1968 iiiS LO MP9 >LD MPS O tuo fAP9 0 Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Th* Qri.iter Kings Mountcrin Ugur« It deKvtd from th* special United States Bureou of tbe Census repoit o lanuary 1966. and Includes the 14.990 popukatloa 0 Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6.iS4 froa Number S Township. In Clevelond County and Crowder* Mountain Township la Qastoa County. 3IS r.sj Pages Today Kings Mountain's ftelioble Newspaper VOL 80 No. 6 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, February 8, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Three Kings Mountain Men Jailed In Grover Bank Theft Gantt. Riley, | "Laws Anested; Gantt Makes Bond ELECTED ^ Zeb O. Plonk, Kings Mountain native, has been elected a vice president of the Liberty Mutuol Insuronce Companies. Zeb Plonk Wins Promotion Two Kings Mountain men and a icPriagor hive been arraigned! before U.S. Commissioner Perry j Swofford in Spartanburg. S. C., m the $22,000 armed robbery Fri day of the Grover branch of thej t Blacksburg, S. C. State Bank. I Arrcstetl Saturday and charged with the robbery were Thurman Gantt, 50. Walter J. Riley. 36. and Roy Gene i^aws, 17. all oi| Kings Mountain. Bond was set at $20,000 each. Gantt made bond j Monday afternoon. Home S&L Logs Record High Assets Home Savings & Loan Associa-s tion had a banner year in 1967, year-end assets totaling $9,-! j32,VoO, up $960,093, sliareholders i weie tola at tne recent annual 1 meeting. ! The shareholders re-elected the; eight directors, A. H. Patterson, I. G. Patterson, Jack H. White, Dr. Paul E. Hendricks, J. H. rhomson, Thomas A. Tate, B. D. 1 iiacterree of Kings Mountain, and R. S. Plonk, of Bessemer City. Following the meeting, direc tors re-elected these officers and employees J. H. Thomson, presi*. dent; A. H. Patterson and B. D. Some Cansier Street Citizens Object To Right-of-Way Thornburg Warns Trash Burning Requires Permits Hearing Held The youth and Riley wore pick ed up about an hour after Fri day’s robbei’y, but were released without charge. Later they and Gantt were arrested at Gantt’s home here and charged in the robbery of the bank which is lo- catcHl just inside South Carolina abf>ut 25 feet from the N- C. line adjacent to the Cameron Plant of j Minette Mills. Laws and Riley had been pick- Zeb O. Plonk. Kings Mountain *d up in Gaston County Friday native, has been elected a vice; morning after police spotted i president of the Liberty Mutual car similar to one seen near Insurance Companies, Frank L. jbank just before the robbery. Farwell, president, announced to- Two men held the male bank day. ^manager, Bill Troubicfield, and: ♦wo women tellers Mrs. Ann j Mr. Plonk is son of Mrs. C. S.|sho-.s(» and Mrs. Elizabeth Ham-’ Plonk, Sr. of Kings Mountain gunpoint and escaped and the late Mr, Plonk. ^ith $22,000 in .Mr. Plonk joined Liberty Mu-,'' tual’s claims department in 1930. Friday. „ ^ ^ rash or fires Tuesaav and Ratien-fe. vice-presMents; Tnom- Wtdnesday, including several as A. late, executive vicc-pres,- fires, brought a reminder: lent; Emily A. Herndon, Trtasur ; pj^e Chief Floyd Thornburg Nancy S. Seism, assistant permits must be obtained secretary-treasurer; Jacob A. Dix , ffom the fire chief before rubbish ] on, manager of the Bessemer City pqn be burned brunch; and Frances O. Herndon chief Thornburg pointed out DeLora L,oveIace and Rebeccf Kings Mountain is under the , Broome, tellers. . prevention code of the Amcr- ; The voters retained again its Insurance Association and legal staff of George I>. Thomas-, burning of trash and grass son, attomey-at-law. and Davis, i j-p^juires permits. White & Powell, attorneys-at- 7'he city an.swered four alarms _ . Tuesday, and two on Wednesday. O^her annual report highlights another Tuesday alarm was given by Mr. Tate: g grass fire behind Rock Mo- l» Savings incrcisod S?05,3t3 ^ blaze fought by the Bethle- to SSt.io<,17o; accounts increased Fire E^partment. 