U per I r KS Population ‘ Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 This figure lor Greater Kings Mountain U derived from the 195S Kings Mountain city directory census. The city limits figure is from the United States census of ISSO. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today VOL 76 No. 12 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N, C., Thursday, March 25, I96S Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENT^ Central Methodists To Build $200,000 Sanctuary € ^1; Jb ICACHEB'S go back to school — Thirty Kings Mountain area teachers are enrolled in a new mathematics cdurse at East school. Pictured above with their instructor ore from left. Miss Alice C. Averitt. Mrs. J. B. Simpson, and Principal Howard Bryant. At back desk is Mrs. J. H. Patterson. (Photo by Bill Jackson). Present Building Will Be Razed In Early Fall I A MOW .sanctuary for Central I church is expected to be built at cost of $2(K),(KXJ by spring of '66, membei*s of the church building committee an nounced this week. The pre.senl building on E. Mountain street across from the city postoffice will b<* razed and construction of the 4t)0-seat sanc tuary is expected to get under way tills fall. Mcmbcr.s of the building com mittee I'cpon STi.OfX) on hand in current funds and expect to give architects the go aht'ad signal when the $.S0,0d() figure is reach ed. Plasf* 1 of the building pro gram. to hp siaried in early fall, Vv\ll include the removing of the existing .'sanctuary and adminis- jtration wing. Digging off the I tvHnk .and erecting the building ; on street level are included in the project. Choir rooms, offices, classro ims, a ladie.s’ parlor, new pews and an organ are to be in cluded. In Phase II of the build ing program, the present parson age w’ill be moved to another lo cation. A new parsonage will be erected on a site i*emote from the church and there w'ill be ad ditional land, a l.oO feet by 400 feel area, for parking cars. Eugene J. Timms is chairman of the building committee which includes: Ben F. Beam, C. A, P-uTterworth. J. R. Davis, John B. Diliing, Wilson Griffin, Grady K. ilowai d, Carl M. Logan, A. H. Patterson, J. II. Patterson. B. S. Peeler. Jr.. John O. Plonk. M. C. Poston and John C. .Smathers. John O. Plonk is chairman of the memorial fund committee which includes Mrs. ll. Carl Mayes J\pd John D. Warlick. >cr KM T It M oUM r mortk cfA.*aoi.iiaA. ARCHITECT'S DRAWING OF PROPOSED CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Mayor To Capital For Power Bill Discussions 30 Teachers Are Enrolled In Math Class Thirty Kings Mountain teacli- ers are students one-day-a-week taking special classes in modern mathematics. Dr. Ray Graham, assistant professor of mathematics at Ap palachian State Toaclior's col lege, is the teacher. The pupds meet Mondays at 3:30 p.m. at East school for a class pemd of two hours. 40 minutes. , The si»ecia! in-service training course will bo completed ^lay | If). I What is the teaclier reaction to ' the modern approach to mathc- ' matics? One elementary teacher says. ] “The more engrossexi w'e become j in the subject, ilie more we rea- : li/e this procedu’X' has much to j offer in the training of boys atici ; girls to think ratlier than simply i to memorize." i Dr. Graham notes that the ^ I class is discovering tlie .struct,ire j If mathematics, its laws, its sc- | quence and it order. He empha- [ sizes that once they see the pat- | tern, or logical sequence, they will be able to fit their new un- ! derstanding into the overall pic- ' ture of mathematics without be coming confused over their past learning. The language in this approach is very pix'cise. Dr. Graham says, and is more complete than the , language of traditional mathe- j George W. Mauney, Kings matics. (Mountain cotton broker, has Dr. Graham expects to use 1 been elected president of Kings Stadium S. 0. S.: $13,000 Is Needed PRESIDENT — George W. Mau ney has been elected president I of Kings Mountain Country ' Club for the coming year. Mauney Heads Country Club Anonymous Cift Oi S2S9 Leads List Of D:^nors > .\ctual cash • in • hand and . pledges to the John Gamble Sta- j diurn toiaio.d $60,907.48 this week, j up $1,844.20 following S.O.S. by i the fund-raising committee for the balance needed to complete the .