965 Thursday, Ocfober 28, 1965 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, October 7, 1965 Page 3 0 over Jrivo, noth- inU u ell to came mdecl nm(‘ r tooK itain- m llie taken id re- by a >nd a round m UM einneM ? car- in 13 adin;; tries. -e Go- 14. seven for a t was with pren(*e ?laim- bi'ai- lorford Id R S 'ororn! ). 'foaled ovo in" Moun- owlinR t place g Cen- rothers Drug ace in fender- 1 place iFOcery scoring ■Ginnis a 122 Miller Dlmina for the 10 line a 317 tanked 0. Pal honors no and It scor- 64 line Oates- a 3-1 . Betty a 108 L Pet. I .656 Bates On man); l^astern Plains Conterence ' (Dave MKIenny, Charles Aycock of Pikevllle); East Central Con ference (Tlieil Overman, Wallace Rose Hill of Wallace): Wacca- maw Conference (Charlie Rea- Grover Students At FHA Rally, Numerous Folk Visit In Grover By MRS. GENE TURNER 'flu* Hcv. and .Mis. Perry Muni- GROVER The District I'll A goniciy of Columbia, S. C. spent grnTEIiza\VeVh7own)V(VnR^^ Rally was held at Belmont high the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Heel Conterence (Paul Markliii of Saturday. Grover stu- Wilbur Roark. Rohanen in UickiiiHham); Cem-. atu mling Ihu rall> ln.r. Di . Herman S Powell of Gas- tral Carolina Conference (Bobby | high school wcrcn,„ija a visitor in the home Fulp of Trinity): Guilford Con-! I resident of of Mrs. Will .Moss on Sunday, fereiice (Tommy Younts of Allen | luinei, Janet Weekend family visitors of Jay in High Point): Rocky River ^P^nglor and Sharon (.old. Kcoier and Conterence (H. P. Brooks of South -Mr. and Mrs. C harles Byeis. c W. Richaidson were -Mr- Stanley in Norwood): Gaston Chet. Robin and Darrin Byers ul and .Mrs. Bankston llyler and j C^ounty Conferenee (Uelmar WMles Florence will come to C^rover on Su.san of Lancaster, S. C., and ! of Mt. Holly); Disliiet 7. North- tMdvay to visit Mr. and .Mrs\ Oil- \y y nicks, Jr. of Charlotte. through .Saturday 0 ern Division (John C'liarles of El- more Byers 1 kin); District 7, Soulh(‘rn Division afternoon. [(Red Kirkpatrick of Granite -Mrs. Helen English and .Mr. Falls); Foothills Conf(‘renee (Bob and Mrs. Grover Rice were Sun Ward of East Surry in Pilot day spend-ihcday quests of .Mr. j.Mountain); Tri-County C’onfer- and Mrs. Lee Corn in Hendcr- ’ enco (Joe Hunt of Ilender.son- jville); Smoky Mountain (dnler- U*nce (Kalpli MeC'onnell of .Mur- phy). Ramsey Rites {Pop Warners ^eld Wednesday Finish Season ^ With 2-4 Mark TOUCHDOWN — Shelby's Terry Goode (23) breaks around left end and is on his way to pay dirt in the second quarter of the KM-Shelby game Friday night. Goode added another touchdown in the fourth quarter cs Shelby delected the Mountaineers, 19-0. I shy o fho goal line. Halfback Charlie Baker spear headed the KM defense by mak ing timely tacklc’s. He also had one pass interception. Another defensive halfback, Rick Fails, also inierceptcd a pass. Members of this year’.s team wort': ('hris Blanton (', B-n Hrov\n G, Dale Russell T. ^lark McDaniel K. Raymond RuffsUck- ler G. Terry Putnam T, Dik' Blanton E, Grafton Withers (JB. .Dana Sarvis HB, Carl Fulton F'3, Cliarlie Baker HH, liocky ' Ford G, Paul .Manning HB, Rick Falls