i V -•. • f.' „ Bridal Parties Continue^ Kings Mountain f olk Visit Japan, Vacation Time Terry Bumgardner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bumgardner. celebrated her Jthird birthday at a party ' Saturday afternoon at her home. - The birthday cake was decorated with pink roses and ballerina girls. Indivi dual cakes were served with ice cream, punch and other refreshments. Young Miss Bumgardner is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Plonk, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-Bum- ' gardner. Her great-grand- -- mother is Mrs. A. Benton « Putnam. Mrs. Plonk and Mrs. Putnam assisted in serving re freshments. ^ , ^ Children present for party fun were Jerry Valentine, Lynn Valentine, ■ Bruce Valentine, Deanna Valer^ne, Timmy Plonk, Shannon Bean, Dawn Champion, Carla Bridges, Kim Bridges, Jody Plonk, Janice Plonk, Carol Bennett, Kristal ^ Huffstetler, Cindy Castor, Mike Blalock, Mark Black, Jenifer Pruette Jill Guyton, Lanny Guyton, and Kinh Gladden. Higb scores were awarded Mrs. Fred Paschal and Miss Mary Ann McCurdy. ^ - Miss Roberts was rei^ernbered with ^corsage by the hostesses and a g'ift of china In her bridal pattern. * * f * Mrs. Robert Osborne, Sr., Mrs. Robert Osborne, Jr., Misses Linda and Judy Collins, all of Gastonia, and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson of Kings Mountain entertained together Monday night at the former's home in Suburban Heights, Gastonia, honorirvg Miss Joe Carole Sigmon, Gastonia bride-elect. The wedding of Miss Sigmon and Vernon Carson of Kings Mountain takes place August 28th. Forty-five guests called frorn 7 until 9 o'clock and showered the bride-to^be _with miscellaneous household gifts. The hostesses- also gave the bride-to-be a corsage of white carnations. ' J Overlaid with ivpry lace over green, the refreshment .table was hlghligfif^f deppratlon, Runners of English ivy conn^teck the central arrangement of yellow mums and daisies with the punch bowl. Green punch was served-from one end of the table with fancy sandwiches, nuts, and green and yellow mints. * * * * * * * * Brides-Elect Honored Comings And Goings August bride-elect Diane Roberts was honor-guest Saturday afternoon when Mrs. Coman Falls and Mrs. Ken neth Davis entertained at the latter's home at bridge and rook. “ ■ Tables were laid for refreshments on arrival of guests. The hostesses served a dessert course in pink and white. Tables were decorated in pink and white with arrange ments of Queen Anne's lace used as centerpieces. Daisies,' carnations, and baby's breath were used decoratively throughout party room^. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blanton and children, Lori Jean and Tim, will arrive July 30th from Pensacola, Fla. for a 10-day vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Witey Blanton and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gamble. They will return to Charleston, S. C. where Yeoman Blanton will report for duty aboard the submarine, USS Am- berjack. Mr. Blanton recently reinlisted in the Navy for six more years. __ ' * * + ♦ Sherrill Spears is here from New York City for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Goldman Spears, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McDaniel, Jr., their daughter. Miss Rita Bell, and Miss Mary Ethel Dixon returned Sunday after a week in Silver Springs, Fla. While in Florida the McDaniels explored the mysteries of the underwater world through the magic of the famous Glass Bottom Boats. Silver Springs comprises the largest prom^of natural springs,in the world and has for years been know^s the underwater film capital and home of such fam ous television subjects as Sea Hunt, the ' Aquanauts -and other feature pictures. ^ “Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Parkep^ returned home Saturday after visiting for several days with friends in Mount Airy, ;^a.,and Marlon. i ii The Parkers were joined by Rev. and Mrs. Harold Sprinkle_pf Mariori^and they were aH guests of^fhe Mrs. Marlowe Stroupe In Blairsville, Ga. for several days,_ Rev. Mr. Parker is pastor of Piedmont Baptist church. * ^ * * Mrs. J. B. Wilbanks and Clara and Mr. and Mrs. George Williams of Greenville,. S. C._ spent Friday and Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Clareiice Black. Also spending the weekend with the Blacks were their son and daughter-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Houston Black, of Southern Pines. ***=(! - Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Moss were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rhodes