968 Thursday, January {|, <968 KINGS MOUNTAIN HfRALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C Paaf> Ernest AV e and y' Kin'iS Mrs. Kings . DalP d Ply- rites. :hurch from • PHONE 739-5441 now For Solo A A For ScU# FOR SALE — 1959 Ford. Blue and white with matching upholste ry. Automatic Transmission. Good condition. Call 739-2128 after 5:00 p.m. 1:4-1:25 pd. ">3 SALE — ’50 Dodge Meadow- brook with right side smashed, .'our good tires, recappable jipare, motor has logged less 'kan So,000 actual miles, right side body parts tip-top. Parked et Victory Chevrolet graveyard. Mountain gtieat. M4JSTU1 MON, phoua 739-5441. tfu klB SPREAD bulk lime and fer tilizer on your farm. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold SL 3:17tfn |1CE GIFT F 9R A STVBENT Colored pe icil sets. Complete color ran^ at a reasonably price. Herald Publishing House Telephone 739-5441. 11:90 tfa KRFECT GIFT FOR TOS UOt0i Sverv house needs a pencil, sharpener. Get yours tor only $300 at Herald Publishing House. Phone 739-5441. 11:30 tfn DECORATOR COLOR tape dls pensers. Only Herald Publishing House. Phone 739- 5441. ll:30tfn CABPET BeautUy god quieteQ your home with exquisite Crorpel FBIEE estimates McCWNIS rmpitsue Cppipany PHOME 999-47W Kings Mountain, N. C. f pf Sole C Emploympnl C C Services E F Notices F G Realty For Rent G H Realty For Sale H QHP 9tlO therm pIL HKATER for sale — See at Herd Hern don’s Trading Post. 739-5162. 12:7tfn , FOR SALE - 739-2717. tVERrONB HEEDS A STAPLER We have them, complete with staples, for as low as $3.10. whone 739-5441. HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE 11:30 ttri SPANGLER Concrete PHONE 739-4723 FOR TOUR CONCRE’TR NEEDS, CALL USI «va Daltvar Any Amount wOMFLETE JOBS Floeia, bosemeots. walks, curbs, atu MO Job Tee Loiu* Or Toe SmoK FREE ESTIMATES FOB SALE — One antique iron double bed. Finished in white and gold. TELEPHONE 739- 5777. 10:5tfn FOR SALE—1956 eight foot by- IB foot Marlin house trailer. Two bedrooms, with heater, washer, ready to move in. On 80x150 foot wooded lot. May be .seen at 111 Stowe Acres. Tele phone 739..3817 after 6 p.m. ll:30tfn. SINGER: Sewing Machine. ZIG- ZAGER, BUTTONHOLER, etc. Local person can fini.sh pay ments of $10.00 monthly or cash balance of $31.12. See locally. Write: "National’s Finance Dept.’’, Adjustor Lee, Drawer 280, Asheboro, N. C. 1:4-2:1 WAHTEP Man or Woman wanted to service and collect money from coin op erated vending route, e.stqblishcd : in thi.s area. Requirements are: 195J Jeepster. Phone I cai, $800 to $2,500 ^■iWnjt.ash. Part lime can net e.xccllcnt monthly income. More lull tim<‘. ■awwHUiWBHaaaiM Capital works for you. For per- I sonal interview, write BRIAN IN- ! DUSTRIES, INC., 7805 McKNIGHT ! ROAD, PITTSBURGH. PA. 152.37. f Include phone number. i l:W-^pd IF ypu UKE PEOPLE "BNfdT making trjends and want to earn money, contact you: Avon Manager. Wiite Mrs. Ruth i Swoflord, Box 277, Lattimore, N. | I C. 01 Call 482-2711. 1:18^ LEHUOX IffATINO and air con jlitioning. DIALING HEATING CO-MPANY. Phone 7.39.3446. 12 22tfn it’s COLD out there! Winter is often a testing time for a child’s banlioess and a parent’s patience. Sonyg winter weather dis courages even the mast deter ruined youngster from out door activity and the adult’s favorite admonition ‘‘go out and play’’ is useless. During such times the parent must face an onslau^ of youth ful high-spirits whMe armed with nothing more than a resolute smile. We at Rexall understand and salute the patient, winter-weary parent. And remember, if things get too hectic, give us a visit. Sometimes it helps