Wms MOWNTAIH HERAI^, I0H6S MeWNTAIH N. ^ 408 KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VJSITmO HOURS Daily to 11:30 a.m. S to 4 P-tn, and 7 to 8 p.m. Patient List at Kings Moun Mrs. John Arnett Mrs. Ruth Blanton Mr. James Clyde Brown Mrs. Edith Burns Mr, Earl C. Carpenter Mr. Joseph Carroll Mrs. Fannie Cooper Mrs. Marion Dawkins Mrs. Mary Elmunds Mr. William Houser Mrs. Hubert Ijames Mr. Robert Ivey Mr. John Johnson Mrs. Mattie Lt'e Mr. Lawrence Lowell Mrs. Marie Mathis Mr. Douglas McClain Mrs. Mattie McDowell Miss Nancy Servis Mr. Clarence Stewart Mr. William Thompsoii Mr. Casper Wiggins Mr. Jessie Bagwell Mrs. Arthur Hay Mr. Lewis Cole ADMITTED THURSDAY Mrs. Myrtle Chambers, Childers Street. City Mr. John Dill, Route 1, Box 29, Bessemer City, N. C. Mrs. Linda I’homas, Box 103, McAdenville, N. C. Mr. Malcolm Jackson, Sten* nett Trailer Park, Bessemer City ADMITTED FRIDAY Mr. Clyde Hayes, 311 Louis- ana Avenue, Bc^ssemed City Mr. Harold Allen, 702 Linwood Drive, City Mr. Earl Clark. Route 2. Bes semer City ADMITTED SATURDAY Mrs. Geneva Roper, 119 Lin wood Drive, City Mrs. George 'Fi’uelove, .599 Grover Street, Shelby Mr. Leroy GrcM‘n, PO Box 14. City ADMITTED SUNDAY Mrs. Lee Owens, 1(H Caldwell Street, Clinton, S. C. Mrs. John Peter.son. R(»ute 2. Box .30S-A, City Mrs. Henry Moore, lIK'l Carpen ter Street, Citv ADMITTED MONDAY Mrs. Pearl W. Blanton. Ht. 2. City Mrs. Manning Carroll, Route 1. Grover Mrs. Lester Detier. Route 1. Bessemer City Mr. H. K. L5ixon. Route 2. City Mr. Walter Johnson, 417 Chil ders Street, City Mr. James David Mitcliem, 213 W. King Street, City Mr. Archie Mullinax, 201 S. Eighth Strevt, Bessc'mer City Mrs. Sherman Oakes, Route 2 Box 454, City Mrs. James Peterson. Box 252 Grover, N. C. Mrs. Harold Phillips, 90.5 Sha ron Drive, City ADMITTED TUESDAY Mr. J. K. Willis, Sr., 700 W Mountain Street, City Robin Rains, 208 VVac*o Road City Mrs. Charlie Hallman. Route 2 Chenyville Mi^. Henry L. Stewart, 911 Second Street, City Mrs. Lena Alexander, 1419-A Shelby Road, City Mrs. Eunice Sutherland, 911 ■First Street, City ADMITTED WEDNESDAY Mrs. Deaver Bridges, Route 3. Box 17, City Miss Roxie Sellers, 214 Maple Street, City Moss To Speak On Youth Sunday Local Teacheis To NCEA Meet Youth Week services at Faith Baptist church, on Bennett Drive and Brancii stn*ets, will *.*ye con- dudtxl Sunday evening, with a Youth Evening program, Jeatur* ing guest speaker, John Henry Moss. Mr. Moss will speak to the youth, members of the church, and visitors, using as his sub* ject, 'Fellowship Of And Citizen ship In Chri.stian Youth’. Emphasized within the mess age will be how the Christian youth of today will become the church and community leaders of tomorrow. Christian youth with proper Christian training is an invest ment in the future of the com* mrunity and will mean better Christian leaders to our churches and communities of tomorrow, according to Mr. Moss. Services will be under the dir ection of the pastor, Rev. W. T. Luckadoo and will c-onclude the Baptist youth week services with a regular youth service and with Mr. Moss as speaker. Youth and parents of the com munity are invited to attend the services which will begin at 7 p. m. 30 Teachers these teachers and principals: L. L. Adams, Sarah P. Adams, Ada- laide M- Allison. Connie A. Alli son, Alice A. Averitt, Robert B. Bailey, Martha P. Bridges, Rob ert H. Bryant. Elsie M. Burch. Mary B. Cabbagestalk, Sophonis P. Campb*‘ll, Richard Culyer. Linda H. Dixon. Granell Dye, Adflie (*. Grier, Lorena M. Grier, William H. Hager. Sarah L- Harris. Jane H. Henson. Robert M. Kennedy, Vernon B. Kiser, Willie J. Mara'ble. Jo B. Marsh. Willie P. Patterson. Jack B. Powell, Joseph D. Pui*vis, Jettie r. Rowe, Sara Simpson, Jeanette C. Surratte and V'irginia P. Wlg- 'ins. Local News Bulletim Investigations Underway To Find Cause Oi Fatal Accidents On 1-85 LUTHERAN SERVICE Rev. Charles Easley will use the sermon topic, “The Waste ful Woman*' on the fourth Sun day in Lent Sunday at St. Matthew's Lutheran church. LENTEN SERIES Wednesday evening Lenten services arc continuing at St. Matthew’’s Lutheran church. Rev. Charles Easley, conduct ing a