IHN6I MeyKtl^ IHMUk lil«J M3UNMIM. M-St 38 Citizens V Housing: John L. Mc*Gill, Tom Harper and James Adams. Income maintenance and social jervice: Rev. D. B. Alderman. Mr5, Sarah Boyd and wile Griffin. Employment and Economical gevelopment: L. E. HinnanI, Eranklin Ware, Gene Timms, ^uco Wilson and Joe Smith. . Crime and Delincjuency: Rev. ilobert Mann, Police Chief Tho mas McDevltt, J. Lee Roberts, Charles Ford, John Blalock and Joe Lee Woodward, . Physical Environment: Glee K. Bridges, Robert Powell, Ken Roberts and Rev. R. L. Garvin. Relocation: Paul McGinnis, Lar ry Hamrick, Charles Blanton, Martin Harmon and Ha/el Gill. Design, historic preservation fnd new technology: Mrs, Aubrey Mauney, James Falls, W. J. Kee ter and Nathan Shank. Mr. Williams' Rites Conducted White Mauney grant me this privilege.” Hoi)ert W. Stone, owner and operator of Stone Oil Company and a resident of the one mile, Kuni.ral riti's ;or Homer Wil- ^ native of Shrlby liams. 67, wore held Monday at school Ho 1 i:.m. from Buffalo Baptist Kiathialod from Gardnor-Wobb cbnnh. intormont following in I''’" y!”* tbo oburcb ocmotory. Navy and at pr.-seid is a mom- Mr. Williams diod s^urday nighi in tlio Kings Mountain bos- Boaid. ..ii,., ■this has b< KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS Doily 10:30 To 11:30 o.m. 3 to 4 p.in. ond 7 to 8 p.in. Weil Wins New Yoik Trip Mrs. Elia T. Beam Mr. Joe P. Camp Mrs. Mary G. Hay Mrs. Effie G. Jolley, Moores- inrs nas boon a very serious vllle Ho was tbo son of tbo lalo for mo to make bocauso! Mr. Kornoy W. Lowe, Bessomer John and Carolino Tessonoor Wil- <>f losponsibihty in-, '^o., |li:ims and a mombor of Buffalo Biptist church obligation to my four; Surviving aro his wito, Mrs. ! ' Madgo Whito Williams; six sons. ‘''Hinty in sooing thoy got tbo ' ; tohn Williams of Pompano Boach. '-yi’** <*f <'*-:cation thov desorvo ...1 I m willing to do anything I can of the great responsibility in-, City volved." he said. “However, I: Mrs. Maggie S. McClain Mr. Arthur Powell Mrs. Dora C. Powell Mrs. Betty M. Randall Mrs. Euanna B. Sparks, Shcl iPla., William, Paul. Harold and ‘ m willing to do anything I can by I Larry Williams, all of Kings help raiso the standards of| Mrs. Cloo R Van Dyke I Mountain, and Bobby Williams"'''' “ rw..a..u r. Samuel S. Weir, leading repre sentative on the staff of Metro politan Life Insurance Company’s Gastonia, N. C. District at Kings Mountain, N. C., is attending the Company’s Centennial Leadership Conference in N. Y. City, it has MERCHANIS MEETING Kings Mountain retailers will meet Thursday morning at 10 in the conference room of Home Savings & Loan Association to kick-off a trade promotion, Mrs. Ida F. Joy, Merchants Associa tion secretary announces. HOSPITALIZED Mrs. Arthur Hay, well-known been announced by District Man- Kings Mountain woman and ager S. R. Shi, Jr., C-L.U. of .Siou.x City, Iowa; thri'e dau- stanrlard. Contest For Mayor • ghters, Mrs. Summie Cook of ... . . , , Cisar. Mrs. M;-ix To.sseneer of business, involving a great. bead, William On. J. D TurntM Robert Hubbard and Roy Lee Ded ifton. Mr. Orr, Kings M(»unlain l^egro, is first of his race to fib fpr a seat on the commission In Jpodern political history. ^ 4) Also without opposition in the primary or general eletdion is incumbent Democratic Regis Jer of Deeds Ralph Tu( ker. 51 Other local area ravCS spur ting interest to this elcciion yen are those for district .iudge and for U. S. Representative from the lOth Congre.ssional District. . Ten Democrats aiui one Repub lican are seeking the five .judge ships which will b(* created in the three-county area of Cleveland, Gaston and Lincoln counties with Implementation of the couil re- <orrh amendment in D<*cember. L Cleveland County has two can- I lidates in the race Democ rats oe Mull and Horace Kennedy, loth Shelbians. A former King.-; 4ountain man, Recorder’s Court udge Bill Mason of Mount Holly, s also a candidate. Other candi- lates are John A. Friday of Lin- olntcn, Lewis Bulwinkle, J. Ralpii *hillips, William G. Holland and )scar F. Ma.