AT si AUium o/ii Uiwni ? .uaiUt orauu una nut uucmi Jacks, radio and television stars, pictured above, will present a variety show at City Stadium Saturday at 8:15 p. m. as the first half o 1 a program being sponsored by Grace Methodist church youth. Clyde "'Cloudy" McLean. WBTV weatherman, will "MC" the second portion of the program, a TV talent hunt featuring Kings Mountain area performers. Proceeds go to the church's youth educational building Arthur Smith, "Cloudy" McLean Feature Grace MYF Talent Hunt Here Saturday An original "Television Tal ent Hunt and. Variety Show," to icature nationally known tele vision stars Arthur Smith and his Cracker Jacks, is scheduled at 8:15 p. m. at City Stadium on ? Saturday, with proceeds to go to the Youth Educational Building * fund of Grace Methodist chur ch. Lined up for appearance on the television show are a num- j t>er of the top amateur <>nti pro- 1 fessional . entertainment acts 'from this area, Mack Murray, chairman, announced today. Tiiey Will ,1 pet for :i , local prize foi iht- unity . .f ap pearing as guests on WBTV and for a sharp of $2,000 in prizes to be awarded (h^year in an ef fort to locate "new- name" tele* vision The grand prhee . Winner, to he chosen by a television talent scout, will be Invited to appear on one of Arthur. Smith's pro , , ENTRIES OPEN ' Entries for the television talent hunt at City Stadium Saturday night are still open to locally talented persons and groups. Mr. Murray sold to day. Persons cos groups Inter. ' ested In entering the contest . toe urged to contact. Mr. Mur> ray at Telephone 6C4-J today, i or see any member of the ' Grace MYF, for entry details. grams on WBTV next week and will compete later ^n the'quar ter finals talent hunt for the top prize of $500 Ih cash. A .popular ity winner will alio toe chosen, with an electric applause meter being utilized on the stage. "Miss Leona Grant and Miss Elizabeth Camp, program chair men for the Grace Methodist Youth Fellowship, . said today "advance ticket sales for the Ar Be Sure To See: MARILYN MONROE ROBERT MITCHUM . in '?RIVER OF NO RETURN" fat CINEMASCOPE at Your Favorite Theatre JOY thur Smith and original talent hunt show have been very good, ?but there are still plenty of tic kets for everyone. They may be purchased in advance from any member of the MYF, at Mur ray's Grocery, and at the gate, Just before curtain time. Tickets are 50c and $1.00, with proceeds golrig to the Youth Educational Building Fund." Gates will be opened at 7:30 p. m. First half of the program wlU be composed of a variety show to be presented by Arthur Smith and his Cracker Jacks, with Mar gie Martin, while the second half | of the program will 'be "M. C.'d" by Clyde McLean, WBTV weath erman and will present local talent. Everyone is Invited to at jtend.--^ Boy Scout News TROOP 2 On Monday, July 5th, at 7:30 p. m., Boy Scout Troop No. 2 of St Matthew's Lutheran church, held Its regular meeting. The meeting was opened with the Scout Oath and good turns \yene given. J. W. Webster of El mer Lumber Co., donated a large board and some other pieces of lumber to the Boy Scouts of Kings Mountain. Three Scouts ? Johnny Houser, | Dean Bridges and Ervin Hnuser ?built a swell diving board at the camp and said it was(the fin test around. Some of the swim mers there agreed. The meeting was later closed. Ervin Houser, Scribe I BOTCE MEMO B LA ! ASSOCIATE BXrOBMKD PLEglfTEBLAW ! WILAJAM L. PRESSLY. Mlnlater Church School 10 a. m. Mnrrlolt D. Phlfer, Supt. Morning Service tla m. Young People wil? go to a dlatrlct meet ing at Stndy Plaint They will meet at the church after lunch. I Union Service ? p. m. The Union Service will be at the Metho dist churfh with Bev. P. D. Patrick preach - public la cordially invited. Prayer rm-etfog Wednesday evening At 8:00. Choir Practice at BJSO. ? ... ' . ? A total of 1,813,000 pounds of butter was manufactured In Nor th Carolina in 1953, compared with the 1,264,000 pounds produ ced a year earlier. ? ; . AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE. SPECIAL LICENSE TAXES OF THE CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN, EFFECTIVE JULY 1. 1954s > mm adopted June 28, any goods, ware merchandising and sell or offer to Mil or barter the same. shall be deemed ped 1'"'^# wholesale dealers with established warehouses and selling only to merchants for re- ' s ''-fflWftl Wfl P?y ? license tax as follows?per an W?*. f4fI)Peddler, with any vehicle propelled by motor or mmP?' * r power, for each vehicle '*?? ?? ? ? $200.00 'i (b) Peddler* of produce, per annum . , f 15.00 Ac) t AU other peddlers .... . . ........ i , . PROHIBITED Hot applicable tb the sale of hooks, periodicals, printing, moafc, lea, wood for fuel, fish, beef, mut ton, poHk, bread, cakes, Mas, daily products* poul try, ens, livestock or articles produced by the vrfh- ^ dor offering them for sale, but shall apply to medi cinaa, drugs or articles assembled. Not applicable ? , toJ Confederate soldi**, disabled veterans St 8pan- . uh American War or World War or bllad persons 'mm are ex*WWWpp Thia amendment wAs adopted by unaftlmons action of the Board of Commissioners at the tegular meeting of July i, 1954. Accident Solves Theft, Locates School AWOL's An automobile accidbnt occur ring three miles west of Kings Mountain, on Highway 74, Friday around 2 p. m. resulted in the ap prehension of two automobile thieves and two Jackson Training School escapees. According to State Highway Patrolman C. D. Fortune, Tommy W. Pressley, cf Bttevard, operator of the wrecked vehicle, Johnny Capps, of routte 1, Primrose, Tom my Harrison, of Gastonla, Alton Locklear, Jr., 16, of Lumberton, and a Kings Mountain, minor, all passengers in the car, left the scene of the accident. Prfessley and Capps, Officer Fortune said, were apprehended on Highway 74 in front of Bridges Bar-B-Que, with Lockleer, Harrison, and the minor, a- mile from the accident walking west on Highway 74. Admittance by Prtessley and a check by police authorities, For tune continued, revealed that a round 11 p. m., July 1, a 1954 Che vrolet was stolen from a used car lot in Brevard by Pressley | and Capps. Later, according to Fortune, with Pressley assuming thte fictitious name of Tommy ! Orr and a Charlotte address, the j pair traded the stolen Chevrolet in Charlotte for a 1946 Ford cou pe, receiving $50. difference in cash. A search of the persons of the two Jackson School escaptees re vealed a paid receipt to the School for Locklear. Fortune said a check with the school revealed that Locklear and the Kings Mountain youth ha descAp*) July L The escapees were returned to the school Saturday, Fortune stat ed. Pressley and Capps were turn ed over to Transylvania County authorities and will face charges of larceny of an automobile, in the jiext term of Transylvania County Supterior court. At a later date, Fortune said, Pressley will be tried in Recorder's court in Shelby on charges of reckless driving and driving without an operator's licensee Harrison was booked for pub lic drunkenness and will be tried by Justkte of Peace Lee Roberts. . Aiding in the investigation was State Highway Patrolman O. R. McKinney, Jr. Patrolmen Arrested 21,745 For Speeding RALEIGH ? Tot the rlrst six months of the year state troopers attested 21,745 Tar Heels lor speeding the Motor Vehicles De partment rte ported today. Fast driving led by far the half year report of moving traffic vio lations. Simple speeding does not require revocation of driving pri vileges for the first offense, the department said. Othfer violations reported for the period Included drivlngSvlth out an operator's permit 4,625; reckless driving 3,500; faulty equipment 3,506; failing to stop for a stop sign 4,234; improper passing 1,931; following too close ly 1,092; and driving on wrong side of road 1,198. The report showed a total of 45,998 Tar Heels found guilty of moving violations through June 30. Grading Continues At Negro Pool Site Grading operations, began on June 28, continued this week at the site of thte Negro swimming pool and athletic field, located west of North Watterron street between Davidson school and Wa co road. Bowen & Hubbard Grading Co. of Shelby;, moved into the area after completing work at the. Par kter street recreation site, Where work has begun on the construc tion of a pool for white citizens. : C. T. Bennett Construction Co. has the contract for the two pools. Parker street has been extend ed from Dilling street to the rec itation center area and- work is still underway on the Deal street extension, which will give the area an entrance from East Ridge street ? 'viv A street Is being planned to con nect thte new Negro elementary school and the Negro recreation site. Only entrance, at present, is off Waco road. Liquor Cost Biggest (timber Revocations 7 :< ;L , 1?4 ? ? . M RALEIGH. ? Liquo* transported or Imbibe*. ? , the greatest number of Tar Heel drivers their driving prtv'Ueges for the first six months of the year the Motor Vehicle* Department reported today. In June 668 drivers were re quired to surrender their drivers' license, bringing the total of DP ** * Speeding was In with 3*02 ronvletions, mo* of them the results 9f speeding M er 79 mph in an a Jtomobilaj :v-f>rtving after " resulted In add . fc? 908 motorists hflf and two of [ less driving' got 179 The rat no mtsdfl penalties ,the first of reck -i No News Is So Important As the HOME News! * ? . ? ... * And the only sure, dependable and satisfactory way to "keep up" with what ? V*- -? *? * '* * "/ *1- - ? '*? ? ** " **t ? ' \ , .. v ? ?* i ? .* i. ?> <* 'V '* : / ?v ; ?'il- : Vv. , ' x ? . .. ? Sv" ' - ' V.r ; ? " ? ; - ? - ;; . ? r >' V 1: ;\c x >V.r: . v / ;*r ? V; \> '"v." v;: .* .V'-*:' goes on here in Kings Mountain is through the KINGS MOUNT AIN HERALD. That is why so many people, interested in the Home news, subscribe to the KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD ... It is the HOME NEWSPAPER. And it cost so little, no one can afford to be WITHOUT it. - , , - ? ?*- . ? - ? . - , If you have just been buying a copy now and then, or reading a neighbor's paper when you have a chance, you have been missing a lot in every copy :' V ??? ; ^ ?? ' ? - \ . ; ' '? ' t t % ... . - ; ' .? .. ' ' ; ,? ? ' \ . v. ? ? , ' ?' V, ' . ' . ? ? ? % ? you failed to see. So, subscribe for yourself and your family today! ! . * You Miss SO MUCH for SO LITTLE . . . When You Miss Your ? - ' " ? Home Newspaper. * ? ? vJ- "