a. Ed Tutor Attended Charlotte Meeting Ed Tutor, manager of Joy and Dixie Thteatres here, has just re turned from a two day showman ship meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. I He previewed two pictures, "The French Line," starring Jane Russell, and "Carnival Story", starring Steve Cochran and An ne Baxter. These two pictures have been dated for use in the Joy Theatre in the next few weeks. He also reported that no final decision was reached concerning cinemascope for the Jpy Theatre after discussion with E. G. Stell ings, president of the theatre chain. f t i ?? ??? ? i ? Easter Weather Ideal For Area Kings Mountain citizens en Joyed a pleasant Easter weekend, as the traditional Easter "cold spfeH'' abated Sunday and warm sunshiny weather continued on Car Trouble? Our "know-how" saves you moxteyl V When auto trouble comes a knockin', see the men who hare the fix-it "know-how" FIRST. Serves you time. * money and needless worry. Our shop is equipped with the latest tools and testing devices to tackle every re pair job efficiently I Autos checked without charge. Drive in today. 7 : Successor to G. W. King Garage PHONE 60 Easter Monday. Majority of 'King* Mountain retail firms closed for the tradi tional Easter Monday holiday, and schools resumed Tuesday morning after their long week end cessation. Easter finery was in evidence at all public places, and church services attracted large crowds. Merchants, particularly in the apparel field, reported brisk weekend business. ' aoM-s ntST IlMt M ?o-*i AM MRTorr Vab# Yw Choic? . . . THEN TAKE 20% OFF THE PRICE TAG Of Any Nmw 1954 ILCIN Watch 'atch/ Umi*4Tkm OVyf EASY CREDIT , TOO As Little As 'I A tfVEFK UOV 1101 N nossom II hnh Wm 171.50 now' *57? how *52?9 I 'Wv 17 ?mI Stock ?ftctM/WM $47 so mmm,. Wn H7.M now *389? NOW *36 <2 ? > (dH ELGIN wHt. GvarartvW DURAPOWfR MAINSPRING ffc# Hamrt IW Nmr Iraati AT 20%SAV1NGSI BUT H0WI M.T?M ? ? '..vS* ? . LA YAW AY NOW FOR GRADUATION GXF?S ALEXANDER'S JEWELRY 225 S. Battleground SUBSCRIBE! TO THE HERALD MYERS' READY-TO-WEAR SPECIAL GROUPS ONE GBOOP $29.95 Values ONE GBOUP $24.95 Values ?????????????????????????? $16.95 Values