. ? T.7" ? Mountain Merchants Collaborating In City-Wide Midsummer Sale Population City Limits 7.206 i ?? I TM population U from. Ola U. S. Gor?iam>t thur f?HMKf t o'clock, &&&**?* i" * Jack White, chairman of JfO. 4 Township Young Democrats, this week reminded all area i > mocrats who Wish to attend the party rally at Hickory Sat urday evening to contact hkn for ticket and tzeMttOKStlon IMim'tkjBf . Senator Sam fir- . win will make the principal addimpfftflg >Cv'.C PKSMrtS APPSOVKD , Building permits were ap proved during the week toy Building Inspector J, W. Wefo ster to Haywood E. Lynch, Who applied for a permit to erect a one- story residence on North Sfms street at an estimated cost of $2,000, and to C. L. Ar rington, who applied for a per mit to alter * residence cm Jaekson street ?t sn coat of $7,000. M obmand heowion Annual Ormand Family re union win toe held Saturday, beginning rt I. !n>; Creek about halfway Kings Mountain and City. Picnic lunch will toe ser ved at noon and friends of the family aifejbeing invited to Retailers OHer Sale Bargains Dnring Weekend Kings Mountain merchants are collaborating this weekend in a city-wide Midsummer Sale, begin ning. Thursday and continuing through Saturday. Paul Walker, chairman o|- the Kings Mountain Merchants asso ciation's trade promotion commit tee, said 13 retail firms are par ticipating in the event, in addi tion to an institutional sponsor. Mr. Walker said the sale, which has bteen planned for the past two months, will find the stores featuring two particular classes of goods 1) special purchases, In which the merchants have found bargains in now merchandise to offer at unusually low prices, and 2) seasonal and odd-lot merchan dise which the merchants are fea turing at "ridiculous" prices. Sterchi's, furniture dealer, is a mong the participating firms and is offering two giveaway stimu lants. On Friday, Sterchi's will give its first 25 visitors an eight piece hospitality set, and on Sat urday' at 6 p. m. will conduct a drawing for a window fan valued at $39.95. Terms of thfe drawing merely require a person to visit the store and to register for the drafving. Mr. Walker said he was im pressed with the quantity and quality of values being offered and predicted a profitable week end for Kings Mountain area cus tomers, all of whom have been informed by mail of the city-wide sales event. In. addition, many of the participants are using custo mary advertising media to fea ture their Mid-Summer salte of ferings on an individual basis. Participating firms include Belk's Department Store, Myers' Department Store, Keeter's De partment Store, Plonk Brothers and Company, McGlnnls Depart ment Store, Sterchi's, City Auto A Home Supply, Bridges Hard ware, Gus Entas Shoe Store, Re ba's Fashions. McGlnnls Furni ture Company, Eagle's Variety Store, and Dixie-Home Stores. The Kings Mountain Herald is an institutional sponsor* Union Service At ARP Sunday Sunday night's union service for five city church congregations will be held at Boyce Memorial ARP church, with Dr. W. P. Ger berdlng, pastor of St. Matthtew's Lutheran chufch, to deliver the message at 8 p. m. Schedule of final services in the summer series were also an nounced. Rev; P. L. Shore, Jr., pastor of Central Methodist church, will preach on August 8 at Resurrec tion Lutheran church, and Rev. Douglas Fritz, pastor o I Resur rection Lutheran church, will be the speaker oil August 15 at First Presbyterian churcji. On August 22, Dr. Gerberdlng will speak at Central Methodist church, and the final union *sr vice for the summer will be held at St Matthew's Lutheran church with Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor of First Presbyterian church, to de liver the message. uotn cnuccroKs Directors of the Kings Moun tain Lions club will hold their regular monthly supper meet ing Thursday evening at seven o'clock - at Kings Mountain Country Club. Revised "Sword of Gideon" Drama Improvedln Many Ways Over 1953 f ELIZABETH STEWART I "The Sword of Gideon" ?how ted on ttt delayed first night of the 1864 seauon Friday, with first nighter* viewing a much-revised drama, with new lines, narration, and stage effects. It is the third season for "The Sword* of Gideon" and fourth consecutive annual presentation of a battle drama by this Kings Mountain Little Theatre, Inc., aid-, ed by cKiwmr of surrounding ct ties. ""'ijffwl Thursday night's show was can celled when a power failure blacked out the whole surround iqg area of York county. Friday first * nigbters were treated to an interesting with stage ?' handling lighting, sound, and costuming adeptly handled and mors realism affect ad into the whole play. A narra tor, Who Introduces himself a$ "King" and who narrates each setae in the story in the voice of an old man, is another Improve ment over thf lSU production. \ Still another improvement is the addition of new scenery that include* a replica of Kings Moun tain. The title role of Reece Mao Dermott ia poitrayed by Ci tarfes Hales, of Warsaw, who gives a professional finish to the role of thn rugged young mountain man who aroused the American for ces to action against the British. Halea, a newcomer to the Lit tle Theatre drama, gave an out standing performance, as did Miss Susan Mouff of Kings Mountain, who portrays "Sally", a half-breed Indian girl who, in one Scene doffs her customary Indian buckskin for a long party dress. ' A.'