1965 LIB os S3 tm IGS Uh OS LD vlPS UE lOS MU.LNi ^ Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 Cihy Limits 8,008 nUf tsgiif* fgr Greater Kingi Mouatola d«fW«d Irooi th« iflSS Klrgi Mountolo elty directory eoD»u«. The ctty MiUii Ugjro U Ireto tbe Uslted Sto4M eouui t IMO* Kings Monntain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 76 No. 45 EstabtisSed 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 11, 1965 Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE T£N Burned Janitor In Poor Condition George Stan Badly Burned In Flash lire RESIGNS — Kev. H. L. RcaneS, pastor of First Baptist church, has resigned to accept the pas- tctoie of Jomes Island Boptist church in Charleston, S. C. Baptist Pastor Raines Besigns Rev. 13. L. Raines, pastor of First Baptist church since Jum lu59, will become pastor Oi James Island Baptist church ol Charleston, S. C. on Decembe* 5th. Mr. Raines announced his re 'i^nation to members of tho 515 rnc.rbor church hei'C at Sunday ' .‘services. Tho Raines’ came to King-: Mountain June 1, 1959 anc -round was broken the following Sunday for the building of the m*w church on West King street ^he building wa^ occupied ii' 1960 with educational space 660 and a church chapel ar commodating 450. The church has grown from 444 members in T.)r)9 to 515, employed a full-time music education director in 19G3 has completely graded choirs foi all a'j:es; and a kindergarten with a staff of three and an en- roli.Tcnt of 41, operated simul tancously with the school year Dining the past year First Baj list church operated under l»udgct of $58,252 and met all it. financial obligations. A graduate of Long Creek Baptist Academy of Westmins t('r. S. C., Mr. Raines holds an A.B. from Furman Universit a id was a mom er of the first graduating class in 19.54 at South eastorn Baptist Seminary. He did graduate work at Alabama prdylcohnic Institute, Duke Uni \rrsity and attended New Or ic.ins Seminary. Ilefore called to the ministry George Starr, Central school januor, re.xalns in very poor condition after suffering seveie oums in a fiash fh'e at the of- cc of schools Superintendent B. N. Barnes early last Thursday Starr, in the office for routine cleaning duties, noticed that a ^rate nre started earlier by .daintcnanceman Merle Seism appeared to be going out. He .ound .some duplicator flu*d, vnich he thought to be kerosene a the neighboring office. When .le doused the embers with the fluid, fire flashed out Igniting Starr’s clothes. Starr, seeking to put out the flames, ran out the back of th* -ui-aiiig, where he was met by Joe Leo Woodw*ard, schools at lendance officer, who tore off Starr’s burning clothes. Wood ward put his own coat arounc .>tarr and rushed him to the hospital. When Miss Alice Averitt, caching consultant, arrived . few minutes later, she found the -loor and of Barnes’ office bum- ng and teat out the fire with c ypewrlter cover. Starr suffered severe burns a >out the eyes, mouth, legs, arm nd stomach. Dr. Frank Sinoox„ one o.' Uarr’s attending physicianr Wednesday said Starr is in pool 'ondition, adding “as is typica for a patient so severely bum Fire damage to tho superinter tent'# office was minor in con *>8^800, With scaled palht. an^ imoke damage in addition to th burned floor and desk. Woodward was given first air’ -eatment at the hospital fo* hand bums. Stadium Architects Given Go-Ahead PROMOTED » Bichond K. Me- Macklxt, Kings Mountain na- Uve, has been promoted to os- sistant secretary of Wochovia Bank & Trust Company of Winston Salem. Dick McMacldn Wins Piomotion Richard K. -McMackin, Kings Mountain native, has been elect ed assistant secretary of VVa- :hDvia Bank and Trust Company of .Winston-Salem Son of Mr. anu Mrs. W. L. Mc Mackin, Mr. McMackin is super- /isor of accounting and servicing n the mortgage loan department. Associated with Wachovia since 960, he was a senior accountant n the general accounting depart- nent and a supervising examin- r in the audit department before oining the mortgage loan de^ lartment earlier this year. He is a graduate of Lenoir Ihyne college and a memicer of the Winston-S<alem Chamber of .’ommerce and the official board f Ardmore Methodist church. He and his wife, the former \.nne DllUng of Kings Mountain, iside with their family in Wins- on-Salem, Promotions and advitneements >ere anilotmced by JOhn i*, WaV ngton, Jr., president, following \e quarterly meeting of the ank’s