Population 7.206 VOL 64 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's BELIABLE Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C.t thursday, November 25, 1954 Sixty-Fourth Year Pages Today PRICE FIVE CE-N'TS DEDICATION RITES CONTINUING ? Services of i through Sunday. Pictured is the Interior of the dedication for the new St. Matthew's Lutheran handsome church building which occupies the church will continue on Thanksgiving day and I site of the original church'built in 1875. ? r- . ' : I Loc^l News Bulletins Church Continues Dedication Rites LIBRARY CLOSED Jacob S. Mauney Memorial Library will close Thursday (todays for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. Charles Dilllng, the librarian announced. VLtCENSE BUREAU ,J The local driver's license bu reau will toe closed Thurs day (today) for the Thanks giving holiday, according 3ft W. C. Willis, I ic.-nsc pxamlnwi. The- (bureau will toe: open next Thursday, December 2. . AT *EETER*S Charlie Ballard, well-known Kings Mountain man and for mer professional baseball player, has joined the sales force of Keeter's Department store for weekend and holiday season duty. ON DEAN'S JUST Jane Ormand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iLloyd Ormand, and Don McCarter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar MoCarter, were. . listed on the dean's list for the first quarter at Lees McRae Junior oollege. ASKING CO -OPE RATION The city Is asklgg eration of all motorists In ob serving "street closed" signs on streets where work is un derway on construction of the city's natural gas distribution system. TWO C*XAS ANSWERED Firemen answered two calls this week. The first call, was answered Friday, around 5:40 p. m. to the home of Mrs. Bessie West, on Fulton street to extinguish ' in oil stove blaze. The second call, a false silarm, was answered around 10:30 p. m. Tuesday night at 401 S. Sims street > METER RECEIPTS Net receifttiMMiCity's park ing metew for week ending . Wednesday it moon" w#rs $1-18.90, , ? according to Miss Grace Carpenter, of city cleric's Office. - >}-t :--r : . -j . MOOSE LODGE Moose Lodge No. 1748 will Hold its regular Thursday night meeting tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o'clock at the lodge on Bessemer city road. ; Chasing Fire Wagon ; Fire-truck chasing Is against | state and city ordinance. Fire Chief Pat Tlgnor reminded Kings Mountain citizens Wed WtpfitJ. " ' '? KjOflPPwy Ttlgnof - said, the law provides punish ment for motorists who follow * fire truck within a city block's length, and requires that motorists In front of an approaching fire truck drive their cars to the curb ?nd tfwait the passing of the fire wagon; ? Chief Tignor Said the city de pa trnent has noticed nn in< re . sing tendency among citiwns to follow the fire truck when alarms are being answered and he asked the coOPfration pf the > public in meeting the -law. Ac tually. he noted, thte ordinances BKT~ Climax 01 Series Set Foz Sunday | At 3 O'Clock I St. Matthew's Lutheran church will continue through Sunday, itu series of nine religious festivities dedicating its ? new church build ^he*remalhing services include a Thanksgiving morning service at 10 o'clock, when Dr. Robert Roth, of the Lutheran seminary, Columbia. S. C., will conduct thte, service of blessing for the tower temoon service. On Friday, at 6:30 p. m., a cov ered dish supper will be held at the church honoring visiting pas tors and local officials, and the series will be concluded on Sun day, with Dr. Walter Nau, former supply pastor of the church and Lenoir ? Rhyne college professor, conducting a service blessing the memorial windows. Climax of the series will be a Sunday afternoon service at 3 o'clock, In thte service of dedica tion ofthe church building, fea turing a sermon by the pastor, Dr. W. P. Orberding, and bless ing of : the church by Dr. . Volght Qrbm$r, ? president .of Lenpir Rhyne College, This servlc* ^will include a professional of church officials and .Ittteftibefs, Dr. Oer berdlng announced. The clergy, choir, and church council- will march into the church Jiom the chapel, , to be. followed hy the members of the Church, whb Will congregate in front of (he church prior tO "Ih^WBVic-e. An opvn house will follow- the Sunday *f rteeply banked." mfsot. s Dr. F. L. Conrad, former Dr. H. B. Schaeffer and D Derrick, In addition to local pas ton, have participated in the ser vices this week. On Tuesday night Ernest White, New York onganist, played an organ recital to a filled church, and on Wednesday night, another former pastor, Rev. W. H. Stender, conducted the service blessing the pews. 