.';.' Comic roies in the drama this year are portrayed quite success fully by Dr. P. G. Padgett, who again plays Biily Rover, combi nation medicine' man. good Sama ritan, and "horse-born ower",. and Continued On Page Bight Church-Going Vet Said Mentally III VA Hospital Has No Bed Space For Otis Perry -fy Otis Perry, 27, a Negro navy veteran and former fleet boxer, wrs hooked on a charge of tem porary insanity by Chief of- Po lice Hugh A. Logan, Jr., on Mon. day, but was released to the cus tody of his parents Wednesday morning. Chalmers Miller, county veter ans officer, said he had been un successful in obtaining admis sion for the veteran at the Vete rans Hospital a^ Salisbury. Perry was booked, Chief Lo gan said, after stopping cars at the Highway 74 bridge over the Southern Railway, Including the chief's and after Dr. Paul E. Hen dricks had examined the vteteran and given the "mentally sick" diagnosis. Chief Logan said Perry was stopping traffic and showing the drivers a paraphrased text of the Bible. Perry Is the Negro who has at tended church servldes In Cen tral Methodist and First Baptist churches on three consecutive Sunday nights. He was at union servldes on July 11 and 25 at Cen tral Methodist church and at a communion service at' First Bap tist church on the night of July 18. _ '. ?_ v jiBev. PhU Shore, pastor of Cen tral Methodist church, said he haer endeavored to talk with Ore man after the recent Sunday night service, but that thte man was uncommunicative. Rev. Gordon Weekley, pastor of First Baptist church, said that the usher had seated Perry at the back of the church on the night Perry was at First Baptist church, that the usher, F. A. (Happy) McDaniel, Sr., had of fered to serve him communion, but that Perry did not partake. Chief Logan said Perry wore a rosary which he fingered fre quently. Veterans Officer , Miller said Perry's service record shows he tenlisted In the navy on October 13, 1945 from Kings Mountain and was discharged four years later on October 1949 at Quonset Point, R. L Miller said he was told by Ve terans Administration hospital of. ficlals that the hospital was over crowded and was not accepting any patients with non-service connected disabilities. Chief Logan said hte under stood Perry is married to a white German girl, now living In New Jersey, and that they have si child with another expected. He further added that Perry's mother, Mrs. Ella Perry, who llvfes at 109 N. Watterson street, said the family "has to watch Its money, or the boy will give it all to the church." -V 11 " 1 1 11 1 ?- '..-J* ACT MEN'S SUPPER John Kimmons, of States vllle, will address the Men's fellowship organization 4tt? Boyce Memorial ARP church at the regular supper meeting Monday evening at 7 o'clock. HEBE SUNDAY ? Rev. B. F. Or momd, Kings Mountain native and Marion, S. C- pastor, will de liver the sermon Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock at First Presby terian church. Ormand To Fill Pulpit Snnday Rev. B. F. Ormand, Jr., pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Marion, S. C., will preach at First Presbyterian church here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Ormand is a graduate of Davidson College and Union The ological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. . Rev. Mr. Ormand ia a Kings Mountain native. "We arc delighted that he Is to be with us and we hope the friends and public will avail themselves of this opportunity to hear him," Rev. P, D. Patrick, the pastor said. I - , * ,?i,. I Mis. Bumgardnei Rites Conducted ? Funeral services for Mrs. Hat tie Jenkins Bumgardnter, 62, of route 1, were conducted from Oak View Baptist church Tuesday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Rites were conducted by Rev. C, E. Oxford, assisted by Rev. E. O. Gore. Interment was in the Oak Vfew Baptist church ceme tery. Mrs. Bumgardner, daughter of the late Joseph and Sarah Cathe rine Dixon Jenkins, and widow of Thomas Edward Bumgardner, died at her home Sunday morn ing at 10:45 following a cere bral-hemorrhage. She was a na tive Of York county and a mem bter of the Oak View Baptist church. She is survived by eight sons, Edward, Ray, Clyde, John, George, W. P., and Ralph Bum gardner, all of Kings Mountain; and J. O. Bumgardner, of Shelby; one daughter, Mrs. E. S. Hardin, of Shelby; two step-sons, Hazel and Austin Bumgardner, of Kings Mountain; 33 grandchil dren, and five great-grandchil dren. Pallbearbrs, were Lester Har