just to get out of the house. Your OtesaW) Pharmacy Well Boring ami Drilling Boring; No Water No Pay L, S. McKee Phose 434-8520 SHELBY, N. C. SHRUBBERY ANP TREES For Sole At Cost 5’ou Dig — Bring Tools GASTON COUNTY NURSERY Route 4, Lineollitoo, N. C, PHONE 922-3620 (Closed Sundays) ll:9-3:30 Kings Mountain Drag Company iD Lost&Feund D' I Found — Mixed German Shep- j I herd Collie puppy about six months old on -Country Club I Gulf Course. Brown and Blaok. ' No collar. Call fames E. Amos ^ 7,39j;4428. l:Jl§p4 E Services E I FOR ALL YOUR WELOING NEEDS — See Ray WhetsUne Route 1, Kings Mountain, I teleohone 7.39..35.50 8:4ffn YOU'VE HEARD of the low-rent ; district. Wo are the no-rent district. See us at Hord Hern don’s Trading Post, below Mar- grace Mill, for all y-our really nped.s. Phone 739-5162. 12:21tfn. loot Service ^666 Honse Trailers For Rent Nice I & 2 Bedroom House Trailers For Rent Located Beside Bessemer City-Kings Mtn. Drive-In WEEKLY RATES SIO - 812.50 - SI5.00 ■ S20.00 PHONE 739 2150 Kings Mtn. I FIVE ROOM I 2::'< City- S: liuin -billing or ".'ill isir. HOUSE lor .sale at n-ct. Wliile alumi- Tcli'lihoiu' 739-.52().3 ll:2.3tfn 'No job too large . . No job too small’’ industrial commercial re- aidentisl ail niaterials A work-: narg^hip Rusrsntteed. complete cabinei shop sanding A flriishing Shelby Road W. D. BYERS Owttet etioBC 73B-233I 4:23ttB. CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERV. ICE — Tanks pumped, cleaned, and lines roddea. Reasonable rates. Telephone 739-5150 after 6 p.m. CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERVICE. Route 1- Box .3SA 1:5 tfn F Notices F ^WANTED*- Qld Coins and Silver Certificates Telephpne 739-3218 11:2 - 2:29 FOUR ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. Ixjialed on 215 .North .Sim- Sln-i/l. Call 739 .3.379 after 3 p.m. 1:4 tfn. nJSTED SIGNS — No Trespass ing, no hunting, no flBlllltK. Waterproof or plain. Herald Publishing Company. TEl^ PHONE 739-5441 ll:2tln )ESK BLOTTERS — 20c—Green or brown. Brighten your desl at home and office. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. ‘TELE PHONE 739-5441^ ll:2tfn B.EGoodrich FOR TIRES SEE SOUTHWELL EOBD 9:16ttii FRUIT TREES. SHRUBS. STARKE NURSERIES REP. NOW IN KINGS MTN. Call STEVE RATHBONE, 739-4721 daytime. 739-2348 after 6 p.m. 8:10tfn SPORTING GOODS — All kinds of sports, equip ment, baseball, softball, basketball, football, ten nis, and for the hunter, fisherman, and golfer, too. Western Auto Associate Store. 5:18tfn 196S BUICK SPORTS COUPE FOR , SALE — One owner. 23,000 act- i ual miles. Never been out of Kings Mountain. Never added oil or transmission fluid. Cost was $3,200 and will soil for $1995. Can be financed. See Hord Herndon at Herndon’s leading Post. 739-5162. 12:7tfn FOR SALE: LARgF SHIPMENT OF LADDER BACK CHAIRS. Just arrived. Allotypes from $3.75' up. One large Counter top drinR box with separate com pressor for sale, also. Come see us. We sell at auction prices. We buy and sell any type new and used furniture and anti ques. Contact Guthrie’s Swap Shop, Highway 180 North, be tween the hours of 3:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. Telephone: 487-7131. * 1019tfn. FOR SALE — ANTIQUE ORGAN with high back, mirror and an tique carv'ing. In excellent con dition. Also have four antique beautifully carved antique part uphol-stered chairs suitable fon dining room. See after 6 p.m. I Apartment below Motel Royal I on Shelby road or telephone after 6 p.m. or before 9 a.m. daily, 739 .5350. LlltfnI SINUS SuHeibn ^ Here’s good news for you! Exelu sive new ‘‘Hard-core’’ SYNA- CLEAR