'v' V/..' ' . Duggin On Rostrum For Grid Banquet E. C. Duggin, coach of the Appalachian State Teachers College football team, will t>e the principal \ speaker at the annual Lions Club football banquet at Masonic Hall On Decemfbtr 16. . OUie Harris, program chair man for banquet, made " tWannoimcement.^"' ? Coach Duggin has led his team to the North State Con ference championship and the club has been selected to play in thd Burley Bowl game at Johnsdn City, Teniv, and in the Raleigh . Optimist Bowl game. The Lions Club annually honors the Kings Mountain high school football team, which compiled a record of seven wins, one tie and two losses this year. Coach Rex Enright, of South Carolina; was the speaker last year. V Optimist Clnb To Sell Trees The Kings Mountain Optimist Club will sell Christmas trees be ginning December 9th through the 24th, Neal Grissom, president Of the club, said today. Location where the trees may We purchas ed, Mr. Grissom said, will be an nounced later. . ' tickeu toward a tree |M|^ ?lypale and persons wish ing to purchase a ticket may do so ?yelling Mr. Grissom, Sam Col lins, E. C. Nicholson or Bob Go-' forth. The ? trees, which will be a Canadian Balsam variety, will be priced from $1.50 to $8.00. Funds frpm the sale of the trees, Mr. Grissom stated, will be OjM to forward the clubs aim, that of lending a helping hand W.|>oy? in need. Ccmainnily Is Easily Freparing ax Thanksgiving Sprvance BW., . ?/. ri Kings be closed as will the paring to* ThanM*i*tog Wedne* ! K|ng? Mpuntaln Herald and city d**.^ v - . Grocers were 'supplying tur keys, cranberries, and othev (able delicacies to housewives In lara? volume and retail personnel were anticipating the one-day respite from work befori thfc busy mop Hi between Thanksgiving Day *aid CtojmnitK '^-.1 Churches, from Sunday since, have been holding special Thanks glvin# Servikei, with- several scheduled for Thanksgiving Day. Including the tradltloffel early morning service and breakfast at Hoycp Memorial ARP church, be ginning at 7:80, and one of a ae ries of dedication rites, set tor St. Matthew"* Lutheran church at 10 o'clock Thanksgiving momttMf Majority of Indue try* will folio-' regular schedules. Service -wt Hons and movie houses will be open, but the City Hall business officii Kings Mountain poet office and employment service ot Instltutkms. Griffin Drug Store will be clos ed tor the day, E. W. Griffin an nounced, while Kings Mountain Drug Store will operate on ab breviated schedule, opening from 10 a. m. to noon and from 4 to 6 p.m. Many sportsmen are anticipat ing a day In the field looking for in-seasori game, while football fans will divide interest between two area attractions, Lenoir Rhyne versus Catawba, at Salis bury, and the Optimist Bowl high school all-star engagement at Ashevflle. The Ashevllle game finds tftffee Mountaineers Involv ed. Ken Clohinger, high school guard, and Dewitt Blanton, end, are playing on the East Mam, while Coach Shu Carlton is coach ing the East anuad. The two play en are sponsored by the Uons dub and Jayoees. Kings Mountain I City Directory Work Underway S-SmSSS g.51 utss* -ri 'or advertising spring3"0" ?' "" "<? CiXhenfrroJtected Kin?s Mountain <-lty Directory will be the f!r?t carn^tlnt gfide: 2) an alphabeti tory ' 3 t,ass)fled business direc whether <th?d UC 1 ,iStlngs w|" note SnSi E? Puerson 18 married or ingle, his or her place of employ alpha bet icdif s t'ree t ?gu ide^vfi 1 TisT tes,s? ?? o,2a p^fsom' president of the gratified ?th *?'? he was much thf cluS's d rX nUlal SUPP?rt ?f "Jr. cllJ" 8 directory project He will adv?rtisin&' sales are going well, and reported a minimum go? advertising ***????? ?.50 0. The project has the en 2S5T <ho Mwh?,s ?? eaSilreCt?rleS WlH *or 525 Ministers Flay Sunday Races Sun. Clvdf^mST named to contact tnrl nf ^1! one of ^e opera nd the track, included Rev Gordon Weekley, Rev. W I ' Pressly,- and Rev W c Sldos Mr, W?k,ey Mid '.h^ a', temp'. Hultenrf00"11"1116? to conlar1 Mr. Hullender personally were un tha, .h7. ?>???!? subsequent y addressed a letter Sunday 8even t that h? ^ iSfindh stated "ast nan^ raCe' tl vember 28 amateur contest Winifred Marteen of Dallas who ""khwS,' 1" "r"' s'"'^ ?ft.rS^ay>r* r "" gaX "rTOun?kSJe,*aw,'",'(SS' ~?t. oV?