NOTICE OF SALE E The undtersigned will sell at t public auction at 12 noon on Jan B.* vary 15, 1955 at its place of busl aess the fallowing described ve hicle for storage lien of $79.00. One 1939 Plymouth Sedan, Mo tor No. P8-370 92 registered in the name. of Mamie C. Howfell, Route 2, Kings Mountain, N. C.; North Carolina 1964 license No. N 33411. The above vehicle was stored by the Cleveland County Police * Department. This the 15th day of December, | 1954. Victory Chevrolet Co. 12: 16-22 , NOTICE OF SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction at 12 noon on Jan uary 15, 1955 at its place of busi ness the following described ve hicle for storage lien of $3750. CrJ? 1939 Ford, Motor No. H 184513387 registered in the name ?f Manus Duncan, General De livery, Kings Mountain, N. C., no license plate on car. The above vehicle was stored ' the Cleveland County Police Department. This the 15th day of December, 1954. Victory Chevrolet Co. 12:16-22 !? NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notlcte is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of the First National Bank will . be held in the lobby of the First ^National Bank, Kings Mountain, W/ North Carolina, on Tuesday, Jan uary 11, 1955, at 4 p. m. This the seventh day of Decem ber 1954. (Signed) R. S. LKNNON Vice-President & Cashier 12:9-30 ? , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Raving qualified as Adminls i trator for the estate of R. L. Lac key, deceased, all pferspns having claims against said estate are re quired to file same with the un dersigned on or before the 9th day of December, 1955 or this no > will be pleaded in bar of their overy. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment. This the 4th day of December, *%jmr ? Charles P. Lackey, Ad ministrator for R. L. Lackey Estate. avis and White, Attorneys 12:9-1:13 EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix or the estate of Edward Thomas Plott, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate will please file, same with the under signed on or before the 25th day of November, 1955 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery . ? of same. ) All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 25th day of November, 1954. i ? h Myrtis W. Plott, Executrix for the estate of Edward Thomas Plott v) Davis and White, Attorneys ? 11:25-12:30 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue pf the po ret of sale contained In a lien (given toy C. B. Hullender, trading lea Kings Mountain djieedway on (the 24th day of August, 1954, to |*he undersigned, to secure the payment of same, I will sell for Icaih on the premises of the Kinjis Mountain Speedway on SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1955. at 2:00 o'clock p. m., at public auc tion. the following personal pro perty : All of the Bleachers. "... . All of the Fences. One Ticket Booth. Drink Stand. One Road Scrape. One Ford Pick-up Truck. One Two-ton Ford truck. One Water Wagon. One Racer Automobile. One Hole Digger. All Tools. . All other articles of personal property belonging to C. B. Hul ? JJehder now at the Kings Moun jtain Speedway. . This the 14th day of Decem ber, 1954. MAIR30N JACKSON ? " 32^6-30 VkV !!*? ,u". ???* your nu?|t from the orient .r.E'ir1' Jrc-.'ssu'V!: n njt. ssr\^si gr>a?"tyuy& K"r.y,ssj!ir'awuS',ip,'i of Tao?^aTc?^r? aPP*r '?? ?om?r, check ??ch one tnm left to rum Below ?. Christmas Eve Is Most Dangerous On Highways, Safety Group Says CHICAGO ? Watch how you drive ? if you want to be alive in '55! That's the advice,, o 1 the Na tional Safety Council, which points out that it's only three days until December 24th ? the most dangerous day of the year jn traf fic. ? "Christmas is a very special day of joy." said Ned H. Dear born, president of the Council, "but because of accidents ? and Christmas Rose Is Hallowed By Legend The delicate beauty of the Christmas-rose (helleborus niger) is hallowed by legend. A poor. chop herd girl, the story goes, wept bitterly as she watched the Wise Men on their way to the Christ Child bearing rich gifts when she iiad nothing: An angel appeared. Upon learning the reason for the girl's distress, thf? angel caused the ground to t>e carpeted with shining white flowers! The young shepherdess gathered some blos soms. When she presented her gift, . the Infant smiled and as His Angers touched the white flowers, the