• i m IPS Thursday, August 4, 1966 » /i- S-, ■w Tar it* rxNi Fof Sale LENNOX HEATIMO and alf <^- dltioning. DILLING HEATING COMPANY. Phone 739-3^, 12:3kfn buy JEN^S ANTIQtnS and sell antiques. Gastonia Kings Mountaih Highway. Telephone 739-5806 ll;8tfn NICE GIFT FOB A STOraNT^ Colored pencil sets. Complete color range at a reasonable - price. Herald Publishing House Telephone 739-5d4L 11:30 tfn PERFECT GIFT FOR THE BOWE Everv house n^ds a pencil sharpener. Get yours for only $3.00 at Herald Publishing House. Phone 739-5441. 11:30 tfn USED API>UANCES — Stoves, refrigerators, washers. Real values. Western Auto Associate Store. 7:16-ttn DBC0RATG;R color tape dis pensers. Only $1.25. Herald Publishing House. Phone 739* 5441. 11:30 tin EVERYONE NEEDS A STAPLER We have them, complete with staples, for as low as $i^.l0. Phone 739-5441. HERAU) PUBLISHING HOU^E 11:30 Ita SPANGLER Beqdy Mix Concfote PHONE 739-4723 FOR YOUR CONCRETE NEEDS, CALL USI Wa De'iiver Any Amount CO M PL B TE JOBS Floors, bosemonts, wolks, curbs, etc. No Job Too Lnge Or Too SmoU FREE ESTIMATES •-OkTBD SIGNS — No Tr^paM- ing, no hunting, no fishing. Waterproof or plain. Herald Publishing Company. TSLE- PHONE 739-5441. ll:2tfn DESK BLOTTERS — Three differ ent colors. Brighten your desk at home and office. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. TELE PHONE 739-544L 11:2 tfn FOR SALEi Snow-white sand. Large tonnage available. Sam ples on request. Kings Moun tain Silica, Inc. Phone 739-3616. ll:25tfn A For Sole A\Q Emelpifi^flU C H jleivices E, G Realty Foi Reiit G ■ ■ ; -r—r-i -J-: = KILL ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM o.at smUtottan burning in Muhinif of In 3 to S days. Initciod tUn ilougbi oil to expoie moro getmi lor the kill. Then wateh HEALTHY tkin oppoarl TODAY at GRIFFIN DRUG CO. •'**** CARPET Beautify wid quieten your home^ith'exquigite Mohclwk Coqpel FREE ESTIMATES MccaiNis Funiitiire Company PHONE 73M^ Kings Moun^iUL N. C. SALES OFPtHtTtrNrfT -l-.Estab , old^'Ilrni ' Salary plus*] ^ [ commission. Age 22-49? High CHMTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERV- I school equivalent. Free retire-, j ICT — Tqnlcs pumpe^, cleaneij, ment. Insurance and ho^italL “*■* “ zation call 867-7911 of 739-4.332} . tfn’l UBY' SITTER and ' housekeepet ' h for one , child. AWA VJUC t VllllU. ^glll llUUOt;* ■" ’— •——^ work., Approximately' 42' hou^ WL Y O O R WELDING per week. Apply at .606'Tern* ► MEEDS — See Ray Whetstine, ^ght ... lely'4z;nou^ per week. Apply at Tern* ► pie St. after 6 prm. , 8:4tfit ' HELP WANTED—Femairba^'- sitter. L i g h t ~ aousekaeping.! Five days weelfly. $25 per' week. Telephone .:*739-^^ ^8:4tfn' arid lines rpdded. Reasonable* rates. Tel^lfbne 739-5150 aft«i 6 pm, CHASTAIN SBTOC« TANtE SERVICE, 306 W. Moun: hdn St. I2:ietln TRAILRR FOR RENT. Two bed^ rooms.. 10 X 60 Ft. Call 739-' 3731. 7*4 LOCAL''N;4NT Official seeki house’for lease rent. Must have thf^ b^oQ^s and 1% to good I wigbbi^oQiL CaU 937-7SB4. , 7:14 ffhii Route-1, Kings telephone 739-3550. Iwountaih, 8:4tfn GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, for sale. PKill blood. Telephone' 739-2122 after 5 pan. or see at 809 E. Ridge St. 8:4tfn CLARINET —^ Blanc. B. flat! In perfect condition- See Wen-| dell Bunch or Telephone 739- 2392 or 487-6448. 