board of directors. Patterson Grove Revival Started Revival services are in pro ■ress at Patterson Grove Ba»- ist church. Rev. Richard Plyle' oastor, has announced. Rev. Charles Carter, pastor o' "he 1350 member First Baptie -‘hurch of Cherryville, is visitin' 'pcaker. Mr. Carter is a nativ ''f Toccoa. Georgia and was edi 'ated at the Stephens Count* ’ligh school, Mercer Universit* md Southern Baptist Theolog' ’al Seminary. He held pastorate* 'n Georgia and Kentucky befor hc'‘’fervrd''for"fivc years on'thf i'oming to North Carolina, high yotioM faculty of : on.fi 1 In 1963 he was commisslont'' Cjeck Baptist Acacler.y a n ri | •> Kentucky Colonel by Govemo Hcrvccl as dean of boys during ! Combs and in 19^ lhat period, lie has served pa j i Whitesburg s, Kentucky, ‘'Ma- ^ . . Qf the Year”. He is married an< jeorge Allen !s Improving The condition of George W. Al an, Jr., formerly of Kings fountain, was reported “much mproved” Wednesday by his fa ler-in-law, L. P. Stowe. Mr. Allen underwent an oper- tion for removal of a brain tu- lor and remains hospitalized at *re.si':ytorian hospital in New 'ork. Mr. Stowe says he is able 0 be out of bed some and can se the telephone He is under- oing treatment and will be hos ilalized for somtime. Mrs. Stowe. In Huntsville, Long 'sland, since her son-in-law's operation, is expected to return \ome Monday. Mrs. Allen is the ‘ormer Betsy Stowe. iftra'cs in Laurens, Saluda and Wac amsw A.‘'soclation in South Carolina and from 1953 59 was pastiT of Rocky Hook Baptist < hin\-4i in Chowan Association in Kdenton, at one time the larges rural B.aptiKt church in the state. Ellc ha.s served as president of Wxo i)astor’.; conferences, on sev eral Papl'st State Convention lomniitlfv'.s and has bet'U active in tile Kings Mountain Minister ial A.'Sociation. Raines is a native of An- deiMjn, S. C. and holds an A.B. degree from Winthrop college. The Haines are parents of four chihii'cn, Margaret, Karen, Hen ry and Broadus. Addresses Of Those Overseas Wanted For several weeks the Ro tary Club has been seeking the names and addresses of men from the Kings Mountain area who arc serving overseas as signments in the armed forces or in the peace corps. •To dale, they have 24 names of those serving in thi.s capac ity. In the wake of adverse criticisms and demonstrations, ihe mem '.ors of tho Club want these people who are serving in the cause of world freedom to know lhat thy are supporting them in their efforts,” club spokesmen vommcnlcd. Those whl) know of others who are serving in this capaei- tv, should give their names and addresses within the next w'eok to D. R Smith. 701 Marion » Sircet. 739-2212; Robert H. Go forth, 305 West Gold Street, 7.39-29G7; The Rev. Charles W. Easley, 200 Nm’th Piedmont Avenue, 739-5113; The Rev. Howard R. Jordan, P. O Box 47, 739-2*471. the father of two children. The services are nightly at "■ o’clock. Mr. Carter will bring th' messages nightly through Satur day. Sunday is Harvest Day at Pat terson Grove and the goal har been set at $2,100. The congregation hopes to "o ^ over the $25,000 mark for their building fund and the public is i invite<l to the services, the pas- i tor continued TO MEE'nNG I High School Principal Harry Jaynes and Central Principal R. i G. Franklin were in Asheville j November 3 and 4 to attend the I annual meeting of state school ; principals. Fiiemen Plan Benefit Satnrday Bethlehem Volunteer Fire Dc partment will sponsor a barbecue chicken supper for benefit of the club building fund, Saturday from 5 until 7:30 p.m. att the depart ment headquarters in the Bethle hem community. Tickets arc now on sale at $1.50. Members of the Auxiliary to the Department will also sell homemade cakes, pies, and other baked goods and those furnish ing the goodies are asked to bring them to the department building prior to 5 p.m. instruments Valued At S450 Are Stolen TWO Central Elementary slu dents are without their band in struments and are in hook $450 if the brand new cornet and E- :\ai alto saxophone are not found, City Schools Band Instruc tor Joe Redden said yesterday. The instruments, rented by Steve Laney and Buddy Horn, were stolen from a closet in Miss Odessa Black’s classroom some time Tuesday evening. The cul prits apparently opened a win dow on the ground floor to gain entrance to the second floor room. Ransacking the closet, they threw coatB^ and other items from it. apparently smoked two filler-tip