KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS. MOUNTAIN. N. C. dy corner Heart 'Inspection Law" Should Be Mandatory Says N. G. Heart Assoc. JThe cockoo wos always out of I jot a more bird!" By N. C. Heent News Buncni CHAPEL HILL...For the past year it's been a crioie to drive an ; uninspected automobile in North I Carolina, and most North Caro- 'linians know it. But the great majority of them have been vi- ' olating another “inspection law” i for years-and paying for it \vith ' their lives. Last year, for ex.ample, 22,5<10 i far TIixls died of cardiovaswlar disease.-13 times many as'W'ore ! liilkd in automobile acci{|ents. ■ The law they violated was es- I seniially the same one with which ' they complied in having their automobiles inspected once a year. Vearty “inspection.’' ,par- ticul.arly after age 33, .should be r.andatory. ITeoent findings indicate that "silent ’’ heart disease-showing no symptoms- can develop and remain undeWted until a s^lfious and often fatal “accident” ocours • just as an uninspected automo bile can develop serious mechan- j leal defects which remain undis- n»vered until -after a I dent, s I A study made by Dr. Arihur IM. Master, consultant cardiologist ' at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York and Dvt Arthur J. Geller, instruc tor in medicine at the Bergen Fines Hospital iii Paramus. Ni'\v Jersey, imt'eated that as l.S million Americans in lOdS suf fered heart attacks without know ing it. j To meet this tlireat, the North Carolina Heart Association has dratfed 'a sixpnrt “irrspectirm I law” which -like the automobile 1 law-can prevent many unnece.# saiy deaths, ; The Law: i 1. Each year, at the same time you have automobile inspected, see your doctor for a thorougli checkup . including electrocar diogram. If you’re over 3.3. your doctor should also give you an exercise test to determine heart function, X-raj's or a fluoroscopic j examination of the chest. 2. As a preventive measure, I cut your intake of satuated fats i and food with high cholesterol content. Studies indicate that al- ixost all Americans have "unsafe cholesterol tlood levels Choles- ! terol is one of the principal vil lains in the development of alh- erosciero3is--the h a r de n in g, thickening and narrowing of the arteries. ! 3. Count your calories and cut them down. If you’re middle-aged; and 30 per cent oveiAveigth, your risk of heart attack is twi,ie the normal risk. j 4. If you suffer higli blo':d vision, can improve jtealth over all. What’s more, It doesn’t re quire any skill or expensive ccluipient. ASTC Sets , Teacher Clinic pressure, follow your. doctor’s oixters in lowesTng IL Modern techniques make high blood pics- sure one of the most easily treat ed cardiovascular disotfiers. Un treated, high blood pjossure can j kill you in from one to 20 years after onset. 5. Df>n’t smoke. The heart at tack death rate arong men is 30 to 200 per cent higher for heavy cigarette smokers. If you give up the habit, you completely | eliminate one of the nine major ; risk factoi’s which contribute to prematuw coronary heart disease.! 6. Exercise regularly. If you: don’t have a sport or pastime ' which involves moderate exercise,' find one..-Experiment^'indicate I that runnini.g for people of all i ages, under proper imedical supor- Appalathian State Teachers College will have a two - week worksliop on the Gaston College campu.s starting Wednesday, Au gust 17. The workshop, which will last until August 31, is a p.sychclo^y titled “Analysis of the Individual.” This workshop is for teacher certificate renewal and will al so give credit toward work on ^Taster’s, degree. Interested persons should con- tact John Roueche, Gaston Col lege, Gastonia, N. C. Thuri<il4f, AugtiSf 4. Series Is Gontinning The Viet Cong guerrllas don’t have a chance. Remember our boys grew ttp learning how to find automobiles in shopping cen ter parking