8:4-11 P Lost&Ffund D' STOLEN from city Pool July 23i' Girls 26 in. J. C.jHiggins Blue Bicycle. Contact Doyt’, Falls^lf you have any infirmatiem c6n- j cerning the blcytde. 739-3943. I 7:4 Senriqes FERTILIZER For lawns, gar dens or fields. AsR for Eionan- za- iO-lO-lb. Grows everything better than anything.'^ KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold SL - 3:17tfn FOR SALE —- Used furniture: G-' E refrigerator, laVge-size plat form rocker (like new), desk, two end tables, other itetns. Priced reasonably. Call 739-. 4776 after 3:30 p.m. 4:7tln [G LQTS RAyiNa estimates ISPHtlT nviNQ OI Shelby. Inc; Telephone Day 739-4568 Might Shflbt 482-45BR H RenUy FexSale M — "‘r- ■ ■ ■ ■: ® f FOR SALE — Singer sewing ma chine: Extra nice cabinet model like new. Fancy stitch es, darns, buttonholes, etc. Local person can finish pay ments at $11.14 monthly or* pay complete of $47.81. Can be seen and tried out locally. We^ will transfer Guarantee. (3ood| credit a must Write: Nation-1 al’s Repossession Dept. Mrs. * Nichols, Box 280, Asheboro, N. * C. , 7;14-8:4 PATTEISOR OilCwpvaQf BILLIE 14>GAN, Notary Publiq, 5OT Woodside Dr. Tel^one 739-5100 12:2tfn SPORTING GOODS — All kinds of sports, equip ment, basel^ll, softball, basketball, football, ten nis, and for the hunter, fisherman, and golfer, too. Western Auto Associate Store. 7:l6-tfn B.F.Goudridi FOR TIRES SEE SOUTHWELL FORD 9:16tfn WE SPREAD bulk lime and fer tilizer on your faiin. KDKSS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold SL 3:17tfn FOR SALE — Camper. Sleeps three. Used only one year. Telephone 739-5007. 6:16tfn "BIGELOW" and "MAGEE" CARPET • QUALITY _ The Best • BEAUTY _ Tito Most • PRICES _ T] Timms Furniture Grover Rd. 739-S656 NOW OPEN — New KnUted ttb* rks oMh ab^-jnM asBort'- ment of double krtL <Wton, orion and laminated isAleUs for ladies' outerweer. Located at Yarbro’s Grocery on N. pled, mont Avenue beside ^ga Meuat^ Manufacturing Mill office, t^d s^eotian of spring and sum'mdr colors. Open six days a wjpek from 8 ajn. to 5 p.ra. Monday through Satur day. 2:25-tfn "No lo#> torge .. No Job too hul^Rnal ctuoRterciai ^ sldentlal all matailals a work manship guiuahttodi comply oablhet shop sanding A' id9l^ng Pboeo TSb-ani 4t2SttD. PDR THE BEST IN .BOOriNQ - AluRUiium ddtoS, Insulation ahd' himie Ini^vemehts Ot eaty terms. ’ call NORMAN HARRIS ft SON, HU 3>t40T Shelby. N. a 2:l8tfa GUTTERtoG' sheet metal Work and gas piping- DILLING HBAfflNQ COMPANY. Aone 739A446 12:22 tfn CKPrnERntc, otow - pipe work, all rvpes of sheet metal work. Childress Roofing & Heating Co., Inc. Phone 739-5166 i2:13tfn. BEAGLES for sale. AKC register ed. Call Ken Davis. 739-2750 before 7 p.m. and 739-3021 after 7 p.m. 7:2Mn FOR SALE —Four-year-old mare pony. $100. Bridle and saddle also furnished. Telephone 739- 5500. 