MISS F. F, A. FAIR QUEEN IS CROWNED — Pictured above is Miss Peggy Ann Moore being crowned the opening night of the Community Fair at Compact high schooL Her mother is Mrs. Hazel Moore of Kings Mountain. Her escort was Wendell Brown, son of Mr. ond Mrs. Andrew Brown, Sr., of Kings Mountain. Another activity of importance was the awarding of a prise to Preston W, Childers, son of Mr. ami Mrs. William D. Childers of Kings Mountoin, and a member of the F. F. A. Chapter of Compact high school. Hs won first prize in the "Living At Home Divi sion." Also awarded was prizes to the general organizations and members of Miss M. R. Adair's Home Economic classes. The F. F, A. Chapter won first prize in the organization division. Their title was "Test your Soil, Follow Recommendations, and Increose Crop Yields". The foir was well attended. -'k - Get the right look from him! THE RIGHT DIET INCLUDES RITE DIET BREAD! spklAL bread. SPECIAL FORMULA BREAD To look your best a well-balanced diet is minerals. Yet Rite Diet Bread is baked important. And the right diet includes without shortening! And each thin slice Rite Diet Bread. It's nutrition-right be- weighs only 20 grams! Rite Diet Bread is cause it’s high in protein, vitamins and so delicious. Have some today—arid see! m ' ^ t __ Holsum. Bread Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, July !, 1^65 Bumgardner Wins Aircrewman Wings NORFOLK. VA. (FHTNC) Oct. 27 — Aviation Machinists’s Mate ing arrangements being made for gaidner, USN, son ol Mr. anil Mrs. Ha.skel Baumgardner of Rt. Bell Signs New Agieenten# The Southern Beil Telephone Company and the Commuiiioa- lions Workers of America, in 2. Kings .Mountain, N. C., was collective bargaining begun Octo- presented his aircrewman wings I during ceremonies at the U. S Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va. A member of Tactical Support Sruadron 40, which operate; out of Norfolk, he is responsible for crev'ding logistic sunport serv ices to the U. S. Atlantic Flee in the Atlantic and Caribbean areas. ber IS, signed an agreement Fri day morning on wage changes affecting 60,000 non su[>ervisory employees in nine states. NA'nONAL HONOR SOCIETY — Compact high school who were Pictured above rc members of the National Honor Society of installed in ternt ecremOuScs at the school. CARD OF THANKS We wish to cxpie is our heart felt thanks to the many f.'icnds neighbors and relatives, to Dr. ee, the K. M. Rescue Squad, J. : The agreement, suhieit to ’ Union membership ratification, includes a general wage increase ranging from $2.(V.) to $-1.50 -a ' week, depending on job and town classification of the employee. In ; addition, certain jabs were up graded and a number of towns ' reelassified to higher wage zones, i The annual cost of the wage- level increase end other contract ' changes to Southern Bell in BETHWARE OAK GROVE NEWS By Mrs. Kuth Vess Phone 739-5035 [John B. Ware of Shelby last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ware are leaving for St. Petersburg, Fla. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beatty of Waco and Mi ;. Mat Ware of Shelby were Sijocial guests. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ross and [Johnny Ray and Teresa Ross of i Fort Mill, S. C. visited Mr, and [Mrs. J. L. Ross Saturday night. Ollie Harris, the nurses and staff North Carolina will be npproxi- af Kings Mountain hospital, mately $1,600,000, Company offl- I Tcmhi'i's of Piedmont Baptist cials said. Annual cost in the nine ! church. Rev. C. C Parker, Rev. I Southern Bell states will total a- B -iddy Williams, Allen’s Florist . bout $16,OOO.fXiO, ■ and K. M. Florist for their many ' i many kind expressions of sym- i pathy at the death of our loved I one. Wednesday night is Church Activities Night at Oak Grove Baptist church with all the aux- iliaries meeting at 7:00 and prayer meeting at S:00. Visitors in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vess, Jr. and Joel Sunday were: Mrs. Joan Lovelace of Beaver Dam; Mrs. Linda Hoyle. David and Tommy Dean of Cherryville and Mrs. Sue Thornburg and Mrs. Boyd Edmondson and her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Champ ion visited Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dixon and family Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovelace and Kathy. Mr. Walter D. Ve.ss, Sr., is teaching an adult bricklaying class Tuesday and Thursday of each week at Compact high school. The first class was ’Tues day night at 7:00- Mrs. Keever Hamrick, Phylli.s and Wanda, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vess, Sr. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis took Bobby hack to Gaston Me morial hospital at Gastonia for a check-up SatuiMay. ] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ledford. , Paul and Donald and Mr. and I Mrs. Ray Howell and Scott spent I last weekend deepsca fishing at ' Carolina Beach. I A double wedding will be per- ! formed at Oak Grove Baptist church after worship service next Sunday when Miss Judy Blanton and Carl Davis and Miss Phyllis Bell and Carol Brackett will be married. Miss Katherine Gi-tbons of Charlotte spent Friday night and Saturday with her panmts, Mr. and Mrs. David Gibbons. Mr. Gibbons took her back to Char- ; lotte Sunday morning. ' Little Keith Franklin of Kings Mountain visited Keith Lovelace ' for the weekend. Mr. C. B. Clary accompanied Mr. Fred Hoyle to .Southport, N. C. on a fishing trip Saturd.ry. Mrs. Z. A. Moore is recovering at home after a stay in the Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clary and fa.mily and Mrs. T. A. Champion spent.spent Sunday with Mr. and and Mrs. C. Neal Porter of Shel by. Mr. Henry Brlk and ko-nnie of Charlotte visited Mrs. Mae Beil Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Roas and. eiiiidiea of Shelby, and Mr. -and : Mrs. Emmett Green and daugh ter visited ove rthe weekend. i 'Tile Family Of WINFRED LEE HOPE Mrs. J. L. Ross spent Tuesday with Mr. a-nd Mrs, Manuel Ros,s and children of Shelby. PRESBYTERIAN Dr. Paul Ausley’s sc;mon topic Sunday morning at First ■ Presbyterian cliur.h will ^ bo, , “Motivation.’’ Special music will be rendered bv the choir CENTRAL METHODIST Sunday, November 14tli, is Commitment Sunday in the Methodist church. The Rev. Howard R. Jordan, pastor of Central Methodist church, will use as his .sermon topic, "How to Handle Your Load." Lea'os of the Oregon tea-tree have been used as a substitute for tea. Personnel Vice-Pre.sident W. A. Thompson said. “Our studies made recently of wages in the area we serve showcxl increases to be justified. They are also In the interest of the best service to the public since it is cssntial to have the services of well-qua lified employees.” There are aporoxiir.ately 541 non - supervisory employeesi Southern Bell in the Gastef District North Carolina has proximately 3900 non-supervisory employ; cs said C. E. Tally, Gas tonia District Manager. States served by .Southern Bell are Alabama, I-'lorida, Georgia, Kentucky, Lou sana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. I Friday and Mr. Arthjr Bell visit i ed her Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. '-'rank Wart visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ware of Shel y last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Senter of Gastonia visited Mr. and Mrs, Horace Bell Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bell; Na dine and Jack went to Raleigh Sunday to visit Mickey Bell whe Is a student at N. C. State col lege. i Mr. and .^Ir;. Stokes Wright and family went to Gr.ondfathcr Mountain Saturday for a family ' picnic. I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blanton i and family of Gaffney, S. C. | visited Mrs. Obsie Lovelace Sun- , day. i Mr. and Airs. Shannon DeVin- j ney of Conover, N. C. visile:! Mr. and Mrs. Leo DeVinney Sun day. Herbert Wells of Washington, D. C. is spending several days with his sisters, Mrs. lee DeVin ney and Mrs. L. V. Hoyle. Rev. N. S Hardin came home from Cleveland Memorial ho-spi- tal Friday and is recovering nicely from his surgery .Mr. Willian Andrew MeSwain is a patient in the Kings Moun tain hospital. Mr. Franklin Davis went to ; Charlotte Monday to see an eye specialist. i COLVIN SCHOOL OF DANCE OPEHING HEBE THIS FSll Registration Friday 2-5 p.m. Former Masonic Temple In D. M. Morrison Building CLASSES IN # Baton Twirling # Ballroom 9 For All Ages For Further Iniormotion Call 864-2056 INSTRUCTORS * Mrs. Sue H. Colvin '' Mrs. Anita Brown COLVIN SCHOOL OF DANCE Box 3661 Akers Station, Gastonia, N. C. The family of Mrs. R. A. Ware gathered at lier home Sunday to I honor her on her 71th birthday. | I Those from out of the commun i I ity present were: -Mr. and Mrs. j I E. Lewi.s and family of p’allslon: i I Mr. and Mi's. Clyre’.s also a 3C0-hp versioa you can specify.) Now you’ve got yourself the most. Which ’66 Chevelle for you? The answer to that covers a lot more ground than we can here. And that’.s where your Chevrolet dealer comes in. ’6S Citcrelle Malibu Sport Coupe {foreground) and new i-door Malibu Sport Sedan. See the new ’66 Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy H, Corvair and Corvette at your dealer’s VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY 132 Railroad Ave. Kings Mountain 739-5471 VI Cf c< hi m P) cc v< ci zc 9( m d< O! d< Ol t fc cl 3( m ^ St , tc . o ^ th I rl cl P I „ S1 Cl