petals became Unged with pink. V : EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix for the Last Will and Testament of J. C. Lackey, deceased, all per sons having claims against said estate will please file same with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of December, 1985 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. . - All persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment Mrs. Mary Ellen Lackey, Executrix for the estate of J. C. Lackey Davis and White, Attorneys 12:16-1:20 North Carolina purebred hogs sold for $77,874 at 28 sales in 1954. KING SIZE . . . Letter of "thanks" is mailed by llMnonth old triple amputee In Roxbury. Mass. who received artificial limbs In time to walk far 1953 ' Chrlstm-z^?Cf t?*v? ration. especially traffic accidents ?? It becomes a day of tragedy in en tirely too many American homes. The greatest tragedy of all is that so many of these accidents could be prevented! "It's time for Ameficans to rea lize that these traffic accident victims die in vain. They die be cause the victim, or some one, was careless. ' "If everyone would assume per sonal responsibility for himself and others, whether walking or driving, many of thesfe accidents could be prevented and Christ mas could be a happy holiday for many more people." As the holidays grow nearer, the Council is stepping up Its an nual Christmas safety campaign, Mr. Dearborn said. Cooperating with the Council in this effort to hold yuletide accidents to a mini mum are 163 other national or ganizations, city and state offi cials, civic leaders and local safe ty councils. Heavier travel and the festivte spirit of the Holiday season pre sent special Christmas hazards, the Council said. Thesfe, plus the normal winter hazards of bad weather, slippery roads and more hours of darkness often add up to tragedy. To compare for the extra ha zards, the Council suggests: 1. Start automobile trips early and take it easy. Be extremely cautious in bad weather and darkness. 2. Don't compete in traffic. Let the other driver have the right-of way and you take the right way. 3. Don't pass without a sure margin of safety. Aj\d don't change lanes unless you are sure no one is coming up behind you. 4. Stay alert Don't let distrac tions take your mind off the road even fOr an instant. 5. Don't drive if you have been drinking ? and refuse to ride with drinking drivers. If you don't drink, watch out for the fellow who does. Remember that tipsy pedestrians and drinking drivers are most common during the Christmas-New Year holidays. Legend Scrys Christmas Trees Ccmc From Egypt Legend has it that the Christmas tree originated in Egypt, where the first trees used wens palm trees. The Gerfnars brought the tree to America, however, as they also introduced it to England. The Ger man Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, introduced the first tree into England when he had a tree for his young daughter Martin Luther is' said to have brought the first Christmas tree indoors for decoration, early in the 16th century. When you fasten ornaments to your tree this year you will tw commemorating a centuries-old Arabian legend that relates bow plants blossomed and flcwerecl and trees' miraculously bore ripened fruit on tbe-eve of the first Christ mas. >?H|E HI BaSr . i?c L^r.?V/-\ . I ^hetTi bm ?!fai Gj: ., ?;;??; ?m 1955 ;; Christmas Savings Some core Joining for the first tint* others ?? re-Joining after receiving their welcome ' y V / > - ; ,v. . , ' . " j f ;i 1954 checks. Joining is simple. Juart visit the ^ ^ gi&r & /,* < DCftllK Qua lll(!i6 ywul xlxSt poyr^!:* HSr^i f- .>? ??>? y khp*P - a^s**? w ' f ? ??%>? ?? 4&HT KfiXjiat hKKv iti .. ? vSfe- \ *? ? ? Mi :IM.. ..-? ? ?* NATIONAL bank l-4 .a.. Mistletoe Cncn Symbol Of I Eyi! The mistletoe. on tilitjr. The present day custom of g v ? ing a kiss of love- or peace b ncath the mistletoe, although :? relatively modern one, is derive/ i from the faci that down thrDt'.; been recognized throughout tin. . whole world us u symbol of JasUlV peace. Gift-Giving Custoir In Ancient England One of the. most plausible .ver sions of the origin of the. Custom of giving gifts at Christmas tlwu; is the one spying it began in Enj, land. In the days of the knights, i' .vas custom to hang kissing rin;; n the great hallo. These rin,rs vere decorated with mistletoe -an<( ?eneath theni would meet tin ?oung knights and ladies, ear ringing Christmas roses to theii ecret love. As times changed, so did^cus orris, and roses gave way for oth personal gifts at Christmas uuic. VA Gives Tips Fes Vets Gifts What to givte that husband or son or brother who Is in a hospital on Christmas?