7:31-8:4 C EmplpyineMl G MEN ft WOMEN AGE 18-52. Prepare now for U. 8. Government Examiiiatiims. Thousands of openings yeaiTy. j Civil Service offers security,! good salaries, paid vacations, raises, paid sick leave, liberal pensions. Grammar school suf ficient for many jobs. Stay, m present job while training. Wriw to Transco Services, % thjs ga per giving name, address, time at home, present employment, phone & age, for further infor mation. Not Government connect-, ed. Privately owned and operat-' ed. Write % Box C, Kings Moun tain Hera to. 7:14-8;^ WUIW * l•w•lIT Ptamoi^g WotehM — iNvtfarf RepNlto Q|» sBqmj^Ymasia Bfc-miimiTitp' W«tcl| 225 S. Did V3iLaMl CARPET J UufUity You Cm Trust Beauty You Crr’ See • Prices You Cro FURN. S CARPET COMPANY ^belby, N. d. THU HU 7-7436 Open AM Wednesdays W FOB SALE — Peas, Cane, Soy beans, M i 1 o.^ Hay Grazer. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM, CENTER. Phone 739-5111. | 6:9tfn 'irropicdl Fish Parakeets Aquarium Supplies 41m 'parrots and mytom birds by oedat only. Seod and Supplies For Birds FIT11S FANCY TROnCALS 739-5258 7:14 tfn. JOB OPPORTUNITY — Collector,' experience preferred but not required. Married man, must* be energetic, with high school* diploma and interested in 4i job with a future with growing concern. Potential op to $6500 per year, plus paid vacation, ^hristnaas bonus, life and hps- pitaliza'tibn Insurance. Men with imagination apply in per son at McGINNIS FURNITURE COMPABY40B & Battleground. No phone calls please. 7:28-tfn TRAILER — 10x55 foot trailer, 1965 model. SinaU down pay ment and assume loan. Sm at 507 Monroe Avenue or tela- phona mSBto after icIR pun. 7:21-8:11 uhwun DAVIDSON SWIMMING POOL Ag«g 16 and up Apply At Ppvidion Pool BCAID — lb do Ironing and lightj beussliaapInK SaR' affsr *' E phone 7%-^. 6:30tfn ’ Ost^wnipis stei Mrrui(H Mar. IT WILL... SgvtywrM PravIdtaiMteMhrrite WE USE ONLY IwilliviR M Aafg fTmii Ate 4ia tfn GASTONIA i VOLKSWAGEN Dealer Has Openings Fox Service Monoger Mechanic Body Men Pointer Porters New Cor Soiesmen Used Car Salesmen xcellent working con^ ions, fringe benefits, p<^ vocotions. Diol 867-6746 ASX FOR JACK LAZARUS mUu TCp OLEVELftNO AVENUE .. V«y attx^tivq small home, four toqpgs and bath'. 807 RHppEf 4VEI|«E— At- troodM lol, ej^cellenf peSgH- borbbpd. Good teniis avail- , XEWLF BENQVATKR house with basement. 6^ Mea- dowhr<^ Rd. ^cdleiu iteighbbrhood. Easy terms avMlable. 909 imODES AVENUE - Five ’ room btjek ven^' house. Will paint to suit’ i^irchater. Four-yw-old house. Sea-, stable down payment FIVE-BOOM bWBLLlN(L 213 N. Sims. Attractive financ ing avqilatoe. HOUSE with full basement. 621 Meadowbrook. Will ren ovate to suit pureh.''.si'r. room fi Street. house.'‘2(13 Mce TWO SMALL dwellings at 209 W. iidge St Reasonab ly pdeed. Good investment proparty.- rpUB-ROpM 211 N.,Cit; priced frame house at City St Attractively B. r. MAIOB ■ /Ninysri'Sp JlvNSliCJT Reol Estate A Insurance No Exit? * V . ^ ' * ' ff . .<1^ If/ ' CIVIL- . - seRmry^ r-^ DEEDS FOR SAUL— to roam brick ve neer ^se baths, Ftoftoft mom, Mseriimt with utility r^^ bar aOd latjm repreation room, dv^ 4^ square fCet 'of^Hvtog 4*i», fJ? ctadiDg ba$emebt In .Obtoitry Ciu-b s^'on. Approtothdk thjw acre lot TEdO^ 739-4203 or 739-3942. • 3:3tfh Lithinm Repqrts Bighei Sales Lithium C^orporation of Ameri ca announced today thm sales^ of lithium products during thgt first ..six mc^D^ pi this year amounted to to,331,000, an in^ crease of af^medmatefy 17 per cent over the first half ^ 19to when sales were $2,846,009. Ify^******^ ^ COLOR SCIHfME,enjoy life, provide relief from , ,.