and daughter, Judy, of West Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. Rhodes is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moss. (, * * * * Gene Douglas Harris, son'df Mr. and Mrs. Gene Har-* ris, has returned home after a several week's vacation with relatives in Allenton, Cedar Grove and Keewaskum, WIs- ■ • • consin. of last week here with N/lr. Mayes. Mrs. W. B. Garrison of Gastonia came from her sum mer home at Blowing Rock Saturday to attend a'luncheon meeting of Women of Kings Mountain Presbytery at First Presbyterian church here. Mrs. Garrison is council treasurer. Weekend guests of Miss Louise Harry of Grover at the Harry home at Blowing Rock were Mrs. Inez Davis, Mrs. Bill McCarter, Mrs. Bubba Rountree, Mrs. Cecil Fort, Mrs. Marvin Curry, Mrs. Lionel Barnes and Mrs. Ro'nald Queen. Mrs. Charles Hartman has returned to her home in Severna Park, Md. after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herndon, in Grover. Mrs. Hartman is the former Mary Anne Herndon. ' j * ♦ ♦ * - t vT" Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herndon and daughter, Patty, spent Wednesday in Greenville where they visited Miss Martha Herndon, summer school student at East Carolina college. iti * * * Mr. aYid Mrs. Roy Haga, Jr. returned Tuesday to An- nandale, Va. after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hicks, Sr. Jimmy Haga remained for a longer visit with his grandpar ents. * Mrs. George Royster of ^ Grover underwent surgery Monday morning at Kings Mountain hospital. * ♦ ♦ * •-IS- * - •#“ ♦ Mrs. H. Carl Mayes is spending the summer at her cot tage at Blowing Rock. Mrs. Mayes' daughter and her fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt Ware, Jr.of Charlotte, spent part Molded Salad Combines Tuna And Cucumbers A molded, appetizing salad is good any time of the year but particularly on hot midsummer days. Today’s recipe"'for tuna-cucum-, ber salad combines tuna, cucum bers,, celery and olive® with gelatin. 1 package (Sounce) celery- mixed vegetable or Italian flavor salad gelatin. > Vi teaspoon salt 1 cup boiling water % oup cold water l„tablespoon lemon juice ' Vj cup mayonnaise 1 teaspoon grated onion l can (7 ounce) tuna, drained and flaked 1 cup finely diced, unpecied cucumber V* cup each diced celery and sliced, stuffed olives Dissolve (gelatin and salt in Class Party Held Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Humph ries entertained members of Mrs. Humphries’ Primary Sun day School class of Dixon Pres byterian church at a cookout Tuesday evening at their home on Brice street. Hamburgers with all the trim mings were served from tables in the backyard. Ice cream was served for dessert. . Young peole enjoying the par ty were Kathy Stwart Gale Far ris, Trudy Childers, Danny Go forth and Charlie Berry. Frank Stybrs, brother of Mrs. Humph ries, assisted the hosts in enter taining. ' boiling water; blend in cold water, lemon juice, mayonnaise and onion. Chill until thickened. Fold in remaining ingredi ents. Spoon into a l-quart mold Or individual molds_ Chill until firm. Unmold on salad greens and serve with mayonnaise, if desir ed. Yield: 4 to 6 servings. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD Thursday, July 28, 1966 nMiinEiLinJIii ^ The three ladies pictured here met John Wayne, movie hero of two generations, at a chanoe meeting in the snack bar^ Yokota Air Base near Tokyo, Japart recently. r From left to right, are '■Mrs. Ed Muche of Wisconsin, Mrs. T. J. Shytle of Kings Mountain, and Mrs*. Roger Quinn of California. Mrs. Shytle's husband, S/5gt. T. J. Shytle is in the Air Force stationed at Yokota.'^ He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Shytle who live on the Shelby Road, Mrs. Shytle is the former Mildred Roper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Rop er of 2nd Street Ext. in Kings Mountain. Section B Shytles are expected home sometime in December. I 7.