BlUabeth Stewart, Editor Couple's Bridge Club Held Meeting Wednesday Members of the Couple's Bridge club met last Wednesday at thte home ol Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finger. Prlpr to progressions, the hosts ?erved a dessert plate with cold drinks. ? Mrs. G. E. Bridges won high ?core In bridge for the evening. The home was attractive With ?ases of early fall flowters. Local Teachers Enjoy Weekend At Bon Clarken Miss Carlylte Ware and Mrs. C. Q. Rhyne were hostesses to a | group of teachers at the former's cottage at Bon Clarken last week' | end. J The group included, in addition to the hostesses, Miss Fanny FVa therstone and Miss Madeline Pat terson, both of Belmont, and Miss Patsy Stone and Miss Stella Pat terson, both of Rock Hill, S. C. Miss Peggy Dixon Honored At Bridal Shower Wednesday Miss Christine Holmsley and Mrs. James Carson entertained September 29tK ? at a lin gerie shower at the Kings Moun tain Nurses Home honoring Miss Peggy Dixon, October bride elect. As guests arrived, they were given green wedding bell favors. Bridal games were enjoyed with prjzies going to Mrs. Frances Mc Curry and Miss Billie Bookout. Mrs. Ginny Martin and Mrs. Car olyn Cooke assisted the hostesses in serving refreshments. Miss Dixon wore a white taffe ta dress on black figured back ground end a corsage of red car nations, a gift from the hostessbs. A shower of gifts were present ed to the honoree. Miss Jo Ann Dixon, bride-elect, was also re membered with a gift. Out-of-town guests wfere Mrs. Edythe Paul and Mrs. Earl Tins ley, the latter the mother of the Konoree's fiance, both of Blacks burg, S. C., Mrs. Marie Sigmon, of Cnerryville, and Mi's. Ruby Connor and Mrs. Frances Mc Curry, both of Shelby. Wherever you co Long Disfance Rates are Low wjem. .xamph? "NGS MTN. To, Nevr Oflean, . . *. Atlanta . ??? Dallas *"? *-?p? . 98 S^nnah .. |J "5". ""?? mfc *U ? . are deeper. You wBB more . . . acva tiriit ^9fed extra trips. AOVANCI-OCSION CAB KATURES ' Efficient ventilation and intulation; shackle mount in ? that cushion against frame vibrations; a big, one-piece curved windshield, WORK-SAVING COffTROl FEATURES Easier steering with Chevrolet's Recircu lating Call Steering Gear; easier stop Sifli imm ? {ttd 'J&km 'Wtitm. ? CHASSIS FEATURES VottV find rt?lig|r frames in all models; heavier axle shafts ?ad bigger Itoat wheel bearing* fn 2-ton models ? and many, many more. Reception Honored New. Area Teachers New menbers of the faculty o f Kings Mouiitain city schools were honored at an informal reception by the Junior and Senior Wo man's clubs October 4th at the Woman's clubhouse. Mrs. Denver King, a member of the Junior club, welcomed guests at the front entrance to the club and Mrs. J. E. Castle and Mrs. Bill Eldon were at the register and gave each guest a name plate. Callers were directed to the re ceiving line by Mrs. Don W. Blan ton, and Miss Margaret Goforth, a member of the Senior club, in troduced guests to the new teach ters an-1 officers of both clubs. Mrs, J. H. Arthur and Mrs. B. A. Murray, of the Senior club, di rected callers to the, refreshment table. Mrs. H. D. Ward presided at the punch service, and Mrs. Furman Wilson, Mrs. F. A. Mc Daniel, Jr., and Mrs, James Jo nas served cheese straws, cookies, and mints. : Mrs. Martin Harmon, a mem ber of the Senior club, presented the music during the reception. The refreshment table was cov ered with a green burlap cloth and a fruitarrangemcnt was used for a centerpiece. Yellow, gold, and orange flower arrangements in gold vases were used in the lobby, on the piano, and in other rooms of the clubhouse. Mrs. B. N. Barnes said the goodbyes. Hostesses foV the meeting were Mrs. H. D. Ward, Mrs. W. B. Lo gan, Mrs. James Jonas Mrs. F. A. McDaniel, Jr., and Mrs. James Castle. Methodist WSCS Honor Former Pastor Tuesday The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of Grace . Methodist church honored their pastor and his family at their regular meet ing October 5th at the home of Mrs. T. J. Ellison. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Grant mo ved Wednesday to Stokesdale. The group gave them a gift, and the ladies class of the church gave Mrs. Grant a wrought-iron lamp. Mrs. George Kennedy, the president, presided over the business session. Mrs. Plato Hea vner, program chairman, intro duced the program, "Jesus Christ ? The Way" and Mrs. Frank Ballard &nd Mrs. Paul Howard assisted on the program. Mrs. Laura Ballard was co hostess for the meeting. Ice cream with cake was served dur ing tfoe social hour. Kings Mountain Women Attend Golf Tournament Mrs. C. D. Blanton, Mrs. Earle Byrd, Mrs. Henry Nelsler. Mrs. Paul, Mrs. John Smath ers, and Mrs. Hal Ward repre sented Kings Mountain Country club at an invitational golf tour nament held at Shelby Tuesday, October 5. Morganton, Gastonia, Kings Mountain, and Shelby -clubs composed the teams playing. Sixty women attended the tour nament and luncheon. LET'S I 'art* I In the Second- Century BC an ancient gentleman named Antipaier compil ed a list of the Seven Won ders of the world. Of this impressive list only the pyramids of Egypt are still around; the Colossus oi Rhodes, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Diana and the rest having long since giv en up to the ravages of time. After considerable thoug ht on the subject (three minutes) \ve tried to com pile an up-to-the-minute list of seven new wonders of the world. We flirted with such intriguing marvels as super sonic jets, anti biotics, bub ble gum, electronic brains, chlorophyll ?Tog biscuits, and the fantastic reflexes of the driver behind who man ages to blast his horn the exact spilt - second the traf fic light turns green. We toyed, too, with teen-age slanguage, 3-D, Liberace, thermonuclear tomfoolery, the high cost of low living and Sunday traffic. Finally we came to the conclusion that Antipater of Sidon had us whipped. We're in a roc ket age, friends, where the wonders of today are old hat tomorrow'. Even Jack Ben rfy's ability to stay a boyisn ( 39 years isn't likely to out live the pyramid#.* It looks as if nothing will outlive the pyramids but wrtfe positive the FLCWERS you get at ALLEN'S FLOWER SH OP will last longer them any yon may purchase elsewhere, For FRESH FLOWERS, and FLORAL GIFTS of DISTINCTION cou.? to 624 E. King Street where our QUALITY to your ECONOMY, (gdv.) TWO-YEARS OIJ) ? Parhelia Sue I M it chair, above; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mitcham. of Nor folk, Va., celebrated her second birthday Saturday, October 9th. She is a jtatcrnal granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Mitcham, of Kings Mountain, and a mater nal granddaughter of Mr- and Mr*. Lee Workman, of Hickory. . Miss Doris Nell Hope has re turned from a visit with her sis ter, Miss Zelda Hope, in Raleigh. j Mrs. Henry Neisler Bridge Club Hostess Friday Afternoon Bridge club \ members met lust week at the | home of Mrs. Henry Neisler. Guests, invited to play with the regular club members, were Mrs. George H. Mauney, Mrs. S. R. Suber, Jr.. Mrs. Dan Finger, Mrs. Earl Byrd, Mrs. \V. S. Fulton, Jr., Mrs. Paul Neisler, and Mrs. Joe MeClure. Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Jr., won club high and Mrs. Fulton receiv ed the visitor's high award, ? Prior tp progressions, the hos- 1 tess servect a dessert course with coffee. Dried flower arrange- j ments decorated the hqme. Dr. And Mrs. N. H. Reed Entertain Bridge Club Members of the King and Queen of Clubs met October 4th at the home of Dr. and Mrs. N. H. Rfe meetings for the past year was given a gift of a cake by Mrs. Virginia Hamrick, a member of the group. ? ! ? , Vr 5 7? ' * Miss Sylvia Burton, Bob Hall man, and Kenneth Hallmah visit ed Miss Joyce. Lee in Shelby on Sunday. , ii . [cxa?f ORIGINAL ? I I - 16 ? Wed. thru Sat . , - .i. I Advertised in UFE ? LOOK ? POST ? COLLIER'S ? COUNTRY GENTLEMAN | No Fo?l?r-Acling Aspirin Mod* REXALL RUBBING ALCOHOL. .Compound. P.nt ?j* 2 fOT 70C ^frXOlf ?|S% REXALL SUPPOSITORIES, Adults'or lnfants''12*s V? 2 for 44c ASPIRIN J||?|| LINEN POUND PAPER so sheets or envelopes... Y? 2 for 86c full 5 -groin t?bi?t.. |; ( *W"]|1 CHRISTMAS GIFT PAPERS, 2 large shMs per pk V<2 2 for 1 le ? *o,rt#on0? ? liSSflr LAVENDER SHAVE CREAM, BrushieMo. Lathe, ?.V! 2 for 60c 2 for 55< I REXILLANA COUGH S RUP,?o: V,T 2 for 60c PLASTIC ADHESIVE TAPE P**'n ' %*d* 5 ydi" '. . . RIOUIAR 29c 2 for 30* KIENZO NYLON TOOTH BRUSHES Cholco o^m?d co Ry|?^|v#j9t 2 for 40* CASCADE CHRISTMAS CARDS plwt ? nvaloptt >' . REGULAR 60c 2 for 61< HAIR BRUSH, Professional or HaltRouni styles .V. . ?!& 2 for 1.8f I KLENZO ANTISEPTIC, Pint * *?? 2 for 80c MONACET COMPOUND APC TABLETS, 100s "? 2 for 10c 5X MULTI-VITAMINS, so ubiets "ft 2 for 6.16 "MAGIC RED" LIPSTICK, m