- If that is bother ing you and if your man is in a Veterans Administration hospital, then you may be Interested in lis tening to suggestion furnished by George C. War lick of the Gas tonia VA office. First, don't take or send food items, caktes, etc. unless you posi tively know the patient will be able to eat them. The hospital menu on Christmas will include every delicacy a person can wish. There is no need to takfe books, magazines, etc. as all such ma terial is available in the hospital library. HWLong Distance First, and foremost, plan to visit your man in the hospital on Christmas if at all possible. Noth ing can possibly substitute for that personal contact Also a visit will stimulate the wish to recover as soon as possible so as to get back home with loved ones again. However, if a visit in person is not possible the next best thing is a good, long cheerful letter. Leave out any reference to any thing that might tend to depress him. Include in the letter all snap shots made recently, pictures of home, family, friends, etc. are al ways in demand. Give such per sonal items as fountain pen, me chanical pencil, stationery, razor and blades, shaving cream, etc. They will remind him of the giver every time he uses them. If he smokfes, a carton of cigarettes or cigars, smoking tobacco, mechan ical lighters, etc., will be most acceptable. One gift, easiest of all, and of ten the most acceptable, is a cou pon book available in range from 50c to $5.00 and redeemable in merchandise of any kind in the | hospital canteen. This way the patient can select the things he would rather have and as he | i wants them. Thus, even a child lean give his father or brother a coupon book for 50c and the pa tient can buy the things he wants in the canteen ? even going to the canteen to buy small items af fords some pleasure and if a vete ran is confined to the bed he may mate small purchases from carts .that are rolled through the wards for convenience of bed patients. Mr. War lick emphasized that nothing Is left undone In VA hos pitals on Christmas Day to create happiness. But you can't begin to give anything that will be a sub stitute for your own self In per son on ChristmasDay. -fKnlk 'Service [ i. Agents For B. & 8. Lines. Inc. ;ti I(|se parents and wife, Ernestine, live on Route 1, Grover, recently spent a week's leave at Camp llakata from Ivis unit in Korea. Referred j to as Japan's "Riviera", Hakata ! is located on the southernmost is- 1 land 6t Kyushu. Corporal Hamrick, a member of the 615th Quartermaster Com- j pany, entered the. Army in April 1953 and arrived overseas the fol- 1 lowing September. I MINCE PIE The oriental character ot the spices and tlavoring in mince pie was said to' represent the rich gifts the wise 'brought to' the Christ Chiid. . , ] Specialists say that 250 to 330 ? pounds of beef can be produced i on an acre of good pasture, MURRAY'S GENERAL MERCHANDISE Whitley Fabric Co. 23 S. Lafayette St., Shelby 113 W. Pa. Ave.. Bessemer City | Dixon PYF Group To Give Yule Play The Youth Fellowship of Dixon Presbyterian church, wll! present a one-act comedy. "Twas the Fight Before Christmas" at the church Thursday night at 7:30. : I In addition to the play, the pro gram will include traditional treats and gifts. V- " I A special program on the Joy j Gift Was given Sunday at the | church. The play, "And All These ! Things", was presented by Joyce i Ann Childers, Brenda Jack- 1 ! son, and J. G. Darracoit. The public is Invited to attend the program. Rev. V. P. Patrick, the pastor, said. Domestic demand for farm pro ducts is vxpected to be about the same in 1955 as in 1954.. To RHmt Ma"y Wl-P 9 CR/ 666 ^^UOmWUIUn-tAMMTHUH 1 FREE ESTIMATES INSULATION WEATHER STRIPING METAL AWNINGS ALUMINUM SCfeEENS DON CRAWFORD Phone 607-J Representative of: Norman Harris & Son Shelby. N. C. SU BSCKlBiq TO ' THE HfJRAJLD AC f ON EA?W AND A VERy ft. -n> yooR HOUSE - from OORS The Yuletide Season brings with it so many happy things . . . glad hearted greetings, good fellowship, / family reunions and a deep feeling of contentment. . May all of these joys be yours this Christmas.