^ fj*. Party Honors Judy Watterson Miss Judy Watterson, whose wedding to John Woody, Jr. of Durham takes place August 7th, wds honor guest at a bridal shower given Saturday night by Mrs.' Bruce Boyles, Mrs. Jer ry Webster and Miss Sherry Bell in the fellowship hall of Oak Grove Baptist church. The 30 (guests showered the bride-elect with miscejlaneous household gift®. Overlaid with linen cutwork cloth, the refreshment table was decorated in green and yellow. A centerpiece of yellow mums and greenery was arranged with candelabrum holdiAg yellow tap ers. Green punch wa® serv^ from one end of table with mints, fancy cookies, and nuts_ The gift table, covered with white linen cloth, held a central arrangement of yellow candles with mixed blossoms. Miss Watterson wore a yellow and white party dress and re ceived a green gladmcllia cor sage from the hostess. MR. AND MRS. MACK CONNER ... .note golden wedding dag Mr, and Mrs. Mack Conner celebrated their 50th wedding an niversary Thursday. Members of the family and a few close friends visited during the day at the Conner home at 941 Grace street. Both Mr. and Mrs. Conner are natives of Cleveland County. Mrs. Conner is the former Ethel Davis of Kings Mountain. Wed July 21, 1916, the Conners are parent® oi two sons a daugh ter. They are Yates Conner and Rochel Conner, both of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. Sam Dover of Gastonia. There are s^en grandchildren. Family members cut a gold and white two-tier anniversary cake and the cake was served at the noon meal. The luncheon ta ble was spread with white cut- work cloth and was decorated in gold and white. Dawn Hambright. Has Birthday Dawn Hambright, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr®. R. E- (Bob) Hambright, Jr. of Grover, eelebrdted her birthday at a par ty Monday at her homo. Six young friends were, invit ed for party fun which featured the cutting of Dawn’s blue decor ated birthday cake topped with two pink candles. Dawn’s grandmother, Mrs. W. R_ Wylie of Blacksburg, S. C., and her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Feuer of Gastonia, assisted in enter taining. Young Miss Hambright ia granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wiylie of Blacksburg, S.'C. and Mrs. R. E. Haimibright,.Sr. of Grover, ’ \ Pattersons First Couple Wed In Present Sanctuary . Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Patterson were the first couple married in the present Central Methodist church sanctuary. Mrs. Patterson, church histor ian, was the subject of consider able teasing from her friends this week following a feature story on the 61-year-old church in the Herald last week. Several paragraphs of type were garbled and the story ap peared in print wyth the note of the first wedding appearing aft er the statement that the church was organized in 1874 by the Rev.'^J, W. North who was then pastor of Shelby Circuit, 1873-76. From the one-room frame building Central .T church grew and the cornerstone for the pres ent plant was laid in 1905. The present plant was dedicated in 1914. Mrs. Patterson, the.former Fairy Long, was not historian in 1905. The 61-ycar-old church, a land mark across from the U. S post- office on East Mountain street, i® being razed soon and a new plant is to be (built at estimated cost of $250,000. Roberts-Houston Invitations Issued Invitations reading as follows have been issued in Kings Moun tain: Mr. and Mrs. Engeno Ross Roberts request the honour of your presetwe at the marriage of their daughter Mayvlc Diatie " ■ , to Mr^ Samuel Humes Houston, junior on Sunday, the fourteenth , of August Nineteen hundred and aixty-sia! at four o’clock First Baptist Church, Kings Mountain,oMdirth Carolinm and afterwards for the reception OhAtrek Parlor ’ Miss Goforth Gives Plans Miss Geraldine Goforth, daugh ter of Mr. and IV^s. Dennis Go forth, has completed plans for her marriage to William (Bill) Stinnett, son of Mi’s. Gay Stin nett and the late Mr. Stinnett, and announces them today. The wedding will take place Sunday, July 31, at 4 p.m.. in East Side Baiitist church. Rev. Darrell Coble will officiate at the double-ring ceremony. Jimmy Bus '.y will be organ ist for the program of nuptial music and B. S. Peeler will be vocal soloist. The bride-elect will be given in marriage by her father. Best man for the prospective bride groom will be pill Queen.. Mrs. Kenneth Cash will attend her sister as matron of honor and bridesmaids will include Miss Brenda Goforth sister of the bride-clect: Miss Roxie Sell ers. Miss Carolyn Hcavner, Miss Anne Trott and Misses Vickie Stinnett arid Gaynelle Stinnett, sisters of the bridegroom-to-be. The list of oishcrs will include Ronnie and Gay Stinnett, broth ers of the prospective bride groom; Mack Jenkins and Den nis Goforth, Jr., brother.