V r28. iffnctf fo Tr«H ■ / fhursday, July 28, 1966 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Pag* 3 Church / /- tj HE'S EL BETHEL MEHODIST CHUHCH Ki-v. l!oy Liickiirtgt;. I’aslur Sunday School at lO a.^m. Miiiiiins Worship at 11 a m Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6 p,m. Choir Practice Wednesday at YdH) p.m. Mill-Week Prayer Service Wednesday 7 p.m. riliST PRESBYTEHIAN CHURCH Paul K. Ausley, Th.D., Ministei SUNDAY: Uflo Sunday School 30;o0 Nuisery for Pro-School Children 11:110 MornInK Worship Service 0:00 Pioneer and Senior Uliih Fellow ship TUESDAY: 7:;i0 Bov Scouts WEDNESDAY: 7:;Ul Mid-Week Prayer Sctylee 8:(KI Chancel Choir THURSDAY: ! hiiKI Brownie Scouts t'-i;t:ir) Junior Girl Scouts FRIDAY: 8;(i0 AA Meeting KINGS MOUinAlN BAPTIST CHURCH '! Rcv.'tlamesHViider : •- Sunda.v School 9:43 A..M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Vesper Service 3:.10 P.M. Training Union P.M. . Vestibule AME Zion Church 3ev. M. h. Cninpbell Minister Supl. W. M. Childers 10 A.M. Sunday School 11_A.M. Morning Worship 1st and| old Sundays Good Hope Presbyterian Church Rev. P L. Ross, Minisier 10 a.m. Sunday School 1 p rr. Wnrsliin Services MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wayne Ashe, Pastor Douglas Ledford. .Music Director \V:idi' llartstie, Sunday School Supt. .Sunday 8:1.3 Surtthiy School ll:i)0 Wor,shii) .'ii’iviec .o:00 Adull Choir Rehearsal 0:01.1 Baptist 7'raining Union T :U0 Lvciiing Wic'diiii • Wcdiic.Mla.s. -- 7:00 Bihle .Study ntiri Pi.'iycr 7:00 G..\.'s and .Siinheums every other week CENTRAL METBOiyiST CRTOCH Rev. liowaid Jordan —Sunday School. Ii:u0—Mornlnip Worship 0:30—Intermadlate MctnodlBt Youth r* knvsnio 1) p.m. —Senior Methodist Youth Fellow sliip Midweek Praicr .Service remains at 7 t tn, Wednesda.v evenings. <10N NAZAR ENE CUuoGB loe N. WeDb St.. Ga.stoma, N. a Rev. A. a Guyer, Pastor. Ph. UN b-4684 Meeting NIghU; 7 p. m. Sunday, Wed nesday,^ Friday. Sunday School 10 a. if. Preaching 11 • BL i" IfYPS OF Youth meeting Friday Nigh*, Hev. T. R. Poole. Rev. J. t. Stewart TSIOLE AAPnn CHURCH Rev. Lewis McGaba. ^lor jrlmmy Childers. Sunday'School SUBC Billy Childers, BIU dlreetar. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. BTU at 6:30 p. m._ Midweek Prayur Servlea Wednesdaya a 1.30 p. m. Evening Worship on Sundays at T:S Galilee Mathodls* Onrcii Rev. J. M. McLean Minister Supt. Luilier jainerson 10 A.M. Church School iSt and 2nd Sundavs 11 A.M. Morning Worship GRACE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday .School — 9:43 a.m. Woi'ship 11 a.m. MYF — 6 p.m. Kvenlng Worsiiip — 7 p.m. I’raycr Service Wednesday — 7 p.m. Mt. Zion Baptist Chuteh Rev. ’Rm. nailin Minister - ——- Supl. Joi-.n Ross 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worship • 5 P.'M. Training Union 6 p.m. Evehlug Worship. 7:30 Wednesday night Piaver Meeting Bynum Chapel AME Zion Church Rev. W. J. Campnell Mini.sier Supl. William Orr 10 A.M. Sunt^ay School 11 A.M. Morning Wor.shlp 4 p.m. Young People Meeting 7:;!0 Wednesday evening prayer meet ing 7:30 Thursday Night Choir Rehearsal OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Fred HIcks. Paitoi Sundai' Schoul supt. — Odwin aloora lut.Jay: _ . ^ 10:00 — Sunday Behoof. Ll:0OMomlns Worahip aervlce^ 7:00 — Bapust Training Union. g.X — Evening tervlca. Wedneaday: lao Uldwedc sraytr isrvlaa. