. 1965 ILD MPS r4 vtfu.ue IL >LD MPS LUk* H VAU.« :iLD IMPS uuk f LD MPS ^ Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 This flmr« lOK Ort«rtti Klngft Mpuntcda d«rlv«d Irvm lb* 1951 Kind* Mouatfldn city dircetoiy eeutiu. Th* city Units Ufure Is from tb* Unltod Statoi coaaui of 1950> VOL 76 No. 46 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today EsfabSsSed 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 18, 1965 Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE ten cent First Union Acquires Herndon Lot Phillips Resigns ^ . tt i*r. Industrial Gionp DowntowD Uplitt broup Chaiimanship • i * ,* lo tonsider incorporation f V Committee Will Meet Thursday | Harold Phillios rosipned Wrd- : ncsday as chairman of the may ' or’s industrial development com mittee. . 1 Mi\ Phillips, who n^ently ac* I cep;cd the chaii .ranship of vhe Cleveland Coinmu.iity Aclio j c;:minitlcc, a cauniywide un. epensored by the Cleveland As i sociaiion of Governmental Of liciaJs, said, *‘I f^el 1 cannot il justice to Iwth.” Mayor John Henry Moss, i ; annouiiv'in i Mr. Phillij)’s res:g I nation, said, ' I thank Mr. Ph:l I lips for hi.s servire as an effet I tive rnd energnic chairman o I the industrial development com i mittec and I rg'*et very mud PRESENTED NEW CAR — Charles E. Dixon, left, and W. G. Grantham, officials of Victory Chev rolet in Kings Mountoin, present Thomas J. McGrow, vice-president of Gardner-Webb College with the keys to a new Impala Chevrolet. The fir m goye the college the car for use of the vice- preeldont. Xa the background are, left to right. Dr. Eugene Poston, president of Gardner-Webb Col leger Charles Mouney, chairman of the success ful campaign by the college in the Kings Moun toin aroa cmd Alaconder Elmore, assistant vice- president of the First Union National Bank of Kings Mountain. his dL.':si.:n to lesign. "I realize, of course,” th' Mayor continued, “that the work of the com.T.unity action commit tee holds great potential for the vvelfare of Cleveland county and I know Mr. Phillips will make a hard • working and successful chairman.” Local News Bulletins LEGION DANCE • American Legion Post 155 'ill sponsor a dance for mcm- ers and guests Saturrfhy night from 9 until 12 p^m. at the Post Hall. Buddy Estes will provide music for dancing. The kitchen will be open from 5 p.m. ' Leaf-Goiherer i On Extra Duty WOMAN'S CLUB Kings Mountain Woman’s club will meet Monday night at 7:45 p.m. in the club lounge. A meeting of the board of di rectors will convene at 7 p.m., Mr.s. John A. Cheshire, presi dent, said. RECUPERATING Baxter Payseur, who under went surgery Friday at King.s .Mountain hospital, is rocupor- ating .satisfactorily at 1) i s home. Mr. Payseur was dis charged from the hospital Fri day. EMERGENT COMMUNICATION An emergent communication of Fairview Lodge 339, AF & AM, will be held at the Lodge Building at 6 o'clock Saturday. Supper will be served at 7 p.m. AUCTION SALE Grover Rescue Squad will conduct an auction sale and sell hotdogs and hamburgers Saturday * eginning at 7 p.m. the squad building at Gro- Vr. Floral Class 28 Complete KM Training Center Course 1 j Twenty-eight Kings Mountain i lea citizens — 25 women and I three men — have completed a 110 liour course in floral arrang- I ing (M/nducted by the Kings I Xl )untain Training Center Mrs. J, R. Thompson, of O.angeburg. S. C., conducted the ' final examinations on Monday ; night, closing session of the ‘ school, and students exhibited : r.irangements they had made i themselves. ! A coffee hour was also held i in the courtroom of City Hall i where classes have t^ecn held on : Monday and Thursday evenings. Practical work with flowers has been emphasized in the I course, including the six princi- ' pies in the art of designing; co^ jlo:; and aiTangements for the ! church and home. i Completing the course were: Mrs. Edna Childers, Mrs. Ethellcerns a petition by Craft.spun The city's new leaf-gathering "vacuum cleaner” is being put to near daily use "by popular demand”, Mayor John Henry Moss said Wednesday. The leaf-gathering macirine makes comparatively shoii work of the former chore of dumping large leaf-filled ham pers or pitchforking great piles of leaves. Mayor Moss said the leaf- gathering crew will be at work daily except Mondays until all the leaf debris is collected. Hambright Rites I Held Wednesday Funeral rites for Mrs. Mamie 1 Kytle Hambright, 74, widow of Harvey L. Hambright. were held Wednesday at 4 p.m. from Mace donia Baptist church, interment following in Mountain Rest cemetery. Mrs. Ha-tj: right succumbec Sunday night at 10:50 in the in tlic Kings Mountain hospital foil/wing illness of several months. She was a native of Georgia d^iughtcr of the late Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kytle. She was a member of Macedonia Baptist church. Surviving are her son, Fred Herndon, of Kings Mountain; her brother, Calvin Kytle of Gaineswille, Ga., and two sisters. Mrs. Frank Anglin of Gaines ville and Mrs. Lam Davis of New Holland, Ga. A grandchild also survives. Rev. Wayne Ashe officiated at the final rites. Hoard To Meet Tuesday Night The city board of commission ers will meet in special .session Tuesday night at 6:30 at city hall courtroom to conduct a hearing on a re-zoning petition and to receive bids for two pieces of equipment the city expects to purchase. The re-zoning hearing con- Childors, Mrs. Mae N. Houser, Miss Naomi Edens, Mrs. J P. I layhue, Mrs. Clyde Fite, Sirs. Opal Camp, Mrs. Doris Roper, Ml'S. Agnes Sandei's, Ronnie P'ranks, Mrs. Elmer Hardin, Mrs. Ruby Co.x, Mrs. Goldie McDaniel, Yarns, Ine., for re-zoning to in dustrial use designation of two lots on Linwood road, fronting 75 feet and averaging 201 feet in depth, and lying adiaceiit to present Craftspun property. Robert Lowe, of Craft.spun, said SUNDAY — The Right Rev. M. George Henry, of Ashe ville, Episcopal Bishop, will fill the pulpit at Sunday services at Trinity Episcopol church on Phifer road. Jishop Henxy Here Sunday The Right Rev. M Henry, Bishop of the . .'