i Population "Greater Kings Mountain City Limits 21,914 8,256 Th« Gieuter Eings Mountala figure U dtrfvetf treai the bp»cial Unittil States Buntau of the Ceniue report • January 1966. and Includes the U.tSO pepuloUoii • Number 4 Township, ond the reraatning 6.124 Iron Number S Township, in Cleveland County ond Crowder' Mountain rownshlp In Gaston County. Pages Today VOL 80 No. 13 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Beliabie Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 28, 1^68 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CEN1f More Candidates File As Deadline Passes Eugene Timms To Head C of C GEORGE H. HOUSER DR. TOMMY BAKER % JOHN L. McGILL J. C. BRIDGES Four Are Elected Bank * Local News Bulletins EASTER DANCE Amerifan Legian Post r"> will sponsci an Easter weekend (lance orr Saturday. April 13th, from 9 until 12 p.m. at the American LCgidn building. Mus ic will be provided by Dick Base and the Knights of Music of Slujiby. POLICE SCHOOI. A 120:hour course. "Introduc tion to Police Science", is unVer- wav at City Hall for city police- j men and area law enforcement i officers, Pclitc Chief Tom Me- Dev itt said. TO ALASKA Pvt. Richard K. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Moore, lias reported for duty in An- < Iiorage, Alaska. His address: HA 12811335 56th MP Com- j:my. APO Seattle, Washing ton, 9S7-49. "'tSi-WW I LUTHERAN TOPIC U('\. Charles Easley will use till’ sermon topic, "The Face of Ki’jcction", on the general llicme. "His Image On Their Kiices”, at Sunday morning worship services at St. Matt hew's Lutheran church. Housei:, Baker. McGill Bridges Aie Elected Three Kings Mountain business men and a dentist have been ; elected members of the Kings Mountain Board of Directors of First Union National Bank. New members of the Board arc:. John L. McGill, a partner in the Kings Mountain Drug company: J. C. Bridges, secretary and treasurer ol Bridges Hardware: company; George H. Houser, sec retary and treasurer of Sadie Cot ton Mills company; and Dr. Thom as F. Bakei, dentist. In making the announcement. L. E. Hinnant, executive olficcr in charge of the Kings Mountain office, stated. "Each of these men has been involved in the business and civic life of the community and are dedicated to overall grow-1 th of our community. We are ex- i tromely fortunate to have men such as the.se joining our fioard i in Kings Mountain.” Other mem- j bers of the local board are P. M.! Noislof . chairman, J. Ollie Harris, j J. E. Herndon. Jr., L. E. Hinnant. i Charles' A. Nelslor, and John O. I Plonk, Jr. First UnionTTationat is the na-1 lion’s 73rd largest bank with 101 branches in North Carolina. I New Oiiiceis {Are Installed ; I Monday Night Gene Timms, Kings Mountain -A ! iurniture dealer, was in.stalli'd as ' president of Kings Mountain 1^’ ' I Chamber of Corrmerce at the an- j ! nual banquet Monday night ai I the American Legion Hall. 1 1 Mr. Timms succeeds W. S. Ful ton, Jr. I ’ Other new officers are W. I. ' Keetei, first vice-president, and I Joseph R. Smith, second vice- 1 president. New directors are Bob I Powell, Bob Lrwe, Joe McDanic i ! and H. D. McDaniel. Hold ■ over j ! directors are J. C. Bridges, TbSl 'Tali, Charles MiUdoy. and L. E. Hinnant. TlK> out-going president will servo in an ex-officio capaci ty on the board. Out-going direc tors are B. S. Peeler. Ji.. John <.he- shire, and Hubert McGinnK j Jack Palmer, president of Shel by Chamber ol Ccmmercc, in.^tall- ed the officers lollowing an en tertainment program by Hope McReed, humorist and satirist of ! Chapel Hill. Grady Howard wel- i comed guests and President Ful-' I ton presided. Banquet favors ' were compliments of Griffin • Drug Company. ' Over 100 Chamber of Commerce members, their wives and guesls I Mr. Timms is owner and gen- ■ eral manager of Timms Furniture I Company. PRESIDENT — Gene Timms has iSeen installed a5 , 'Kings Mountain Chamber of' Commerce for the coming year. City Annexes Five Acres trustees named The city boarrl of cominis- sifiners Tuesday authorized the nia.N'H- io appoint three trustees j.ii- city funds invested in sav ings and loan stock certificates .is"^rc(| -ii'cd by a new ruling by llu I'lderal Home Loan Bank i'.inrd. Two city commissioners nml the mayor will make up th(* committee. TAXI FRANCHISE The city board of commis sioners Tuesday authorized transfer of taxi franchise from Wilbur Hamrick to Ganes Lu ther Anderson. Six Students Get Top Marks Six piano students of Mrs. Martin Harmon won mtings of superior and excellent in the dis trict piano contest sponsored by the North Carolina Music Teach er’s Association at Lenoir Rhyne