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Phifer Road — Near Armorj Rev. Rolicrt Hadon, Pricst-in-Cliarge Telephone 739-2213 Church School 10:00 .Y.M. Sunday Service 11:00 A.M. Isl & 3rd Sund.oys — HiSty- Communion 2nd & 4lh Sundays — Morning I’r.ijcr Wednesdays—7:00 A:M. — Holy Com munion MIDVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH Mdpines Commupity Rev. it. C. Frunk.>i. Pastor Union Franks, Supl. •Sunday Selionl. 9:4:3 a.m. WortiUp Service, 11:00 a.m. Worsiiip Service 7:00 pm. Tiaining Union; Wednersday. 7:13 p.m. 0AVB> BAPraT enmea ■tghwar 74 miv. m. s. uAuui. Paitat Gena Boyla SupL 10:00 Sunday School 11.00 Morning, WotaWp 7:00 p.m. B.T.U.,' BIU Babb Oaaatv Dlreetar The Liord'a Supper each fUth Sunday At Moaea aatd to Bobab, “Omna uia 'tth uo. and wa will da thoe lood." DIXON PRESBYTEIIIAN CHURCH Rev. James alaijii, I’asior SundW- 9:30 A. - Morning WorahIB 10U« A. M. — Sunday Sehod Life With The Rimples Btit. PKNUsT-a CHAPEL Laonard Auilstauar, FarM; Sunday School at 10 u'claes a. m. Uarnlug Worship at 11 o'clock a. m. MelhotUsi youth Fellowship at 6 o. I Kvenlng Service at 7 p. m. FiEDMdirr BAmn cbubcb Jamef E. WUltanu. Pastor Sunday; 9:45 a. m.—SundM SchooL It 00 — Morning Worship. 6:15 — Baptut Training Union. CAMF CBKZX nAFTm CBmClb 7-mi Cvaalng 9«viee aevT ml ibindavi — 1:45. laalatani Paatora. Uomlng Wonhlp 11:00 a. m.—norma King, Moale Director. Evening Worahlp 7:30 p.. m.—alaa MU reek Prayer Service. Bible Study at 7:30 B. m. RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHUHCH , Cre.scent Hill Rev. David Castor. Pastor Sunday Reli<s)l at 9:4.3 a.m. Morning-Worship at 11 a m. Lullier League .Sundays at H::i0 p.m. Choir Reheai'.sals on Wednesday eve ning at H:.'W ami 7:30 p m. Nursery proviilcd for woislilp seivice CHRIST THE KING Catholic Church Sunday Mawr at H-nn.-CotHessiowf - heard before Mass School of Religion on Sunday: Giados — 9:30 a m. H.S. — 6 p.m. BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. lames Graham, Pastor SUNDAY: 9:43 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Wor.shlp . 7:3(1 Training Union S:3n Evening Woi-.ship WEDNF3DAY 7:3(1 p.m. anccB MouNTAar tabebhaclr U:0O—Morning Worahlp. 6:90—Baptist Trauung Union. 7:00—Preaching Servlea. . w* Vednesday: ^ 5:30—Orflcera and Teachers meettn*. 7:00—Mid-Weak Prayer aervUe. Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev. R. D, Locas, Minisier Supl. .(umes Adams 10: A.M. .kundav School 11 A..M. Worship Services , B P..M. B.T.U. Rev. Bobby Whitfield, .Pastor Fred Bowens, Supt. FUST BAPTIST CHBRCa ! Rev. Robert Niann Sunday School — 9:45 am m. I Morning Worship — 11 a. m. Baptist Training --- 6:15 p, aa. Evening Worship — 7:30 p. m Prsyar Meeting on Wednesday aA Tdv PATTERSON GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Piyler, Pastor M. L. Williams, Supt. of Sunday Schoo Union Robert Ilullender, Director, Training Sunday School 9:43 A.M Morning Worship 11:00 A..M Ve.sDer Services 5:30 P.M TBK TABEBNXeu: or I.OVB 302 Second Street Rev. Jen-y Grlgg Supt. Sunday .Seiiooi. Ralph Chitwood Sunday School 10 a. bl Wonmw Service 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Wednesday night and Saturday night ait dee 7:30 D. m. Singiiig «very 4th Sunday 3:30 v. aa EAST GOLD STEET WESLEYAN j METHODIST CHURCH R('V. C. R. Goodson, Minister Sunday .Seooi_ U);(Hi A.M. > Morning Worship ll;iMlA.M. Wesli^ym Youlli fi:(X) P.M. Kvenlng WYashlp 7:(SI PM. I'rnyer-Meeling Wednesday 7:1X1 P..M. C.Y.C. Wednesd;iy li:13 lit 8:(Xi P.M. Tecn-Tlme Thur.sdny 7:00 til 9:00 P.M. Bov Scouts Friday at .Sadie Mill Club- hou.se 7:00 P..M. i MOUNTAIN VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. George l.eigli, Pastor James Bridges, Supt.