? HERALD HOUSE OF THE WEEK DESIGN C-310-S. This three level plan can face the street either way, depending on the width of the lot. There are three good-sized bedrooms, two on the upper level, with the bath, and one on the lower level which also has a lavatory, laundry and furnace room. The main floor level contains a large living room and a combination kitchen ? dinette which can open into the living room. This level has wood floor construction over a crawl space. Exterior finish Includes both vertical and wide aiding, gable roof over the living room, and a flat roof over the bedroom wing. Closets are plentiful on all three levels. Floor area is 980 sq'. ft., with cubage 18,900 cu. ft. For further information about DESIGN C-310 S, write the Small House Planning Bu reau, St. Cloud, Minn. In Canada, the Small House Planning Bureau of Canada, St. John, New Brunswick. NO. C-3I0-S ? - . onouno FLOOR QUESTION: if the cotton re ferendum I>ecember 14 does not carry, will allotments end? ANSWER: No. The object of the referendum is to' set the sup port level of next year's cotton. Acreage niotments have already bean established for 1955 and will be in effect regardless of the out come of the election. QUESTION: If thte election car ries, how will it effect me? ANSWfcR: If you plant within your allotment, you will be en titled, to price supports ranging between 82 Vi to 90 per cent of parity, or about 33 cents a pound. Cotton produced in excess of al lotments will be subject to mar keting penaiues. .QUESTION: What will happen to cotton supports if the election fails to carry? ANSWER: Cotton will be sup ported at only 50 per cent of pari ty, or around 17 tents a pound. At ?? a* TSHi Am*"""* (< {n^r^ienf' **^5 - *^5 company doesn't just happen to live* for 75 year*. Usually some one ' factor, more than others, makes it i possible. In the case of Southern Bel, the magic ingredient has been the Jf* public's acceptance of good and ''growing telephone service furnished at the lowest possible coat. Chartered on December 20, 1879, with || '1,246 telephones, Southern Bell was formed by men of foresight, with faith in the South's future. Their faith was borne out, and the Compeny grew to '26,396 telephones by 1900. Since World War II, telephone progress * ; i n f 1 1 o rj , 1 1 1 1 1 has broken all records: From 1 ,863,000 telephones at the end of 1945 to over 4,500,000 today, while Long Distance circuits have more tfien ' doubled. Such remarkable scientific >' developments as the transistor, nnr' rKroct .% ipmelor dialing 'ef Long Distance'aPjg^ have opened exciting new vistas of service. ; In the years of Southern Bofl pledge totceep on furnishing the b*st possible telephone ?"rvice {j$l ? this, our 75th Anniversary, vs express our appreciation for the opportunity of serving you. fv* ^ ifc '? *V'"v y ?? Mass Safety Effort Making Dent In Nation's Highway Death Toll The nation's organized safety educational and enforcement pressures are at last beginning to make a dent in the annua) highway death toll. This opinion was expressed to day by Arthur S. Johnson, engi neering vice-president of the A merican Mutual Liability Insur ance company, and director of the company's Institute For Safer Living. He said that more than 1,400 persons are now alive who would not have been had the fa tality figures of a year ago been repeated in 1954. Although the number of motor vehiclle miles traveled this year has climbed three per cent, motor vehicle leaths have declined about six per cent. Howevter, Mr. John?on grimly emphasized that the dent remains pitifully small. He predicted a minimum of 36,000 traffic deaths in 1955, or an equivalent of six fatalities per 100 million miles Cupboard Gifts Suit Recipients Have you experienced that Pan icky feeling that comes when you discover you've forgotten some one at Christmas time? Probably so. Vou can, however, save your self a good deal of embarrass ment by having some gifts wrap ped and on hand in case just such an occasion should arise. And what is a safer bet than something that you, yourself, have made ? perhaps seasonal cookies and candies, nuts, and stuffed fruits? According to Virginia Wilson, ! State College extension specialist jin foods and nutrition, these are jthe gifts with a particularly per isonal touch. And that, after all, is what the spirit of Christmas giving should be ? giving a little of yourself to others. Miss Wilson suggests packing your handiwork in a wooden or earthenware bowl, a flower pot, j small basket, or inexpensive cake 'or loaf pan. If you have more itime than money, you can put J oatmeal boxes, coffeb cans, or pa per plates to good use by cover ing them with gay paper and pac king your cookies and candies into them. " ? A gaily wrapped package mak es even the smallest gift look good. Usfe odd