+u* I Whether one is planning a j nervous and physical strain and from lithium opera- color scheme for a room or an (tension and enrich your person-1f””**** entire house, there has to be a al relationships through social! starting point, reminds Mrs. | activities. Also, when recreation I ^ deferred income taxes. Christine S. Greene, assistant, includes other members of yourhJirf'’,^!®®!^^ ‘"come taxes home economics extension agent, | family, happiness and together- “ " deduction o« losses Surry County. : ness are enjoyed. One Surry County homemaker, by- J«n CSirlotenoPoa Notices TOF PRICES PAID for copper, brass, radiators, aluminum. Any and all kinds of metal. Phone 739-5628. J. C. Clary 6:30 tfn G Realty Fof Rent G BIRITT FQR8ALR Six room brick — carport.' tii exceUept located in Grau^.' ManMOt!' '.iv For Rent, 10 ft. yld« uM- bedroom' trailer. Private lot,; lb 'couple only. . '■ , i Mrs. W. A. Hannan, Mount Airy, TAlAnhokMOk Rt. 6. plans to use the furniture J«WpnOne ClfCUltS .she has on hand as her source | Acquired Ry AT&T •for a color scheme. j nJn! h ® ‘^^ble to Hong acheme co“uld have beera?i!^i^“"®' Singapore and Kaula tav.., ,u,^,puj. capital of Malaysia. wirk fahri? H.-®’’ ^ facilities are scheduled to available when the or a View, Mrs. Greene observes. Guan^.^ong Kong section of the HEALTHY BABY CONTEST { B^t^sh Commonwealth Seacom One of the June Dairy Month! ®ystein opens. •activities in Swain .County was circuits include 12 to ^ “Healthy Baby” contest, Caro-; to Singapore, and j^n Buff, assistant home eco- ' of the company’s wholly owned i subsidiary, Berylliinn Metels ft Cliemicals Corporation, thf com pany’s net earnings werj $90,- OOp, compared with a n« loss from operations of $78,0(» dur ing the first six miMiths ^ 1965- Uthium Corporation’s « a 1 e s during the second quartex were $1,736,000, the largest itetount for any quarter since 1959^ while commercial sales during tfie sec ond quarter were the larast for any quarter in the conmany’s history. ^ ^ Earnings from lithium ,.opera- 1 to Kaula Lumpur. I foarter R. B. Moore, local telephone 1 deferrld^mJmi^V annoTAr eain tha /-{../.iiife "...ill I iimome taxes. ARer re- -seive for deferred incom^ taxes manager, said the circuits "will j , provide improved telephone scrv-1 .. ice between the U. S. and South- Met’s losses^ the ^SJpSnfs east Asia, and help meet the growing demand for communi cations to that area.” ESTABUSHED BUSINESS'for sale by owners. Piedmont .«bi4a Shop on Piedmont Av«. 9ke EDNA BARRY at 217 Pulfen street. 4:27-tlh nomics extension agent, relates. ’ During the contest, Mrs. Hicks, |the public health nurse visited f^th each mother and child. Ebch mother had a chance to get advice from Mrs. Hitdts about her baby’s weight, eatjng habits, immunization needs and similar topics. Mrs. Hicks also reports- Ko6D RUOS Awav . , some of the children who need- ^ . I" releasing the figure* q4 5 p e c i a 1 attention were • • flMiaCU ftCal ry D. Feltanstem. Jr., brought to her office. You are inviting a fire in your .