«on. all of Ga.stonia. r /illiam J. Allran, Ji.. of Cheirv ille and John Auten. Jr., of Mount Holly. The one GOP candidate for district judge is Daniel J. Walton 1)1 Gastonia. I 6>Another race political ohser\ - }&r.s term a “red hoi” race will, be between Incumbent U. S. Repre sentative Basil L. M'hitc'ner. Gas Ionia Democrat, and Incnmbeni JJ, S. Representative James Broy- pill ot Lenoir, Ri'publican. The \wo were thrown into the lOlh pistrict through reappoit ion merit last year by the N. C. Legislature. W'est Palm Bcai li, Fla., and .Mrs Melvin Butler of Hickory; two irothers. Carl Williams of Kings Mountain and Clifford Williams d( higher j “Our county school system is I of money and decisions af«| Mrs. Obedith O. Walker Mrs. Hattie J. Welch Mr. David C. Allen Mrs. Bebbie Butler Mr. Jack P. Belk .Mrs. Clarence Byrd, Jr. .Mrs. Rufus J. Clark, Shelby Mr. Weir led the Gastonia dis trict staff last year with an ex ceptional sales and service rec ord, and is one of the top-rank- ’ mg members of the company’s field force of nearly 30,000. His home is on Grover Road. \ mother of Miss Helen, insur ance woman, underwent a gall bladder operation Monday morning at Kings Mountain hospital. Mrs. Hay was report ed “doing well” following sur gery. PARK TICKETS Park 1968 Golden Passports, tickets for admission to federal parks and recreation areas, are available beginning April 1 at Kings Mountain National .Mili tary Park. Supt. Ben xMoomaw said the tii*kets are available from rangers on duty at the park. STUDENT TEACHER Mrs. Linda Sherrer Leonard, Kings Mountain senior at Le noir Rhyne college in Hickory, is doing her student teaching in the fourth grade at Forest Hill Elementary school in Mor- ganton. Wife of B<‘attie Leon ard. she Is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sherrer of Kings Mountain. SCHOOL BIDS LOW BIDDER Spangler & Son's was low bidder at $4,800 lor cui o-guticr and sidewalks around the semi- Delegates to the conference arrived in New York on March 24, the 100th anniversary of Metropo litan Life’s founding in 1868. One <^irt^ular driveway of Kings of the features of the three-day Mountain high school on Phifer conference, which officially open I I’oad. The work will oe e Mr David V“ Crank? Bersemer "'* Monday. March 25. will be faster holidays, said an anniversary dinner at the Am-! bupt. Donald Jones, ericana Hotel. i df)ne in a business-like manner All matters concerning moneyi .f Shelby; two sisters .Mrs, Lcs- «P<'nf hy the board should be re ! City er Blanton of Kint-s Mountain P"''"'*' "f 'he coun .Mrs. Marfraret P. Dellinger 111(1 Mrs. Curtis Daskin of r:ro- niight know Mrs. Martha Delin | At the end of its first century, c)'; granflchildren and eight lax dollars ’ Mrs. Francis H. Fields, Gas-1 Metropolitan Life leads the insur- reat-grandchildren. Stone is the son of Mrs. Ethel mnia Rev. Aaron Phillips and Rev. ^toy W.-ilker officiated .it tho fun- *ral rites and interment was in he ehurch cemeterv. Bids on eonstruction of a new 12-classroom addition to North school will be opened by the Kings .Mountain board of edu cation Thursday at 2 p.m. in the office of Supt. Donald Jones. Architeets for the project esti mate the cost will approximate $415,000, $374,000 of wliich has been received as the pro rata share of the 1963 statewide $1(X) million school bond issue. Re mainder of the cost will come from capital outlay funds. THE GOOD OLD DAYS? The good old days? Not if you were in a hurry to talk to someone. Fifty years ago, there wore only about 10 million telephones of all types in the nation. Today, there are more than H3 million Bell System phones in service. Aald R. B. Moore, local telephone manag er. RADIO SERVICES Morning worship services dur ing the month of April will be broadca.st via Radio Station WKMT from First Presbyterian church. DAR Medal Winners Named stone and the late I. D. Stone. He is m:?iT!(‘<! to the former- .lar ky Brooks and has four chil ! , d'*en. i ('harles E. Jackson. 