Popnlatioo Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 rh« OiaJi«r Klagt flfiir* to d«HT«d (roM th* •ptcial United ttatM Sur*«u of th« Ctasiu nport o ranu^ 1M0. and too)ud«a tiM U.ttO population • NumMi 4 TownalUp, oad tbo ramolnlag •«lt4 iron dumntr S Township, In Ctorolond County and Crowdnr* Mouniala rownnblp In a«tos County. VOL. ftO No. 17 Kings Mountain's Beiiable Newspaper Established 1889 Kings Mountain. N. C., Thursday, April 25, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENlf Engineers Say Return Water Pipe May 20 Auction bollai Days Culminate Saturday at 6 Local Asks uiir ^o\ itlr w:**i Auction Dollar Days, a city* wide trade promotion, will cul*, minate on Saturday with an auc*! tion sale at the r^rking lot at tJie corner of Cherokee and ,<>untain streets, itizena are being given dollar- •dollar, up to $100 purchased, hy the local merchants and this "play money" may be used in purchasing valuable gi.'ts of merchandise at the public auc tion at 6 p.m. Saturday. The auction gifts are on dis play in the office of Industrial Association of Kings Mountain. "The Amazing Mr. Bradbury", binert as one of the .world’s greatest magicians and his troupe of entertainers will present free enteriiinment at the auction. Jim Yarbro, chairman of the trade promotion committee of the Kings Mountain Me-ch.'ints As- .sociation, said shoppers are ask ed to look for the identifying red stickers on the doors of doN\’7itown merchants and take advantage of this big sales event. Cable Franchise fi Board To Auction School Property Kings Mountain district board of education is advertising for sale at public auction on May 18 the two-acre tract at Parker and Watterson streets known as the Old Davidson School property. Tiio 0!d Davidson building was ra/cd several months ago. Under terms of the sale, the ■^Mrd of education may require highest bidder td hial^ ?■ denosit of 25 percent of the hid price. The bids remain open for ten ri;*ys and may be raised. The board reserves the right to reteel or confirm any bid. T-V Service Cost $4.95 Per Month A newly formed Kings Moun-: lain corporation. Cable T-V, Inc., •eeks a city franchise to provide •able television service in Kings Mountain and environs. Jonas Bridges, general manager )i Radio Station WK.MT and pres- 'denl ol the new corporation, pre- ented a proposal to the city com-, nission Tuesday night. | In return for use of city power ooles. the cable T-V firm proposes to pay the city five percent of gross re\'enues or $2400 per year. whichever is greater, on 20-year, ^ . . , , —-i. . D’*ojcct IS next January or Eeb Moving Expense For Displaced On Cansler Street The State Highw'ay commisslo publishes in this edition of th( Herald a no ice to families ex pected to find their dwellings de molishcd duo to widening of the street that the commission "is prepan d . j .c-. . . viso,*y a"^.si..nee to families displaced." D.visioi Engineer W. V\. Wyke S3 id tlie term, in fact, means fi nancial assistance in moving the families to other hous<*«. Widening is anUcipated on the "•ast side of Can.sler from King jtreet north. Progress on the Cansler street oiect to date, Mr. Wyke said. cl 1 'n^"'’C*ion • o w 11 go to the Raleigh Mnnlng department which will; '50t ri'ht-of-wa limits - - expoct-i ed to roqjire from a month to' •i'x weeks. Right-of-way acfjuisi- tion will follow. Schedule for bid taking on the p’*ojcct is ruary. City Request Tor March '69 Extension Denied contract, subject to ten-year exten sion on agreement of both par- _ . ^ , ties. Mr. Bridges said the proposal,. estimate on the Cansler compares to a national average improvement project 3f other companies and is the ^ street 'o Gold) is nearly S^.