M IflNGS mountain H»AU). KiN6$ MeUNTAI?or& EitoUiibed 1889 Hie Kings Menntain Herald _ I Carolina i SS ASSOCIATK A weekly ne’.vspappif devoted to the promotion of the general Welfllte ehd published for me enlightennict, sniertainment and benefit of the eiti:2eAs di Mountain and its vicinity, published every Thursday by the'Herald Tablishing Houae. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Kings-Mountain, N. C, 28086 under Act of Congress of March 3,'^1873. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT ' - Martin Harmon Editor-Publisher Gary Stewart -.... .t. .... Sports Editor Miss Ellrabeth Stevyart : Clrculat'on Manager and Society Editor Miss Lynda Hardin clerk Bobby Bolin MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Dave Weathers ♦ Allen Myers Paul Jackson Dave Weathers, Jr. SUBSCRIPTIONS RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE —’BY MAIL ANYWHERE ONE YEAR .. $3:50 SIX 'MONTHS .. $2.00 THREE IHONTHS .. 51.25 PLUS NORTH CAROLINA SALES TAX TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 $1.3 Million Budget The city commission adopted the largest budget the city’s history Tuesday night, at the same time keep ing the tax rate at 85 cents per $100 valuation. Good news per se, the sto^ gets At End-of- even better with reports that Year (June 30) the city enjoys its lar gest operating surplus of $257,950.64. Cash-on-hand at June 30, 19^ was $410,047.44. plans and specifications for a new pub lic works and utilities building expect ed to cost $60,000 and heard reports by D. L. Coburn, chief of the engineering section, and Wilbur E.. Long, Jr., chief of the municipal waste section, State Stream and Sanitation Committee, who supplied details on approval of a grant for $388, 500 for improvements and ex pansion of the city’s sewage disposal system. The tax rate is predicted on an esti- maj^d total valuation of $21,988,587.(X), up more than $1 million from last year. Most of the taxable property im crease will be derived from the indus trial and business categories and the ex pansion of several plants accounting for the jump. The $1.3 budget provides for spend ing a sizeable sum for permanent im provements. ■ “ ' “ ^ At the same time the board author ized the mayor to proceed with sites, Kings Mountain was approved a full grant of $388,500 upon condition, Mr. Cobum said, that the balance of $81,0(X) . be paid when funds are available. There were 91 applications for $9.1 million in federal grants, Cobum said, with North, Carolina’s federal grant for the year of $3,610,(X)0. Kings Mountain is 18th of 18 districts and cities sharing in the grant. Another major expediture will be the construction of a second one-million- .gallon capacity water storage tank. Hats Oil Youth baseball builds character. It trains young pien in individual effort and in team effort. Hats off to’the Kings Mountain Teener League, winners in the State Teener League championsl^ tourna ment this Week in Greenville. After winning the state champion ship Wednesday, the team goes to^Bel mont next week for the regional "com petition. * ^ , , Our sincere sympathy to the fam ilies of Joe Bill Cornwell, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Warlick, Mrs. J. P. McDaniel^ Mrs. Adeline Spargo, and Lim Cassell in their bereavement. Mr. Cornwell died at the youthful age of 37 and Cassell may be Kings Mountain’s elder citizen. He died at the age of 102. Special sympathies must accrue the -Warlick children who lost both their father and mother within a period of 18 hours. Congratulations to Raymond Ed wards, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ed wards, recipient of ^Presidential Scho larship from the Jc^^on Foundation to A & T college for tn®next school year. Saturday is the final day to pur chase 1966-67 privilege licenses without penalty. SO THIS IS NEW YORK fir NORTH CALLAHAN: TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Kno'iu ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law) hoic that the law hath dominion ¥.,pver a man as long as he liveth. Romans I:!. Thursday, July 28, MARTIN'S MEDlClNl tngrtdimtti Mtt df MUR wisdom, humc^t tMdadmmmH Directions: TOko uteitkly, i, possiedet tut oVold By MARTIN HARMON It's offic-ial. m-m The Kings Mountain High School class of 1936 will hold its first reunion August 20, 1966 — tlie year ’30 bei^ a nicely rouhd numbef, yearAvise. Senator Sam says, "Government too nosey!" w v^ (A EN GARDE! m Sentiment,’it Is said, is expen sive. But what is life without thereof? ■i-m wV President Earl Ervin McGill is scheduled for a telephonic con ference as this hits press. Other wise, Frances Allran Herndon says, ‘ What may I do?” Mrs. Mary Susan McGinnis Howard absolutely has no time to aid un