be Yours (PP ?"Th?S MU> "Mult, With . de.dly chsnres of assault * ** Granger boy? Ho was out playing this afternoon and hasn't coma home yet. We think he's become lost Id the storm. The whole town is out looking for him. Would ytm IBM to help, Mr. Cullen?" I Mf. Cullen quickly put on his eoat and scarf VM followed the man into the dark cold night They had been gone only about twenty minutes when again there was a knocking at the door. When Mrs. | Cullen oQened tt, in stepped ? tall man, carrying a boy in Ms arms. The boy's ears and nose were blue from the cold, and his tooth chat 4k _ ? _ J j t?T?a. r. ;? I "Mrs. Cullen," said the man. "this is Tommy Oranges. I'd like to leave him here while I go tell Ms parents we've found Mm and ?and word to the others to stop ??arching. If s no wender be was lost M a storm like this. 1 was almost lost myself until I saw the light from your tree to the win flow proud 1 was when I hoard ttoee words. My lights seemed to brighten and shine as they had ?saver don# before; especially the ana at the very top of the tree. (J ? > *. ? ' - Purchases of Grade "A" milk by North Carolina distributors to* taled over 345 million pounds for the ftrat six months of 1954? a 12-8 par cent iacreeajKWNr Pur chases during the comparable pe riod last Jrear. t f ? of sulphur has been de tected la some soils In the south Mexican Custom Will Brighten ( dhristmas Party If you're planning a Christn. party for the kiddies, *ny nol brighten up the affair the Mexi can way? Make plans for a "pinata" and we promise it will be the high spot of the gathering. Widely used in Mexico through* out the yea{, the pinata is busiest at Christmas time, during the Mex ican Christmas Festival which lasts 21 days. It is constructed of thin, fragile clay. Oiled with sweet meats and trinkets, then suspend ed from the ceiling as a form oC decoration. Sometime during the gathering, each of the guests is blindfolded and given a stick which U bran dished in the air until the pinata is shattered and the delicious con tents pour forth. It's a wonderful way to enter tain the kiddies, but the game may be ? and often is ? enjoyed by older folks. North Carolina farmers were paying slightly less for most food Items on September 15 than a year earlier. ! PROTECT ; YOUR RIGHT i TO DRIVE '.DFR NEW lAty Get low cost Pan* Bureau auto insurance ? save up to 25%. Standard, n on at lett able policy . . . quick, friend ty claims tervko. tMtd Second largest nvrtvaT'outO Insurer In U. S. rot MFOJtAunOtt, ?*** Luther IfeniMrtt 1017 Unwood R