1 Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Mountoln llgur* it d«ftv«d from th» **«*•• Bur*ou of tlw Ctoiufl report o 1966, and Includes tb« 14.990 popiAatlon o 2“®^* ^^Tewnehip. and tbe remolnlng $.124 lion numbor S Township. In CloTolaod County and Crewdor* Mountoln Township in Gaston County. 5 •«rt| VOL 80 No. 9 Kings Mountain's Boliable Newspaper Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, February 29, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Southwestern Loop Cage Tourney Starts Friday Thomas T cDeviU, AshevilleJ^f® 2 m City To Develope Recreation Spa Lake Resevoir Area Projected For Recreation PARKER ON CENTRAL COMMITTEE — Pictured obove ore members of the Central Committee of the Fine Arts Study currently in progress in Cleveland. Polk and Rutherford counties. Staff members present ore Max Padgett assistant superintendent of the Rutherford County Schools. Mrs. Hugh Henson, secretary-bookkeeper for the project and Mrs. Bobbie Pritchard Matthews, study director. Seated left to right ore Mr. Padgett and the committee members appointed by the school superintendents in the six administro' ive units including Miss Amelia Wilkie. Ruther ford County schools; Mrs. Eleanor K. Settle* Tryon city schools; Eugene F. Allen. Shelby city schools; Donold L. Parker* Kings Mountain dis i;rict schools; Kemble F. Johnson. Cleveland Coun ty schools; Mrs. Gertrude Esdoie* Polk County schools; and Mrs. Henson and Mrs. Matthews. Three-County rea Wins lanning ^rant Fijial appirnnl has boon re- coivocl for a j)lanning t in the Fine Art.s to be fumU’d by the federal goveinm»'nt through Tith^ 111 of the Flcmentary and Secondary Aei, announees Donald Parker, Title 1 Diior*tor in the Kings Mountain sclmols. Kulhorffjrd County has n'eeu e:l a $2.5.00') grant for a uin:’ survey in u thii'e-rounty aunmmere'al; George ^ad requested the information on said he had contracted f'n low bid Houser, industry: Donald Jones, February 15 and was told it would the work of the City cf Shelby for s(-hooLs: Mrs. Sarn Robinson, pro- bo available as quh'kly as it the current fiscal year at $2.35 Vhairman. Appreciation Night Kin^s Mountain Lions club will honor farmers of the area and leaders of the community at an Appreciation Night banquet Tues-! day, March 12th. Dinner will be served at 71 o’clock at the Woman’s club. I Edwin Moore is chairman of ♦he Lions club Farmers and Area \Dproclation Night committee. W. L: (Rill) Plonk is program By MARTIN HARMON Ex(*v‘Ution of contract with the success. ul bidder on the city’s st'wage system improvements pro- ](H t has l)('en authorized by the Mid-Atlantic regional office of th(* water pollution ccmtrol ad ministration, Department of the , Inferior, Engineer W. K. Dick son, of Charlotte, said W(‘dnes- day. Hope Suffers Slash Wounds Jerry Hope, of Mid-Pines, was slashed in the face and on the chest by three youths about 9:45 Saturday night as he was leaving the home of his brother, Steve Hope. 102 Morris street. City Officers Bob Hayes and Raymond Galloway, who investi gated, said the victim did not know the attackers, whom he de scribed as young boys, and who left the scene in a white 1964 Chevrolet. He was slashed whh a b^eresn opener on the cheeks, and th« letter "S” was carved on his chest. . camping parks under a nationally j oondence; and Mayor John Moss, franchis'd name, which would be i public employees, ficated in high-traffic areas per-j Choral to cities. Designed and' hgineered for the camper of to-; "day, and for Hie future. KOAsi fessional; Charles Mauney, ad- could bo gathered. City Clerk Me- per lineal foot for curhing-and-' Speaker for the banquet will ‘ guttering. He said he did not re- be* announced next week, said ..icmbei the exa ? figu’'e for Mr. Plonk, pavine but rc^memberrd it as a. East Prindoal Club Speaker concent of providing high qualityj vance gifts; D'rk Maxev. corres-, Daniel said. a»*e geared to comfort for the and cp»-vk’e to the com munity, said Neill SERMON TOPIC Pc''. .Tflmes M. •WIH^'r will use the sermon topic. “Sons of God”, at Sunday morning wor ship services at Kings Mountain Baptist church. On the Horan request, the (Tcrk questioned the right of a ntui- citizem of Kings Mountain to see le.ist per ton. city records. After a call to the Mr. Sntinglei noted tha^ Kings North Carolina attorney-general Mountain renuire.« State Highway Wednesday morning, City Attor-! Commission spc.’lflclation.** wliicii ney Jack ’ White reported thatjspecify “30-inch enrbing-and-gut- the records are open to all, re-itering, double "S” r. dil. gardless of residence. The repords 1 SESSION MEETING Members of the Session of First Presbyterian church will meet Sunday morning at 10:40 a.m. to receive new members, Dr. Paul Ausley, pastor, an nounces. CHAPLAIN — Rev. Fronk Shir ley* pastor of Temple Baptist church* hos been elected chap lain of the Cleveland County Rescue Squad. Mr. Shirley was elected at Mondoy night's meeting of the volunteer organ isation. Hope was given first aid treat- Col. Dickson .said v('ib:il ap- ment and an inti-tet*nus iniec- ' nroval was gAen via tclep%one| tion at Kings Mountain hospital t by regional officials and that'and released. Lonstiucii»m work will begin Police interrogated and releas- soon. I ed two youth Monday, j The federal ogency will pay I $3SS.5')0 of the cost of the pro- ijoct. estimated to cost $1,300,000. M('antimo, the Local Gove n- ’ ment Commission is adver'isini? ! for bids for Sl.OOO.fK)',) in City I Kings Mountain sewage bon is,' n. B. B’-'toek. prineipal of East , the bids to be received at the school, will give the program, tfommissioM office in Raleigh un- ‘qiiicb-hikin" Th*'ough Eurone til 11 o’clock the morning of On A Fhoe-St»'ing", at Thursday Ma^ch 19. ni'’')H's '"w'^ni*! eUih meeting. The bo'ids a’'e to be dateft The club mee*s at 6:43 p.m. at A' ril 1, IP.'N. an.l wi*) mature an- the Woman’s elub. nually. April 1 ($40,000) to 1993,' Mr. Blalock, who toured Fu- inclrsive, without option of priorjrone during the past summ'»r, I t'CoHfhjMcd On Page Eight) will give highlights of his trijk