cigarettes by lighting one matcli before leaving, Mr, Hedden said. They did not fake one brand !ie\v sa;HH>^one which was also In the room. Buddy-llorn's King Cornet is A Cleveland model with Serial No. 170245. Stevfe Laney’s E-Flat Alto Sax is also a Cleveland model with Serial No. 171079. They are both gold-}acquered and new. Th6 horn Is valued at ^150 and the saxophone is valued at $300. Bands Instruments are not In sured by the schools. Mr. Hedden said persons with any information about the whereabouts of the Instruments are asked to contact him or Cea- tral Principal R, G. Franklin. Ciaftspim Yams Asks Be-zoi^g The'-city. lltesday night to conduct, a pub Uc hearing on November 23 on a request by CraftKpmi Yarns, Inc., to rezone from resldehtlal to In dustrial use ^signatlon two lots on Llnwoo^^Boad. The lots, Nos. TOC A and 106 B, front 7^^et on Linwood road, averag#' 201 feet in depth, and are adjacent to Craftspun prop erty. The zoning board has recom mended that the Craftspun re quest be approved. In other actions at the regular November meeting, the board: 1) Voted to lease for a year the City street vacant property of George W. Mauney for equip ment storage at $25 per month (The Mauney property is across the street from the city garage.) 2) Voted to invite bids on No vember 23 for a motor grader and c^ for the police department Bids on the motor grader are in vited with consideration for trade-in, while the police car purchase is to be outright 3) Voted to accept a deed from W. K. Mauney, Jr., for Ruppe Street, a 50-foot street from East Gold to Owens street. StTtlDSkrB LEARN RRICS-LAYING — No less than 28 students are learning brick masonry at Kings BiOhatain hSgb Khool. Brick-Urying is a new course in vocotionol education being offered Ibis ^ 4>6th Kings Mountain ond Compoct high schools. The picture shows class members gettii^. instnictton in the course tought by James Poston. Other vocational education courses in- dude ofiiculture tmd hdme econ<»nie8. Combination school and on-the-Job training is provided in the distributive education and industrial cooperative training programs. ICT Aids Student, Employer; Adult Education Promoted Board Approves Cost-Paring, Inviting Bids ' Architect - engineers for the : projected John Gamble Stadium att Kings Mountain high school i were authorized Tuesday to com plete revision of plans designed to pare construction costs and to invite bids as quickly as possible. Carl F. Mauney and Charles Neisler, co-chairmen of the stadi um fund - raising committee, met with members of the board of ! education, school officials and I representatives of the archltec- ! tural firm, F. Grier Morrison & I Associates, of Charlotte, at lunch 1 Tuesday. The Morrison representative outlined a plan whereby the ac- I qucduct designed to contain the ; stream flowing through the pro- I posed stadium site would be re- j designed—with what he thought would result in a 50 per cent .sav ing on this particular installa tion. Meantime, the board of educa tion also authorized invitation tc bid in several categories, includ ing grading and drainage, stadi um seating, and electrical and plumbing. When bids were invited last spring, only one or "turnkey” bid was asked. Result was that the total cost would have approxi mated $145,OCX), some $65,000 over the $80,OCX) contributions sought for constructing a 4,000'Seat sta* dium. Meantime, contributions and pledges have topped $83,000, Treasurer Charles Harry III has reported. Highway Department To Be-Suivey US 74 Tiaffic; Aim Bettei Flow Mayor John Henry Moss told the board of commissioners Tuesday night he had asked the Traffic Engineering department of the State Highway commission to re-survey traffic on U. S. 74 through Kings Mountain with aim to speed traffic flow. Mayor Moss said the traffic engineering department had rec ommended changing length of traffic signal lights from 40 sec onds to 60 seconds, which had brought complaints from some citizens who feel the change proved detrimental to traffic flow. The Mayor said he had also asked the state officials to con sider marking of left turn lanes on King street. The state officials have agreed to conduct the survey, he added. Meantime, he reported that the division engineer, W. W. Wyke has forwarded to the traffic en gineering department the city’s recent request for installation of a traffic signal light at the in tersection of Country