til Title I is ovef*. iciut has time to i.TOve eastward to Green\iUet (N. C.l for a bit of baseball. No bite, really, is indicated here. The Kings Mountain Teener Team is on the • move and it would be imperative to see ath letic son Geeper, in action. “Bill Fulton (Class of *36, a son there, too,) called and said “we should be on the rOad.” He apologized. a-m All of which is emblematic of the spirit of the Cla» of '36 as is proper. There have been a few road- blodts, now resolved. Af A.eA fiur a. . . a part Of the Biionx.v Yet In this eminent gathering ^of oatstand ing Americans, there are only twelve Presidents represented, a- bout a third of those who have held this office. Why did not tiie other chief executives make thia Hall of Fame? The ones already in are the first seven Presldonts, then the chronology changes. Oeio|;ge Washington, John Adams, *nuuh- as Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Qidncy Ad ame toad off the list and if you recall your history, they were the fimt to lead our nation, in that order. But;- the next Presi dent.td bs elec^ to the Hall of (1ms was AbrgMm Uocoln, and a^Ua* hfiii canuiU. & fol- Giwae. Qleteland, must have been dead at least 25 years beforehand, but this does not explain the amissions. Most historians I believe wouM agree with the choices alfMdy made, but excepting J. Q. AAums and U. S. Grant, the latter being probably the worst Preshleilt this country ever had, tvith the possible exception of Warren O. Harding. But Grant probably got in on the strength of the great wave of Union sentiment swept the country after the Civil War and to some extent stffl eX' ident, then i»omptIy died and ttiat wa« the end of him. But he is more deserving of being in the great Hall than some of those already in, Chester A. Arthur, Rtttfterford B. Hayes and Wil liam H. Tfcft wert good leaders *1 many ways. But they have not sufficient Caught the pop ular fancy to get them elected to this honorary repository. FWmkIln D. Rooaeveit has been dead only 2i years and is not yet eligible. But it to sure that he wiU be nominated and probably Hected when the fime domes, al- ists. He was an afcie general but! though there w«l be aowie eiect a mi^rable chief Executive. J. Ors who will dotMleis be oppos- Q. Adams did not compare with hia father as a leader and In his one term, proved a diaappoint- raent to the electorate as well as Idmself. —g—. Doubtless all of the PresMenti have been nominated for indtt- Sion in the H^l of Fame and serve to be elected. Yet one can well wonder why others have not been so selected. James K, PoUc, for example, waa an aUe ahd foc’cnfnl exeoaiUvt who served but ona term but did not ‘Wish to ed to him on one ground or an other. Shakespeare aaid, "The evil that men do lives after them, the food to often interred with their bon*-” This matom has been ptortly true in roMhd to our Pfoaldents who are judged In the —-— - ....Vf jn there are some-who do not de--icold light of history. Calvin Cool m-n The British plan of govern ment medical care which was to provide free service to ’all is threatened with a disastrous breakdown. A British' Medical Ai^iociatlbh repeats thatp^'Unless vast new sums of money are made available — from some source or another — the present concept of “a hospital service must be abandoned . . . Half of the nation’s hospitals are more than 80 years old, and only two new general hospitals have been built since 1939. The British Med. ical Association report concludes ‘If the public wishes to have an unrestricted health service, it must be prepared to pay for it . . . ” • Hurried conferences, hurried telephone calls, and ell fell into place. The show is on the road. m-m — My problem remains... com pleting addresses of members of the class and members of the faculty. m-m At moment; needed addressee of immediately graduating mem bers (as usual, the ladyfoUc: more of them, naturally, and married, pose the major pro blem). m-m Wherefore are thou: Qa Mae Frady, Hazel Hawkins, Jessie Ixnrise James, Doris Viola Ply- ler, Mabel Elizabeth Putnbrif? There’s more to this chore than that, because we went, for instance. Address of Dehnas Hendrix, Class of ’36 who wua a classmate but comideted otdy one year of high school befmw leav ing Kings Mountain (last report ed Minneapolto, Minnesota) and name a few: pupree High, Jean- ette MCSwaln, Biyan IQlison, El mer Owens, Jake Early, ad in flnitum. m-m idge It usually bet-ated by histor- iaht, yet what he could have done that was mtoch differmtt III a time of pi^oeperity is hdt etsy i)i> tee.. Faculty members are being in vited as as class matoot Pdttie Nelsler'Plonk, mother of five ybungstere. The medical profession In the United States is going to do everything