48. a native i of Samp^^on County, lives on ‘ Rout<» 4. Shelby, and is manager! of the Cleveland Branch of Siler ' (’ity Mills, Ine. He was educated City Mrs. Helen H. Fite, Gastonia Mr. Leroy Green Mr. Gregory Hall, Jr. .Mr. Yates Harbisen .Mrs. Andy J. Harris, Gastonia .Mrs. Doris T. Haskins, Shelby .Mr. Joe B. Herndon Mrs. Earl Huffman, Bessemer Brdty .Moss, Irene Louise Eas- in Clinton city schools and at Wake F\*r(st college. He is mar ried and the father of six cliil- '(•V. Donn.-I .lout's, Jane Lvnn grandchil- r.ilc and Myn Dchorali McGin '''■<•"■ » member of Shelby lis are winner.s of annual DAR f''’-''' Baptist ehurch where he is listoi v awards in the elementaiy an assistant teacher in the aduU v'hools. department. i« a Mason, a mem ber of the Cleveland County Poul- Anmnincement was made by try Council anri past president of Mrs. L. K. Hinnant, a member of the W’ashburn Switch Road he Colonel Frederick Hambright Friendship club. Ghnpter contest committee which In a Itirmal stat(*ment Jackson ootisors the essay contest in said. “I think wo have the ground- ifth, sixth, seventh and (‘ighth work frn* building an excellent r ad 's of the local schools and school .system in rur county. As iwn’ds med’ils to winners in a parent and taxpayer. I am •v'M h grade. (Yrtificates of par- anxious to see our schools develop 'i. h ition an* present('d each jic t as rapidly as our abilities and ''ndent submitting an ess:iy. finances will p(*rmit. I want the The contest is sponsored an- bf*st education available for mv i ’luallv by the National Soc'efy,own children and my neighbor’s DTughters of the American Re\- children becau.se they arc our tu- elution to stimulate interest in turo businessmen and women, American history. The .subject for industriali>thomemakers, tax- .Mrs. Pruvis H. Hoyle, Besse mer City .Mrs. Ruth S. Johnson Mr. Claude L: Kelly, Gastonia Pamela E. Lance, .Mt. Holly .Mr. Jim Laws, Bessemer City Mrs. Florence A. Lynn .Mr. Eugene H. Mayhue Mrs. Carl J. Dales M". LauTenco Putnam M'-s. Sallv W- Sanders .Miss Nancy S. Servis, Besse mer City .Mr. Floyd E. Smith Mr. Harry L. Stewart Ml. Clarence C. Summit Mrs. Arthur Te.seseneer, Grover Mrs. Leroy Watkins M»*s. Normn Watson, Grover Mrs. OHs Weaver M»s. Grady Weaver, Grover Mr. Will Whetstine METEP RECEIPTS ance industry with $139 billion Parking meter receipts for the of insurance in force, almost 48 million oevcons n»'otected bv some. 5236.45, including $23.20 form of Metropolitan InsvrANM $24.6 billion in assetS| wiQ ng^p^ 55,000 employees in 120U oiiices in ihe United States and Canada., Subscribe To The Kings Mtn. Herald TH from off-street meters, $138.50 from on-street meters and $74.75 from over parking fines, City Clerk Joe McDaniel report ed. fron folk anru Freshman Coach BUILDING PERMIT Luke W. Hoyle was issued a O club graduation at Ohio State before „ joining the Philadelphia Warriors building permit Tuesday to of the NBA in 1951. He spent build a one-story brick veneer eight years as a player before, house on Hillside Drive at taking over as a coach in 1959. i estimated cost ol $18,000. The He led the NBA in scoring Permit was issued by Grady three suc*cessive years and was Yelton, superintendent of public the top rebounder in 1955. He works. played in a total of 516 games and scored 10,023 points for a 19.4 GETS SUPERIOR RATING average. He was selected to the Linda Ross, senior student all-league first team four times Kings .Mountain high school, and was the most valuable play- won a rating of superior in er in both 1953 and 1954. . district music contests at Le- __ , noir Rhyne college at Hickory. He later coached at Pittsburgh Miss Ro.ss is accompanist for m the American Basketball Lea- the high school Glee club. gi’.c and at Wilmington, Del. in ale Eastern League. y EUREKA CLEANER *2995 NO MONEY DOWN! He and his wife and five chil- "White Alice" Mrs. Rick P. Whiting, Bessemer:f„^^"„ Ten YearS Old Mr. carl E. Wiggins, Gastonia’ * u""?" land mass in Alaska to link out •hi*; year was ' An Amoricin In- payers and educators. ! Charles H Wisffins Bes- SUPPER '.