811 to 420.5. , The Bethlehem department also 2i Mortgage loans increased fighting a stub- $1,016,729 to $8.2.5jJ,640: number born gr^ss fire at the W. T. Weir' Miyor John Henry has of loans totaled 1456, 351 of them mgt re in the Oalliloo (*ommuni-| made the following appointments made in 1967. ‘ Thornburg estimated; from Hoy Scouts elected bv their 3> Dtviviends totaled $3.59.2oo. i 50 were burned over. ' Tellows from Kings Mountain ... ^ -41 S46.438 were added to re- Other Tuesday fires included; Troops 91, Otis Falls, Jr., S‘out- thi of Superior Stone Company. '*erves totaling $662,296 and $11.- a car shod at the home of PauP m,lister, and Troop 92.’Ken Pruitt, was elected vice iresident of the ^^2 were added to undivided pro- on Center street was totally Scoutmaster: National Crushed Stone As.socia- totaling $50,000. desiroved. Charles W. iRockvt Ford, Jr., tion (NCSA) at its 51st annual Other major assets included aO the clothing in a clo.sed at -proon 91, mavor. convention recently in Las Vegas, cash of $336,315, U.S. bonds of the Martin Wilson. Jr., residence.; K»cky Fails, Troop 91. city Nevade. .$140,495, and share loans of $l,o2,- 5x3 pbenix street, was ^ Mr. Ragland, who has seiwcd , * , blaze was not do-; prank Humphries, Troop 92 Scouts To Manage 0“ ^ Improvements City on Thursday Nine Scouts To Man City Posts For Day OFFICER — W. Trent Rogland, Jr., president of Superior Stone Company; has been elected vice- president of the National Crush ed Stone Association for the coming year. Ragland Elected NCSA Oiiicei W. Trent Ragland, Jr., presi- King-s Mountain Boy Scouts will become ci«y oHicial.s Thu s- day as they get a piacdcal les son in municipal government op erations and tltularly ‘’manage the city from 8:30 a.m. unt:l 3 p. m., an annual feature of Boy .Scout week. Ir* i '7 v47/^ on the NCSA’s Board of Directors Jacob A. Dixon’s report for the ip,.mined. p,,ijce. casn irom oe _ . Rps<;f»mpr Pit/ subsidiary showed a truck fire was extinguished Buddy Oliver, Troop 92. fire mn 5:z2.(JUU in casn irom me •• immediate oast Bessemer Cit,* subsidiary sh ault and teller s cages about ^ s.m:eJ948.^was^ assets of $2,118,037, slightly over on Cherokee street. ifflScott To Open ^’•es, one on the railroad bank cal Committee. He has also serv- 20 percent of the firm’s total, Wednesday afternoon the d< After holding posts in the com- According to the bank clerks, ed as a regional vice president and a 1967 increase of $245,758. j partment extinguished two ara« jjanies’ Boston. Baltimore, and bandits had stockings over; for 1966 and 1967. and has been . - - —- - ^ew York City offices, he was.f^eir faces. Authorities said two a member of th? association’ med assistant dhr'ision cl^msj were found in the, Executive Committee since-44 Imager in Atlanta in 1940. InjBethlehem community between* A graduate of the University of m 1917 1^ was made division «td-.rhe robbery scene and where the'Xorth Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2l00Qn||0|||0J;3 ninistMilive assistant and in 1951 located. They quoted a Ragland has been connected with! • minis wa Lieutenant-Governor Robert W. (Bob) Scott, candidate for the Democratic nomination for gov ernor, will open his Cleveland County headquarters in Shelby They quoted /as norointod manager of under- employee as saying