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Miss Farr received a novelty corsage which she pinned to the shoulder of her navy blue and white dress. ♦ » ♦ ♦ Mrs. E. V/. Neal honored Miss Farr at a Thursday Night kitchen shower attended by 2 I guests at the Neal lome. Games were television commercials featuring kitchen items. The bride-elect received a novelty corsage which she pinned to her black and white party dress. Kitchen arrange ments of fruits and vegetables were used In decorations. M rs. Neal served parfait v/ith coffee. Miss Farr and Bill Herndon will be married Nov. 7 in Boyce Memorial A'RP church. i I .1 Leanne Christa Robbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Robbs, celebrated her second birthday Wed nesday at a "Three Bears" party attended by 46 chil dren. Yolanda Cobb was dress ed to represent the story book character, Goldilocks, and "baby bear" along with the other characters was featured in the .entertain ment". The birthday cake was topped with three bears and party refreshments were served. Young Miss Robbs is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Sanders and Mrs. J. H. Robbs, all of Kings Mounfain. Her great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sanders, also of Kings Mountain. » * * * * Michael Lewis Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell of 404 Baker street, will be five years old Fri day. Twenty-two guests, in cluding a number of rela- fives, helped Michael cele brate his birthday Sunday. The birthday cake, iced in blue roses, was centerpiece for the refreshment fable. Blue-iced cupcakes were al so served with ice cream and other refreshments. Young Mitchell is grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Mitchell of Hinesville, Ga. are October 28, 1965 'em K'.m: , '4' ■-' t' - ' f' ^ •• ^' *■ MRS. JOHN DAVID WARLICK (Jewel Diane RubbsJ MISS DEDA DAWN O’NEAL (bride-elect of Herman Luther Campbell, Jr.) Brownie And Junior Girl Scouts Win Troop Awards Brownie Troop 32 and Troop 1.55 Junior Scouts of First Pres byterian church received Star a- wards and membership pins dur ing an investiture service Thurs day afternoon. Seven Brownies ‘‘flew up" to the Junior Troop from Brownie Troop 32 and were given ”fly up wings” and pins. Mrs. Charles Blanton and Mrs. Bob Southwell, Brovmie leadeis, and Mrs. Sam Robinson, Junior Scout ieader, conducted the pro gram which was attended by parents of the girls A social hour was held after the service and refreshments were served. Troop 32 includes 10 Brownies and T.oop 1.55 includes 23 girls, all of whom received stars -for each year in the Girl Scouting program. Other Fall activities by area Girl Scouts included: Troop 1.57 held a rededication ceremony October 22nd at 4 p.m. at the Boyce Memorial ARP church. A table was arranged with three tall candles to represent the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise and 10 smaller candles to represent the 10 Girl Scout Laws. Ten Scouts took part in the cer emony by repeating a Law and then lighting one of the 10 can dles used on the table to repre sent the Law. Seven Brownie Scouts. Debbie Brackett, Jean Hallman. Rhonda Bell, Pamela Martin. Lynn Flo wers. Gail Blake, and Johanr..a Phifer said their Girl Scout Pro mise, received the Girl Scout pins and became Junior Girl Scouts, A fla_g ceremony was also pre- sentetl by five Girl Scouts. Refreshments were served af ter the ceremony to the Scouts and their invited guests. Serving refreshments were Jane Tal'.ert, Betsy Queen and Carol Goforth. Over one hundred Cadet te Girl Scouts and their leaders had an encanTpment at Camp Rotary the weekend of Octoher 23-21. On Saturday the Scouts ticipated in a Wide Game which prove:! a test of their knowledge of nature as well as the Girl Scout program. Saturday night supper featured an international menu with each iiatrol bringing a dish representative of a differ ent nationality. This was follow ed by a ni.cht of fun with every group presentinj