$80,000 campaign and to per mit immediate lotting of the con tract. The rommittce, at a (tinner mw'ting Friday niglit, m.'>ppcd a solicitation clean-up campaign headtxl by Bill Bates, co ohaii- men of the committet' soliciting individuals. Mr. Bates was out of-town Wednesday attending the national coachc’s’ clinic in Allan- Coufinued On Pa<fc a Mrs. lolly's I Bites Conducted I Funeral for Mrs. Cora Bell I Joliy, 84, widow of James Cicero j was held Friday at 4 p.m. from First Wesleyan Methexiist church, interment followi-ng in , Mountain Rest cemelery. ' Mrs. .Tolly died at 8:45 p.m. 1 Iasi Wednesday after suffering a | I heart attack at her home on \ j Walker street. j A native of Lincoln County, she was a daughter of the late I Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Parker, j Surviving are two schis, Clyde [jolly of Rulherfordton and ^Claude oJlly of Concord; three daughtei's. Sirs. Clyde Blackwell ■ and Mrs. Ellis King, both of j K i-n g s Mountain, and Mrs. | Ciiarh's English of Danville, Va.: j one brother. George Parker of 'Maiden; three sisters, Miss Lizzie i Parker and Mrs. Florence Beard, I both of Maiden, and Mrs. Mary I Mackey of Pampa, Texas, 25 : grandchildtvn and 26 great- : grandchildren. ! Rev. John Harris officiated at ! the final rites. KIWANIS TALENT SHOW Tickets go on sale this week for t!ie eighth annual Kiwanis Talent Show to be staged April 1 at S p.m. in Kings Mountain high school auditorium. Tickets will he 75 cents for adults and 35 cents for students. Mayor Glee A. Bridges and William White, Kings Mountain ; lawyer and brother of Senator' Jack White, will represent the city in Raleigh Wednesday I ^ J IB further efforts by the state’s pow-! If j|l| ATAA er-distributing cities to prevent I “•****'^^^ legislation inimical to their in- 111^ J terests. 1 0 D6 UlSCttSSGfl The mayor said that the Cleve land Senator had informed him that the rural electrification Sen ate Bill 95 is being aired before Rumor Mill Still Grinding But No New Candidates File By Moss, Strench John Henry Moss, candidate a joint session of the Senate and foj. mayor in the May 11 city House. William White will repre- j election, said Wednesday he ex- sent the city and the mayor says pgets to meet within the next he understands three attorneys i ^0^^ days with D. D. Strench, gen- will represent the League of Mu- [ e^al manager of the Southern Di- nieipalities. .vision of Southern Railway, at La.st week Private Utilities and Charlotte, to discuss plans for Rural Electric Cooperatives turn-’safety and beautification of the ed d(*af ears to pleas that the i railroad area of the city. (‘ities’ present rights be prolwt-I j^r. Moss said safety and ed. The result was introduction , beautification are part of a long- in the General Assembly of the|pgfjg0 program of improvement Utililics-REA (ximpromise, which i ^hich he is promoting in his would no longer emp(>wer power- campaign for mayor, selling cities to acquire lines of 'pj^0 one-time city commission- other.® in areas annexed to the 1 cj. ^nd pre.sident of the Western city limits. The identical bills Carolinas Baseball League, talk- wero introduced by Senator Fred informally with D. W. Bros- Mills of Anson (Senate Bill 95) i nan, president of Southern Rail- and by Representative Earl; way Company, at Gardner-Webb Vaughn of Rockingham (House Bill 255). The action brought strong blasts from Mayor Bridges, from Shelby’s City Manager Phin Hor ton, and from the recently-form ed North Carolina Municipally Ovned Electric Ssystems. May 19 Date Fof New SPEAKER — WiUxom P. Saun ders will be guest speaker at Thursday's Kiwanis club meet ing at 6:45 pjn. at the Wo man's club. System [College Monday night. President Brosnan made the feature ad dress at a dinner meeting of bus iness and industrial leaders. Mr. Moss said Brosnan reterred him to the Charlotte office. Mr. Moss had contacted Bros nan at his Washington, D. C. of fice and set up the appointment. Moss says he also intends to | Southern Pines, acting director discuss the "railway situation’* | of the North Carolina Depait- with officials of the State High way Departmtmt and with Con- C&D Diiector I To Speak Here i