the the mining industry all his life. /riling and related functions in stockings were similar in color He became president of Superior the Atlanta division office. Mr. those worn by the bandits. Stone in 1954. Plonk returned to the firm’s. , *• u * ^ Superior Stone Company is a homo office in Boston in 1955 and' Officers are speculating that a products division of the ^ . hpadouariers in wis made an a.s.sistant vice-presi- least four persons and Martin Marietta Corporation whh,Ltiirdav mor^ne at lO-ao" dent. In 19.59. ho was named i mobiles may ^ headouarters in Raleigh. N. C. It' sistant vice president and me' ’od FBI agents and Cherokee County; Qppj,g{gg 32 quarries in North is development and electronics authorities are in charge of Ibe South Carolina Vir re.search. investigation. Cleveland Coun > • gj^^ Georgia, including a A grartuRto of North Carolina | qrarry in Kings Mountain. Friviay’s robbery was the first time the Grover branch has been. YjKwm UfASlfAV^C* robbed. The main Blacksburg j IfllJ, VwVClVCl 5 State Bank office was robbed of, _ ^ ®Mi^966"‘"iMothei Passes —: ^ Funeral rites for Mrs. Louella , on Grace street and the other on 4Bexmett drive. T Ilvke's Rites Conducted public water 1 Stale University he attendcHi the University of Baltimore Law School and holds a certificate in advanced management from Har- v^^cd Rusinesc c'r-hnol. He is a membe’* o' Guido Tn^er’^^tional. the association of electronic com puter use's. Mr. P^enk is mo*'ried, has three children and lives at 42 Oxford Road in Wellesley, Mas sachusetts. Pat Span;ler, Scott manager in Gaston and Cleveland coun ties, said Wednesday he has a goal of attendance at the open ing of "not less than 1000 peo ple". Chairman .Spangler said he an- icipates Candidate Scott will make a short address of “state wide import”. “We are aiming at not less W^nrli SnnnDlts Kindeigaitens City To Condemn Peelei Tract ; Weaver of Kings Mountain, were held Tuesday at 4 p.m. from Gas tonia's Gospel Baptist church, in terment following in Gaston Me- The dty wni file ^ ^ ^ n r T-h reor°e Sun in a Gastonfa hosnilal. Court Thuisday : Other survivors include her Peeler, of Shelby, for right-ofjay,^^^j^^^ P Calhoun; easement and 21.7 acres of the Rev,. L. D. Cal Senator Marshall A. Ra>'cb.:treat *’<'1'’' and Rov Calhoun, both of p'king re-election to a second p ^ Ballimore. Md.; Rudolph Cal term as senator from the 29th !*" ^ (GastonClevekand) district, has, ppy Attorney Jack White said; of Beswmer City and Thurman, issued han 1000 pt‘ople at the Cleveland "^hadwick Calhoun. 73. of Gas-1 i^eadquarters opening, 'Chairman Charles Dyke of Spartanburg tonia, mother of Mrs. Omolia ^^p^ngler declared. “Lt.-Gov. Scott will gieet and , Canton; and seven .jrandchil shake hands with every person present." he added. chief. Steve Ingle, Troop 91 vork<j superintendent. Eddie Bridges, Troop 9! plant superintendent. Reid StrieWand. Troop SL-idec-; ♦riril sunerintendent. Bill Tolbert Troop 92. sanita tion superintendent. Sto\e Cook, Troop 92. street der THment sunerintond-*nt. Both Kinqt- Moimtain troops „ , , . 'will pa^-tiripate in the Saturday Funeral rites for El^rt Joseph '*tinn Center. Troop 91 will hive : a booth and mvp an exlvbition on renri’'ements the chem*-«- . t^v merit h^^d^e. Troon 92 will have a booth demonstrating ‘amnin*^ .-nd onTdf)oi' oortking sVihs. Ti'^k'^tc aT'c 95 cents. On ‘Nii»id''v. both tn'ons w’H ,''tteni 11 a m. services at thei’’ ! snonsorin > ehurchns. T^onp 91 ^t. Matthew’s I utherqn and T’^'^or, 90 flt First Piptist, *T sneak for all citv errmiovoes m sTvipor we took forw.ard an- „ ^ ^ ^ to Rov Sco’t dqv at Citv S. C.; one sister. Mrs. Belle Case 'commented. RICKY FALLS Dyke, 76, were held Friday aft ^’•noon at 4 p.m. from the Chapel of Harris Funeral Home, inter ment following in Mountain Rest cemetery. M.. Dyke died at 12:45 Thurs- di.v at his home. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Mattie Dunn Dyke; two sons. William M. Dyke and Elbert M. Dyke, Jr., both of Kings Moun tain: two daughters. Mrs. James Sotelo and Mrs. Virgie Hutchins, both of Kings Mountain; a broth- t ROCKY FORD. JR. Falls And Ford Win Eagle Rank TM^o dozen Cansier .street prop erly owmei's, 16 living on the East .;ido and eight living on the West ude. registered their opposition o proposed widening of Cansier Ureet at Tuesday’s 45-minute .ublic hearing conducted by the >taie Hidnvay Commission at he Armory. Projosed improvements are projected beginning at the in tersection of Cansier with Gold and continuing to the intersec tion of Walker street. Strongest opposition was voiced by Everette (E^ddy) Medlin, spokesman for a three-block seg ment of residents on East Cans- ler. who contend the widening to 3 60 foot right-of-w'ay. of which 44 feet would be paved, with •urb-and-gutter would reejuire most of the front yards of hous- *s on the East side, Medlin, who lives at 504 North ?ansler, said he represented prop- m'ty owners on the East side of Cansier from Walker to Childers vho resent the fact that the in- reased right-of-way (the project •rlls forwidening the street from ‘8 feet to 14 feet and increasing *he right-of-way from 40 to 69 feet) avill bo taken off the East ide only in this area and none '‘ro'n t)ie West side. "We feel it unjust to take prop- *rty on one side only”, said Med- ’in. To Medlin’s auestion. “what will happen if all the residents ?ti(k together, would we all be '^ondemnofi?’’. W. A. Garrett, Jr., who conducted the hearing, re plied. "The highway department I will deal with each property own- I «r individually in obtaining the j ight-of-way and not with a j troup. In answer to Modhn’s auestion in project d<»sian, G'^rretf S'^id rhe State Hi'-^hway Department 1 attemnts to design tho most eco nomical proiect. and. that in this '•ase the enginee'*s anrarentlv de eded it would he less costly to ‘ake right-of-wav from the east side only in the three block area. \ddifional right-of-w^v w'ould be ‘aken from both sides of the street in other areas, said Gar rett. Maps showing tho location of City To Grow Tuesday Night The city is expected to grow .)>• seven-plus acres Tuesday houn of Gastonia. B. D. Calhoun' light. ; , , , . Public hearing is schc<luled liy the city commission on the an Two Kings Mountain Boy SeoutS| recently received the Eagle the nrojecl showed that because .\\vard. highest honor in Bov of the closeness of houses and ' ''ther st”uoturo<; to the present Charles (Ho^ky) Ford, son of street, the widened street w'ould Mr. and Mrs. Chailes W. Ft/?d. nlace the pavement edge almost and Otis (Ricky) Falls. HI. son of. m against some of the struc- Mi. and Mrs. Otis Falls, Jr., are '^ves. recipients. > Highway Commissioner W. B. Young Falls, son of Lutlieran I-.arrison of Gastonia, also pres- Scoutmaster Falls, earned his -at the hearing, told the Eagle in 28 months. He attributf s ajoup, "It is n'^t our intention to ’us advaneemeni to “hidp an^^'oe with this nroiec*. from older hoys who have led him \Vo hone it ran be done to benefit in Scoutihg since he wa.'-- lour gq of Kino's Mountain.” renfereneo room of King.s years old and as.