‘I pledge to the voters if I am • ciVv Bes SUPPER Alaskan Air Com winners: chuseii to go on the county board rhqi-ips F Williams I A covered dish supper will be District Early f'ducation that I will place the Mrs. Clara B Wright Shelbv ^ served members of the congre- (DEW» Line, “White .Vlrs. Thomas Foster * | Sation at 6:30 Sunday at Cen- celebrating its tenth Mr. Herman Pennington, Shel CRCVICE TOOL Lightweight and easy to handle.. .comes complete with deluxe attachments. Fea tures easy roll wheels. v»nyl bumper and all steel construction. Buy now and save! Cancer Appeal To Be Launched '*nd Mrs. W. \V. Mos<;. of rru.de nood - of the childri'n fiist to see two. i« nn ei'Thth grader at On- that they have the be.st facilities, 1 trnl. Her winning essay was, the best qualified teachers and ^ . “An American Inver.-*or Walter administrator.^ and a more varied ^ Elias DisnoNV’ curriculum so that we may reach Irene Louise Eisley. dnu^htee each child and help him or her .Mr. Reuben Stroupe, Dallas Mr. Goldie Byers, Bessemer of Rev. and Mrs. Charles PJnsloy. to develop talents and intellect; City Mrs. Dorothy Rose, Clover, S.C. Mrs. Charles H. Adam.s will head Kings Mountain’s campaign for $4,000 for the Cleveland County Cancer Crusade. A kick-off luncheon meeting of Cleveland County volunteers will be held Wednesday at noon at Hotel Charles, Shelby. Goal of, the Cleveland County effort is $20,000, said Lhiyd Williams, campaign chairman. The fund raising drive will hv conducted througlioul the* month of April. • Mrs. Adams announeed that Mrs. James E. Herndon. Jr., IIP North Piedmont avenue, has agreed to serve as permanent memorial fund chairman. .Memo rial gi'ts are to l)e mailed tc Mrs. Herndon. Mrs. Adams al.so annoimc(‘(l chairmen in the vario-iis phases of the Kings Mountain drive. They include: Tom Burke, indus- frial; Charles Blanton. Norman F. McGill, Jr. aid 3r)b South well, business: Mrs. C. T. Car penter, Jr., re.sidential: Mrs. Hen ry P. Noisier, special gifts; Mrs. Paul Ausley, schools; and Mrs. John A. Cheshire, civic clubs. A house-to-hou.se canvass will culminate the fund-raisin^ drive ( Jn April. A'. Mrs. Adam is wife of Dr. i Adams, partner in McGill clinic ; K a .seventh grader at Central, each possesses. I pledge that I Mr Robert Moore or Avih"‘D[s.^ov-'' I Mrs. William Mitchell, Besse- on wail uisney. every decision ^that I will be Keith Isenhour, Gastonia Donna Jones, sixth giader at, called on to make and that I will ‘ Mr- Ronald Conrad ton tral .Methodist church in the birthday. ‘ White Alice is a radio church fellowship hall. Showing transmission net put in by West- of a film will feature the pro- Electric to warn of possible grafyj air attacks, said R. B. Moore, local telephone manager. THE SOUTH’S Phone 739-5451 Kings Mountain [MEMO TO ADVERTISERSSSr: O Lincoln-) ton.” Jane Lynn Tate, sixth grader, '*1 Wi'st, is daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tate. Sh<* used the fo»'i"Inventors of the Flying, .Machine.” Mvra Deborah McGinnis, daii- ghtei- of Mr. and Mrs. Dick .Mc Ginnis. is a fifth gra.ier at VV’(*st. ^•ho the topic, “Peter Co oper.” STUDENT TEACHER Mrs. Joe Hcdden of Kin .s Mountain, senior at Lenoir Rhyne colege in Hickor>'. is do- i ing her student teaching in the i fifth grade at S. Ray Lowder 1 school in Lincolnton. She is one i of 69 Lenoir Rhyne college stu- ' dent teachers presently practic- ) ing leaching. ! Mrs. Leonard Barber, Clover, : S. C. i Mrs. James Boheler CHRISTENED SERIOUSLY ILL Ward 5 Commissioner O. O. Walki'r continues seriously ill in Kings .Mountain hosi>itaI wh(*n* he was admitted Mon day morning after falling and suffering a brok(*n hip. ON DEAN'S LIST .Anne Trott. King.s .Mountain, junior at the University of Ten nessee in Knoxville, was listed on the dean’s list with high honors for the past quarter. She is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tiiomas L. Trott. Kenny Davis, four-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis, was christened at morn ing worship services Sunday at First Presbyterian church. The youngster is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Davis and Mrs. Coman Falls, all of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Davis is the former Anne Cansler Falls. uestions and aswers about NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING I^infTs Mountain medical doitor. 