^^d, “During.'the secon ‘This was a good follow-up Home if you place a rug on the ter, in association with to the contest and we hope the floor grating above the furnace, j A. G. of West G response continues to be good,” ' ' " periot^ were t>54,()Q0, compared with ^ a net loss of $8aO0D during the'second i quarter of 1965. * - I APARTMENT for rent. Three room unfurnshed apartment at 7(X) W. Mountain St. Back and front entrances. TELEPHONE 739-2264. 7:28tfn BCE TWO . ■»>: aaller. Fully furl^^l Hord Hemd<to m' 1 fading Post,'Tell 5162. TWO SEDROdlt fW M' R^old^kQi NevTsik dVvCC ATBLR^asim 330 8. ‘ IN] With the automatic pilot burn-1 l-Khium Corpmation cor Miss Buff said. ing, an Unexpected change to; construction and began ... cold weather — not uncommon ' Hon of large develoDtnent AIDS PEACH PIE WINNER j this time of year — will start, supporting facilities at Gay McCall, EUerbe, Rt. 1, is the furnace, setting a flow of;'jreat Sajt Lake, Utah?* The the 1966 North Carolina Peach, heat that could ignite the rug. ^ start-up of thoe operation was .^e winner. She baked a beauti-l Find another place for your i entirely successful, and tlw firat 'pie,wite gold-frug, and~tavert a fire that could,1966 harvest of large i^rrTnn ■OT brown crust and a luscious be disastrous to your loved ones, ment quantities of potasHMltii Mach filling, reports Lucille^ the Insurance Information Insti-.has been completed ahMd of Mayes, assistant home econom-1 tute suggests. ' .schedule ” . ™ ” Icq extension agent, Richmond' — ! —‘ Grapes have been grown for so many years, their exact origin has not been tflfoKriitoed. Se^ have been foioto * in Rte oldest la 'County." I . Yet, only a week before the !Cqqtest, Gay complained to anj )$j^nsion agent that “pie crusts' qto my weakness. I just can’t make one fit to eat” i After that remark the agent and f’Sy sought a new recipe that was sure to please the fam-; fly- Not only did it satisfy the, ■■ family, but it helped Gay win ftha tate Pqach Pie Contest,” Miss Mayes notes. need for recreation you’ll do well to block out iisoiQe tiine for recreation in your '■ 16^ ^hcdule. believes Mrs. -Nancy H. Lilley, assistant home' economics extension agent 0ns-; low County. What is recreation? Basically, it Is doing what you want fo do,| 'iWhen you want tq do it and at: own p^ce. Mis. A lion only kUla wiwn iuinfiy» ^land is oonsidcsina ft' ffailer fvter I 7:21tfn Russians don’t ^pjtey-gMt ■Pf'IP Painting & Wallpqi|gring All Woik Guarantoaa By ■ HU 7-5155 HU gf^ig ShettiY. N. C. c. 838 WEST WARREN T should do sttnetBina ydu durihj Jrbul.'^ igifo ^timc ahe W ieves. Here’s why. Well Chosen recreation will promote tiller mental an#- phyaltet health, increase your -ability to CQMELSTE DAIRY DISPERSAL. Clgoo Farm, llna Dairy Inc., owner, Shelby, N. C 12:Oo’Nqpn, August 10, -1966. 97 .Registered Guomseys, DaiMto* ters of top A. I. Sires, Accredited for T; B. |nd Bangs, Calving for Fa^ Bmc PifoduedorL Hfcrd average of 10405 milk and 4m. fat. Mir lurtitor In formation contact N. C. G^||W[|a|M| elation, Mack H. Alm^, Sec. A Thefts burg, S. C. Tel. area h Brown, Concord, N. C., Tel. area 704-ST 2*' ST 2-4025.t

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