- same accepted recently by the 22^' ST * City of Sh^by , S314,0rh) share of the $1.,)0 million He said the firm would supply 2" assigned to cities service providing a much clearer and counties. LEGION BUILDING ADDITION IN SERVICE — P ctured is the SSC.OOO oddxtion to the Green Post 155« American Legion building whic i was recently put into service. Offices vided for commander and other officers, and the addition boasts a handsome lobby and (Photo by Isaac Alexander.) Otis D. are pro* lounge. McDf^niel Rites Are Conducted r meral rites for Forrest Grady McDaniel, 63, wore held Wednes- d-v at t n.m. from Second Bap tist church, interment following in Mountain Rest cemetery. ! Mr. McDaniel died at 7 p.m.i Sunday -'t h*s home following an CN^end^'d The of the lat<' Je'>,:e and S^rah Moore McDan’el. h'' worked as a tan driver for 16 years before his illness. Survivors ineliide his wif^, ipnrner P. M’Duiiel: two son.s, Lloyd Mid)'*n'el of Gastonia and Thir*m.'*n McD.iniel of Newark, Cdif-: d'»ughters, Mrs. Ber tha Rogers, Mrs. .TuUa Loekridge and M-s. Inez ITiifto, all of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. Lois White 0? Wius»on*S'^Iem: a brother. Lester McDaniel of Shclbv; and t"’o Flst''rs. M»*s. B’.Tek of K'li'TS Moiinl.iin *»nd Mrs. Kulona • er of Westfield, New Jersey: rilf lnolhev. Frne«f Moore, of (irovor: an<l IS •’’•andelvldren. Itev. Gete-rp Julien. Rev. MU- pIirM r-ipM nnd Rev. Oorge loi'jh ofo'lited at the Unal rites. SnccM*)' Dad at VFW H'lrl Stroupe, Jr., citv police (to-k sergeant and clerk of re corder’s court, was elected Mon- doy night commander of Frank Gla.ss Post 9811. Veterans of For eign Wars, for the eoniing year. He will .su<x*eed his father, lin’’* Stroupe. Sr. Other officers elected were: n. U. (Doe) Burton, senior vice- roniinaiuler; Harold Glas.s. junior vice-eommander; Lafayette Pear- sm. quartermaster; Ben F. ('avo. chaplain; and William Plonk, surgeon. Retiring (’ommander Stroupe, *81.. Marion Dixon and Paul Ham were elected .trustees. DELEGATES-Cathy Jo Hardin, ot top, and Dtborah Ann Plonk hove boon named delegates to Tar Heel Girl's State by the American Legion AuxiUory. Gill States Delegates Name Cathy Jo Hardin and Deborah Ann Plonk will attend Tar Heel Gin’s State Juno 21-29 on cAmpui? of the University ol\ No-th Carolina at Grcen.shoro. The two rising high school sen iors wr c selcdcd delegates by American Legion Post 155, Am erican Legion Auxiliary, on the basis of scholarship and charac ter. Annount'cment of their se lection was made by Mrs. J. M. Rhn, chairman of the Girl's State committee. Miss Hardin Is dau'dUer of M . and Mrs. Kenneth Hardin of 801 Moadowbrook road. She is 17 and active in numerous extra- -jo-sr •rtivities at Kings television picture, particularly on color sets, and at least 12 chan nels. The particular channels had net been decided, he added. Service would be offered on this basis: monthly rent $4.95, plus $l for each additional set: installa tion charge $10, plus $5 for each aer. Othor officers of the corporation irc Richard (Dick) McGinnis, vice-president; Gene Timms, sec- •etary; and L. E. (Josh) Hinnant, , erretar •. The board took the proposal I under advisement and authorized ‘he Mayor to appoint a commit- ‘eo to study the proposal. In other actions, the board: 1) approved installation of 695 rta, v.e n .c.p 'eet ef 12-inch water line from -^ole j Gantt street to serve Kings Mills acquisition." m N. Piedmont. The prolect is estimated to cost ! 21 Awarded contract for curb- about $559,000, derived from a I ing-and-guttcring on First street state road bond issue. I on low bid to Spangler & Soas of Shelby at $12,492. NC 16i Project Is On Schedule “Hopefully, the York road (Highway 161 South i improve ment a. id widening project will be let to contract in the fourth quarter of this ve^ *’’ • Division Engineer W. W. Wyke said Wediiesoay. Ho Slid a location survey has been com])Ietod. He ccmiinucd, “Since the exist ing ri'lU-of-way will be utilized , :n widening the roadbed with the ' exception of the mountain gai ic :io consicie .igh .-O.