study of the Apostles Creed, will use the subject, “When Down Is Jp”, Wednes day night at 7:30. METHODIST MEN Rev. Clyde R. Goodson, pas tor of East Gold St. Wesleyan Methodist church, will be guest speaker at Monday night’s din ner meeting of Methodist Men at 6:45 p.m. at Central Metho dist church. I Landis Satterwhite of Shelby, “ North Carolina district division engineer, said he would file a ; preliminary report on his inves tigation this week into the prob able causes of accidents, eight of them fatal, on the Gaston Coun ty stretch of Interstate 85. The study is particularly con cerned with people who are go ing the wrong way on the ramps. The division traffic engineer says his department is trying to de termine how drivers get on the wrong ramp, following requests from Gaston citizens to investi gate the accidents. The death toll in a head-on collision on dual-lane 1-85 rose to two persons Friday afternoon when a Holly Hill, S. C., man died at Kings Mountain hospital. Marvin Russell, 56, driver of one of the two cars involved in a Thursday night collision, died at 6:05 p.m. Friday. Harold Clary, 46, of Gaffney, S. C., driver of the other car died Thursday night. Russell's wife, who was a pas senger in his car, was transferred Fomer Coach ajy Park. A former high school teacher and coach, he was Lions Bowl Coach in 1958 and 1959. He is a former deacon, Sunday School teacher and Sunday School sup(»rintondent at First Baptist church. He ser\ed two ‘oui's of duty in Japan with the United States Armc^ Forces. Recently, Kings Mountain citi '.ens namefl the new high sehoo’ stadium after the former coach. Stadium S.O.S. PRESBYTERIAN Dr. Paul lAusley will use the sermon topic, “A Moment of Decision*' Sunday at the 11 o'clock services at First Pres byterian church. EPISCOPAL SERVICE “The Sin Of Good People" is the title of a sermon to be preached by The Rev. Robert L. Haden, Jr., at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service at Trinity Epis copal Church, 303 Phifer road. LEGION DANCE Clyde Sanders, manager of Otis D. Green Post 156 Ameri can Legion, has announced that the Post will sponsor a dance Saturday for members and guests from 9 until 12 p. m. in the Post ballroom. Fred Holland and the Progressions, a five-piece orchestra, will pro vide music for dancing. Ad mission is $2 per couple. The kitchen will be open from 5 p.m. School Rights Statement Okay Thirteen Ki ngs Mountain teachers attended the annual meeting of the North Carolina Education Association in session in Asheville. Harry E. Jaynes, principal of Kings Mountain high school, was named to the state advi.sory committee for the principalB benefit fund to seive a two-year term. Other members of the com mittee are Paul Clark of Fay etteville and M. C. Barnes of Salisbury. Delcgatt's to the convention were Fred Withers, Paul Ham- bright, James Teague and Mrs. Grady Howaid from Kings Mountain high school; R. G. Franklin and Vernon Kiser from Bethware; James C. Scruggs and Wilbur Kiser from Grover; Miss Janet Falls from North; J. \V. Goins from East; Mrs. W, F. Powell from West; and Airs. Ann C. Wilson and K. J. Evans from Park Grace. Miss Alice Averitt, Supl. B. N. Barnes and Principal Jaynes were alternate delegates. tic City, N. J. Meantime, Charles Harry. ID fund treasurer, reported anony mous gift of $250 and other gift rom Grayson’s Jewelry. Len: r. Owens. Mrs. Hugh Ormand ^arolina Freight Carriers Coi : >oration of Cherryville, I. G '>atterson, Bridges Hardware, C \T. Fisher, Jr., H. W. Gamble, J H. Thomson. Bruce McDaniel Vva Ware, Mrs. Lena McGill Tames E. WTiite, John L. Fi'aley Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Hem- lon, P. A. P'rancis, Victoiy Chev rolet Company, Slater Hall Co., and J. Wilson Crawford. Charles Blanton, chairman of business solicitation, reported ad ditional pledges of $150. Total cash-in-hand is $22,248.