college in Hickory Saturday. One of the group, Frances Mc Gill, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John C. McGill, a senior student, won a rating of superior and will play in the slate piano contest at the University of North Carolina. Greensboro, April 6th. Miss Mc- iGill will play before judge Roy, Hamlin Johnson of the Univer-j sity of Maryland. j Ratings of superior also went to Cynthia Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Charles Alex ander; and Irelou Easley, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Eas ley. Ratgins of excellent plus went to Meredith McGill, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. John C. Mc Gill, and ratings of excellent to Jane Anthony, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony, and Martha Weiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weiss. Judges for the event were Stuart Pratt of Meredith college land R. M. Renfro of Westerr I Carolina University. The city commission Tuesday annexed approximately five acres of property into the H In an old- uirsdav evening, April 25th, Central school auditorium, plans for the event are uiidciway by lutal Kiwauians. W* •r will be featured In an old- fashioned gospel sing Sunday night at 7 p.m. at Chestnut Ki(Jgc Baptist church. PRESIDENT — L. E. Hinnant has been elected president of Kings Mountain Country club lot the coming yeat. 38 Citizens On Model Cities Committee Mayor John Henry .Moss a« ap- ! pcMnted a Modc'l Cities c('mmiUoc of 38 Kings Mountain citizens. The city board ruesr. ly night approved tiu' nppoiniments of the large I'ommittee which uill convene witli the mayor and Led ford Austin the city’s consultant' in ibe cities program ap-' pbe-Mion for m initial meeting Thursday at S:3() p.m. in City, H U cotirtroom. I’lie group, representing 10*^ fields of p'isatc and public en- d(*avor. will assist in nrenanng Mountain’s model city ap plication. I The committee e()n‘-’‘"*s (’C sub-committ('es with the follow ing members: Education: James K. Jr., George H. Mauney, Sunt. Don Jones and Rev. 5t. I,. Cam»'M!. Health: Dr. Jos''oh Lee. fjrndy Howard. George W. Mauney. and Miss Frances Huntg;’. ' 'sContinacd un Hctyc 61 i 3> Eight Democrats and one Republican seek four seats on the ecunty board of commissioners. Three Democratic commissioners are to be elected in November. Republican Paul Vogel is assured of nomination. Democrats seeking the nomination are incumbents Hugh Dover, Spurgeon Hewitt, and Coleman Goforth and Fritz Moro- (Cuntinucd On Paye Six) Li. Cochran s Rites Conducted Military funeral rites for Fii'st Lt. Roy Benjamin Cochran, 27, were held Tuesday at 11 a.m. from Clearviow Baptist church. FTmcrai rites will also be held on Friday from Riobo-Saunders Chapel in San Antonio, Texas., Interment will be in Sunset Me morial Park there. The Grover servk'eman was killed in action March 16 in V'iet- n-am. He was a member of the IJ.S. Army Company B. 4lh Bat talion. 3rd Infantry, Americo Di vision. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cochian of Grover. ' Other survivors include his wife, Sandra Bunier Cochran; a (laughter, Donnis Donetle; four brothers. Max Cochran of Gro ver. Paul Cochran of Roanoke, Va.. Lester Cochran of Charlotte and Lemuel Cochr-an of Boiling (Springs; and three sisters. Mrs. i Hubert Pruette of Cherryville. I Mrs. Ernest Etters of Grover and I Mrs. James Burgess of Harts- ' villo, Ga. Assured In May 4 Primary La.'^l Friday’.s county and town ship office fifing deadline produc ed three Dt'mocratic s('(*k(’r.s for the county board of education, bringing to 14 tlie number of can didates for five parly nomina tions. The added board of education candidates are Robert W. Stone. Charles E. Jackson and Hoyt I Bailey, all Democrats. [ Previously announced w(*r(’ the curionl memb('r< of the board of education, including J. D. Klli.'. Bulord Cline and Robert Cabaniss and Fred Simmons, Devon Bing ham. Mrs. Cecil Barrier. Mrs. Cline Borders. Frank Sherrill, and Rob- ('rt Michael, all Demociats. As expected, the contest for the five seats on the eounl\’ board of education attracted tlie most attention, as far as tlie number of candidates are concerned. FourtcH'n (andidalt's — 12 Ikmi ocrals and two Republicans — are seeking the five .