-A. 11th Annual Kiwanis Talent Event Will Be Held Thursday 1^ ^ : 3) Voted to advertise a public the I ^ petition of James A. Childers tc annexaticn to the city. 4) I’l technical a'^ti'^ns, passed ••esohitienF permitting the Mayor «nd City Treasurer to expend fund*: from the resnective ac* counts for acouisition of right-of- way and plant sites for the water an<^ sewer projects. Kingr Mills Plans Exnendnn Kings Mill*' anticipates an ex* Mountain liigh school. pansion. W. Dnk'' Kimhrell offi- Miss Plonk, 17, is daughter of ppi- stockholder wrote Mayor Viet Nam Veteran Home Just In Time Sp5 H. C. Graham, Jr., ar rived Imme from 13 months <lu- (y in VU’t Nam Friday. He was just in lime to help his Father, U. C. Graham, Sr., C 2 Waco Road, celebrate his nd birthday. Army man Graham is a vet eran of over 12 years, hfiving entered the service in February 1956. Mr. and Mi^. John Butler Plonk o** route 1, She is also active in school clubs and organizations. Busv Saturday At Prednets Saturday’s final registration' day before the May 4 primaries proved quite busy at the Kings Mountain precincts. ‘ Mrs. Nell Cranford, registrar at East Kings Mountain said she, "never .stopped a minum". as she! inscribed 123 new na)nes on the book;* j As West Kings Mountain, Mrs.' J. H. Artliur, registrar, was only, two new voters less busy at 121. ' Mrs. A. K. Connor, at Brthware. had a light day. right new voters and Mrs. J. B. Klli.s, at Grover, I’ould not he reached Wednesday ; aftoriUMin for her re|>ort, i West Kings Mountain, one of llie county's largest pretdiiets. now lists 2002 voters, 1704 Demo crats, 215 Republican.s, and 17 In- dependc'iits. East Kings Mountain lists 1127 ' V(Mers, 1232 IkMiUHTat.s, 171 Re-; publicans, and 2^ Independent.s. Bethw'nre has 764 voters but a partisan break-d<»wn was not Im mediately obtainable. There wa.*-- a heavy ineidenee in Kings Mountain of Negro reg-! istrants during the registration period, refelctlng the candidacy of William Orr for the county commission and Dr. Reginald Hawkins for governor. Charles Dixons Ic Convention Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dixon will bo amon.g the nearly TOO rersons representing the Iran- ■ ■■’ftu-- .ly a^id .ci-ijJ xi^ids ai i.a 33iJ A::nual Convention o Ih? North 1 Carolina Automobile Dealers As- ' sociation at The Carolina in : Pinehurst on Sunday. April 28. ar.-ordin; to NCADA Prr.sklent Henry II. Sandlin of Dunn. ' Speakers for the threeday * meeting include M. S. McL: ugh- lin, a Ko d Motor Compan.. vice p esiden*^ an: gener'*! r‘-'''^gcr of L:n?.-Merrurv Division; T. A. John Henry Moss as he requested Willi.ams, NADA President. installath'n of a 12-inch water Iin<'C to supply increased prc.ssure at the North Piedmont avenue. M . Kinibrcll. nor Dick IlniiMi- cutl, King.^ manag(*r. could be reached Wedn4*sday aftcrncKm for detail- concerning the projected expansion. Greensboro. N. C.; Ralph How land, Commis.sio'K'i' of the No-ih r.-'i-oUna Denarinnuil of Mo'<»r Vehicli'*--, UHloigh, N. Frank F'. Mi'Cirthv. executive vice pres idcnl of tli«» National Autorrol>ih Dealers A.ssociation, Washinclon fCoiitinui'd oh EUjht) ; 16-Yeai-Old Can Chauffeni Auto But Pool Hall Two Yeais Distant Bv MARTIN HARMON HV illegal in Kings Mountain for anyone under 18 yearp of age , to play billi.irdr in a publicly- operated parlor but any and all (Idor can play all night it the ownei J*-: willing. Som'" are. The matter of the city ordi nance covering t>ool hall opera tlcas came t(' the attention of the city board of commissioners Tuesday night at the in.stanee of two operators, Woodrow England, blind greeor who has one tabic in his c.slablishment and Miles Put nam who lea.s(»s and P S Parlor on F^ast King sirc'ot to his .son. Impetus for the visit was from Chief of police TfHn ^IcDevitt, who had vi.sited iill ixml halls and informed them of the ctrdi- nance prev^uiting youths under 18 from presence in their establish ments. The Chief said eight youths, age 10 to 13, had been apprehend ed at P & S and, in addition, were truant from school. The Chief commented, "At some eslahlishments you'll find people age 14 to 60 gambling at one table and younger ones playing at the next.” He said he had inlo’-rned all owners be would enforce the law “as long as it is, th- 1'" ", I Fn?)and plorad for lowering the age limit to 16, saying tlic law r^' mb- 16 year olds to gel on; the highway.