<,urt ?"8 doll,r aM I building permits Two building permits were issued Wednesday fey Building rn8???r ^ W to W. " MfEntyre, of route 3, Shel by. TTie permits, at an estinfa ted cost of $7, o?? each, were the erection of two houses on Groves street. LARGE GROUP OF MOUNTAINEERS OF A FEW SEASONS AGO ? Above is a vintage picture of many present .and former Kings Mountain citi zens. It is Kings Mountain city school's third grade of 1919, then taught by the late Miss Bessie Simonton. At that time, the only city school was Central. Front row, left to right- are George Moss, Harold Crawford, G. L. Wright Everett Cashion, Clyde Jolly, Arthur Saunders. Hubert Davidson, Hubert McGinnis, and Glenn Wilson. Second row, left to right, cro Lucille Cansler Falls, Helen Ridenhour Ferguson, Elizabeth Ware Leslie, Ivy Falls Weaver, Aileen Cobb, Louise Carpenter, Ruth McGinnis Caveny, Helen Logan, Mahle Re gan. Carrie Hulfstetler, and Eugene Roberts. Third row. left to right, are Beatrice Hord. Willie Morris. Mauye Williams McGill, Thelma Huff, stetler, Nellie Jackson, Lucy Haynes, Grace Neis ler Page, Mary Elizabeth Elam Vance, Ruth Lind say, Nellie Detmar. Vera Cole Cash, and Robert Barber. Back row, left to right, are Lemuel Ware, Buck Diiling. Miss Simonton, LeRhyne Houser, Floyd Jenkins, Clyde Detmar and Curtis Falls. inspector GiVes Guard {High Rate The Kings Mountain National Guard company has received a rating of "very high excellent," Capt. Samuel H. Houston, com pany commander learned this week, following an October 27 inspection. Capt. Houston, expressing himself as highly pleased with the result of the. inspection, said it was the opinion of Lt.-Col. E. D. Winstead, the inspecting of ficer, that the unit would have received highest rating of "su perior" if the unit ha i had suf ficient personnel. Lt.-Col. Winstead is acting assistant army inspector general for the Third Army, with head quarters at Fort McPherson, Ga. The inspection was conducted in two phases, an afternoon in spection covered administration, supply, chemical, medical, small arms, crew- served Weapons, and vehicles. The second phase of the inapectlon was conducted In the evening and included a re view of personnel, questions, and observation of training. Hie comment on the inspec tion follows: ?'The organization of this unit is handicapped by a critical shortage of qualified men to fill key positions. Administration and supply were excellent. Main, tenance of equipment, general appearance of the Armory and the display of equipment were superior. Answers to questions I in ranks and classes indicated that the post training has been effective." Captain Houston urges all young men interested in serving in the National Guard to contac t him Or the Sergeant at the Na tional Guard Armory, telephone ?06. Sgt. Wilson, unit adminis-'; trator of the Guard, will explain what the requirements for en listment and discuss the Na tional Guard's training program. All young men planning t to enter active military training soon could receive training which would help pre ?re them for their training on active duty, in the National Guard, Capt. Houston said. At present, there are only 28 openings. Captain Houston be lieves that these openings will be filled soon. ".."J " ?ABM MO. 12 REMAINS 1 MTSTUT ' - The MfJ ?y Para pictured in last wmTi Herald fonrint unidentified- BmU readers ha* been naming ifitoit Panu MtaMdnllf ?ln?tbo feature be -fatk em September 2 Mon humping into No. 12 nd a itMM wall. 6m collar said *he tbounht kMV the In bat after u*fld? able **>to>inq i ? i^? IT-TTTF? I .tbout tfaft a.-oft.aJm ttoi lb* didn't. The Ktfrald has ebMtoj with Coaaty Agent Reword Clcrpp. Dr. J. P. Mauney, Veterinarian add lecal feed dealers to no araiL Take apotbes look ? ii yea know the operator and/or name of the above farm, please let us in o* the secret. Mystery Para Mo. If Is pictursd oa pope miml Iirtlis one. . ? .r. - v ? - V - . ? _ Rites Conducted Last Satuiday For ILL Lackey Puberal rites for Rufus L. (Fate) Lackey, 79, were conduct ed Saturday afternoon- from St. Matthew's Lutheran church with interment following in St. Luke's cemetery. /| Mr. Lackey, Cleveland county native and well - known Kings Mountain citizen, died at his home on route 3 at 5:30 Thursday afternoon following a lG-month illness. He had l>een hospitalized intermittently during that time. Mr. Lackey was a son of the late James P. and Sara Ann Crouse Lackey. He was a former school teacher, having taught at many Kings Mountain area and county -schools, including Mary's Grove, Oak Grove, Beaver Dam, and St. Luke's. Subsequently he was an employee of the Kings Mountain Manufacturing Com pany store for more than 30 years. A longtime active member ] of St. Luke's Lutheran church, he 1 transferred membership to St.. Matthew's church here when the St.