- 52 and pledges to date total $44,- 658.96. Treasurer Harry continu ed. Co-Chairmen Carl F. Mauney and Charles Neisler, comment ing on the drive, repeated their statement: “We. quite frankly, are issuing an S.O.S. to industrial and busi ness firms and individuals who have not yet made contributions or pledges to the stadium pro- j(H*f to come to our rescue at once. “Actually, it is not a question of saving the stadium ship, but of enabling an immediate start on construction in order that the stadium may be ready for use by the opening of the 1965 football season. “A minimum of $80,000 in pledges is required, educated es timates show, before bids can be sought and contracts let. "First Union National Bank of North Carolina has preferred its services for financing the pro ject over a three-year period.*' The way was cleared Monday 'or North Carolina’s Public •chools to continue getting about il6 million anually in federal lid. The Office of Education in Vashington aproved the state’s tatoment of compliance with the ^ivil Rights Act. The pledge not o discriminate in receiving and dministering the funds applies niy to the North Carolina '.oard of Education. Each of the 171 school districts nd the other educational divi- lions, such as community col- eges also must file a statement n order to use the fuds. A week ago, N.C. Supt. of Xn- 'ruction Charles F. Carroll told local superintendents to hold off sending desegregation plans or pledges to Washington. He said the federal government had not made clear what it required for approval. Saturday from the local hospital to St. Francis hospital in Charles ton, S. C. The collision occurred 100 feet Inside the Gaston County line and about one mile north of Highway 161 on the superhigh way. The investigating patrolman reported that Russell was driving the wrong way in the south bound lane when his car collided with the one driven by Clary. An eyewitness, A. K. Dunn, of Durham, said he saw Russell driving in the wrong lane and tried to signal him to stop. The collision occurred only a short distance from where Mrs. Margot Kuper. of Greenville, S. C., was killed Wednesday night when her car went out of control. Russell's death is the ninth fa tality on that stretch of 1-85 slnc-e its completion a little more than a year ago. Two persons met their death since the stretch was opened in December 1963, due to driving the wrong way. Woman's Club Is Sponsoring Benefit Games Friday In Giovei GROVER — The Grover Worn- I lington, Mr. and Mrs. Richard an’s club will sponsor benefit Watterson and daughters of games March 26th to raise funds Gastonia, and sev'en of her great- for the Grover Life Saving and Rescue Squad. Games and bridge will be played in the Squad Building at 2:30 p.m. and at 8 p.m. “Springtime in Paris” is the theme of the benefit. Re freshments will be served and prizes will be awarded to game winners. Tickets may be purchas ed for $1 from Mrs. Holmes Har ry or Mrs. Glenn Rountree, Gro ver. Jeff B. Wilson, a trucking in dustry official, was guest speak er to a joint dinner meeting of the Grover and Shelby Commun ity Lions clubs Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Grover Rescue Squad Building. Mr. V^ilson is editor of “Tarheel Wheels" and is director of information and safety for the North Carolina Motor Car riers Association. White Casts "Nay" Vote On Senate Bill Senator Jack White of Cleve- Out-of-town family attending the funeral of Mrs. Laura Me- Swain Ross on Monday after noon were Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wright and daughters of Ra leigh, Mrs. Lewis Evans and Lisa of Roanoke Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ross, New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross, Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace, Kings Creek, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lowman of Hildebran. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burgess of Shelby, -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Randall, Hickory, Mr. Abe and Charles MeSwain both of Waco. Mrs. Ross is mother of Grady Ross, Mrs. J. P. (Edna) Cook of Grover and Mrs. Jessie Welch of Kings Mountain. On a golf trip to Southern Pines over the weekend were Tippy Francis, Joe Covert of High Point, John Gold and Bub Gold. Mr. and Mrs. Avei-y Hardin of Hickory were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Donald Hyde. Attending the Convocation din ner and the program held Satur day night in the Bost Education Building on the Gardner-Webb College Campus from First Bap tist church were The Rev. Fred Crisp pastor, Frank Royster, chairman of the deacons, and One Turner, Sunday School su perintendent. Funeral services for Ernest grandchildren. Mrs. Carol Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wells, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wells and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grady "Wells of Kings Mountain. Returning to Gold^oro on Monday after a long week end with his mother Mrs. Alice Alli son, was A,^2C Edward Allison, who leaves for Turkey this week for six months further duty with the Air Force. Another son, Pvt. Billy Y. Allison, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, joined the fam ily on Saturday. Kings Mountain students Mar tha Herndon and Sharon Gold of Grover, and eight students from Kings Mountain attended the North Carolina Association of Future Homemakers of America which held its state convention in Raleigh’s Memorial Auditori um on Saturday. EVANGEUST — Rev. C. C Porker, poster of Second Bap tist church here from 1935-42 ond now postor of Mount Airy# Go., Hozelcreek Baptist church# will conduct revival services begimdng Monday night at Piedmont Baptist church. Serr- ices will be at 7 p^m. eo^ evening. Scout Txoop 91 Met On Tuesday New assistant Scoutmasters and older Junior leaders led the program at Troop 91 Tuesday night at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church. Mat Pouchak led a map and canvass course and Bob Creigh ton and J. D. Ingle held rifle practice. Junior leaders Ray White and Eddie White instruct ed rank advancements while Danny Dyke led recreation. Scout masters Richard Culyer and Manley Hayes interviewed Scouts for re-registration. New boys inducted into the troop were Lemuel Ramsey, Bud dy Bryson, James Bryson and Mike and Mark McDaniel. PielininaiY Work Is Undeiway Foi New Sewage Disposal System Mayor Glee A. Bridges said Wednesday that the city will file its sewage disposal plans with the state committee by April 1. Preliminary work lias begun on the planning of a sewage dis posal system to seive the west ern part of Kings Mountain by the Charlotte engineering firm of W. K. Dickson and Company. It is in line with the city’s agree ment with the State Stream Santiation Committee to update the system. Mauney Heads to reports from outgoing offi cers. A statement of operations from the treasurer showed total receipts of $29,272.25 and total disbursements of $24,738.09. CORREC’nON Mrs. Karen Horn Seism, 20, wife of Johnny Seism, died fol lowing childbirth March 10 in Cleveland Memorial hospital at SheDjy. The Herald inadver tently reported that Mrs. Seism died of a heart condition, an autopsy revealed last week. GOSPEL SING The No. 3 Jturitan club will sponsor a gospel sing Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. in the No. 3 high school auditorium. To be featured on the program will be the Burke Family of Maid en, the Southerners of Lincoln- ton, the Ambassadors of Mooresboro and the Gospel Troup of Shelby. Tickets arb 50 cents for adults, 25 cents for students. Constniction must be started by January 1, and the treatment plant must be in operation by January 1, 1967, the mayor said. East Kings Mountain is serv ed by a modern treatment plant built in 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Parrish and Mrs. Eugene Griffin of Rock Hill, S. C. were weekend guests of their sister, Mrs. Con rad Hughes. Too Late To Classify FOR SALE — Kelvinator Refrig, erator. Good condition. 405 Wil son St. PHONE 739-5090. 3:25tfn WOMAN WITH CAR to sell ad vertising to business concerns in Kings Mountain, Gaffney, Shelby. Forest City area. Call Gastonia UN 5-1721 between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. for ap pointment. 3:25-tin; LOST — Four month's Boston Terrier. Answers to name of “Clancy”. Last seen near hos pital Tuesday morning. Re ward. Telephone 739-5677. 