HB. Don Goforth 1\ and Warren Falls HB. Coaches for tht' team were Jimiity Littlejohn and Perry Champioii. CLASS A Tidewater Conference (C. O. Mc.Mullan, Central of Elizabeth City); Roanoke ('onferenc<‘ (Don Johnson of Weldon»; Coas'.i! Conference (Jack Wallace of Bath); Tobacco Belt Conference (Brantley Aycock of Elm Cit3M: ; Wake • Nash-Edgecombe Confer ence (Jim Burnette and JoJin Nichols of O.xford): .Mid-Central Conference (Harold Holmes of s-Dnville. On a fishing trip io Myriic Beach Thursday through Sunday, were Ashley Tyree of Cliarlotie and Buford Hamiiiighi Huskey Rites Held Wednesday Funeral rite.s for Ezekiel Ram J^cy. 41, who <IUm! Momlay morn- iiig ill the Kings Mountain hos- pdal, were held Wednesday at 4 i».m. from Hopewell Baptist c.'ijri’h of Blacksburg, S. C., in- lei mc nl following in the church ciunetery. A native of Clu'rokee County. S. c.. Mr. Ramsey is .survived b> ‘*ne brother, Chark»s Ramsey, of < lastonia. A wil l coff. plant may grow 15 to 2(1 left tall. However, in cul!i\ation it is k<'pt trimmed to 6 to P feet. The Kings .M<iuntaiiv Optimist ('tubs (mii.v ill llie Gaston Pop 'Warner Pov’ Wee Football , League finished tlio .'{‘a.son in fourth place witli a 2 1 record. 4 he lioys won the .si'ason's linal gaiTo ai Cheiryville Tuesday night, Oflo';cr 19. by a G-t) count. Dana Sarvi.s, wlio sc.)ied four touclulowns' on tin* reason to l<‘ad the l<*am in .scoring, .^coiid in the second <piaitcr to n:ov:do the winning margin. Fullhack Carl Fulton aitcmpU’d to run lor the point after, liui was siopp;\1 Funeral rite.s for Pinkney Huskey of Kings .Mountain and .Mrs. Tom Barnes of Grover, were held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from Canaan Methodist church, .interment following in the , Ramseur); Cape Fear Conference church cemetery I Henry Campbell of R e d Mr Hnskev Hie Springs): North Central Confer ence (Dave Hodge, Helena of I Timbcrlake): Yadkin Valley Con- f(*rence (Tom Boyette of Yadkin- ville); Skyline ('(inference (Jug Wil.son of Glen Alpint*); Appa lachian Conference (Ed Morton of Marshall); Pisgah Conference Mr. Huske\’ died Monday after noon in ihu Kings Mountlin hos pita! following a short illness. O’.lur -iii-Niv.rs includ son‘'. a Inolhcr. a s'.stcr. and :i number of granch hildren. 14 pt inside BURIN DILIin^ci LuMier E. Dillingcr, 7S. of Route 1 Gaffney, S. C., .:rother (M. J. Cathey of Rosman); Smo-|Qj liurcn D'ilinger of Kings ky Mountain Conference (W. H. Hamilton of Andrews). Mountain, died Monday in Cher ok(e Counij* hospital at Gaffnty. Other .survivors include his wife, two daughters, a son and 16 grandchildren. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION North Piedmont (Jack Ward, Davie C'ountj* of Mocksville): South Piedmont (Lope Linder of Mountain). South Rowan); Northwestern 1 EIGHT-MAN (Frank Barger of Hk'kory);! Tancel Lei* of Southport. ' Southwestern (Bill Bates of Kings .Mickey Hicks spent Saturday in Shelby with Gene Irvin Kirkpat rick, Jr^ .Mrs. Frank Royster was in Winston .Salem on Saturday to attend the Wake Forest Univers ity of N. C. football game with her twin sons Mike and Sie\i‘ Ro\‘.sU*r, sophomores at Wake F re.sl C'ollegc. -Ml'. Tippy Francis and Bub Gold arc in New York ihi.