lots. HERE ARE A FEW OF LAST WEEK'S WINNERS J. ft. MflCoOaM Mf*. Jaak Btyviit W«lMr SMcm AMMMb tlk^ f. t. Snytfar WilteHe MdlM Dkkia ikaM W. A. ShMfoirf E4 Joektaii Mfs. Veni IMmp Naacy. Wauam Viola Lett Mra. Iva Mitchell Mrs. L.MeMl«y, Jr, M. W. Datia Batty Heleamb* Mra. Ivy MeOlmyaey Mra. J. L. Murphy Mra. C. M. BMy Bloya Rafarc Mra. Mayball Myara Roger D. Ferguaeii A. O. Allc« mseoTOTHERms 7:00 P. M. EACH SATURDAY . . WBTY CHANNEL E CHAELOTTE 8:00 P.M. EACH SATURDAY . . WFBC-TV CHANNEL 4 GEIENVIUl Get your free race cord each week at Wi’nrvDtxle. No purdwsa is neeattary. Sovt your race card ard watch the five televised roces eoch Saturday night. If your horse's HLanber finishes os indicated art your free con^ yau are • winner. You con win in cny one cf the five roces eoch week. Winning roca numbars ore also posted Monday in all Winn-Dixie Stores. Get ^r free card with each visit to Winrt-Dixie. No purchose rwcessary! PINKY PIG SLICED BACON SWIFT PREMIUM FRANKS LB. SWIFT PREMIUM ^ 49^ U. S. GRADS "A" CRY-O-VAC HEN TURKEY* BREAST V 79 W-D BRAND FRESH Cround Beef W-O W-O W.0 HAMDI-PAIC FAMILY FAK HANDI-PAX uk. s-fc* ^1"’ n«. iL Kf - I W-O U. S. CHOICE OVEN-READT f-Z CARVt Rib Roast Mf-O U. S. CHOICE WHOU . . AGIO CKY-O-VAC CYBH-RIADY WMOLK Beef Ribs 89^ W-D U. S. CHOKE STEAKS Rib Eye..-*1^’ Limit 1 of your choice wNh $5.00 or more order ASTOt MAXWEU HOUSE Coffee.. -58^-88 ASTOE Vft^TABU . . Umit I with food order SELECT SKINLESS SLICED ^ BEEF LHER .a 49« CIBE STEAKS.,,, W-O CHOPPED FROZEN — SO frae stomps (sticicer m pkg Y 2-LB. $^59 lynM Hver babrs ■ ■ a 1(H A>iw • • Lrimii I wim Tooa oroer ' , Shortening 3-58 POP SOUTH . • Limit 1 with $5.00 order or more tiayonnaise PALMETTO FARM .. Limit 4 With $5.00 or more order Margarine 2 Giocery Values! imr SMS.. 4 r 4I< OalNr... 4's: H' QUART JAR OR 1-U. PK6S. BLUE OR WHITE ARROW . . Umit 1 with $5.00 or .more oMer ^ ^ * —.....a • vaisra Wi jlllVIV Vflier Detergent. niWHING CANNES . . Me SIPOS^. HO RETVRN mimf TNRinV MAID FORK k BEARS 7MHWTV ^ID y TOMATO CATSIF ' WHtn BLEACH.... cone murn s^N* nr'^n..3 sfHHIlras 3 2-lb. $400 pkga. I »! 3 1-lb. $400 Pkgs. 1 H-OZ. CANS $1.05 . 6 sf. ‘r GIANT PKG. BAKFRY SPECIAL rinks 15 2f FREB STAMFS tTtCXEA DM THESE DIXIE DARUNG BUYS! * 1H-lb. SendwfcL Bieod * I6^x, V-IO iPBSd * 9-cF. FfbiicR Hord Rolls TASTE V SEA BREADED PERCH OR FLOBNDER ..., 2 1-lb * pkg. , KEf, CHICKEN, TURKEY pk,N 99^ IJ .L 00« NCLSNS cueris TiNtfm AUSe . . VANMJk CHOOeiAfB AMO FUBdC terAU Ice Milk H-CAU CTNS. IWMh tyMMM ■ pePdMMS M S FKst, 7- et. SHeiMS atr,sfjr7.".vr.- ym ArraaAMMT a l"llllU^m^m•TT THOMPSON SEIOLUS TMPlg r ..LB. BKSS. rsem ssoCsrsiNe NfefORB vofo APrett Aueusv • Grapes. • Um. WASHINGTON STATE ■oAertMe Oilclieci veis Arrts Aweusr € jaxMSU&Bsak ih'4 coupon A pMfchc - seiuH SM.K eoATii MnBK ^RQR «Maannnn«ine«MMMMaa9l|lMB|9p VW tVi e.V^ th«m s.oi, leerceiAL tiSLoiM SfBcikt voioourrui aususy • “’xmi—[Tir~ I With this OArpen k pupo**-* •• rss. SSTTiA^UUM GrOttM Met vote A/rsn amOvst < Beat*ii"niF— llll■llll’r*f1■ ■; •anagaenenoBinnaaaOBaaaaaaanannnna RUSSET POTATOES 10’:s'69^ LUSCIOUt BARTUIT PEARS 2 “ 35' SWilST LEMONS 43' LARGE SIZE DOZSH TIPfSH HKSH OKRA 2-39' SEAMAN BILL STE’WART Revival services began at Trin ity Baptist ehurch, Bessemer City, Wednesday, August 3 and continue until .Saturday, Augii.