Club road and W. King street (Country Club road now connects directly with Phifer road.) Meantime, Tuesday night, on receipt of a petition by 53 citi- zen.s for In.stallation of a traffic signal light at the corner of Or! cntal avenue and East King, the commission voted to refer this request to the state traffic engi neering department. Meantime, the Mayor reported a study, with commission ap proval, is underway to determine means of Improving traffic safe ty at all the five in-city school plants. KMHS Chons To Sing Opeiette The Kings Mountain h i g 1 school Mixed Chorus will pre sent the operetta, "Cherrie o Cherokee Road”, next Thursda: evening, November ISth, in Cen tral Auditorium. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. A cast of 10 will portray ir song and dance the story of t young girl trying to find he way home. Teresa Jolly has thi title role of Cherrie and Jerr: Ledford has the lead male roh of Alan O'Day, young owner oj Feudal Rock Ranch. Supporting roles are played by Gaither Bum gardner, Freda Conner, Libby Alexander, Reg Alexander, Bec ky Dixon, Ronnie Burton. Paul Farris and Harry Fortenberry. Tickets are on sale at $1 for adults and 50 cents for students. Leuiied Trades, - Eanipd $20,000 Aim of ‘ vocational education, .n Kings Mountain high scho3i and elsewhere, is to providt training in skills to above aver age bo>’S and girls who do not plan to go to college. This is the statement of Fred Withers, in an address a». the Kings Mountain Lions club Tues day night. Mr. Withers is coordinator of Kings Mountain high scliool’s in iustrial cooperative training >rogram, now in its second year. Under the ICT program, a co operative venture b e t v' e e n ichool, student and business firm, the school provides "book nstruction”, via general and specific textbooks, while the slu- lent gels onthe-jo'b training and pay) from a part-time em- *>loyer. *T consider myself an cm- loyee of my students’ employ- 'rs’ as well as of the schools,” Mr. Withers noted. He noted that, nationally, on- 'y &40 first grade enrollees are ■‘xpeoted to finish college. Mr, Withers reported first- •ear results as quite good, with Imoct all of last year's class lot out-of-sehool as gainfully 'mployed in the course for wliich hey trained. He also added that he 25 enrollees earned $20.CXX) n pay. He said thcie are 2S enrollees this year,, noting, "We need more daeements.” Mr. Withers declared ICT can nclude virtually any skill. He said ICT, along with distri butive etlucation f25 students Turrcntly) brick masonry, agri- nalture and home economics rep resent the present offering of vocational education iu the Kings Mountain schools. Adult Education Questionnaries To Be Distributed The three co'unty scliool dis tricts are distributing via school children to their parents 25,000 luestionnaire.-; designed to sur vey demand for adult education .n Cleveland County. Shelby’s chapter of American Association of Univei-sity Worn- on are promoting the survey in onior to aid the Cleveland In dustrial Education Center, Mrs. Lester Roark said Wednesday. Caravan Calls Here h ' i - The "Operation Buddy" Vet erans of World War I Auto Car avan, en route Manteo to Mur phy, called at the Kings Moun tain Herald office Tuesday morn ing. Leading the carav’an were Cindsey Swindell, of Elizabeth City, state commander, and Ray mond W. Jeffix^ys, of Raleigh, chief-of-staff and past state com mander. They w'ere greeted b>* Mayor John Henry Moss, Boa^ of Edu cation Chairman George H. Mauney and Editor Martin Har mon. Accompanying the leaders were a group of members from Gas tonia Barracks 621. Commander Swindell said Leal-Gathering Machine In Use The city put. its new Icaf- galhcriiig machine into opera tion this week. Mayor John Hwiry Moss said the city sanitation depart ment will use the suction-type machine to gather leaves on Tuesdays, Fridays and Satur days. He asked that citizens pile their leaves In the curb area. Superintendent o f Public Works Grady Yelton said Wed nesday's rain proved no bar to leaf collaction. PRESIDENT » Sandra Wright high school senior, has been elected president of the KMHS chapter of Vocationol Industrial Club of America. The program is in its second yeor here. VICA Program In Second Year With tho election of new offi cers, the Vocational Industrial (Hub of Amoric'a (VICA) is now in its second year at Kings Mountain high school. The club officers for Industrial