^-ais on the board. Republicans Joe IIarls(‘ll and John L. Setzerare assured (d !i"m- illation, since e:K-h . party will ncininato five candidaU's. Seizor and Marvin Mcv'urry wen* uiisuc- , Ci'ssful Repulilican candidates for th(' post in 19(U). Two incumbi'iits. hdtii Demo crats. Charh's Forn(\v anii Bobby Austell did not file tor r('-('loci j.ui. Hoyt Q. Bailey, native of Cleve land County, is vice-president in charge of yarn sales for the Do ver 'IVxliio Group in Sin Ihy. Sht'lbv's Citizen of HMh. In* i‘= chaiiman of the hoard of tres- lees of C'ie\eland Memorial hos pital. He is a di'acon in Shelby’s First Baplist chinch, a dire’ctor of I-.oys (.'lubs of Ameri a and of l)if‘ Salvation Army. lb* is a mcmbci' of lh<’ boaixi of advisors of GardniM' Webb college- A graduate of N. C. State Uni- versity. I'.e is married and tlie fallnr of ’vv suu'd (d mv coo|H‘ration with the Kings Mountain seliool board in all matters coiii-ernin: tlie well iK'iitg of all ol our sludi’iils." "Ouv school sv stems are' big lius;n<> e Tlicy must hv oiM'rateei in a busincs> like nianiu’r. with the greatest possible I’fticie’iicy so that all of oar childn'ii’s nee'ds can be' me*l. 1 l^elie've' that my ex- pcrie'uce in the bU''in('Ss world would be ol gre’ot assistance* to n'.c in helpin'’ to 4>j)ciate our s ‘hoed svsii'in i i-onomic'dl\ and >‘t'fi icntly, should I he* cle'cled The acaeleiric ^landaids of the ('lev cl.mei Count V sclioo] s\ stem should 1)0 eU’val«’d o*i }»ar with inv system in our oca. \\ <' ne’ct nioie* than jie^t new buildings: we ne'd new prt»grams top a gen- ("•aiion ol young people wln» are eonstantly se'eking knowledge.” “Sliouid 1 bo eie'cted. I would also encourage* a fine athletic program and physical education department as vital to a well roundt'd acad(*mic program.” "I have two children in our exmnly school system which will serve to remind me at all times that I have an obligation to help make our svsK’m function on a sound and progressive basis for their sake as well as for all of our youth.” "1 have always e’njoyed work ing dire'ctly with our young peo ple, both as a coach in organized sp4Hts and in hoys club work. Now, I se'ek to serve them as a member of the* Cleveland County .School Board, shouUl the voters (('ontimtf li On Pnye Si.rf Freshman Coach Ci Deacons Team To Address Basketball Bans'uet 5 j chairman — Robert O, (Bob) Southw-')!!, automobile dealer. , will serve as Kings Mountain [ chairman of J. Melville Brough ton's campaign tor governor bi North CaroUno. ' Neil Johnston, Ireshman bas ketball coach of the* Wake* For est College Deaeons, will make the principal address at Thui'sday nigiii's a'lniial basketball banquet of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club. Dinner vsill he' served at (i:4.5 p.m. at the Woman s club. Mem- he-rs of tile* KMHS 51ountaineer baskeibal! team, along witii coaches, will be* guests of the I'ivic dub. C’harlos Noisier, program chair man. will prc'scnt Miv Johnston. Jethnston, a veteran of 10 years in tlie National Basketball Asso- ciatie^n as a star playe*r and coach, made his college coae’lr.ng debut this season as fieshmen ; coach of the Deacons. He joint'd the staff on July 22, Johnston, 37, was a jiitcher in the' Philadelphia Phillies farm system for two years folIovNiUj^ (iJuiUniULd Un Puyi^ Six) I SPEAKER I'te*! joanston, freshman basketball coach from Wake Forest college, will ad dress the annual basketball banquet of the Kiwanis club 1 Thursday night. * 22-Acre Camp Site Opening lune 1 (Opening of Kampground ()f America, a 22-acre site off 5’ork load lU'ar I 85. is lentativedy se't f(*r June 1. Robert (Retbi Neill, president of King Kampers. Inc, said Tuesday. The city board of commission- I ers Tue.sday night adjusted the al- ' lowed usages in a light-indu.-itrial ' zoning cla.ssificalion to include i lente*rs. campers and travel Irail- ' ers at the request of the develop- : ers. The camping facility will in- , dude KM) camping site's and a ' $25.(.M)i) office and public facilitU's building. President Neill said the York road-I-S5 location was •. hos- , cn because of the* heavy flow of visitors to Kings Mountain Na- Jtional Military Park each year. The Kings Mountain KAO .•ampgreund will be first in North Carolina. Pre'sident Neill j fold the board that more than < 100 (?f the franchised camp- ' grounds are* in operation, princi pally in the western slate's, al- hough the trend is movii’.g e'ast- ward. "High quality pt'ople* camp in tlu'se facilitie's.” Mr. Neill point 'd out. "All KOA’s arc simiLir and feature laundry facilities, showers, rt'st rooms, staple gro- s-erie.s. sundries, telephone and some liave swimming pools." "It’s a family campgr'uiid, strictly fe'i* ove'rnight vacation- er.s. ' said Neill. "It's a good way of living.” commented Neill, who aid he and his family t(«ok a re'cent camping trip to Canada. » . Land for the* facility is being leased from .), Wilson Crawford, realtor, vvlio appe'art'd with AL, Ncill al the board meeliiii;. t- Ufostn^