Decongestant tablets act instantly and continuously to drain and clear all nasal-sinus cavities. One "Hard-core" tablet gives up to 8 hours relief from pain and pressure of congestion. Allovvs you to breathe easily — stops watery eyes and runny nose. Y’ou can buy SYNA-CLEIAR at all Drug Stores, without need for a prescription. Satisfaction Kings Mountain Drug Company 1:11-18 C Employmont C- HELP WANTED GOODY GOODY BARBECUE On Shelby Road Has A Good Opportunity For Full-Time Employment For The Right Young Woman Interested In Advancement O Good Pay • Excellent Working Conditions Apply In Person GOODY GOODY BARBECUE MaiiKiflM vM tllimnut MifMtiM M«r. IT WILL... Save yew tira Give yea hettir nntnl Provide • Miur, um iMb WE USE ONLY i-AffmmtSHtla £q/upmut SEWING SPECIAL - Ernest Gantt will be in Kings Mountain to I oil. clean and adjust any sew- I ing machine for $2.50. Write GANTT SEWING .SERVICE, Box 461, Lincolnton, N. C. I 112:2_lfn. SPOTS before your eyes—on your new carpet—remove tlicm witli Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham- pooer $1. McGinnis Furniture Company. 12:281:18 LiiilCIil Southwell Ford AjkMfU-StmiMgSmmatCmim >pr»5» 4:21 tfn USED APPLIANCES — Stoves, refrigerators, washers. Real values. Western Auto Associate Store. 5:18tfn SALES OPPORTUNITY — Local territory opening. Salary and commissions. Complete security with top fringe benefits. High school graduate. Age 22-45. Sales experience not necessary Call 867-7911 or 739-4332 for appointment. 10:20tfn FOR SALE — One owner 1965 Buick Special. Radio and heat er, whitewall tires, seat covers, automatic transmission, back up lights, etc. Can be financed. See HORD HERNDON at Hern don Trading Post. Phone 739- 5162. 12:21tfn. FERTILIZER — For lawns, gar dens or fields. Ask for Bonan za. 10-10-10. Grows everything better than anything! KlNGf MOUKTAIN FARM CENTER. 126 K Gold St 3:17tfn "BIGELOW" and "MAGEE" CABPET • QDALmr _ ITie Bait • BEAUTY _ Tlio Most Baoutlful • PRICES _ The Very Lowest Timms Furniture Gr«*«r Rd. 739-5656 RETIBEDMAN Age 65-70 in good health for 12 hour per week, weekend watching. Apply by writing Box P, c/o Kings Mountain Herald, Box 752, Kings Moua- tally. N. C. l:lltfn CARL OATES Painting Contractor All types of painting, inside, outside, spraying, e Airplane Quality e Submarine Prices PHONE 739-6376 Willie's Jewelry Diamonds — Watches — Jewelry Repairs Our Specialty ENGRAVING AND DIAMONDS RE-MOUNTED Watch & Clock Repairs ^5 S. Battleground Ave. Dial 739-3791 atiael uieL^i wvuiiv and ga.s p:ping Lll.LING HEATING COMPANY. Phone 73».344F 12:22 ft'- WILL DO BABYSITTING and Iron ing in my home. Telepliont- 739-5879. ' 1:18-251x1 HOW OPEN — Hew Knitted tab rips clcitii sbf.p. Fine assort ment of double knit, cotton, orlon and laminated fabrics for ladies’ outerwear. Located at Yarbro’s Grocery on N. Pied mont Avenue beside Kings i Mountain Manufacturing Mill office. Good selection of spring and summer colors. Open six days a week from 8 a m. to 5 pm. Monday through Satur PARTY With go.d payina habits to a-ssumc low montlily pay ments on Singer Toucli and Sew sewing macliine Clas.s GOf). In good concUUon. Guaranteed. Balance $8t). Call Gastonia, 8G5-.31(;3. n:2tfn. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — Ag gressive Kings .Mountain na tive desires management with progressive firm in Cleveland or Gaston County area. Recent graduate of Belmont Abbey College with B.