m I haJI half licn- VttiJ the Ttiursday, October 28, I96S THe KINGS t^OUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNl AIN. N. C. Page 7 For Sole LENNOX UEATlNCi and an cun* cliUoiiing. DILLING HEATING COMPANY. Phone 739*3446. 12;22tfn iENKlNS ANTIQUES — We buy and sell antiques. Gastonia • Kings Mountain Hlgnway. Telephone 739*5806 ll:8«n NICE GIFT FOR A STUDENT ~ Colored pencil sets. Complete color range at a reasoirable price. Herald Publishing House Telephone 739*5441. 11:30 tfn PERFECT GIFT FOR THE HOME Everv house needs a pencil sharpener. Get yours for only $3.00 at Herald Publishing House. Phone 739*5441. 11:30 tfn For Sale I SED APPUANCES — (Stoves, refrigerators, washers. Real values. Western Auto Associate Store. 7:16-tin DECORATOR CO1.0R tape dis pensers. Only $1.25. Herald Publishing House. Phone 739* 5441. 11:30 tfn EVERYONE NEEDS A STAPLER We have them, complete with staples, for as low as $3.10. Phone 739*5441. HEUALD PUBLISHING HOUSE 11:30 tfn lB.E Goodrich FOR TIRES SEE SOUTHWEU FORD 9:I6tfn FOR SALE — Stoker with all es sentials for a coal furnace. TELEPHONE 739-3252 or 739* 2521. 10:28tfn SPORTING GOODS — All; kinds of sports, equip ment, baseball, softball,, basketball, football, ten nis, and for the hunter,! fisherman, and golfer, too. Western Auto Associate Store. 7:16-tfn SPANGLER Reody Mix Concrete PHONE 739-4723 FOR YOUR CONCRETE NEEDS, CALL USI We Deliver Any Amount COMPLETE JOBS Floors, basements, walks, b curbs, etf;, ^ No Job Too Largs I Or Too Small IfREE ESTIMATES ZIG - 3EAG SEWING MACHINE, late model. Balance only $38.50. This machine makes button holes, decorative stitches, etc. Write to Credit Department, PO Box 716, Gastonia or call 864* 8676 anytime. 6:17-tfn GET READY for r.unting season now! Feed new Purina Dog Meal, the super enemy food to ket'P dogs out in front. You'll always find the best priee.s at KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold St. 10:2Ufn SEEDS, wheat, barley, oats, rye, eertified or non-certified. Roys ter’s field - tested fertilizer. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, the store with the checker-board sign. 126 E. Gold St. _ _ 10:21tfn rOR~SALE — ~Siogler’ heater. Completely automatic. For in formation call 739*491)7. 10:21tfn ^OSTEb^SIGNS — No Trespass ing, no hunting, no fishing. Waterproof or plain. Herald Pnblishing Company. 'TELE PHONE 739-5441. ll:2tfn ^SK BLOTTERS — Three dltfer- mnt colors. Brighten your desk home and office. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. TELE PHONE 739-5441. 11:2 tfn FOR SALE"“"GornTarT”Shepherd puppies 2*15 months old. TELEPHONE 739-5165. 10:14tfn The all new KitihenHid Imperial DuaCycle CONVERTIBLE- PORTABLE DISHWASHER KDI-S5CT ■ Portable now; convorts to a built-in ■ Front-loadlnf convanionco ■ Big, versatila capacity takas overything . ■ Vh" thick mapio top ] ■ Guido Bar and larga castors for oasy mobility ■ Now 4-Way Wash-no band rinsing ■ New Flo-Thru Drying gets dishes bone dry ■ Push button operation for partial or full loads ■ Choice of copper tono or white finish Don*i bm switched from ihm IvBSf • * ■ KitchBnniil ;==:SEE THEM AT = Ben T. Goiorth Plumbing York Rood — Phone 739-4736 SINGER SEWING MACHINE —In nice modern cabinet. Darns, hem.s, buttonholes, Zig Zag’s beautiful decorative designs. Pay last seven payments of $8.22 monthly or discount for cash. Can be seen and tried out locally. Full details write: National, Repossession Dept. Box 283, Asheboro, N. C. 10;28-12:14 C Employment C E Services EC Services E F Notices PHONE 739-5441 F H Realty For Sale H NEEDED — Crompton and Knowles weaver and loom fix er. Good pay, steady work. Call or write Carolyn Chenilles, Ine., Box 488, Saluda. South Caro lina. 10:21-11:4 PURINA RAT KILL has the taste rats can’t resist. Its bulky size makes It easy to carry home for the whole family to eat and die. Rat-Kill is the sure, easy, proven way to get rid of rat.s. For your homo, get Purina Mou.se Kill, in the handy, new self-feeding package. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold St. 10:21tfn FOR SALE — Apartment - size Siegler heater for sale. Tele phone 739-2010 10:21*28pd MAIDS, GUARANTEED good New York live-in jobs, $35 - $55 weekly fare advanced, Harold Employment Agency, Dept. 559. Lynbrook, New York. 10;21-ll:Upd. HOUSEWIVES AND MOTTIERS— Earn $400 or more for Christ mas. Pleasant, dignified work. For details call 482-2033. 10:21.28pd. LIVE IN AND DO LIGHT HOUSeI WORK. Care for two children. If you prefer not to live in, please provide own Iran.sporta- tion to and from work. TELE PHONE 739-2493, 10:7tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIR: I can repair any make or mod' l machine, in your home, fer a total cost of ju.sl .$195. includ ing all parts and labor. All work guaranteed. No charge at all if your machine Is not r(»* pairable. Write •'Serviceman’’, Box No. P. c. o Th<» Kings Moun tain Herald. 10:I4-tfn FRESH EGGS KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER 126 E. Gold St 10:21tfn FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a aoctor's pro- Kription. our product called Golaxon. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Golaxon is a tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of excess fert and live longer. Golaxon costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not satis fied for cmy reason. Just return the pack- oge to your druggist ond get your full money back. No questions osked. Golaxon is sold with this guarantee by: GRIFFIN DRUG STORE ~ RINGS MOUN TAIN — MAIL ORDERS FILLED 10:21-11:4 pd. IF YOU WANT the biggest. cheapest, best hog in the coun- I try, feed Purina Hog Chow. Shop the store with the check er-board sign. KINGS MOUN TAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold St. 10:21tfn 1961 FORD for sale by owner. Excellent condition, guarantee. Phone 739*3759. 7:15tfn CARPET Beautify d Puiina Nursing Chow a,..! C li o \v Starlcna. K IG .s .Mrn'NTAi.x kaum ( K.A I lAl. 12t; K. Cold Si. I0:21tf!i WAN-- TO RENT or lease live HKim lu-nse in ;:')od neii.’hhor- hood. .\i ar craniinar .school. If you haw .such a hous<'. plca.sr w’ii(‘ e o 15. KitiL's Shnni- lain ila-alil. Hh^ltln HELP WANTED: K.Mia income fi»r miM *'V uomcn. Pan or full time. C(;Ofl <‘aiiiings. Kh-.xihlc horns — perJecl lor men wiih jol)^ — W'innMi willi .school age e h i I d r e n. Training provided. Writj' Pi'r.soniie! .Manager, Bo.\ 224 Siu‘lh\. X. y. lor local in- 'eiAicw. H):21-2H|)d FOUND — IloUlcr uitli one car key bc-aring name 'PeddiT Mo tor (*f>. of .Sliclhs'. ladl a’ K)oc,-inio])i!( vi.sit at Armory Monday. Owner may claim at liciaifl OJtiei . lO:2Sjid CASH IN on :!ie hig fall and Christir-a Selling Season. Kep- rcsiMii .V\on in your neijhbor- hood. Write or call Mrs. Ruth C. Swofiord. 8(l\ ITT. Lalti more. N. C. 10:28.11:4 NOW OPEN — New knitted fab rics cloth shop. Fine a.ssorl- m(*nt of double knit, cotton, orlon and laminated f:ibric.s for ladi('s' outerwear. Located at Yarbro’-.- (Grocery on N*. piod. mont .