mon, Emmett Ross, T. C. McKee, Alex Owens, Paul Owens, and Boyce Gault. Police Will War On Load "Col-Outs" The Kings Mountain police de partment, according to Chief Hugh A. Logan, Jr., will begin on Monday enforcing North Caro lina General Statue No. 20-138 which reads as followr . . "Prevet tfioA of noise, smoke, etc., muffler cut-outs regulated? "(a) No person shall drive ft motor vchlcle on a highway un less such motor vehicle is equip ped with a muffler in good work ing ordrr and in constant opera tion to prevent excessive .or un usual note?, annoying smoke screom. "b) It shall be unlawful to uae a 'mufiler cut-out' on any motor vehicle upon a highway^" Chief Logan asked the coope ration of all motorist in main taining this law, and those who will not co-opera tie, he said, will be given citations. City Seeks Two GasMen;Mauney Holds To Price The City Board of Commission. ers, in special session at City Hall Tuesday night, agreed to seek ap plications for two positions with the city natural gas department! and discussed tentative rate and | service charges for the new de partment. The board also conducted nu merous items of routine business and was told by Paul Mauney, who arrived near the end of th* gas discussion, that he "had no reason to change his mind" on i his asking price of $20,000 for 6 i acres the city seeks for eg large I ment of the McGill septic tank.^ | The city has filed condemna- | tjon action in Gaston County Su perior Court but no summons has been served on Mr. Mauney, whose wife is now visiting in Great Britain. In the natural gas discussion, W. D. Edwards, Jr., of Columbia, S. C.? an engineer with Barnard and Burk, the city's consulting engineers on the gas matter, told the board that, before construc tion of the distribution system begins, the board should: 1) de termine Installation costs of put ting gas Into homes and Indus tries ; 2) set prices to be charged for natural gas; 3) determine re strictions on Installation; and 4) conduct an Intensified campaign to solicit gas customers before and during construction of the distribution system. Mr. Edwards reported that the city could expect delivery of its .revenue bond money from R. S. Dickson Co., . between September 15 and October 1. Bids for construction of the distribution system are to be op ened on August 6 and Mayor G. A, Bridges reported that 26 firms j are bidding on the work, which is to begin as soon as the money is available. The city has con tracted for delivery of natural gas by January 15. The board is to meet on Friday at 7 p. m. to continue discussion on the gas matter and to consi der applicants for the two jobs. I For its natural' gas salesman, the board seeks a young, energe tic man to contact prospective customers and to sell non-refund able gas service tap contracts, which the board now thinks it will offer for $10 during con struction of the system. For the $10 fee, a customer can get a gas tap run to his home/provided the line does not exceed 75 feet on the owner's property, to a point about six feet from the nearest wall of the residence. The meter Is to be Installed at this point, he said, with additional footage to be installed at 50 cents per foot during the construction period il the customer desires it. Mr. Ed wards recommended a $75 tap fee after construction Lb completed, but told the board it should al low the $10 fee for buildings con structed after completion .of the distribution system. The $10 fee does not cover full cost of the Installation, he said, but offers an incentivte to prospective custo mers. A home owner who has not de cided upon use of gas can have the tap Installed during construc tlon of the system for the $10 fee and never use It. If, at a later date, he decides to use gas, the customer can receive the service upon deposit of a meter fee. The board discussed setting a meter { deposit of $5 for Residential cus tomers who do not propose to use gas for heating and a deposit of $15 for heating customers. The meter installation deposit, like electric installation deposits, is ; to . be refunded when the custo mer desires to discontinue the service or is to be ^ pplied on any unpaid gas bill. Mr. Edwards, in answering a question on the cost of installa tion of gas appliances inside a residence (not a city gas depart meat Job), cited as an example a bill of $54 submitted a customer for initaliatkm of a gas water heater, a gas range and an outlet for a fireplace log-type heater in a 5-room houtfe. In answer to a question by Ma yor Bridges, the gas engineer re ported that natural gfes is safe, is non-toxic and that the odor is not objectionable. Bottled gas customers may change over to natural gas very momlcally, he said. Burners do norhave to be changed and may 1 be converted, b*:t the size of pipe leading from the meter to the unit has to be changed in many in stances, he reported. the board want* an experienc ed gas man, capable of serving as