-'A Degree in Business Administration and Economics. Military obligation completed. Currently employed. Experienced in office routines and procedures. Excellent op portunity for right firm. Contact Richard Goins at 702 E. King St. in Kings Mountain. l:l)tfn T PATTEBSON (KI Company for SALE—a Clean 1963 Ford Galaxie. Four Door, Radio, Heater, AutomaUc ‘Trsnsmls- sion and Four new tire*. Phone 739-3127 after 5:00 p.m. 12:28 tfn. Tiaiaees Wanted Trainee for city electrical de partment. Apply to D. Huntoi Allen at City Hall. Trainee for water and sewer department. Apply to Grady Yelton at City Hall. Drivei Truck driver • Ford back-hoe operator. Experienced prefer red. Apply to Mr. Y'elton. All applicants must have com- pleted armed services obliga tion, high .school diploma minimum education, be in good physical condition. Good pay, fringe benefits. BELL BBOTHEBS Carl & Joe Painting Contractors Route 3 Kings SlauntcaB PHONE 739-5751 After 5 p.m. tfn WHISNANT'S Appliance Service FOR BETTER REPAIRING O N e AIB CONDITIONING e REFRIGERATORS e WASHERS e RANGES e HEATERS PHONE 739-2142 ALL MAKES AND MODELS 9:14tfn Neal Hawkins Contractors O Paving & Grading O Asphalt For Sale Telephone 739-2550 739-5801 JOHN L. HUGHES Kings Mountain Representative ll:23tfn. A&T SERVICE. INC. 245 S. Battleground Ave. MortUon Building Kings Mountain, N. C. O Complete Bookkeeping O Tax Return Service Phone 739-2635 112tfn. FOB RENT — Nice thri'c roimi funii.shc:d hou.se. Call after G p.m. Phone 7.39 .5986. 1:1 Ipd FOR RENT — Two hedicKim 1'.- ■hath mobili' home. Priv.ite lot. TELEPIIftNE 7’19-.52no. Irlltfii FOR RENT — 1l).\.5.5 two liedroom mobile home. bath. l’ri\ate entrani'e. Water and liglil'. fiirnished. TEI.EPHONE T.3!t .521X1 l:18lfii FOR RENT — .Xi e two ln'di'iom lioiise t'aili-r. Kull.v fumi-lieci near Kiiig.s Mountain. Also one four room Itouse for rent, avail able immedialelv. .-tee H( il’.D liERNDDN at Il. riid.inV Trad ing Po.st. I’honc T.')9-51G2. aiiv- time. 12:211 fn. FOR RENT—.‘^ix room house and two bedroom trailer tor tent. -See Luke Uoylc- or Telephom 7:i9-2T2G. ' 12:21 tfn, NICE TTIREE ROOM aparlmi-nt for rent. Private front and Itrivate rear entrances. Klecirit hot water heater. Hook up for Wiishing nuieliine. Big yard. Telephone Tf9 :5tiGl. 12:21tfn. H Realty For Sale E FOR SALE: 75 ai res. G5 and per manent pasture, crossed fence, house, barn 2 stre:ons. Pri ■erl to sell. Cal! 864-4941 oc K39> 55G1. 1'. *('. Vv'allaee r.eai r.sitoe 12:21-1.s HOUSE FOR SALE OR FOR BEN? on Seeor.d .Stie'et. Eiitli. wired tor eleei'ie stfive, liot wafer lieater. 'I'eli phone 7.39 2.322. 3:30tfn FOR SALE —I’weijty five acres of l.and WITH ;i -jod live roftm liou.se. -Near Kings Mountain. I’etler known ;is O. J. Max Herndon's old ]ion:e place. Lo cated below (Hass GuKcry on Grover I; lad. ('.in he developed. .815.01X1. ('o:ttarl Hord Herndon at 7.39 .MliJ. 12:7tfn THF.ee BEDROOM hri- k home for sale bv owner. 2''j Itaths. liv ing loom, den with fire place, kit -hen wit it dish washer and built in (jveii. utility room, dou ble earixnt. Located near Kings .Mountain Country (3ub. Con tact Don McGinnis at 739-585% ll:1.5tf^ BUY NOVJ! and CHOOSE TEE COLORS.’!.' 4 Beautiful new bri. k liomes being built .-\liiutt 5'.- miles from Kings Mininl.ii ’. on the Oak Grove Hoad—Bii.-k vvitlt Carports—^ .3 h^jSlro.ims—1baths—een tral In-at—Built ins — Man ate tli,‘y Beautiful and just 847.7.00 d.ivMi will move you to '.vitii only Sss.20 monthl.v |da. t.i,\(s and ins. . all J. I>m Sliields ■ THK M.\X WITH THE I’KD BO'V TIE" iffiie is7 7272 Home 487-5.5.39 Call right now!!!! 1 For Sale: 203 S. Goforth St. I’ay .Sl.iiila and a.4nime loan at $95.00 per mraitli. Beautiful iiriek home near .schools. 15(X) s-i. fe. i wifli family room and 2 . ar garage. Carpel in living r(, :n and dining romi. Plenty .