\vonuo h(*side Kings Mountain Manufacturing Mill ' office, fiood selection of .spring ! and summer colors. Open six days a week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Satur day. 2:25-tfn G Really For Rent G TRAILER FOR RENT — rlose ui. I’j l»Iocks from llarii.'-'-Teeter Sujier Markets. TKLKPIIONE 739 2U3. S;19lfn APARTMENT FOR RENT—Sleeps four, CrnUer of lisliing area. Idl.L L(m:AN. 1)4 2;Mh Ave. North, M\rlle Beaeli, S. C. Telo- i)irone Area C.odi* 803. 418-3697. 9:2tl'n TRAILERS FOR RENT — f>ne 10 ft., one 8-ft. Close in. H. R. Par- ton. 739-2413. in:Ttfn FIVE ROOM house on MonnK’ A\« lUH . lormtu ly .John JI. Gam- [)li* lesiflenei . l''le|)hon(* Hal IMonk. between 12 noon and 1 p.m. er trcjin .5 to 9 p.m. in < \e-ii!':s. 739-2 IfH. 10:28tfn FIVE ROOM HOUSE at Midpines 'rinee hi-drnonis. kitclien and largi* liN'inu ifMim. Reg. pri<‘e S3.0(Ni. Special C a .s h Price .S210n. Im lud(‘> water rights. H. U. rAir:3)N. Telephone 739- 2113. ■ l();21tfn FOR SALE — Four njom house in mill dislrin. Sio down, .$10 .'>iP week like rent. H. H. PAR TI »X’, Telephone 7.3t)-2413. 10:14tfn CHASTAIN septic tank service. Tanks pumped, cleaned and rodded. Rca.sonablo rales. Call 730-5150. after 6 p.m. 7:22tfn ROOFING OF ALL TYPES: built- up. asphalt shingles, slate, tile, asbestoos, tin. Kings Mountain roofers since 1931. ROOFING I? OUR BUSINESS. Kings Mountain Sheet Metal Works, Phone 7.39-5166 12:13tfr. Notice SPREADER SERVICE. We fill ASl' Purchase Orders for Cleveland and Gaston counties. Lime and Fertilizer Spread on your farm. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER. 126 E. Gold St. 10:2Ufn BIGGERSTAFF'S Alignment Service Locoted Midway Between KM 6, Shelby • Wheel alignment — Wheel Balancing — • Complete steering & Front End Work • Broke repairs of Any Type — Used Auto Parts • We straighten & align Rear Housings • Compocts and Foreign Cars Our Specialty • All Cars and Trucks *ALL WORK GUARANTEED* PHONE 739-2686 MECHANICS; Bill Pyxem and Clyde RuUeader LEGION DANCE Music By Buddy Estes Band Saturday, October 31 9 Until 12 p.m. Members & Guests FOR THE BEST IN ROOFING — Aluminum siding. Insulation and home improvements or easv term.s, rail NORMAN HARRIS & SON, HU 2-1407 Shelby, N. C. 2:15tfn TIME FOR BEAUTIFICATION — Save on shrubbery, trees and landsv'aping. No job too large or loo small. GASTON ('(4UN- TY NURSERY, two miles west High Shoals Mills on Highwav 1607. Call W. B. PAYSKUH. 922 3620, Gastonia. N. C, 10:28-n:2.5 ARMSTRONG Kr..*inNG and AIR CONDITIONING; gas piping & venting. Kings Mountain Sheet ; Metal Works, Phone 739-5166. * 12:1.3tfn. , SMALL FARMS WANTED — If, you have tracts of 10 to 100 acres may wc .serve you skill- ' fullv as your real estate agent? | Please call BOB MANER at 730- I 5.591 nr 739-2362. B. F. MANER j AGENCY. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE. 7;22tfn i HOW TO GET AHEAD — BIG MONEY for trained men and | women only. Start preparing yourself today in business, in- ' dustrial, engineering, academ-' ic, high school — direct, job- j related facts, practical appli-1 cation. Opportunity Unlimited for Trained Workers. Cail 739- , 4487 or write I. C. S. Repre-1 sentative, Box 742, King.s Mtn. 3:29-tfn i REALTY FOR SALE 6-rnom brick, hath and half. u-i'Gom brick. Llnwood Section. McConnell's Realty St Used Cars 214 York Road-Phone 739 5491 FOR SALE Near Oak Grove Church 25 acres fronting Oak Grove-Shelby Road Home — Three Bedrooms and 11/2 Bath, Carport and Storage Room, Attic Fan. 15 Acres With House Call Spangler Realty 487-8586 TWO OR THREE BEDROOM hoi;s»‘ wanted — If you have 5Uih a i)ou.om house. After reasonable down payment, •Sid p(*r month, including taxi s and in.