-;t 6. Services arc cacli :‘\ening be ginning at 7 p.m. The Rev. M. p. Hampton pastor of Eastside Baptist church, Blacksburg, .S, C, is the visiting evangelist. A number of special singing groups will present special mu sic at the services. Among the special singers will be the Rhythmers of Kings Meuntain, the Blind Davis Trio, of Gastonia and others. The public is invited to attend the services. Rev. J. W. Harris i.s pastor. Seaman Recruit Bill Stewart AtJ^JMego^ SAN DIEGO, (FHTNCl July 14 —Seaman Recruit William H. Stewart, USN, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Tracy M. Stewart of 304 E. Parker St., Kings Mountain, has been graduated from seven weeks of Navy basic training at the Naval Training Center here. In the first weeks of his naval service he studied military sub jects and lived and worked un der conditions similar to those he will encounter on his first ship or at his first shore station. In making the transition from civilian life to Naval service, he received instruction under vet eran Navy petty officers. He studied seamanship, as' well as survival techniques, military drill and other basic subjects. Fess Parker To Guest Star In Boone Drama Ru.ssia and Turkey are the only two countries having territory in both Asia and Europe. BCXDNE, N. C. — Fess Parker, bucksin - clad star of television’s Daniel Boone series, will arrive in Boone Thursday, August 4, for a guest—appearance at Horn In 'The West, according to an an nouncement today by Herman W. W'ilcox, general manager of the outdoor drama. Wilcox reports that Parker will be flown to Boone from Charlotte on Au.gust 4, and will arrive in Boone around 5:00 p. m. The 20th Century Fox celebri ty will appear at the Daniel Boone Theater, site of the drama which begins at 8:15 p.m. He will remain in Bopne through Friday morning, for a meeting with the press. Arrangement-s are being made for a- probable Thursday night dinner and a photo session at the theater. A .$100.00 award has been set for the best published picture of the television “Father of the Year” during his visit to Daniel Boone country. Time for a KitchenAid dishwasher Now is the time to get a new KITCHENAID CONVERTIBLE- PORTABLE DISHWASHER. ■ Portable now..No installation cost. B Build in later. ■ Three series. Three price ranies. ■ Convenient troot-loadjn{. a Bif, versatile capacity. ■ Push button operation. ■ Exclusive KitchenAid 4-Way Wash and Flo-Thru drying performance. ■ Porcelain enamel wash chamber. ■ Choice el wbite or copper finishes. p/ttS many other exclusive features Han’t be switched from the test... During the Golden Age of Babylon, King Hammurabi used astronomy to figure out the best time for his subjects to pay taxes. Today taxpayers look Up Yonder for ajssistance on how to pay. Ki'tchen/lLicl. Ben T. Goforth Hours 8-5; Sat. 8-12 Ph. 739-4736 - York Road FAT OVERWEIGHT .V.Tcdlcdile to you without a doctor's pre scription, our procluct called Codaxon. YOU must lose ugly lat or your money bock. Galaxon is a tablet and easily •wallowed. Get rid ol excess lot ond live longer. Galaxon costs $3.00 and is sold on Us gurantee: 11 not satlsHed ior any reason, just return the package to your druggist and get your full money buck. Wo questions asked. Galaxon is sold with this guarantee by: GHIFFIN DBUG STORE —Kings Mountain—Moil Orders Filled 6:16—■r:21 NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY CLOSES SOON innr Mil Ctnneid Ustinfs, Additional Listings, Ads in Yellow Pasts Don^t wait! Call our Business Office now to change listings in the Telephone Directory. And remember—additional listings for meml^rs of your family or firm may be included for little extra cost. Mr. Businessman—Be sure you’re represented in the Yellow Pages—the best way to tell peo ple how to find you. Action People “Let their fingers do the walking... Read the ads... Learn the facts... Find you fast.” Advertise for action where Action People shop. Southern BeH ACTION PEOPLE SHOP THE YELLOW PAGES Thu Nu (Q nu. cdUl' in -N ilK'y (A arc (! all' Li tl (li gran grj;.. ill (N thre liCCll i'. lot N ui': pleti ?omi Gi —pi* grar ■ inat prac B( tci'e avci "■a m $375 gin for ram Tl the l'iIlu 3Cor: C( piof Icnj sist COUl hun stud T pro' the to f cun peri hea T prej bed pos and alsc •sai’; pai of tea and ser y t.o var ear for \vh del gn 0!i gn Tl Dll Ca IJ.r Cii Ca tO! Rr Til na pr Fi sp th pr pr lei de ti le M Ju R( W So W Sa Sc Ui Gi Cc (o Cc

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