^islam t‘ fn»in \ii- Medbo reiterated Wednes- lie.ore his leave here l Cpl. ^^vings & I.oan A.ssocialion Scoutleaders Manley Ha\i's. Mat f|av Fast Cansier residents only was hospitalized for Most Mountain street. Poucliak and Richard Culyer. Rick on^ose the w'denin^r of the road, months after suffering arm . thn r u Ui o' ^ ^ attended Aquatics ^ot street imnrovements. curb oumis as a result of ,u“roieetion of svl.<.ol and holds a Life Guard, .nd .utter end si-i.v elks. "Any L/Cpl. Caldwell """H Me'***"" Rack To Viet Nam Monday At JO , ^ , , ,, ,, ,1 Annual business meeting of Lanee Corporal James H. Cald- Mountain Mall. Inc., •.^ill be well rouirned to Viet Nam Tues- „o,., Monday mo.nine at Id in the day after a 30day leave. ' great-grandchildren. Lestei D. Roaik House Candidate; fiscal govornmont tnai is essential, -'ly expansion is philosophy on government is that begin in the near future. Ijcfore the people can ask their 1 Uglslatrre to do something for! them, they first must give ud the iig Seat Number 2 Position best rossible educational system. IWJ MCCIW liWli u * wm and firmlv believe in public kin-| dorgartens. I feel this can hel Lester D. Roark,Grover na- done without an increase in tive and Shelby city rouncilman Monday filed as a the son of Mrs. Wiley- for 1968-69 and reports of oificcis and directors. la.xes. “Tliere shtnild be a number of reforms in our Constitution, in cluding permitting the Governor to sucm*d himself, longer terms for legislators, and giving the Governor the veto power. "1 am riefinitelv oppose! to any .secret meetings of anv kind. "I wish to m.ike it clear that I since 1957, candidate for a 43rd District seat in the North Carolina House ofi Representatives. ^ The 43rd District is entitled to three representatives from Cleve land. Polk and Rutherford Coun ties. Under the numbered seat sta tute enacted by the 1967 Gen-j Paul H. McGinnis. Jr., is pn'sidont. , . , 102 East King street, of a 5.0(H)sninre foot dyeing ami ^ grandson of Mi's. Mildrcxl finishing plant. Caldwell, 301 Margrace. Other items on the agenda iiv ;‘“otm:n,T"sm;!us ami Qf Commeice. Merchants ,'eipt of bids for a truck for the dreet department. The board will convene at Cuty Hall courtroom at 6:30 p.m. Will Occupy Union Bus Terminal er’s training in Statesville and in- off the oast side”, said Med- .'-Iructed Junior leader training in Mai! the county-wide event. Ht* is eur- The $278,000 Cansier St. pro- lently assistant Senior Patrol i,»c( was requested be the city leader and specialize.s in lender-' board of (commissioners and foot instruction. He is Den Cliief -npots the c"iteria for the city’s for Mis. Tnmmy Bridges' den in share, .**1314.000 of a $.300 million Cub Pack 90 and is a member of state wide road bond issue which am not aligned with, nor will I eral Assembly Roark filed as a he supporting any other national, candidate for seat No. 2 .state or local candidates..” primary of Kimbrell Rites Thursday At 2 Willis Kimbrell, 51, of Green ville, S. C., brother of Ray Kim- hroll, Mrs. Frank Rlppy and Mrs. Ralph Spake, all of Kings Moun tain. died Tuesday morning in ■reonville. " Funeral rites will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. in Greenville. . the Democratic May 4. Roark is the third Democrat to file as a candidate for the 43rd Distri'^t seat, Fjorest City attor- ‘ ney Robert A. Jones being the drst to announce on January 24th for district seat No. 3 and In cumbent W. K. Mnuney, Jr. of Kings Mountain filing the next day for seat No. 1. Of the other two incumbents, William (Bill) Harrill of Forest Citv announced in mid-.Tanuary that he would be a candidate for state superintend ent of public instruction -and Rep. (Continued On Page Eight) CANDIDATE ^ Lester D. Roark. Grover native and veteran