275 Legionnaires At Banquet Here Over 275 Legionnaires attend(*d ' the annual Division Five Go-Get : ters Banquet Saturday night at . ptis D. Green Post L5.5 Americar Legion. . The new addition to the Post . building was open for the first ; lime. Members of the local post fef which Carl V. Wiesener i.*-’: pommander, were hosts. Dinner ; >vas served buffet style at 7 t’clfx*k. Ralph Adcock of Hickory, di vision commander, introduced state officers present. Look 'em all over,., and COMPARE FEATURES WITH COMET 5 SPEEDS PLUS REVERSE YOUR CHOICE OF 3 SIZES! X INSTANT CUTTER HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT ALL STEEL CONSTRUCTION Qt What ara tha S mott important rules for profItabU newspapar advartUingt Q* What does A.B.C. do for mat A* i. Your advartising massaga should ba nawsy, friendly, informativa, aaay to raad, Qiva facta and newt about your marchandiaa and aarvioa. 1 Advartias regularly. Make your advertising do what successful salesmen do—call on customers and prospects consistently. A* At regular intervals one of the Bureau's large staff of axparienced circulation auditors makes a thorough audit of the circulation records of each publisher member. The results of each audit are published in an easy-to-raad A.B.C. report for your use and protection when yaO; h\iy newspapar advertising. S. Insist on audited circulation reports that give you the pacts about the audience that your tales messages will have when you buy newspaper advertising. Q. What ara tha FACTS In A.B.C. raporteT LOW CENTER OF GRAVITY BEXALI Ic SALE STARTS MARCH 28 Kings Mountain Drug Company FULL FLOATING^ CUTTER COMPLETELY ENCLOSED TRANSMISSION Q. If thara a maaaura for tha valua of nawa*. paper circulation to an advertiaer auch as the standards a merchant naes in buy* inf merchandise—for ezample» like STERLING on ailvort A. A.B.C. reports tell you how much circulation, where it goes, how obtained and other facts that help you buy advertising aa you would make any sound business investment—on the basts of known values and audited information. At Yea—in the weD known circulation standards of the Audit Burbau of Circulationil Q. Ar# aU publicadona ollgiblo fbr A.B.G. aombership? CONVENIENT FOOT BRAKE Q. What ia the A.B.at A. No. Only those with paid drculation. This is important to advertisers because it is evidsnee that the paper ia wanted and read. coi^iL 2B\ 30^' models - i The new Snapper Oemets arc the ultmiale in ntimg mowers , .. wdh speeu^ safety, durability a*::! cccncny. They climb and work on grades of 45% or more and soma ir.oihis rot no to 1.0 acics per hour. Powerful 5 to 8 HP gasoline enoiucs (sor^e w'Ns elccirlc rtarleis). With implemeiiis, they will haul, n’ove snow, ac^’utc. etc. You cm couut on years of top perforrnar.ee and pleasure whe:: you buy a Gnaeper Cemet. Lat us demonstrate tue Comet on YOUR uwn. 4r' n.cticls alsj s/ailn’iile for larger areas. A* Tho A.B.C. is a cooperative, non-praRt sssocl* stion of 3,450 advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers in the United Statessnd Csinada. Organised in 1914. Brought or der out of advertising chaos by establishing a definition for paid circulation, rulet and standards for i^asuring, auditing and re porting the circulations of news papers and periodicals. Q, Is this newspaper m member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations? A. Yss. Ws ars proud of our drculation. Ws want you to know the facts about tha audience your telling mea- aagea will have when they appear in these pages. Ask for a copy of our iateat A.B.C KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD 126 EAST GOLD STREET A.B.C. Rigours - PACTS AS A SASIC MIASURI OP ADVISTISINO VALWI Moi and intr< IT' the Kin< Beir BF J. Plo the sist Dy m

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