-loiag4-. be.uttifnl lot. For Sale: 407 Parker St. Altrui ti FEDERAL & STATE INCOME TAX FORMS FILED FOR INDIVIDUALS — LOW RATES — See IfOlpn Frainks First House on Left Past Motel Royal PHONE 739-3628 l:4lfn FOR SALE OR TRADE—One Duo-! Therm oil heater like new, $.35; Cabinet-type coal heater, needs grate, $5; Dinette suite in good condition, $25; Truetone record! player, cost $65, going for $25: Norge Top-Loader automatic’ washing machine, $25; Metal kitchen cabinet, $12.50; Drink box, four lids on top, $35; Elec tric bathroom heater, was $39.50, now $19; and a few long-tail men's sport shirts go ing tor $1.98 at Hord Herndon's Trading Post. Phone 739-5162. 12:21tfn. HERNDOff'S TT.ADINU fua t nuw offers ga.soline and oil and self- ‘ — ——-r - - service. We’re a little bit cheap- Q itBaliy FOV KOIlt G er and in the no-rent district LOVE Mat super‘heat,.. PATSY COAL With Foby Cool you (jet coiy warmth wlWn you need it most. Poby givM more h«at for your dollar! Ordhr now! City Ice & Coal Co. Plioue 739-4261 REALTY FOR SALE FOR S;LE — 60 acre farm with 1 rgo dwelling and out buildii .gs. I.ocaled on Waco Road, >2 mile from city- limits. LARGE WOODED LOT lOOx 250 on Meadowbrook Road in Kings Mountain. Ideal for nnme with full basement or split leve' home. LARGE NINE room house. 415 S. Baltleground .V v e n u e Rea.sonably priced. FIVE ROOM HOUSE for sale on large wimded lot. Dixon School Hoad. Rea.sonably Frioed. THREE BEDROOM HOME. Gen tral heat. Large wooded lot. 905 Rhodes Ave. Very rea sonably priced. TWO STORY BRICK eommer eial properly at 309 East King Str('et, with ujislairs modern apartmeid. Gwiici willing to sacrifice to make quick sale. VERY NICE DWELUNG. 104 Soulli Gofortli St. Three bed rooms. Living Room, Kitchen. Den and two ceramic baths. Large Lot. Very reasonably priced. B. F. MAKER AGENCY Real Estate & Insurance PHOME 739-5591 while frame dwell ing at i(i7 Parker St. 2 Bed- r.K.ms. Carpet in living and dinin.g loom.s. Good neighbor hood near schools and city p:irk. .all today. For Sale: Linwood Road nequiiftil wooded residential lot. Ioo\2ixi on Linw.iod Rd. in ex.'olli'nt neiglib iriiood. Ideal b.-isemeitt lot. Onlv SI,650. For Sale: 405 Parker St. KuH haseiru-nt lot at 405 Park er St. S7.\I.5i) with curb and gut ter, I’riti'd at onlv 899.5. Larry Hamrick Real Estate Broker C. E. WARLICK INS. AGENCY ► PHONE 739-3611 l:4tfn Reynolds feCb. ^ Membes New York sod AmedcM Stodc Exebaages sad ^ •tbcf letdiog F-rrKnwgae ATHI.ENEG, SMITH Kegistered Representative 330 S. TRY'ON STREET CHARLOTTE, N, C IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Dial 739-2631 lot infoanatkai oo lM)r Mock that intenttt yoe. (No toll charge) Telephone 739-5162 anytime. 12:21tfn.| IF YOU WANT “top PRICES knd hpnest weight for your copper, brass, aluminum radiators bring them to J. C. CLARY, 710' East Ridge St. Telephone 739-1 5628. 10;19tfn. GUTTEBING. blow . pipe work, all types of sheet metal work, Childers. Roofing A Heating Co., Inc. Phone ■^9-5166. 12:13tfn TRAILER FOR RENT^lli blocks from Harris Super Market. H. R. PABTON, Pltone 739-2413. FOB“rent — Three room unfur nished apartment on Shelby Hoad. Pltone Mrs. C. E. Bla- ibc, 739-249.3. _ 12:14-tfn. FOUR ROOM downstairs apart ment. pqrnlshed or unfurnished. Close in. Also three room up-, stairs furnished apartment. Close in. H. R. PARTON, Tele- C. E. WABLICK INSUBANCE AGENCY Telephone 739-3611 110 West Mountain Street KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Insurance Protection Plus Service FOR •Horae— •Auto —•Life— •Business tfn. > phone 739-2413. ai:16tfn'