ST i/ooft/i/ Elizabeth Btexoart, Editor Mr*. William Herndon Bridge Club Hostess Friday Afternoon Bridge club members met last wetek at the home of Mrs. William Herndon. Invited to play with the regular club members, were Mrs. J. E. Herndon. Mrs. Joe McClure, Mrs. Ben Hudson, and Mrs. William Page. Bridge prizfes went to Mrs. J. B. Simpson and Mrs. C. T. Carpen ter, Jr. Prior to progressions, the hos. tess served a dessert course. Christmas arrangements were us ed throughout the home. 'Junior Women's Club Continuing Clothes Drive . The Junior Woman's club Is continuing a clothing drivte to supply needy Kings Mountain area families with packages for Christmas; and members of the club will pick up clothing Thurs day and Friday, it was announc ed. All persona who wish to contri bute any used clothing to the drive are invited to call Mrs. F. A. McDanlel, Jr., at 464-R, Mrs. Ja mes Dover, at telephone No. 1182 J, Or Mrs. J. T. McGinnis, Jr., at 163-W. i The local . Red Cross chapter _ . will distribute the clothes to nee / dy families of the community. Mrs. J. W. Webster is drive chair man. Credit Women's Club Hold Meeting Thursday Members of the Credit Wo ?nan's Breakfast club held their regular meeting at Corner Cafe Thursday morning and heard a *eport from delegates who atten. ded a recent Breakfast cluto con vention in Salisbury. ' Mrs. Charles Alexander, the president, and Mrs. Faye Neal, ^vice-president, were In charge of the program and gave a report of the meeting. They gave each member a miniature d">'l, gifts, to new ibreakfast clubs, from the Salisbury club. Birthdays of Mrs. Don W. Blan ton and Miss Shirley Bell were observed. Teen - Age Party Planned At Woman's Club Friday Members of thle American Home Department of the Wo man's club are sponsoring a Teen-Age party at the Woman's clubhouse Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. Admission is 25 cents for sub ? . teens and 50 cents for young peo pfe, a spokesman for the group ^.4 said this week. " "*>< Methodist WSCS Held Meeting Tuesday Regular meeting of the Wo-v man's Society of Christian Ser vloe of Grace Methodist church was held last Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. R. G. Hamrick on Linwood road. After a Christmas program had been presented, members ex changed gifts. The group present ed a gift to Mrs. George Kennedy, president of the WSCS. During the social hour, the hos tess servted fruit salad with Rus sian tea. Eighteen members were present Library hours Jacob S. Mauney Memorial Library MONDAYS: 2-5 and T-9 p. m. TUESDAYS: 9-12 noon. WEDNESDAYS: 9-12 noon; 2-5 and 7-9 p. m. THURSDAYS: 9-12 noon; 25 P. ?? :? * FRIDAYS: 9-12 noon; 25 p. m. SATURDAYS: 9-12 noon. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. (Red) Feimster, Jr., moved during the weekend to Charlotte where they will livte with the former's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Feims ter. Mr. Feimster recently accept ed a position with a Belmont ra dio station. Leroy Bolin, USN, of Charles ton, S. C., was a weekend guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mis. Erwin L. Bolin. Mrs. Bertie Let Lockridge, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Anderson, Miss Mary Frances Lockridge, and Miss Betty Peterson visited in Blacksburg, S. C., Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ray Hugh es and son, Ray, of Newberry, S. C., were weekend guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hughes. f Pvt. Solon Moss, of Camp Gor don, Ga., spent the weekend with his wife and relatives. Chflef Petty Officer Harold Wells, of Charleston, S. C., spent the weekend with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenleaf, of Forest City, visited Sunday after noon at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and fam ily. Pat Taylor, Jean Debber, and Max Blackburn, all of Charlotte, spent Sunday with Mr. Black burn's sister. Mrs. Kenneth Holll-j field, Mr. Hollifield, and family. Carroll Caldwell, USA, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Stowe visited Mrs. Stowe's sister, Mrs. W. P. Jackson and family in Rock Hill, S. C., during the weekend. Burton - Hallman Vows Exchanged Miss Sylvia Burton and Robert Hallman svere united in marriage in a simple and impressive cfere mony at the home of Judge E. Gettys Nunn in York, S. C., on Thursday, December 9th. The bride, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Bur ton, wore a princess cut winter white dtess, white hat,- and a shoulder corsage of red