3:25-tfn Ross Rites Held Monday land County cast the only audi- ot"^^Wrighfof Kimbrell Rites Held Wednesday ble negative voice vole on a new law, now on the North Carolina books, to permit deserted wives to undergo sterilization opera tions if they do not wish to bear children. The Sta+e Senate enacted the bill Monday night. It will allow deserted women to be made sterile without the consent of their husbands. Such consent had been required. In other Senate action Monday night: 1) the Senate passed a bill to prohibit the distribution of ob scene film and 2) sent to the House a bill sponsored by Sen. Claude Currie of Durham which would exempt persons who aid the victims of traffic accidents from libel suits. Merchants Plan Annual Banquet Funeral rites for Woodrow Wilson Kimbrell, 50. were held Wednesday at 4 p.m. from First Wesleyan Methodist church, in terment following in Mountain Rost eemotciy. Mr. Kimbrell died Tuesday morning at 2:15 in the Kings Mountain hospital. A native of Oconee County. S. C., he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Four members of the Cracker- jacks Team of WBTV, Charlotte, will present an entertainment j ueorge W. Kimbrell. program at the annual employ- j-ie was a carpenter er - employee banquet o* the Surviving are three sisters, Kings Mountain Merchants As-1 Mrs. David Burton and Mrs. sociation April 12th. I F'rank Rippy, both of Kings Tickets go on sale this week-' Mountain, and Mrs. Ralph Spake end at the association office atjof Grover; and three brothers, $3 and a limited number will be Ray Kimbrell of Kings Moim- available to the general public, tain, Robert Kim'brell of Wash- President Jonas Bridges said. Ralph Smith and Tommy Fail le. billed as “Counselors of the Airways", will be featured in the program. Tickets will also be available in the various downtown firms. The banquet will be held at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall diningroom. ington, D. C. and Willis Kimbrell of Greenville, S. C. Rev. John Hands officiated at the final rites and interment was made in Mountain Rest cemetery. Lowest point in the western hemisphere Is at Badwater in Death Valley, California. It is 280 feet below sea level. Hour (M Sharing Program Set Grover, were held Monday after noon and burial was in the Bul locks Creek, S. C. Presbyterian church cemetery. Cobie Goforth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Goforth came home Tuesday to spend spring holi days with his family. Cobie is studying for his Ph.D. at the University of Knoxville, Tcnn. Weekend family guests at the Goforth home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goforth, Donnie and Sus- anne of Greenwood. Weekend visitors of Mr. ana Mrs. Don Woods. Terry and Bob in Greenville were Mrs. B. A. Hariy, Sr. and Miss Debbie Francis. . . Mrs. S. A. Oisp. Sr. is with relatives in Columbia. The Rev. and Mrs. Eddie Craig of Paw Creek were in Grover on Tuesday morning. Attending the Prcsb^derian District meeting at Lincolnton on Sunday afternoon were Mrs. “ Mrs. Holmes Funeral rites for Mrs. Laura MeSwain Ross, 80, widow of Lee Ross, were held Monday at 4 pu m. from Pleasant Grove Baptist church near Fallston, interment following in the church cemetery. Mrs. Ross died early Sunday morning in the Kings Mountain hospital following illness of sev eral weeks. A native of Cleveland County, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Monroe MeSwain and a member of Pleasant Grove church. She was twice married, to Joe Wallace who died in 1911 and to Lee Ross who died in 1934. Surviving are four sons, Hu bert Ross of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., Fred Ross of Hickory, Gra dy Ross of Grover and Paul Wal lace of Kings Creek, S. C., and five daughters, Mrs. J. P. Cooke of Grover, Mrs. Oliver Lawson of Hildebran, Mi-s. Charles Bur gess of Shel'by, Mrs. Jessie Welch of Kings Mountain and Mrs. Wal ter Randall of Hickory: two brothers, Abe MeSwain and Charlie MeSwain, both of Waco. Also surviving are 24 grandchil dren and 24 great-grandchildren. Rev. James Sides, Rev. Fred Crisp and Rev. James Sanders officiated at the final rites. TO CUNIC Bill Bates, high school foot ball coach, will return today from Atlantic City, New Jersey, where he has been attending the four-day National Coaches Clinic, Girl