*-- and break their, neck; driving autoniohilo- and' that i' would he better to have them playing pool Fie added he cl «es his business at 8:30 p.m. Putnam, seconding England’s motion, told the beard. P ^ S de I'cndon youthful ciislomer.s arui “cannot mal«' it" witlmot tlicm. C'mmisGoner Uay Cl •• said lie had received mnuetoit » mi-■ p! Mill.*- about the I * ’• ol ,*i cii- • few for billiard hall!vu none on too youthful playcTs. On motion of Mr. C!in(\ the board authorized the Mayor to appoint a study committee to make a recommendation on pos sible revisions of the current or- j dinance. ' ELECTED - Kenneth D Bun* kewiki, Ji., Kings Mountain junior at North Carolina State University at Raleigh/ kos been ^p^ve-^h*n in Fhi larx: Phi, notionol honor so ciety. i^iii Kappa Phi Taps Bunkowsid Kenneth D. Bunkowski, Jr., junior at North Carolina State University and son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bunkowski of King • Mountain, h-is been clectc<l .o membcrsliip in I*bi Kappa Phi, national honor society. Elc.ti(m to ih.» Iion<»r soidcly, vhich rci'ognizes oiPstandiig Rcholar.ship, is the hip,host acade mic a.vnnl made by North Car olina State University. Tlio Standards for Plii Kappa Phi are comparable to those of Phi Beta Kappa. Standards elect ed to Phi Kappa Phi must rank in the top five percent of the Junior class or the top 12.5 p<'r* cent of the S<'cnior class. At N*. ('• St-4tc Itnivorsity the Kings Mountain s)ud('ut is aho secretary of the ('hemical Engin eering y(»ri<'ty on campus and is cnncsj»on«lin;: si'cretary of the local Chapter "f Tail Hein Pi. national honor so4‘i«*ly hir en gineering stiulcnl.s. School Building Permit $Z70,000 General c'onlract<»r for the 1*1- rooin N» rth sclund addition pur- chaff’d a $27i!.l)(>0 <dty building p(*rmit Monday. Beam O nstriiction Company is general contractor. Otlu'r permit i.s.sued during the past W'eek was to Mr. and Mi-s. Charles F. Rhodes for eonstruc- tion of a five-room residence, es timated cost $12,300, at 309 Ellis street. Hamrick Construction com pany is contractor. Proceeds Go For Sidewalk To High School Thursday night s K i \v a n i s Schools Talent Show will he Numbe: 11 for local Kiwanians. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. at ’''Ptrat .sch'^^t auditories oungsters will be competing for trophic.*? in elementarv. Junio* ugh and high school categories. It is the nth year the local .^ivic club ha.-i obtained fundr Irom a talent hunt to benefit communit.v preiects S*n'x ifip Talent Hunt was instituted, a total f>f $18,135 has been spent ’'or community betterment, in cluding $1,000 to provide a stu dent loan fund. $1,000 to firar-o the Little League baseball, p'-n- gram. S3,I30C for a new ‘‘''Ovdtie® bu^:. $1.50;' for a field- house at City Stadium. $1,200 for hair", for the Armrrv. $1,200 for “CTeatjonat eqiiipmon* for the \rrT»*-v, $6,500 to .lohn Gamble ‘'.♦ndjum. SOOf' fn! an oxygen air- pr''ssurc lock re*iu«^‘‘itator f t the -i' bo'-l s'-stem. 310 to prnviric muniripal tenni.*- f-ouri*^ and $500 ; *’cr an audioipctf'i for the v’.'ioi.l -. ;♦) use in testing the hearjnT of I''ehoet ehild-en. In additim the ''lub provjj'tes two citi-en^ liip •award-' of .$125 I i liigli svheo] .‘sen ior.’* Fun K fnne loiii'dii’-:-.how will hi' iced for a sidew;’ll< preifMl from the new higii sdio >1 hnihl:i:g »n Phife* ro oi. .M;i t*'r of e«'n*ino:ile< frir to- nljrUfv 5;|inw' will he B. S. P-eler, J •- Tlckids will b(' available at I lie door or m iy be* pun;luist*d fnnn any Kivvardan. Dther chairmen <.f vai iou.*-- '‘orn- mitlec'- include: Door and liikei sal*s: Dick Lennon, ehainnan: Dr. (>. P. Lewis. Harold Coggins, , J*' bn L. McGill, Ted Weir and Dr. Frank Sinrox; Back-Stage: I‘aoi IJ on, i hai’inan: Gradv Howard, Bill Brown, \V. C. Hallew, Van Birmingham, .