Cooperative Ti'ahiing (I.C.T.) are: Sandra Wright, president; ciUties. (Currently undoi*way | grads to veterans pensions and here is a class in commercial j veterans* hospital sendees, fl-oral arrangements.) | The Manteo-to-Murphy cara- Mrs. Roark noted that adult • van w’as designed as a member- education courses are offered in ;ship pi'oinotion and has the en- both academics and trades. jdorsement of Governor Dan K. General education courses be- ! Moore, ing offered range from food dol- i Gastonians accompanying the lar management, to conversa- ; caravan were Commander E. I. tional Spanish, and elementary reading, willing and arithmetic. Other courses are immediately available in specKl reading, pho tography, art, landscaping and in preparation of income tax re turns. Trade courses are divided into long-term (one year), such as architectural drafting, auto me chanics, practical nursing, and welding, and shoin term, such as Coffey, Adjutant Hoke J. Han na, Quartermaster Leland Alex ander, Dr. A. A. Heh, member ship chairman, and J, S. Hager- iy- State Adjutant Jeffries noted the organization membership card has on its reverse side, ”We support U. S. policy in Viet Nam”—also emblazoned on the caravan car chauffeured by Mrs. Jefferies. use of slide rule, brick laying. PhilUp Russ. \irc - president; | small engines, power sewing and | ClOSe Wayne Odell, second vice-prosi- w'aitress sor\’ia\ A so-called learning lab, for high school dropouts who wish to complete work for high school diplomas, will oix>n this week. Classes will be offered mornings. dent; Larry Bumgardner, secre- tar>’: Ann Putnam, treasurer; and Ken Wilson, editor (report- er>. The club officers for the brick laying department are: Mike j afternoons and evenings. Winders, president; Phillip I Wright, vice - president; Bill I Weaver, second vice-president; Johnny Parker and Harold Far- Continued On Pago 8 Request is made that tho ques tionnaires be completed and re turned quickly. Mrs. Roark said it is anticipated that registration Continued On Page 8 lions Launch Fruit Cake Sale The Kings Mountain Lions •tlub launched its annual fruit 'lake sale for benefit of the blind Wednesday. The club is again offering the oopular Claxton three • pound cake for $3. Both light and dark cakes are available. Proceeds from the sale are used by the Lions to aid the blind and also those with sight deficiencies. (^ene Timms and Howard Bry ant are co-chairmen of the an nual cake sale. Other members of the commit tee are Edwin Moore, George Di* acou, an4 Warren BurgesA Many Events At Schools Emphasize Himnal American Education Week Numerous events this week in the schools of the Kings Moun tain district are calling attention to the nation-wide observance of American Education Week. The theme, "Invest In Learn ing”, is being featured in store window exhibits, in radio pro grams via Station WKMT, and in school assembly programs. In addition, schools are holding open house for parents and friends. Miss Lora.vne Dinguess, co-or- dinator for Health Careers Hos pital District II, will be featured speaker at Thursday (tonight’s) Bethware school P-TA meeting at 7:30 in Bethware auditorium. She will sh.>w an eight-minute film to highlight her remarks. Grady How*ard, Kings Mountain hospital administrator, will pi'o- sent Mi.>s Dinguess and E. J. Evans’ sixlh grade will render special music under direction of Mrs, W. K. Crook. Rev. Richard Plyler, P-TA president, invites all members and parents of Bethware students to attend. West school P-TA is sponsor ing a big barbecue from 11 a.m. Continued On Page 8 On Two Holidoys Kings Mountain retailers will close Thursday, Nov. 25th, Thanksgiving Day, and Satur day, December 25th, Christmas Day, the merchant board of di rectors voted 'Tuesday at the regular monthly meeting of the association. Announcement will be forth coming on store closing sched ules prior to Christmas as well as announcement of whether stores w'ill take a New Year’s Day holiday. Faille To Speak At Oah View Re\'. Bobby Faille, missionary to British West Indies, will be guest speaker at both the morn ing and evening services Sunday at Oak View Baptist church. Mr. Faille will fill the pulpit at the 11 a.m. worship hour and at the 7 p.m. evening service, Rev. Curtis Bundy, pastor, said. "We invite the interested community to hear this man of God,” Mr. Bundy cointinuedi

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