Scout News Brownie Troop 52 held their regular meeting at the home of their leader Mrs. John McGill March 12. New officers were elected. President and Scribe — Jean Hallman. Treasurer — Janet Boyles. Secretary — Donna Nickelson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coggins have returned from Florida where they spent several days. Mr. Coggins is manager of Coop er’s Inc. When Secretary of War, John i C. Calhoun personally screened' each West Point cadet. George Clinton was the fourtli vice president of the U. S. THE ABOVE PICTURE IS FROM A PAINTING BY DR. EVIL, WHO IS SEEN EVERY FRIDAY NITE ON W.B.T.V., AND IS CAU.- ED, A MONSTER'S NIGHTMARE. DR. EVIL WILL APPEAR in person AT THE JOY THEATER, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 27,1965. The manager of the Joy Theater soid that the show will feature giont uneorthly creotures that will roam the theater when the lights go out and many of the famous movie monsters in per son. Colonel Captain Phil from Big^ Bill's Clubhouse will appear at the matinee show. Central Methodist church is Tippy Francis, joining Sunday with many of the Harry. Mrs. Fred Cockrell. Mi'S, Protestant churches throughout Glenn Rountree, Mrs. Inez ua- America in observing the "One vis, and Mrs. David Harry. Great Hour of Sharing.'* Woodrow Fundei^.'.urke has been called as Music Director -for First Baptist church and March 21 was his first Sunday with the church. ,, . The Rev. Fred Crisp will be visiting evangelist for revival services to be held March 29th through April 4th at Pleasant Bishop Hunt says, "Two things make the One Great Hour 'great.* First, it is the sacrificial sharing by millions of Christians, seek ing in this act to serve others in the name and spirit of Christ. Then, the accomplishments of this offering are great. The mon ey, materials, and services pro-! Grove, vlded by the offering often makcj Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Dixon the difference between life and i and family of Harrisburg were death, success and failure, hope | Monday afternoon visitoi's of Mr. and despair for thousands a-1 and Mrs. Jack Pinkleton. round the world." | Mrs. George M. Goforth’s eight Members of the church will be' grade students were visitors of given the privilege of making an! the Grover Branch of Blacks- offering as they kneel at the al- burg State Bank, Grover, tar in Holy Communion, which! Spending Sunday afternoon Teiddns Rites Held Monday Funeral rites for Ernest Lee Jenkins, 62, wore held Monday at 2 p.m. from First Presbyterian church of which he was a mem ber. Mr. Jenkins died Saturday night in the Kings Mountain hos pital after three weeks' illness. A native of York, South Caro lina, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Jenkins. He had retired after being employed for 35 years as a Sub-Station op erator for Duke Power Company. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Moss Jenkins; one son, Ernest Lee Jenkins, Jr. of Gas tonia; one daughter, Mrs. Ottis Wright of Grover: two sisters, Mrs. June Smith of Tirza, S. C. and Mrs. Rena Latham of Shar on, S. C.. and seven grandchil dren. Dr. Paul K Ausley, assisted by Rev. William'Shytle, officiated at the final rites and interment was made in Bullocks Creek Presby terian church cemetery in Bul locks Creek, S. C. will be administered at the 11 o’clock service, Rev. Howard Jor dan, pastor, said. with Mrs. J. D. Watterson were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marlin, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Martin of Bur- TO ASHEVILLE Mayor Glee A. Bridges at tended a highway safety meet ing Tuesday at the Highway Patrol Office. Asheville. A breathalyzer was demonstrated which safety officials are urg ing that police departments in stall to test drunkenness. 'The local department has installed the instrument. A V r- » EASTER SHOES the whole family wants I *■ * ' Bring in the family — we’ll outfit everyone from Mom and Dad to Sis and Junior, with the ^handsomest, newest Easter shoes — at practical prices. McGinnis Department Store Phone 739-3116 233 S. Bottlegfound

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