William P. (Billi Saunders of Former Football Coach Honored For Service To Youth, Community fihns recommended by the Na tional School Mathematics Study Group to enrich the local pro gram. No. 11 he has inslruct(xl in the modern approach to mathematics. Students express themselves as highly impix'ssed with the teacher and enthusiasm about the course. The Kings Mountain class rep resents only one of the efforts to prci)arp teachers for better t(’aching through in-service train ing, Miss Alice C. Averett. schools teaching consultant, points out. Many of the local teachers will study this summer in colleges throughout the state, Miss Aver ett notes, and she adds that lo- Mountain Country Club for the coming year. Other officers, also elected by new directors Wednesday, were G(me Timms, vice - president; George B. 1’homnsson. seeixMary; and Hubert McGinnis, treasurer. The new officers will serve a one-year term. Stockholders, at the annual dinner meeting 'Puesday night, elected five new directors, in cluding Hugh Ormand. Cliarlos Blanton. George W. Mauney. and Hubert McGinnis, all elect('d to three-year terms, and George B. Thomasson elected to a oneyoar term. Members of the fprgmlttce wore George H. Houser, chair man, Jack Arnette and Dr. cal in-service groups will con- | George Plonk. inue so that the teachers will feel “comfortable" when faced ( with the leaching of malhemat- |)l*s through the modern approach. Enrolled in the math class are Continued On Page 0 Club President Henry Neisler presided. Reports were given from chairman of the house, pool, social, membership, and greens committees, in addition Continued On Page H John H. Gamble. Jr., former high school football coach re- | ceived an alumni citation last i weekend during Garner - Webb ] college’s ("onvocation whi('h at- tractc<l crowds to the Boiling ; Spring campus. j Cited for tcacliing and youth j leadership through athletics. Mr. i Gamble receivr(i a certificate | which road: “In recognition oi t outstanding achievement a n d | service in the field of youth lead- ■ ership through teaching athletics ' j w'hich reflect honor upon this j I college. . ■ I Educated at Gardner - Webh ' and Appalachian Stale Teacher’s I college Mr. Gamble 1ms long j ^lx»en active in community af- , i fairs. He was nvroational direct- ' or for the City of Kings Moun tain during the summer of 19.56. | was business manager for the Kings Mountain IjOgion Baseball ; team in 1957, and for three years . was a seasonal nark ranger at Kings Mountain National Mill- Continued On Page 0 i CITED — John H. Gamble, former high school teacher and coach, received a citation for service during Gardner - Webb college's Convocotion program last weekend. May 19 will mark a milestone in telephone progress for Kings Mountain and Gastonia, Toll- free service between the cities will go into effect on that date. Kings Mountain subscribers can call any telephone in Gas tonia without paying a long dis tance charge. And subscribers in Gastonia ('an call any telephone in Kings Mountain without pay ing a long distance charge. “The need for the new service directly reflects the over - all growth of these communities," said F. Bryan Houck, Southern Bell manager. Mr. Houck said that inaugura tion of the new and improved service will mean that subscrib ers in each of the communities whi('h voted for this plan will be able to dial a far larger number of people without paying long distance charges. With the introduction of the new service?. Kings Mountain monthly rates will be adjusted to the level charged throughout the state for exchanges having simi lar number of telephones iiu’lud- od in their local flat-rate calling area. TEEN-AGE DANCE A dance for teenagers who are children of Country Club members is scheduled Friday. April 2. from 8:30 until 11:30 p.m. Music will be provided by the Chancelors and admis sion is $1.50 per person. Reser vations should be made by April 1. gre.'