KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday. August II. 1966 [ Blue Canvas BINDER with CUP Three 1%" rings with double booster. Hea^ycaiwasoMac. SPECIAL LOW PRICE! «avinG5 NOTFROOK SET _ COMPLETE BY BLUE HOSE $3.75 PENCILS 30 ssc • ^ • •••••••*•• •••e♦e TODAY’S PRESCRIPTION COULD VERY WELL BE TOMORROW’S HEALTH INSURANCE SPECIAL NOTEBOOK . PAPEB 500 SHEETS Be »JVlN6lj^. ^SAVIN©^ SHAFFER cartruk;e PEN SET NOTEBOOK CLIPPER FOR BEST SELECTIONS FOB SCHOOL SHOP HEBEI! Thanks ta the lemi-ktiling pow er el the antibiotici. ilectoR have been able te cut the mer* taWy nie ee many diseaset. This Reiai dn* store carries the anst hepertaid lees of aaObiotics. Tmst hi;as la (iee yee sadft service eed le help you ta better hoeia ai baNT cost team le depeud . MW STORE i KINGS MOUNTAIN thb SroRB 9 cun. to 9 pjn. Except Snndciys DRUG COMPANY THE CITY'S MODERN STORE Herald Want Ads Get Results Biay Fills Baptist Pnl]^ At Giovei GROVER — Rev. T." W. Bray of Shelby filled the pulpit Sun day at First BaptUt churrti in the absence of Rev. Fred Crisp, on vacation. Miss Evelyn Mullinax and Mrs, Charlie Mullirvax spent Saturday in Black wMountaln with Miss Aileen Mullinax^ Mr. and Mrs. Carson Garner and son of Fort Lauderdale, Fla, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Beam, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Spang ler. Family guests of the R. B Keeters and Mrs. C. W, Richard son during the weekend’were Mi. and Mrs. Frank Kish, Kathy and Wayne Kish, Mr. and Mrs. W. b. Hicks, Jr., Mickey and Todd, all of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. BathkMdn TTyler and Susarf ol Lancaster, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jack PinkeltOii and Mrs. Russell Plnketton of Charlotte joined Mr. and Mrs. Doyt Baity of Charlotte at Cher ry Grove Beach for part of last week. Miss Marie Herndon of Ka.t- napolis visited her mother, Mrs. J. L. Herndon, and other rela tives here during the weekend. A/3C and Mrs. Steve Ledford of Fayetteville and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis of Cheimee, ‘ S. C and Mr. and Mrs. C, V. Thorn burg of Cherryville were Sunday visitors of Mt, and Mrs. Jerome Spangler and Janet Jerome Spangler, a patient at Kings Mountain hosjutal.'- was dischai^ed ^furday. Mr. Spang ler was injured in a cir accident Tuesday. Dou? Yeargan of Durham was [Weekend guest of Miss Connie ' Shaw and the D. M. Shaws. Mrs. Arthur Davis entertained at her home on Saturday night at a cookout for itrembetw of her Intermediate Girls’ Sunday School Cl8S.S Rev. and Mrs. Fred Crisp. Chip and Brenda, spent their vacation the nast week at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hood Watterson Richard. Karen and Allen. «n"nt the weekend wdth Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Watterson in Chatta nooga, Tenn_ Mrs. Grier Royster had sur gery on-Wednesday at Cleveland Memorial hospital in Shelby. Mrs. Hayes Ledford and sons of Asheville came on Monday for a visit With Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ponder, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Go- foHh aiid Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Madagascan Animal Here’s the Anmrer ISF HOKIZONTAIt 1 Depicted animal • Ithas a——>1 foX'like muzzle 11 Expunced 13 Tantalizes 14 Friend (Fr.) 2Typeotlur 3 Female servant 4 Pronoun 5 Pause 6Withere<’ 7 lAUghter sound 3 On the ocean 9 Withdraw 32 It is to monkeys 33 Tidier 35 Fixed line of devolution 36 It has very soft, lur **^*J^m^** 10 Sacred songs 17 12 Drone beetle 17 Japa^ 13 gjjjjy j jp wS/JS^umber 19 Social group 20BeunweU 26 D^” ilwvMYabV 27 Shakespearean 40 Depend person 26 Beverages made of malt 26Chemkal suffix 29 01 the thing 30 Son of Nut 31 Medical suffix 32 Afresh - 34 Sketched 37 French article 36 Negative reply 39 Gibbon 41 Swiss canton 46 Siouah Indian ■ 47 Follower 4i Flower 49 Pigeon pea 60 Lamprey- catchers 62 Ensnare 34 Wood nymph 65 Betimes TEBTICAL 1 Commits to aaenoiy L i 5 r 1 & 10 II ' It H lb n J f 10 ii. - tm —I £7 2A si 31 u Vi |5S TheVetei^ Gomel EDITOR’S NOTE: Below are authoritative answera by the Veterans Administration to some of tthe many current questions from former servicemen and their families. Further informa tion on veterans benefits may be obtained at any VA office. Q—^I am a sericeman with more than two years of service, but have less than 180 days since January 31, 1955. Am I eligible Donald Waldrep and girl friend, Anne, of Rock Hill, S. C. were visitors of Mrs. Bertha George on Sunday. Mrs Ray Tessener spent Tues day at Broughton hospital with I her husband. ior education benefits under the new GI Bill? A—Yes. Two years of active service, any part of which was after January 31, 1955, qualifies you. But, you are eligible — month for month — for only that time you have served since that date. Q—As a so-called “Six month Enlistee” am I eligible for bene fits under the new GI Bill? Q—I was on active duty from Auguse 19, 1957 to September 20, 1960 Am I eligible for hospital treatment? A—Yes. All veterans discharged from imilitary service, under con ditions other than dishonorable, after January 31, 1955, will be eligible for admission to VA hos- pilals with the same general ad- .'iifislon priorities as waxiaiaa veterans. Statistics show consumption of ? per person is on the in* creaseu u THE BIG REASdR YDti WAITED UNTIL NOW TO BUY A '6B-CHEVROLET WAS TO GET A MODa-YEAR-END DEAL RIGHT? OUR DEALS ^ ARE RIGHT TO/ ^THE POINT! ./ New Trucks Going !! iiiimiM ^flll '66 CHEVY HARDTOPS • '66 CHEVY WAGONS • '66 CHEVY CONVERTIBLES GET A RIGHT- TO-THE-POINT YEAR-END DEAL! OnlylSNewhonChev.Trucks Left In Stock YOU SAVE THIS WEEK- AS LOW AS $1769 (Plus N. Ci SalM Tax) wind- 196S n — No Bolter Bay Than Bight Nowl / With hoortor, roor bumper, stepildo body, 2-speed electric i shield wipers, sent bolts, windshlold washer, back-up lamps. • Fantastic pools % Lowest Prices Give Away Trode-lns We Will Not Be Undersold Dixon It. Chevrolet PHONE 739-5471 Comer Railroad At Mountain