i son.g. game, or d.ance from another nation. A report of the Senior Roundup held in Idaho was given bv Ann Carriel, Senior Scout, who at tended this event. After a snack hour, girls retired ta various parts of the camp where they had previously set up camping for t.'icir patrols. On Sunday .morning after the flag cCi’emony. a large hot break fast was served in the main lod;e at camp whicii helped to liispe! the chill of the frosty morning. A Scant'.t Own, interde- no.ninational inspirational serv ice. was held after hre.tkfast. This was led by Scouts from the First Presbyterian church of Gastonia, with Mrs. Charles Ey- ier as coordinator. Scouts then broke into groups according to interest. The patr-'l Workshop was diicetbd by -Mrs. J. C. Little, Jr., of Mt. Holly. Mrs. C J. Deitz of Belmont led the .group which studied opportunities for service for Cadttte Scouts. .Mrs. Sylvia Holmes of Jlountain mod- e.-ated a workshop on Cadttte Challen.gcs. Preparing for Senior Opportunities was the interest of another group meeting with Miss Kay And. rson and Miss Barbara Forbes, field advisors f ir the Pioneer Girl Scout Council. Sunday dinner and a song fest ended th? encampment for Cad- Continiicd On P'lijc J iComings And Goings Mrs. Odell Benton and Mrs. Howard Swofford back from Raleigh where they represented No. 4 Township Grange at the 37th annual convention of the North Caro lina State Granqe. Tne convention was held Wednesday through Friday at Hotel Sir Walter and featured presentation of commun ity service awards to outstanding Granges in the state. The No. 4 Township Grange received a $25 cash award for its project, assisting in organization of a Bethlehem Community Fire Department. Mrs. Benton was project chairman. Betty Feezor, WBTV home economist, was Friday luncheon speaker for ladies attending the conventioin. Gov ernor Dan Moore addressed the Thursday night convention. A reception was held at the Mansion tor Grange members on Saturday afternoon. * ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Sweum of Atlanta, Ga. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Southwell, coming to attend homecoming festivities at Davidson college on Sat urday. Mr. Sweum and Mr. Southwell are Davidson alumni. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mj^. Ben Moomaw and Elbert Cox, regional director of the Park Service, attended the Coker Farms Celebration Friday in Hartsville, S. C. Mr, Cox, South Caro lina Governor Robert McNair, and Dr. Edwards, Clemson college president, were speakers. Mr. Cox presented Mr. Coker the citation making the Farms a national historic .landmark. ^ Mr. Moomaw is superintendent of Kings Mountain Na tional Military Park. Continued On Page t 1) .4 BROWNIE TROOP OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pictured above are the 10 membern of Brownie Troop 3J of Firm Prenbylcritin church who received aimids Thursday. Front row, fisnii left, Oenny Gray Mduney, Tara Tiinins, Berky Blanton, Mary Kathlynn Maiincy, and Ashley Plonk. Second row, from left, Laura Carjwntcr, Myra Griffin, Liz Noisier, Patiicia Herndon and Cindy Broirn. Sn-en Brmvnies weir given “fly up unngs” to Troop 155 and are shown in Ike ad joining photograph viUh otlur members of the Junior Troop. (Photo by Bill Jackson) JUNIOR GIRL SCOUT TROOP 155 — Pktured uS u'e arc members of Junior Oirl Sc-att Triwp 155 of First Presbyterian church recognized during an investiture program Thursday. From left, front row, Cheryl Barrett, Robin Dickey, Cynthia Robinson, Donna Blanton, Terri Harmon, Jiwkic Bogwcll, Lon Ann Alerander and Viiki Bohcler. Second row, from, left, Janet Turner, Tcre.-ia Campbell. Jan Willis, Sherry King, Leanne Camibcll, Lynn Blanton, Wanda irufc/s anil Sandy Southwell. Bark rtour, from left, Laura Plonk, Naiwy Plonk, Naiwy Wi isent r, Loura IDidson, Jan et Bridgts, Stella Lee Neisler, Martha Weiss and Ellen Goforth Not iiresent (or the picture tak ing was Susan Ballew (Photo by BUI Jack son!