® of the bride^lect; Carl Boll and John Owens Miss" Stjsan Oates will keep a register in the vestibule of the church. Following relicarsal for thcji;, woddln(» Miss Goforth and Mr. Stinnett will be honored Satur day night at a cake cutting at Kings Mountain Woman’s club. Hostesses will he Mrs. Warren Goforth, Mrs. Kenneth Cash and Miss Peggy Stinnctt_ Mrs. W. O. Holmes and daugh ter, Janice, returned Tuesday to their home in Melbourne. Fla. after a three-week 'dsit in Gro ver with Mrs. Will Moss and Mrs. L. R. Hollificld. They also visited Dr. and Mrs. H. s. i*owWl la Gastonia. Mrs. Kirby Hostess To Baptist Circle Grover Roysters Have Visitor; “A Study of Major Cults—The Miss Jane Abercrombie of Mormons”, wms program topic Jacksonville, Fla. spent from at Monday night’s meeting of Friday until Sunday as guest of Circle 1 of Second Baptist Mike Royster and his parents, church. Mrs. S. O. Kirby was Mr. and Mrs. Frank Royster and hostess at her home and was as- Steve, in Grover, sisted by Mrs. George Julian Miss,Abercrombie is a stud.ent and Mrs. Ethel White in serving at Salem cdllege in Winston Sa- refreshments ' lem where Mike Royster is a student at Wake Forest college. Mrs. Helen Tate was program chairman, Mrs. James Ware, •! l i i* Mrs. Ethel Whjtc and Mrs. Katie L_,OUnCll Meetinq, Pruitt assisted Mrs. Tate in pre- . c i I senting the program theme. Mrs. LunCheOn OatUrClay Dewey Allen, opened the ■ pro- ' gram with a devotional and the Officers 'of Women of ^Kings. evening.prayers were offered by M:;iuntain Presbytery hfrld a Mrs. Julian and .Mrs. Ivey Lank-^ summer council meeting arid ford. SOCIAL CALENDAR . <! Mrs. Ivey Lankford, Women’s Society president, was present as a visitor. Mrs Tommy paltpn w'as welcomed as a new member. Included in the program was' 'group singing of the hymn, “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” Engaged Pair Feted Saturday Miss Diane Roberts and Sam my Houston, whose weddin luncheon Saturday at 12:30 at First Pre^oyterian church. Women of First' Presbyterian church ^^ere hostesses for the luncheon and Mrs. T. P. Seism, .Mrs. F. O. Morris, Mrs. W. Q Ballew aiid Mrs. Charles Neis- ler were members of the hostess committee. t ,The 12 officers found their pllaces at small tables set up in the ladies Bible classroom of the church. White damask cloths overlaid three tables and center- pieces were bud vases of sum mer flowers For an appetizer, S the guests were*^ served canta- takes place this (month, were lotjpe topped by fresh, green honored Saturday at a cook-out g,apes. Fried chicken, congealed and swim party at Lake Mon- salad, and , green beans were tonia. served with hot rolls and iced Hbsts wercMr. and Mr®. Tony “"‘I ™ Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bum-' » r- .noil gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ware and Mr. and Mrs. Fred pusident, presided. Thornburg. Gerry Humphries, daugh- The 25 guests included three ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas couples from out-of-town, in- Humphries, spent last week, in eluding Mr. and Mrs Guy Flint Florida. She returned home Sat- of Boone, Mr. and Mrs. F. C- urday. Roberts, Jr. of Gastonia and Mr. —o— and Mr®. Doug Turner of S{)elby. Mrs. E. Hawkins is hero Charcoaled hamburgers were from Macon, Ga. for a visit with served with all the trimmings. Following the meal, the hosts took the occasion to present thfe engaged pair an electric can opener. TTiey also gave Miss family have returned from a Roberts a basket of artificial two-week’s vacation with rela- fruit lor ber kitobitti CitjiN her father, A. H. Cornwell and Mrs. Cornwell Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brewer and Saturday: 7:C)()—Rehearsal for the Go- forth-Stinnett wedding in East Side Baptist church. 8:00—Mrs. Warren Goforth, Mrs. Kenneth Cash and Miss Peggy Stinnett are entertaining at Kings Mountain Woman’® club at an after-rehearsal party honoring Miss Geraldine Go forth and Bill Stinnett. _ ^ Sunday: 1 4:00—The wedding of Miss Geraldine Goforth, and William i Stinnett in East Side Baptist church. Monday:, 3:00 p.m.—Circle No. 1 of First Methodist church will meet at the church. 3:30—Circle 5 of First Pres byterian church at the home of “ Mi^. Paul Mauney, 3600 Mar- • grace road. 5:30—Circle 1 of First Presby terian church, covered dish suyp-,, per at Lake Montonia Picnic Shelter Miss Nancy Nickels, hostess! .6:45—Circle 4 of--First Presby* terian church, covered dish sup per. cottage of Mrs. C. F. Thom- asson, Lake Montonia. Must Thomasson and Mrs Harry Page, hostesses. 7:00—Circle 2 of First Presby terian church, covered dish sup per, cottage of Mrs. C. D. Blane ton, Lake Monfonia. Tuesday: 8:00—Home Arts clult;^ at the home of Mrs .Tolly Shkford tM Fulton road. Tuesday: 9:30 a.m.—Circle No. 2 of Oen-.; tral Methodist church will mi with Mrs. Paul H. Briggs. Wednesday: 11 «jn.—Circles 3 and Firk Presbyterian church, ered dish luncheon, cotta^ Mrs. C. D. 'Blanton. Lake^ tonia.

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