„ vValter Cnusby, Clerk Crow\lBtlXI|Moun 1 a 1 n Sunday: 19:00 Sunday Sohnol 11:90 Morning service 7 ;:!0 Evening Service, - Wedne.sday: 7F10 —' prayer Meeting FIRST CHURCH OF TOT NAZARENE 497 S. Clierukee St. H. G. Clayton, Pastor Sunda.v .Scliool Supl. James Sell Sumlny,j4(fhoi.I.al'9:.15 a.m. 4. ^ .Morning Woi sliip at 11 a m. NYI’S at C;30 p m. Junior Speiely: 9:39 p.m. Evangelis'.ic .Servioe; 7 p.m. ^Vednesdiiy Prayer Meeting at 7 p m FIRST V/ESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Rev. John G. Karris, Pastor Suniiay .Sel'.ool O'.-l'i a.m. Mo.aing Woi'.ship 11 a.m. Weslo.vah You'.li, 9:13 p.m. Junior YouMi 9:3(1 p.m. I Prayer Room 9.;:9 p.m. . ' Evening Worsiiip 7 p.m. Tues.jay Prayer Room 7 p.m. W.'iliiL'Sda.v Prayer Service 7 p.m. ■ Adam.s Chapel AME Zion Church '<( V. M. L. C.iniiih. ll Minister Supt. I.onnic Wlilsriant I'l ,\:"M. .kiinday .krhool 11 .\ M. Morning Wor.sliip 2ni^ and 4lh Sunday ; CHURCH or coo Rev. F. M. Vaushan. Pastor .Saturday: 7 p. m. Youth Service Sunday; 1,(1 a. m. Sunday Scliool '* 11 a. m. Morning Worship . 7 p. m. Evening S"rvite Wednesday: 7 p. m. Prayer Service Shady Grove Baptist Chuicl) k, .1. Ail.gore, Minister 19 A.M. .Sunday .kclinol 11 a.m. Worship Services 2nrt and 411 Sunday 5 p..oi. BapUst Training Union 7-'io Prayer meeting Wednesday eevnlnt WHKr DADDY PELL HAPPERro jV (DFF OF THE ^ . V V UAiDDER,' WERE cajNO Y(7U’RE 50 CONCERNED, TAM1, SLIT <\DA.DDY WASN'T HURT iSO DON’T CRV.' By Les Carrolt / > CRY IN 'CAUSE t DUDN'T SEE HIM DO IT T il' C( EASTSIDE oaFTIST CBURCa R.\. Darretl Coble. Pastor York icuad .. ‘Tlie EMd of Your Search For A Friendly Church” Sunday: 9;45-n. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:90 p. m. Baptist TTa'jilng Union. 7:90 ,p. m. Elvenlng Worship. Wednesday: ( 7:90 p. m. Mid-Week Prayer SaRtoe J:00i#. m. Choir Keheanj^vr'''^ 4LLEN MEMOBiAL •APTIST CBURCI (hinibiy; j 10:09 Sunday Uclioot. '■ 11:90 Morning Worship. 7;09s'Bnp'.lst Tih.lnlng Union (oUowa4 b: ' 'cnire '-hnrea services., j Wednesday: i t.-oo Mid-week sraybr lanriean. I St. Paul Methodist Church Rev J. .M. McLi'.m Minister Supl. O. V. Ellis 19 A.M. Church School | 11 .Y.M. Morning Worship 2nil .111'! 4th Sundiiy.s I 7:39 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Meeting MISSIONARY METHODIST CHURCH R.'V. Frank E. Self, Pastor Sunday School at 9:43 a.m. Trcachlng at 11 a.m. Sunday Nicltt Service at 7 p m. ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN CHURCH North Piedmont at Ridge Charles W, Easley. Postor 8:13 a.m. Sund.ay School 10:09 a.m.—Morning Worship 6 p.m. Luther League Wednesiiay: 3:;!0—Confirmation Class 7:39—Senior Choir Rehearsal Thursday: 3:;i9—Junior Choir Rehearsal J^aster comes as early as Mar. 22 some years and as late as April 21 in other years. NOTICE I Having qualified as adminis-1 tratri.x, CTA. for tlie estate of Mrs. Texie VVarlick, deceased, all persons -having claims ajainst said estate will please file same with the unders.ioned on or be- j ' fore Febiuai y 1, 19G7 or this no-■ tice will bo- pleaded in bar of i ^ any recovery ' I All per.sons inddhted to said ! estate will please make immedi- j ate payment. ] Tills lhe2t.ith day of July, 1966, C allaa;e VVarlick Kails Administratrix Ct'A Davis and VV'liite, Attorneys ? • 7:28-8:18! Mobile homes set on perma nent foundations are now subject! to ad valorem (taxes in Florida. I Alabama now has one million telephones. MARINE PRrVATE First-Class Thurman D. Henderson.