Continued On Pagm Sight fey 4gS EM Thursday To Be Home Night For Sword of Gideon Show Miss Universe Rin Of Pastor's Wife Miss Miriam Stevenson, the comely South Carolina college student crowned Miss Universe and awarded a movie contract last week, is a first cdusiri of Mrs. Douglas Fritz, wife of the pastor of Resurrection church. Mt-s. Fritz, in Wlnnsboro, S. C., last week while the Miss USA preliminaries were being conducted, said the community, as well as Miss Stevensons' pa rents. was quite excited <>vt?r the outcome of the contest then underway. ?) Miss Stevenson was a brides maid at the wedding of Rev. and Mrs. Fritz on June 8, 1952. Mrs. Fritz did not know, she said, how seriously her cousin would consider motion picture work, since her dramatics ex perience has been limited to college dramas. Miss Stevenson told Lander College representa tives who called in Hollywood that she would, of course, ful fill the $200 per week contract she received as an award for the Miss Universe title. The beauty winner's college major: homfe economics. Welch Receives Year Sentence Dewey Welch, charged with assault on his 12-year-old dau ghter with attempt to commit rape, was sentenced 12 months In the state penitentiary in Cle veland Superior Court Wednes day. after Judge George fat ton had accepted the tender of the delense to enter a plea of guilty to a charge of assault on a fe male. John Mahoney, Jr., of Shelby, was the attorney for Welch. Welch had been held in lieu of $1,000 bond after probable cause on the charge had been found in preliminary hearing in City Recorder's court on July 6. George Houston, a 30-year old Kings Mountain Negro drew an eight months road sentence Tues day in Superior court in Shelby after he was found guilty of as sault with a deadly weapon with Intent to kill* i Houston was bound over to Su perior court May 31| by Judge Jack White after probable cause was found against him at a pre liminary hearing in City Recor der's court He was also sentenced In City Recorder's court July 19, to serve four months on the roads on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. v The sentences are to run con secutively. Among Kings Mountain area citizens summoned for jury duty were Martin Baxter Gr?en, of route 2, Nettle L. Reep Hope, Wil liam H. Morgan, J. W. RayfJeld, of route 1, Richard J. Self, and R. A. Bookout, of Grover. METER HECEIITS City parking meter receipts for the week ending Wednes day at noon totaled $158.84, according to a report by Miss Grace Carpenter, of the city clerk's oi/lce. Area Officials. Leadens Invited Foi Home Event Kings Mountain Littlb Theatre will observe "Home Night" Thursday as it presents "The I Sword of Gideon" for the second of four weekend showings. Mrs. P. G. Padgett, in doubling haniess as actress and as publi cist, said Thursday night is be ing promoted as a special even ing / or Kings Mountain viewers, with heads of civic organizations, appointive and elective officials | of the city, schools, county, and others, being invited as guests. Crowds on the two performan ces last weekend were rated at half-capacity, and the Little The atre is anticipating improved at tendance this weekend for all showings, Mrs. Padgett said. She said reports from persons who saw the historical battle dra ma at Kings Mountain National Park amphitheatre were general ly favorable, with considerable praise lor the improved sets, | quick ? changing scenery, edited script, sound effects, and other changes from last season's show. Curtain time each evening is 82 15. Tickets are available daily at thte E. King street office of the Little Theatre and, Immediately prior to the performances, at the I amphitheatre box office. " "Among guests at last week's opening ? delayed until Friday night due to a power failure in I the area ? were Dr. Sam Selden, head of the dramatics department of the University of North Caro lina, Miriam Rabb, of the state travel bureau and former publi cist for "Horn in the West", and Phillip Whitley, son-in-law of Mrs: Kugenia Ballard, of Kings ! Mountain, a state representative from Wake county. Mr. Whitley [teamed with Rep. B. T, Falls, of Cleveland, in the 1953 General As sembly, to obtain a state appro priation for the Kings Mountain battle drama. Mrs. Padgett said it had not been determined whether a per formance will be added as a make-up for the missed showing last Thursday night, indicating decision will be left to the cast and will depend on boxoffice prior to the scheduled closing date of August 14. Nine scheduled* performances remain. William McGill Reunion Set The William McGill Clan will hold its annual reunion at Beth any ARP church near Clover, S. C., on Thursday, August 5, It waa announced yesterday by I>r. John jC. McGill, of Kings Mountain, membter of the clan. Principal address will be deliv ered by Judge Joseph R. Moss, iof York, S. C., at 10:45, with pic Inic dinner on the grounds. Franklin Falls Drowning Victim; Rites Conducted Sunday Afternoon Funeral service for William Franklin Falls, 16, of 100 Ridge strcot, Kings Mountain's first drowning victim of the year, was held at the Central Methodist church Sunday at 3 p. m. Rev. Phil Shoife conducted the service and interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery. The youth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Falls, drowned in ap proximately six feet of water Fri day n$ght around 7:40 p. m. while swimming in the privately owned lake of Belmont Setch ffeld, of route 2, Shelby. According to Acting Coroner Neal Grissorn. Libby Carter, 14, Donna Stechfleld, 16, Johnny Set chfleld, 9, all of Shelby, and Clyde Strickland. 