roses. She is a graduate of Bethware high school, attended Howard's Business college, . Shelby, and is an employee of Eagle's Stoics here. . The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meek Hallman, of Waco, Is a veteran of World War II ?nd a graduate of Waco high school. He is associated with Eagles Sto res construction crew and is now located in Salem, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carroll and Miss Ruth Blanton accompanied the couple to York. The couple have returned from a wedding trip through Western North Carolina and are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carroll on Linwood Drive hefe. . Open Gate Garden Club Held Meeting Wednesday Members of the Open Gate Garden club' met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. E. Tate on Wells street with Mrs. Ben T. Goforth as co-hostess. Prior to the regular meeting, a social hour was enjoyed and thfe hostesses served a dessert plate with co ? fee. Mrs. Claude Hambright, the president, presided over the busi ness session. For the program, each member listed favorite Christmas suggestions for deco rating for the holidays. Two visi tors, Mrs. Gamble and Mrs. Pac kard Elliott, both of Shelby, were recognized. Four Christmas arrangements were prepared by. Mrs. Tate, Mrs. Sam Stallings, and Mrs. J. C. Me Kinney. THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE... ^ I ? USED BY MORI tyC WOMEN THAN ANY BQURJOIS ?;/! OTHER FRAGRANCE V.;> IN THE WORLD! ftSTiYT' GIFT SiT Cologne, Cologne Stick ond Per- * fume in "hondy" purse flocon. Ako refreshing Talcum Powder $3.50 ,;0 ? ? . V. " "GLAMOUR" GIFT SIT R*? fobirfom package* in beautiful gift box. Purse Perfume F I a con, liquid Sachet Perfume, Ecu de Cologne, Mpsticfc, and Bubble Bath Perfume. $9.00 Talcum, ToBet Water, Bubble Bath Perfwne, Perfume nocom. f UVISH GIFTS FROM Si -$15 $T.90 ( Wo* PlM Tax tl ~ Created in Frqpje . . . Made in U. S. A. KINGS MOUNTAIN ?=3--""' DRUG COMPANY PHONE 4 I 6, 8 I ANNOUNCING THE IIening of the ?y | Mrs. Sam Stallings Methodist Circle Hostess , Mrs^ Sam Stallings was host, ess to circle No. 9. Central Meth odist church, at her home on Meadowbrook road on Monday light. The homo was lovely with Christinas decorations. Members brought gift* for a needy family and placed th?m in a box. 'the meeting opened with a devotional by Mrs. Stalling*. af- j | ter which Mrs. Baxter Pay sour presented a program on "The Meaning of Christmas." Mrs. Meek Carpenter, circle chairman, conducted the business session. Delicious refreshments were served, and a period of fellow Thursday Book Club Held Business Meeting 'Members of the Thursday Af ship concluded the meeting. Recorded Christmas carols were played during the evening. i ternoon Book club hfcld a business meeting at First Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon. Mrs. P. G, Padgett, the presi dent", presided over the meeting. I New books were selected by club {members for the year. ? get the biggest C Christmas kiss . . . when she gets IVTidnight A gift of this famous fragrance teUs the lady e's lovely. ..and she'U love hearing it! Even the blue-and-gold packages arc thrilling! Midnight Olft SM ... J" ale, Cologne and Hand und Body Lotion... whole trio scented with Midnight. $1.79. t ounces each of Mid night Cologne and Mid' night-scented Hand and Body Lotion. $1. Mlitalyhl Duitlng Powder ? Cologne Sot ... a gen er+ua supply of two Midnight fragrance de lights. Both for $3.SO. Midnight Cologne ? Talc Set . . .tifter-bath luxury that will last for months! Silk-soft talc, frosty co logne . . . both for $1.33. THOMPSON SUB-MACHINE GUNS $198 SIX SHOOTER CAP PISTOLS 53.50 GOLDEN TRUMPETS S3.98 MR. POTATO HEAD FUNNY FACE KITS 98c DOCTOR KIT $1.98 MODEL AIR PLANES 69c DOLLY'S NURSE KITS $1.98 PAINT YOURSELF SETS 98c TUJJYi Midnight Beauty Set I fc. bottie ef Cologne and a 4% 01. bom ? I dusting powder t*M puff. ^ A m $3^5 Tfe/Irw w> /' WOMEN THAN ANY ? t .. OTHER FRAGRANCE , ? TNI WOilDI & r. "SKOWilAKC PtRFUNU" > Dazzling inowflak* ornament mounted with flacon Evening in Paris Perfume In 0H? carton $1.00 Wm mm ?&. i V* '?& ' j K mnmrni Evening in Parii Cologne *" dretsed with the Parbian J Touch. $1.00 ] LAVISH SIFTS RON J1. J15. [ Created In France . . . Mad* Wi U. $. A. ' ? I PrkM Mm To* Midnight Glamour Set Include* Cologne and Hand and Body lotion ... 2 an. of *adi, $1. byTUSSY I) RUG CO M PAN Y THE CITY'S MODERN STORE with stand Blows hot or cold air .,y, VOU CAN TOt YdOT GIfT BAG FOB EVERYONE ATT*r; -r;