- Luke's church was abondoned. He was married on Christmas Day, 1898, to Miss Sara Josephine Oates, who survives. Dr. W. P. Gerberdlng, St. Matt hew's pastor, conducted the final rites. "Ewe* /o.Hiy- loved Mr. Fate," Dr. Gerberdlng stated. He com mended the late Mr. Lackey for ! having lived a Christian lite and I particularly for the courage he j had exhibited during the final 16 months of his life, when he was] seriously ill. Mr. Lackey Is survived by his I wife, three sons, Charles P. Lac key and James M. Lackey, both Continued On Page Eight Lithium Walkout Ended Monday The walkout of Southeastern Construction Company employ ees at work of the Lithium Cor, I poration plant near here ended Monday, as work on the con struction of the big plant re turned to normal. Manager G. A. Munson reported The walkout had been termed a wildcat strike by company of ficials, but the picket lines had been honored by. several union groups. No formal announcements were made concerning the end of the strike, by either manage ment or labor officials. How. ever,. attorneys for the company were busy' last weekend and were planing to seek an1 Injunc tion against the strikers on grounds of violation of North Carolina's "right to work" law. i. R. Davis, attorney for Lith ium Corporation, said as far ?a he had been Informed the ctrlke situation was back to nor mal. Moss Says Use Rises 60,000 Gallons Daily Thecity lifted .water use restric tions suddenly last Thursday af ternoon, Mayor Glee A. Bridges using dhc. police department safe ty car loud speaker to make the announcement. The" lilting of restrictions, im posed in September, now means that citizens and service stations can again wash their cars, water shrubs and lawns, and for any other purpos?. However, the Ma yor asked ' the citizens to be as conserving with water as possi ble. Meantime, water .consumption jumped somewhat from its low level, but not- to staggering a? mounts. 'Water Plant Operator George Moss reported. He said the plant's measuring instru ments Indicated consumption up about 60,000 gallons per day, on the average, since the restrictions were, lifted. Oddly, peak-use day was last -Sunday, when 410,000 gallons of raw water were used by city customers. The city's action followed a rain on November 16 and two misty days when rainfall was very slight. Rain fell again last Friday night, and again on Tues day, though neither measurement of rainfall could be termed a hea. vy rain. * Water Commissioner W. Q, Grantham said the city commis sioners took a look at the supply in both York Road and Davidson auxiliary reservoir and decided It would suffice until the rainy sea son arrives to further (enhance the supplies. He said service station operator^ had requested relief from the edict and had pointed out Gastonia's decision to wipe out restrictions. ?} Assistant City Clerk Jote Mc Daniel said he understood the Mayor had requested that Foote f Mineral Company continue to ra tion itself on city water and that the company officials had agreed to honor the request. Fire Fighteis March Friday The Kings Mountain Fire de partment will join the fire-fight ers nation ? wide march for muscular dystrophy Friday night, when they canvas the community for contributions to the fund. City firemen will meet at the City Hall fire station at 7 o'clock Friday night and are asking all citizens planning to give to the fund for muscular dystrophy to leave their porch lights burning. The comedy team, Dean Mar tin and Jerry Lewis, is leading the nation ? wide campaign to obtain funds to relieve suffering from another of the dread and crippling diseases. Fire Chief Pat Tignor said he hoped Kings Mountain's contri bution to the fund would toe large. Envelopes are being distribu ted in advance of the Friday night collection. New Chain Letter Declared Illegal The latest form of get-rich quick chain letter, is Just as illegal as former ones have been Postmaster General Ar thur E. Summerfield has warned in a November 8 pos tal bulletin. Attention to the bulletin was called yesterday -T Postmas ter W. E. Blakely. The new chain letter has appeared in Kings Mourialn ? and was attracting some cus tomers Tuesday. The scheme promises a "sure fire" profit of $10,240 on a S10 investment within a few days. Under the plan the letters or charts are sold person to person and do not go through the moils. However, the mon ey goes through the .malls, and the Postmaster General says this is in violation of the postal regulations governing both lottery and fraud. One Kings Mountain vendor of the letter said he had al ready sold his minimum re quired two and reported that an earlier customer had al ready received $45 in rohira. A check revealed that the sum received was in excess of the reported Among the instructions were specifications that the seller of the letter see that the buyer mall a five-dollar bill to the .;i| top on the list.

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