ends of wallpaper, brightly colored magazine covers, shelf paper or scraps of material to glamorize your gifts. If you have a favorite candy, cookie or fruit or nut bread re cipe, use it. by all means. And for an additional touch, tuck a copy of your pet recipe into your gift. Persons who will be particular ly appreciative of these gifts from your kitchen are those liv ing in rooming houses or apart vehicle miles driven. He pointed out that if the pre sent highway death rate> is per .mitted to continue during the next 20 years, 800,000 persons, equal I to one tenth of the population of jNew York City will be killed, and 'the number of disabled and in 'jured will equal the total popula tion of all New E'ngianu. New I York, and New Jersey. j He stated that many individuals and agencies in the safety field 9 re now working hard to estab lish new concepts of engineering, enforcement and driver education : that will be geared to meet the mushrooming growth in driver population and vehicle miles tra veled. Until these Improved met hods are found and put Into ef fect, Mr. Johnson warned that there can be no great hope of rolling back the flood tkle of life ! and property . destruction on the! highway*. ? j Waller Griffin Wins Promotion By Navy . 1 ?? * STANFORD, FLA. < FHTNCr ? Walter K. Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellebe VV. Griffin of 310 W. Mountain St., Kings Mountain. N. C., has been advanced to aviation structural mechanic third class, USN, while serving with Photo graphic Squadron 62 at the U. S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station here. Advancements were made Nov. 16th based on a Navy-wide com petitive examination testing mili tary and professional skills.' . To be eligible for advancement, all personnel must demonstrate j high qualities of leadership and! proficiency in their Navy job spe | cialties. North Carolina dairymen who ;are buying feed again this year ? because of the summer drought must be careful to buy the most economical feed if they are to make a profit expansion dairy specialists say. ments where they have neither the time or facilities for cooking. i" EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE < Having qualified as executrix ; | for the Last Will and Testament !of J, C. Lackey, deceased. all per sons having claims against said estate will please file same with the undersigned on or before the ; 16th day of December. 1955 or this notice will be pleaded in bar [of their recovery. j All persons indebted to said es- i tate will please make immediate payment. Mrs, Mary Ellen Lackey, i Executrix for the estate ^ of J. C. Lackey Davis and White. Attorneys 12:16-1:20 ? NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notirt? is hereby givert that the . annual meeting of stockholders of the First National Bank will : be held in the lobby of the First > National Bank. Kings Mountain, ' North Carolina, on Tuesday, Jan uary 11, 1955. at 4. p. m, This the seventh day of Decom- i ber 195-1. (Signet!) R. S. LKNNON Vice-President & Cashier 12:9 30 i To Mint ^ Misery C?1666 PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Pre scriptions promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. Kings Mountain Drug Company THE REX ALL STORE Phones 41 ? 81 We Call For and Delivei GETTING TlREO\f THAT OF THIS SO? BELOW ZERO BUSINESS! I'D LIKE TO LIVE IN A COAL- HEATED HOUSE . FOR A CHANGE! WOULD Be FUN. WOULDN'T in JUST THINK ' WE'D GE T PATSY COAL AND LIFE WOULD BE ONE SWEET \BARK. J ' PATSY'S 97'/, PURE COAL^\ \) ALL HEAT? NO WORK? ^ PRACTICALLY NO ASHES. J ' "v * EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis t rat or for t!u* estate of R. U Lac- I key, deceased, all persons having ; claims against said estate are re- ! quired to file same wuh the un* j dersigned on or before the 9th day of .December.. 1955 or this tio- j tice will be pleaded in bar of their j recovery. .< All persons indebted to said es-j tate will please make immediate , payment: This the 4th "day of December,. 1954. Charles P. Lackey. Ad ministrator for K. L; | Lackey Estate. Davis and "White, Attorneys 12:91:131 EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE , Having qualified as executrix for the estate of Edward Thomas Plott, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate will please file same With the under signed on or before the 25th day of November, 1955 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery of same. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 25th day of November, 1&5J. Myrtis W. Plott. Executrix for the estate of Edward Thomas Ploit Davis and White, Attorneys 11 :25-12:30 Shell Furnace Oil with FOA-SX FOA-SX is a magic ami-clogging ingredient thai keep* burner filter acrcen clean all winter long ? keeps your burner operating ecpnr,"v