possible to facilitate the operation of medicare. It will do its utmost to preserve the all important, doctor - patient rela tionship that is so vital to the high medical standards to which we have become accustomed. It is the obligation of the people, all of us, to remember that med icare does not mean “free" medl cal care. The more that is ^ de manded in the way of service from hospitals and doctors^ the more it is going to cost unless we wish to ehd’up with a bank rupt medical system as Great Britain appears to have done. — The Transylvalna Times. FOSTAL SERVICE As every new postmaster gen eral Is expected to do, Lawrence F. O’Brien is talking about mak ing the U. S. postal service bet ter. He has notified his 650,000 employes that sh^dy service "will not be toKMted” and he has launched a scientific analy sis of the. department's opera tions with a view toward their modernization. Mr. O’Brien’s efforts com mendable, but unhappily,' the deficiencies of the postal system’ seem irremediable, for they de rive from government attempts to run a business without busi ness principles. SWEET MYSTERY OF 841.12 SYMPHONY IN THE BARNYARD Cangoes are ever fascinating, for their very names evoke ad venture, mystery, romance. Nat urally' one does not speak here of sand and gravel nor yet of petroleum products, but rather of copra’and ginseng, silk and ebony, teak, mahogany and jade, amber, imacaws and myrrh. An ideal freight mix, as we say in the transportation busi ness, is to- our mind the one John Masefield ascribed to that “quinqulreme of Nineveh from distant Ophir” in - .his poem “CJargoes,’: - bearing '“iyory and apes and peacockSj sandalwood, cedarwood and sweet white wine'.’* There, sirs arid mesdames, is the music of poetry and the poetiy of music, enticingly con- ewrted and garnished with a dream. It comes accordingly as a rude awakening to the rigors of the twentieth century to learn that United States airlines have a- dopted a standard numerical code to identify all freight commodi ties to permit electronic data processing. “Much of the image ry conjured up„by certain words may never be the same again,” the Air Transportation Associa tion of America announces with a very pretty balance between nostalgia and pride of accom plishment. Diamonds, caviar and ostrich feathers, to mention but these few, will hereinafter be known as 666.2, 032.01 and 291.96 respec tively. Ah, wilderness, henceforth no longer wilderness but something on the order of 123.45. St. L&uis Post-Dispaich THE MESSAGE The President is still serious about White House economy. Last week a member of the ad ministration received a collect trtegram inviting him to attend the signing of the 1966 Bail Bond Reform Act. Insider's Newsletter There are those who staunchly maintain that appropriate back ground music in offices and fac tories helps people turn out more and better work Others claim that cows produce more milk when under the spell of musical masterpieces and that-chickens lay more eggs when accompani ed by song. ' Miss Rosemary Soans, poultry officer at the Royal Agricultural Show, Stoneleigh, England, who makes a practice of singing to her hens, was recently quoted as saying, “I have learned that all living things respond if you treat them properly.” jkij explaining the amazing lev el of egg production attained by her 6,000 hens, she said, ‘'It's the singing that does it.” Hen-fav- brites, she; reported, are “We’ll Gather Lilacs,” "Keep the Home Fires Burninj.” and “Sofneday My Heart Will Wake.” Acknowledgirig that music may make the day go better for souie whose work may seem to Ihem especially grim and cheei less, we have no hesitation in expressing our appreciation for its absence in our own offices. We have, moreover, bur reservations aUout music to which we become a captive audience. In this area, as in others, we are wary of inva sion of man's privacy and are swift to support his freedom of choice But when it comes to the cows and chickens, we are less appre hensive that piped-irt mUsic will invade fundamental rights of the listeners. pectatlons among a public which has discovered that the more it costs to mail a letter the longer it takes for it to be delivered. The Gastonia Gazette. Available evidence would sug gest that beats and fovvl are sat isfied with the music provided them. We can’t help hoping, however, that there are just a few nonconformist hens and renegade cows who would preftjr, now and again, to pass up after noon at the pops, a night at the opera, or evening symphony. Christian Science Monitor land Auction Wednesday ProiJorties of the M. A. Wi and W. S. Fulton Estates will sold at public auction Wednes day, August 3, at 10 a.m. at tii busim'ss propeilies (what w