* ^•ge 2 KIN;:M) Mrs. Krnrst llayos and Mrs. KrtHl MrDanirl. Jr. -aiv onttM'lainin^ at tlu‘ Iattt*r’s h*>mr at Stvi Wiliiains sirtsH liointrin.i! Mfcts KU/aluMti Uarl Morrison, brIdtM'U'Cl. •l:Jn The weddinK of Miss Mary Ann Urown and Richard Sln.'.er in r.r.\inK*on’!^ First I'rotiltytt'rian rluirrh. ro- ropiion foUovviin{ in llic fellow ship hall of the clnirclr U'tfdtM'.sdn.w.* 10 rt.m. Circle 0 of First l*ros- bytrrian church at tho home of Mrs. Cornan Falls. 201 Clo- forili stiwt. 8 12 p.ni. Back • to • school damv for ninili jiradns throuKl* colloi^ra^o students at Kin^is Mountain I'ouniry clnh. Mr. and Mrs. Srarr MA>rrisi>n. Mr. and Mrs John Pliink. Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mrl>.*nicl. ho«ts ami lu'stcsst's. Miss Eliiabeth Stewart Editor Miss Linda Bennett, Jeffrey Lee Adams Pledge Vows In Sunday Church Rites Jr. Party Honors Bride-Elect About This N' That Mrs. M.irMii Fl.trmon entertained last Wednesday at her home at a lunchov'^n. Guests were two of her former Wlnthrop college schoolmates, Mrs. Nolle Olivo of Woodruff, S. C., a cousin, Mrs. Martin Hall of Clover. S. C., her cousins, Mrs. L J. Morris of Signal Mountain. Tennessee, Mrs. John Sutton of La Grange, Mrs. Demeirious Politls of Ann Arbor, Michi gan, and Mrs. l\'m Harper of Mountain Home, Idaho. Also Mrs. William laurenco Plonk, Mrs. John C. McGill, Mrs. N. F. McGill, J-'. and rs. Fuoene McCarter, all of Kings Mountain. A three-rours(' meal was served. Miss An.m'la Ruff. I'ridcH'Uvt of Sct)tcmlHM*. wp fcn brid al .shower Kivvii by Mrs. Henry Oliver ami Mrs. John Huglu*?; at tlio home of Mrs. t’onrad Hugites on Dixon nviii. Mrs. Johin H. Harbor, mother of tlio pnvsptvtivo bridogrtKvm Johi\ny HarlH'r. Jr., also assisted in details of entertaining. The ivfroshment table was hlKiiUgbt of dtxH'ration. 0\'erlaid with yellow eloih. tlie table was eenteml by an arrangorr.ont of velU>w aiui white summer iTo- A .Sunday I o’clock Winlfling In Kij'St Pri'sbyterlan church unitixi Miss Linda Lee Hennett and Jeff rey Lee Adams in *niarriage. Rev. B. L. itaims, pastor of I’'ir:n Baptist church, officiated at the dou:. lering ceremony. The vows wert' pledged bt'fore a Ixickground of potted palms, al* tar baskets of white glads and catheiiral taiHM's in wrought-iron candelabra. A wliite knotding iHMtch ivjilereii the setting. Mrs Darivll Austin was or ganist lor the program of nup tial music and vocal numbers were iviulered by Mrs. Robert Ware who sang *'B(vause’’ be fore the I'oivmony and “Wedding Prayer” as the benediction. Or gan numbers included “I Love Thiv' by Grieg. ••Andantino*’ by U'maix'. “Ariiwo” ty Handel. "My Heart Ever Faithful" by Ikich. “Dreams" by .MoAmis and "Romance Sans Paix)le‘' by B(m net. Tile bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal wedding gown of wlule penu de sole. The Chantilly lace bodice was fashioned with brief sle a dt'- tachable aisle-wide Chapt'l train highlighteti by a panel of Chan tilly lace. Her fUMi'length man tilla \eil. paneled with lace, wxis Iveix Winding cakes toppi'd with j B‘om a satin pillbox, and grot'u and w'hite lily-of-tlu'-vaUey , she carriocl yellow ivses and a were served w ith punch a