^ wt t*k on a business triji. The Rev. Earl V. Frith filled the oulpit at David Baptist church on Sunday in ilie ahsimcc of the Rev. .Mr. N\ F. Hardin who had surgei-y at the Shelby ho.s- piial the pJist week. Miss Connie Shaw, colleje stu dent this week at First Baptist church, and college student at Cullowhec, will spend the* com ing weekend with her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Deward Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Blea^e Goforth moved on Wednesday to Pari.-, three Tonn.. where they will make their home. Freshman Class Officers have been elecl(*d at Kings .Mountain high school and Ross Springer, son of .Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Spring er was elected treasurer of hi.- cla.ss. Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Parker and family of Charlotte spent Sun day with -Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Har din and Barbara. c'hurch-wide visitatiim sponsor ed bv the First Baptist church , Sunday School was held on Tues- dav night. .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hicks. Sr.. who have been in Virginia for three and one half weeks came home on Wednesday. .Mr. and .Mrs. Vance Hides hjoughi them horiic and were heie tin jugit Monday. Mrs. George R. .M{■AlI.^t^•l and daughters. Lisa and .Su.san Ann ette of San Antonio. Tt*xas. le:'t ;.'haflotl(‘ airjjon Tuesday morn ing to return to their ho. i o after three we(*k.5 visit with Mr. and .Mrs. Blease Goforth. Ml*, and Gradv R(jss. lie- ona and Denise Ross spent tin* weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S'Oll Wright and daugiiiers in Ra- loi'll and -Mr. and Mrs. Lewi.^ Evans and family at R 'utiokc Rapids. Mrs. Mary Lon ('ollins and Ricky Allen of Earl spent Sa' urdny witli Gary Collir.s, .Jnnioi' Colle'io Student at Wake Forest College Winston-Salem, and at tended W’akt* Fore- i - L'nivers- iiy of N, loot’oall game on Saturday afteinoon. P was Par ents W(*ekend at W.ike Forest colU'ge. G :lng to Charlotte on s Rur- day to the nerformaiKa* of “The .Sound of -Music", was Mrs, Tip|)> Francis. .Mis. John Harr\. D<*lv ■ hie Harry. Debbie Francis and Susan .M(<’arter. Corning we<*k''nd vi.Nliors of The IR v. and Mrs EaG V. .Smith will 1)(* Mr. and Mr.= . D. E. .Me..'.' - .of BiascltiUi. Ga. and M •. and Mrs. O D. Maves of StiUie Moun tain. Gi’orgia. Mrs. David Herpd.ni will l(*a\r riiursday toi- Duki* Ibispiial 'whore .she will ha\e le.sts and lie undir obseivati ;.n. Mr. and Mrs. f-irnest Hoin i'’ht are in Oeoiyia with tl'.cir .son and daughier-in-Inw. Mr. and • Mis. E\eretie Hainhrigli: • Billie .Montgomeiy and Billie Howell were transferred U) Rock Hill. S. C. from their jo!) in ; Gr(*envil]e this wc(‘k. ' Mrs. H. C. Tate remaitrs a jia lient in Clcv(*l«ind .Me } ■ iial ho.- pital after having surgciy or , Oil. 20ih. Mrs. Winfiefi .Mus-; Tani* and i Danny will spend Wedne,->da> I with ivirs. Billie Mortcomery and i visit Mr. and Mr.s. D. .1. M *nt- gomei y. Letter To Editor "I'he Kings Mountain Jayce(*s A'i.sli to c.xp! es.s tli(*ir ai)precia- ti..n to ail the local citizens, in dustries, L ■sine.