^sman Basil Whitener on “jxxssibh' availability of federal fund.s for this program." The Gold stret't railroad cross ing claimed the lives of four vic tims in a car-train crash last January. Thcrt' are s('ven grade ci'ossings in the city. “I have a definite and concrete program of improvem('nl for our town," Mr. Moss added. ment of Conservation and De velopment on appointment of Governor Dan M(K>re, wall ad dress Kings Mountain Kiwanians at their Thursday night met*iing. The civic club convenes at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman’s club. On Won't Run; Two Posts Not Contested Last week's spate of candidates produced prolific rumors but no new candidates. Conversational interest chiefly con(?erns the mayor’s post, as of Wednesday a three-way race be tween Mayor Glee A. Bridges, Ex- Mayor Kelly Dixon and Ex-City Commissioner John Henry Moss who is seeking the mayor’s post for the first time. William (Bill) Orr, reported a possible candidate for mayor, said Monday he definitely won’t be a candidate. There has yet been no formal activity from the Negro community, and Mr. Orr sai<j he had heard of no names in the rumor-mill from his com munity. Negroes have offered for the Ward 5 commission seat a- gainst J. E. (Zip) Rhea in the past four city elections, but Mr. Orr, a past president of the Negro l,(*ague of Voters, said he knew of none. “I won’t be a candidate for either the mayoral or city com- mi.ssion post,” he said. Mr. Orr said he'd had about 100 calls concerning his projected candi dacy. Mr. Saunders, Glass Named To VFW Post Kansas City. Mo. -- John A. “Buck" Jenkins, Birmingham, Alabama, Commander-in-Chief of Veterans of Foreign Wars of th<' United States, has announced the appointment of Harold Glass, Kings Mountain, North Carolina, as National Aidc-de-Camp, V. F. W. In making the announcement, Commander - in - Chief Jenkins s-aid: “Because Mr. Glass has a record of achievement in the V. F. W. of w'hich to be proud, I am happy to appoint him to serve on my staff. His continuing aware ness of problems facing our na tion’s veterans, their widow’s and orphans merits this appointment and I know I will he able to rely on his judgment and recommen dations. I am also confident he W’ill contirme to represent his community, state and nation in the highest traditions of the Vet erans of Foreign Wat's of the United States." Glass is a past commander of Kings Mountain Post 9S1L Mountain citizen, is father of Mrs. Robert O. Southwell Mr. Saunders served as dii'oct- or for several years during the administration of Governor Lu ther H. Hodges. Mayor And Quartet On Television Show Filing deadline is April 26. Ward 1 Commissioner Ray Cline is already opposed by former - Mayor Garland E. Still, and Ward 2 Commissioner Eu- onetime Kings j ^<»ne Goforth is opposed by Thomas B. Eubanks and W. Sei- more Biddix. Ward 3 Commission, or T. J. Elli.son is opposed by James L. Guyton and Ward 4 Commissioner Norman King is opposed by Dewey A. Styers. For the board of edueation seat, Mrs. Lena W. McGill is opposed by Robert (Bob) Smith. Comm. J. E. (Zip) Rhea is the . ,,, . candidate to date in Ward Ma.\or Glee A. Bridges, Ci y ; - other unopposed candidate Comm ssionor Norman ^ len Jollc>, J. C. Bridges and Jon outside-city district, as Bndg(*s appeared on the Ar- thur Smith Show Friday morning on W'BTV, Charlotte. The mayor introduced mem bers of the quartet who .sang the hymn, “I’ve Been Listening", with Jonas Bridges accompany ing on the guitar. Mr. Jolley is music director at First Baptist church, J. C. Bridges is a hard- wareman and son of Mayor Bridges, and Jona.s Bridges is pre.sident of the Merchants Asso ciation and manager of Radio Station WKMT. Registration books will open at eight precincts April 10 for the May 11 city and board of educa tion elections. METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the week ending Wednesday at noon totaled $219.90, including $140.90 from on-street meters, $60 from fines and $19 from off-street meters, Assistant City Clerk Grace C Wolfe repcurtcd Hearing April 6th For Four Youths Pi'eliminary hearing for four high sch<x)l seniors charged with bi'eaking and entering and lar^ ceny has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, Apiil 16, in Cleveland Recorder’s Court. Recorder’s Court Judge Joe Mull was out-of-town Tuesday attending a safety meeting in Asheville. The four defendants are James Falls, Mike Ballard. Spencer Moore and Dann^ Diliing.

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