Shel by city aldermon. has filed os a candidate for 43rd District Seat No. 2 in the N. C. House of Representatives, subject to the Democratic primory of May 4. Mis. Crum's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Carrie Lee, '’’rum. 79. were held Wednesday afternion at 3 p.m. from the, '’'bapel of Harris Funeral Home.; nterment following in Mountain! Rest cemetery. • I Rov. I). B. Alderman, pastor ot I''entral Methodist churcli, oilici-j i ited at the final rites. Mrs. Crum, who had resided ! here with her sister, Mrs. Ben F. ; 3r:\m, died Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in a Rutherford hospital j iollnwing several month’s ilh'oss.; She was a nati\'e of Vaivc County, daughter of late W C. and Mary Harris Hammell. She, was widow of Ralph Cium. t Besides Mrs, B(*am. Mi.s. Crum is survived by one brotlior. Bor-1 nard Hammell ol l.ineolnten; and| a sister, Mrs. Clyde Ligon of South Hill, Va. i Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce and Merchants As.«o- Order of the .\rrow. R(Kky Ford. 13. has eomph'ted th(‘ .-Xtiuatie.s sehoul at Shielc Scout Re.servation and holds tlie Bov Scout Life Guard (X'rtificaic. ckition have contracted with He att(‘nded the Piedmont Coun- Queen City Hus Company to oc- eii Junl(»r Leader Traing course eupy Union Bus Terminal and to held last summer in Staies\ ille ,o|>oiate the terminal. and servc'd as instructor in this , . » . , \ear’s Cleveland County Junior Joint announremon. wa. made ovont. Ho has Wotinesday hy W. S. l-idton, Jr.. of, PRESIDENT — Jo« A. Neiiler, Jr.« has been installed os presi dent of the Kings Mountain Ki- wants club for the coming year. Mr. Neisler succeeds Dan M. Finger. voters approved in 1965. "Advent Coa/iwMrd On Page 8 Moore Praises City On Award Governor Dan K. Moore has commended Kings Mountain for served Tivnip 91 in (‘Very leadci- jtj; recent honor in being awarded ship capacity induding assisiaiit htmorahle mention in the Nation- Senior Patrol leader. He is a mem al Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up her of ilie scouting camping fra- .ontest. terniiy Order of the Arrow. The Governor wrote Mayor Moss: “Your city is certainly t(j l>e highly coinmemlcd for being namet re.’ipient of an Honorable Mention in the National Clean Up-Paint I’p-Fix Up contest. Officers and directors ol Kings “I know that such an honor Under terms of the (’ontract, Mountain Nui'sing and Conxale- only came ai^out through hard the two organizations will he scent Home will hold tlip annual work and good cooperation from paid commissions on bus tick.^t meeting Monday afternoon a! 2 all your cili/ens." and package feo.s end will occupy, p.m. in the oonforenci' room of The awards are to Ik' presented the building rent-free. Kings Mountain Savings (Jc Loan et a chu.volition to bo held in The orjanizations will not op- Association on West Mountain Washington. D. C., February 18- erate a cafe but will offer snacks stixHd. 20. and sundries via vending machine. Business of the mc'oiing will Co-Chairmen of the citizens The spokesmen s-aid thev ex- include election of new offuvrs clean-up committee were Clavon tCuiitinned On Page Eight) and directors for 1968-69. Kelly and Mrs. E. W. Griffin, Sr. Chamber of Commerce presid('nl. and Glee E. Bridges, Merchants Association president. I The two organizatiems. now I joint tenants of offices in ihe , Lynch building on West Moun- I tain street, will remodel Ixdh waiting rooms at the fermin.al. the North waiting room to l)0 converted into offices of two or ganizations. Nursing Home Meeting Monday rs

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