roiiricily the Haller Mill at t corner of Gold street am) Ra road Avenu(‘» Subdivided Into four businr lots, to corner lot containing tv buijrlings includes a three-sto brick building 90x.30 and oi ihrec-story metal grain buildi 90x85. Maps of the properties may obtained from W. .S. Fulton, at Fulton’s Department St here or from J. B. Nolan O pany in Sliclby, selling age for Carolina Land Auction Co pany of Hickory The sale will be conducti rain or. shine, and Gene Sa will be auctioneer. Free hams will te given,aw as prizes. tfnj( Nnckoles Joins Charlotte Firm Roy Nuckoles, manager of t Kin.gs Mountain Harris-Teet r super Market, has resigned become manager trainee in 'I’ocory department of K Mt't In Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Nuckoles a d ‘.heir two daughters are movi (his week from their W’. Nife street home to Charlotte. F Mr. Nuckoles came to Kiijg? Mountain from Gaffney, S. )C.. where he operated the Haras Teeter store thaje. He has hfe: manager of th Kings Mount|ii; finm since last October. I The Nuckoles family attlt^c First Baptist church and ]|r Nuckoles has I'ceen active in Kings,Mountain Junior Ch^ ber oLcommerce. ‘ Three Return. From Convention Three members of the Kings Mountain Optimist club attendee the Optimist District conventfen last weekend in Wilmington Holiday Jnn. \y They were President Lov^s Hovis, Dean Payne and W. D (Doc) Byars. Dr Chuck Johnson of Char lotte,' district governor, presid^. - OFFICER. ARREST THAT MOUSE! The field of mice of Stelvio northern Italy, like all field are a hardy breed. 'But, un4i^ their brethern elsewhere, thtjy (N'l. hav documentary proof of .th(| endurance and fortitude. For, according to recently earthed court records, it was 1520 that a local court, charginl them- with having ’gravely dami aged the crops, sentenced theptT' leave the Selvio countrysiqe to “within two weeks.” But me than four centuries later, th^ descendants are still there, fiij ly in possession of the ancestr lands. Stelvio farmers, the recor tell us. even built bridges so tl: t d the mice, in carrying out t court’s order, could cross near K’l' streams in safety. They did' n ;, however, figure on the sturdy dependence of the country mot e u nor anticipate how ingrained \\ his attachment to the soil n to his homeland. He could be uprooted and sent into exi even by such an exalted auth ity as the court itself. Successful in his resistance the harsh penalty of lbanishme| he carved his niche in histo and fostered the freedom of gd erations of kinsmen yet unbol From that day to this, no coi[ has had the temerity again bring him to trial. Christian Science Moni^ € 11 jYEARS AGO 'nUSWEBK •fhe postM service is & commu nications business that should be operated, accdtdlng to the •thers if aafive or ottwr ilk. To sUndards of efficiency ItwiQbeRI ^hat privately owned cemmuni cations companies must follow. ' iTtwe are steady increases in rates, but the Post Office De partment is forced to provide free service on a scale that would bankrupt any private en- tetprlse. It must distribute with out compensation vast quantities of cdngrMsionai seif-promotlon and federal departmental prop- kgahds. Finally, there are the numer ous powerful postage unions ^hat oppofto the exte«M«A «t st^to’ INMM MietoMg. Mh OtMMrs n bitious blit feleat ex- Itemp of news cibout King ttowdtakn area people ant avsnts taken from the 19S files of the Kings Mountais (VeroM. Lewie Hovis was named vice- chairman of the county hospital board of trustees at the July 25* meeting at Brackett’s Cedar Park. CSty school trustees voted in a ap^al session tost Thursday te riiminate Hie make-shift au- ditofium • chMsrooms from the schotri system. The City of Kings Mountain received a pair of safety awards during the past week in recogni tion of Its pedestrian and traffic safety record for 1955. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mr*. Giles Cornwell and son, Reggie, have returned to Cleveland, Ohio after visiting Mr. and Mrs, Deck Fulton and other relatives. Mrs. Novella Blackwell of Gneehville, S. C., and Mrs, Dean RUMKVleH ol MOtttit^neryt Ala. pngtorit) to gfh’jiWere iRtoineiidl&y Anfier guests of Mrs. Virgie QllMilrwei!. KEEP YOUR RADlODIAL SET AT 1220 WKMT Kings Monntain, N. C. News & Weather every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. r Fine entertainment in between Nin+I Th Most \ annua] baseba but in tor, w Ir out 22 fk’st i game best h and vv Lawn Ii troph as Po bitter .all or J meml ball t to th 1 1963, team ing y Go C., a: won that City Post to hi 3-2 r hitte Inch This and who the Post duri mos seas She] tear ing ond nate play who for ] batt unti for 1 a se runs and hitt( Gibs nam Chri C., V for I care inch the of t play qual you-