17, of Kings Moun tain, and the Falls youth were sW)mming from east to west a cross the lake, with the two Kings Mountain youths first swimming on top of the water and then uri der the water. Approximately 13 feet from [Shore, the Falls youth disappear ed under the water, Coroner Gris som reported the group told him, leaving the impression that he was swimming under water. Af ter a period of approximately two minutes, when the Fall* boy did not reappear, Strickland brought the body to the surface on his *e cond attempt, the coroner report ed. 'Artifical respiration was ad ministered by members of the group but they were untrained in first aid, Mr. Grlssom said, and Falls did not respond to their ef forts. In addition to his parents, he is survived by one brother, Donald Falls, of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Arnold McCall, of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. Basil Wel cher, ot Gaffney, S. C. Active pallbearers were Del btert Dixon,. Dale Dixon, Sam Ho well, George Blalock, Floyd Fall*, and Otik Falls, Jr. Saturday Deadlines Noted By Officials City officials are reminding Kings Mountain citizens of two Saturday deadlines which they should observe if they wish to save money. Joe Hendrick, clerk, pointed out that Saturday is the final day to purchase city privilege licenses without penalty, which applies at the rate of five per cent per month after close of business Saturday at noon. C. E. Carpenter, tax supervi sor, reminded that Saturday is the final day for obtaining the one and one-half percent dis count on 195-1 city taxes, the discount rate dropping to one percent effective August 1. Privilege licenses collections in | creased to $3,617.87 during the week, but Mr. Hendrick said many licenses remain unpur chased. Meantime, County Tax Col lector Robert Gidney is pre paring to accept prepaid 1954 county taxes at a discount of two percent. Under a special act of the General Assembly the county allows two percent discount on payments through August. Farthing Heaid By Lions Club "Between those who succeed and fail, the difference is spiri tual," James G. Farthing, 16th ju dicial district solicitor and gov ernor of. Lions District 31-B, told members of the Kings Mountain Lions club Tuesday night. Mr. Farthing said that spirit is the most Important requisite of the Lions organization in do ing its work of service. lie also declared, in pointing out the ncbd for work of civic groups in combatting juvenile de linquency, "If wo are to have peace torn morrow it will be solv ed by tomorrow's citizens, and not by international agreements." The district governor, making his first official visit in his 52 club district, spokte on a program arranged by George Thomasson, who presented the speaker. Merely touching on the facta of Lionism, which now numbers he said, 11,000 clubs and more than 300 in North Carolina, Mr. Farthing suggested that no club can meet its obligations without paramounting service, which re quires planning, working, and serving all of the community. He noted that Lions Interna tional reported its clubs conduct ed 161,461 service projects dur- ? ing the past year. Great fields of service are a vailable, he continued, in the fields of civic improvement, high way safety, training In citizen ship and patriotism, and the fore* most Lions program, aid to the blind and poor in sight. He chided the club for failure to have representatives at state and national conventiohs. Following the addrtss, Mr. Farthing met briefly with club directors. Dr. Thomas Lane was a guest at the meeting, and President Ja cob Cooper welcomed as a rein stated member Johnny Kerns. M^mbfers were reminded that the August 10 meeting will be an outdoor ladies night affair at Lazy Lakes. ' * - ? Parking To Be Free During Sales Event Parking will be frete In Kings Mountain on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The City Board of Commis sioners has authorized the park ing meter officer to cease his work for the weekend due to the city-wide Midsummer Sale We ing conducted by members of the Kings Mountain Merchants association. The meters will be covered with paper bags, and motorists will be able to park during the weekend as long as they wish.