-.' (‘Siablishmenis 'and civic oi ganizal ions who .-.up- ported our com (‘s.sions and bar- iiccuc sale dining Uie j’oeen: Mouniainci'r I.)a\Cclehration. Your -support n:adc Lie project a ^-ucc(*ss and in -■) c.”ab!ed ih(.‘ King.-' .Mountain Jaycce.s to make a -.u stanlial financ.rl con tribution to die Kings M untain Buttle Cornini.'.sion and to sup- {)oil tile pr(*s<*m*e of i>otb !Mis.s iNortii Carolina and Miss South ('arolina at the Celcin ition. J. kc Dixon. Prc.sidt nt Kur/.' Mountain Jaycecs 1 ^ ADMI.NdS'IP.ATOPLS NOTICE H;i\.-n:, (iLuLilk’d a-; adrinis- trator for tlu» of W'ililiam , Lawivticc Wai l’, di'ceased, all pi’rson.s ha\in, cl*'ams against i aid C'lati* will please tile .same ’with the undcr.dA'ned on or In*- jfoic the 2's;ii day of January, t 19G j. oj- tltis notice will be plcad- i ed in liar oi any recovery, j All persons indcliled to said es tate will ijlca-o make immediate i payment. I 'idiis the J'^tb day of (.)eiober, ! R)(o. MR.S, EP.YTK R. WARE ' .Vibnitii.Mra'.o,- ■ K.'ta.e .f William Law- I rci’..'' \'.''ire j I'i: Os . H ; pd. I ADMlXISTil.VroiiS NcrncE I Having pualiiied as adminis- j iraloT* for the estate of William Ic.-'r.. .b nUin-. dr, ca.sed. all pei'- 1 :on.s havifig vl r r.s amns* sanl i.’.late will please lih^ sam(' w.tb i :h(* undi*; signi'd ici or hcf.irc the I jsGi d.iv of Ajtril. R)Uti, or thi.s ’ .loli. e will b.’ pleaded .n bar of j w.v I'cc werv i All p'- •ale will I'l pa\ -r.ont. thi-. na 19(1"). ..i indv-'jtcd lo said es- rise maki’ immediate 2.s*li dav ef October, lo-.-Js .MRS. AP.Y JE.NKIN.S Admnus' i aior Kst:U4> of James J*'Ssc Jfiv Kins* - Il l''' We Know How... 'I li HERALD SPORTS ,)Uicri/.>rl "World Sorios" broadrasl over WFIL duidn- tlie w eek ol the ''x-^u-s\v-.rfed Data prepared by THK SCtdRllND .d into a computer at the F'l’auklin Insti utt'. * ■ J * the lollowins results lor the (tames between all-stai ttanis selected by tilt'WKll. lisltMR'i’s: -vt...iiew<on f'-ime 1 - \ L 7), A. L. with ( hnsl\ Ai.itlicwson defeating Walter .johnson. Stan .Musial coileeted three hits and (h'o\e in two tuns fo) the N. L. (7anie — A 1-- b. N. b. .'b with Cv Voun- the winner over Pete Ale.xander. Joe Cronin hit a homei with a man on base lor the D. and Ty Cobb baited in tv.o runs \vi h a pair of singles. Musial and Willie .Mays humored lor the ^Game 11 — A. D. b. N. 1.. V in a duel between iVUer and Diz/v Dean. .Mel Oil hit a homei <» H'-'>-• -y L. won w'ith a run in 'he ninlh on singles b.\ frank bakei. Bill Dickey, and (Tonin. ^ Game 1 — N. P- ‘-U A. L. -u vnh Nandy Kouiax the w inner over Lofty (iruve. *Ma\s. Ott, and Pie I rtiynor hit homers lot the N. L. . , , , tt i - n i .• ^ 5 N\ L. l. A. L. 2. w ith ( arl Ilnimel! defeat mg Eddie Plank. Rogers lim-nsby led the N. 1-. with three singles. The A. L. averted a shutout with its runs in the ninth inning on a single bv Bai>e Ruth, li iple b\ Lou Geh rig and single b>' Baker. . , , i b — N. L. 4, A. L. L in li*n inning.s. with John son suffering second loss oi the series, this time at the hands of Wnrron Spabn. According lo the compulei. John son issued throe ptisses to load the bases with two out in the ninth and was tin* h'-or whe)) TrtiN'nor tmd Gabby Hartnett came through with singles. STATEMENT UNITED SERVICES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ASSETS Coiui.' ■ .S_'S,-ST.St)S.3S ■Stocks _ 1.S1M07.8T Moilgage I.,f)ans on Ihsd E.