^’son of Mrs. Grace Henderson of 1303 Gold St., Kings Mountoin is deployed to the Caribbean area with Battalion Landing Team 3/G, for a routine three- month training deployment''as the Caribbean Ready Force. EmbarKed in the amphibious assault ship USS Okinawa, the Landing Team will participate in oxnphibious maneuvers, hel icopter vertical envelopment exercises, and counterinsur gency operations. NO. 1 IN SALE: D SALES ARE GOING AT A RECORD BREAKING PACE. .WE MEAN TO eep It That Way. Forget List Price... Come On In. FORD NO. 1 IN SALES In The CAROLINAS METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the week ending Wednesday noon totaled $253.05, including $21.15 from off-street meters; $155.50 from on-street meters; and $76.40 for overparking fines, the city clerk’s office re ported. VISITING RELATIVES Anita and Rene Hughes, chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hughes of Columbia, S C., are visiting here for ’two wrecks with relatives. EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: CRUISE-O-MATIC TRANSMISSION FABULOUS FASTBACK V-8 ENGINE FORD OAlAX!E.’5no.XL 2-DR HARDTOP OVER COST JULY ONLY ALL GALAXIE 500's IN STOCK ON SALE MUST^ MG-America’s Most Popular Car! MUSTANG STANDARD EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: • Bucket Seats • Vinyl Trim • Wall-To-Wall Carpet • Wheel Covers • Oil Filter • Arm Rest.s • Turn Indicators • Electric Wind shield Wipers Bock-up Lights • Ford's Famous • Seat Belts, front 6 cyl.- Engine and rear • 38,000 Mile Lube O- Fresh Air Heater • Outside Mirror System 9 Padded Dash ond 9 ICC Flasher Deluxe Steering Visors • Self-Adjusting Wheel • Oil Filter Brakes LIMITED SUPPLY — HURRY Deluxe Dash Panel with instruments instead of lights (Includes All Freight S Fed. Excise Taxes.) F-lOO PICK-UP TRUCKS OVER COST lOIT OUT MOOSIYUSIDEFicifur If South's Laigest Little Fold Dealer 910 Shelh; riMM5 '•DECORATING TIPS' By GENE TIMMS B-B B. — THE BOOM IN BIGGER BEDDING One cf the biggest booms today IS the boom to bigger bedding — and J for a very good ^ rea^n. *1 People now ^ realize, wheth* er they are tall, medium or short, that they are more com fortable in a larger bed than a smaller bed. And doctors ^ave stressed the importance ^'of properly proportioned bed- din.g in assuring comfortable, healthy sleep. While king-size and queen- size beds were at one time considered indeed a luxury for kings and queens, ' it would be a mistake to con sider a large, comfortable bed as a luxury today. It is, in fact, becoming more and more a necessity. Some authorities now say that small beds are the cause of more insomnia than the tensions of the day. Actualtor, the tensions of the day Bure often caused by the lack of comfortable sleep the night r before. Many people aren’t a- ware of the toll taken by_a night’s poor sleep. How big a bed should you] have? Doctors and psycholo-f gists report that a person] should have at least 10 incheaj more than his own height have room to turn in his sic comfortably. The old ’72 75-inch long beds Just areni big enough for most _ today, nor are the old doubl bed and twin beds wM enough for the average son. With all bedding mam turers now making klnt qiicen-slze and extra^j bods, there’s no rei you to ’ miss a cmiil night’s sle^p. I

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