^taa* !.(G6.986.45 Real Estate 2.189.805.31 Poliev' Loans (i.JlS.HJ.H Cash aiui bank deposii.s 1.(>.>().4t>0.o2 I All otlu'i* assi’ts (as Hetaih’d in annual stab’int'nl) .. 6.151.S00.47 J when she outgrows jack o'lantcrns, will you be ready? When your little girl is all grown up, and while she's get ting there, will you be financially able to take care of all her needs and dreams ... of college, marriage? Start sov- ing for her future now, regularly, with a Home Savings & Loon Savings Account. DIVIDEND PER ANNUM PAID SEMI-ANNUALLY Out • Grown YouTl be Sur> prised How Her Account Grows. And You'll Be More Than Glad When You, Too, Realize That Jack O'Lanterns She's Really Home Savings & Loan Association FREE PARKING SPACE-DRIVE-IN WINDOW SERVICE Dr. I. E. Anthony, President Thomas A. Tate, Seaetary-Treasurer Total A-st ls . .880.176,751.51 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Aggregate rc-'^civo foi life poIjt i--> and (•<.»ntra'.'> 8‘i2.('41.4in.(M) Suia'ic'^^^'^Uarv (ontrafts vvilltoui lilo voniingciu'ic.': .. l.i''M).2()3.b2 -U LilV ■ 282.612.14 Policy!u)ldor.'<' iliv idend avrumnla: ion> 110,772.11 Provision tor policylioldor’s dividend.s jwivabli* till* following calciular \car 2.(11(1.DOO.bO Piomiums and aiinuilv consicUiation roooivi’ii iu ailvaiuc 1((1.592.:59 General t'xpvnsc due or avciired 3.015.70 Tuxes, liia*nsc.s and fees duo or avoured 243.731.48 Rerritlanoes and items not allcK-ated 23.166.30 .\11 otl'.er lialiililies (as detailoJ in annual statement > -1,425,613.9.5 Total Liabilities 'exoopt Capital) S72.1(»2.177.35 Capital paid-u|) 81.25u,('(Ht.lKi Una.ssigncd surplus 8»‘.S2 1..571.1(> Total 8 S.()71.574.ll> SSC. 176,751.51 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1964 POLICY EXHIBIT GUDINAkV Number Amount 1. In f<»ro(* Devembor 31 of previous year 1,44.8 14.(>91.407 2. I.ssiied dining year 26X 3.675,()(>() 3. Ceased to be in fon-t* during year (Nett loS 1..467.372 1 In foree Di’cember 31 of eurr(*nl y(*ar 1.(>6S 17,0,59.635 LOSSES AND CLAIMS ' ORDiXAKY Number .Vnumnt 6. Ineuned during current year 3 33.971.65 a. By payment in full 1 l.tHXl.Oi) d. Totals 1 l.iHlO.DO 8. Unpaid Dec. 31. eunent vear (5 plus 6 nuniis 7d' 2 32.971.65 Premium Ineome — (.Irdinary, 8295.606.25: Total. 829.5.660.25 NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE nKPARfMEM’ (SEAL) R.ileigli, June 3. 1965 I. EDWIN S. L.\NTKR. Commissioner of Insurance do lieicby certify that Hu* above is a true and corraci aii.'strac! of tlie siatcmeni of the Uniti’d Services Life lnsura»ice ('omj'an>, of Waslungton. D.C., filed with this Department, showing the oondOiMn of --i.iid Company on the 3tsi day of Decembi-r. 1964. Witness my hand and official .siuii the dav and date above written. EDWIN S. LAMER Cominis.Moncr of ItiAUianco

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