-md Dan Finger; Pr'gram and Puhlieity: G. E. Bridge*, <-ha'rman; Harold Hun- nicult ami Don Jones; Solicita tions. .h»c Neislcr, Ji.; Genera) j GVoRonof/ OH By MARTIN HARMON Kings Mountain may have in store a long, hot and parched summer. The Army Corps of Engineers has or(it*rPd return of its water pipe by May 20, thus declining to henor the request of the city and recommendation of the North Car olina Civil Defen.se agency. Director William M. Hedges, of the Civil Defen.se Agency, wrote Mayor John Henry Moss; C( nfirming telephone conrersa- lien between you and the Assist ant Dirertor. tliis agency, on April IBoS. this is to advise that a thirty day extensirm for return of the water equipment has been approved. The equipment should not be returned to the depot not late’ than May 20. 1968. “It i.« requested that this Agen cy hr advised when the equip ment is returned to the depot." Mayor Moss said he had been advised in the telephone conv*er- I satinn that the Corps of Engineers ' does not take into consideration I eommeroial and industrial re- 1 quiiements, merely residential, in I the criterion used to make emer gency luan.s of equipment. He added. “The city will en deavor to maintain present water service to (he limit of its ability. I was al.se informed that a recur ring crisis would mean considera tion of a re-loan of equipment.’’ The city ha:-j been u.sing five miles of eight inch pipe for the past year to augment from Can terbury crook and Dairy branch m. the city s raw water supply. The situation could be wor^' '* The lork road resovoir is 18 inerf os from spillover and the auxiliary David.son lake i«- nearly full. Meantime, final plans for the buiiaio Creek water project have been promised not later than mid May and the site of the 84- fool high dam will be core drilled Thursday, weather permitting. Mayor Mitss said. "The City of Kings Mountain not only is very grateful hut in debt tc the Corps of Engineers and the state Civil Defense Agency for u.se of this in valuable equipment.” PROMOTED — Judy Dellinger has been oromrted ta the posi- tic” cl personnel c^erk at Crc'tspun Yarns, Inc. where she har been employed since April iss;. MiSS DeiL'ngcr Wm.*; PioiRoticn Ml.r .la ly Dellinger lias been pr -.1 JcC-d t' Tiic positi m ol per- '•’Miel clerk at Craft.-pun Yarns, I'nployed .Apri’ 13, I9:i as shi •;.* I’.. (Vfliw il('rk. hci new will inrliuh' kt-i'ping per- Si;nju ) le.* >rd . l iking anpliv'a- ti'in- !«' i mploynu'ut and t'“.-)lng !ic-..- .ippli'*aiu . A lIMT- graduate of Kings M u'P.'i'ii Irlgh s ho.)l. Mis' Del- ling( I liv(‘s with hei pare:Us on Wa.o road and aileiids I’atler. on Gr»\e Baptist chur.-h where she .serves as .-ecretary ef Hu* young people’- lU'partmont. WOW MEETING RegtiKar mi’r'tlii; of W’oorlnien t'f tlw \V ii'Ui ed'te NC 15 w'll ha lu'i'i l lnusday night at 7:30 in Du* i onforen -e loimi of Kings ?»Iou’it nn Saving.s Loan a.s- so IiM i. I'lisiness of the mt'Ct- in,T will inclr.lc .-i bii!! ling fund p-og -oj:-' rep'*’!. Refreshments w'M )^e .-c’-vr.!. Fish Foj Free Njjw In Citv l^kes: Bsth Davidson, Yoih To Be Stocked Ey MARTIN HARMON The e tc luvird of cnnimissiou ers eliminah I permit f(‘('s for fisliing at Hu* city lakes 'I'ues day night. Fc'al fees i fishing fi'oni tin* ■'anks isn’t leiniilUMl) will hi* I lun ged. A slate fishing license, o[ course, remains r(*quired but that’s the nimrod’s business with the game warden, not (he city. There will shortly be plenty of fisli. j Now get this; I I' . I-’rcd Kssisinni chair man of H’c Ip’eul Fislu'ries '•oniw.ilrc’e v.c’h G'i?-o!*na \\'lld- •' c n<'seu”c.'s ('ommiss'ion, has tnl'l M lyo** .Ioh;i llenrv Mos-; 'vi h l'>'i\hl-on , -ike and the Yo k r'>nd lake will Ih' stocked immediatelv Bvu *e May, of tlic Inl'ind Kis!\**rles committep staff, was in Ki ngs Mountain to conduct w'ater analyse-; at the two lakes and make other tests to deter mine what species of inlihlo fish will be must icpioduclive. Ollie Harris' Father Passes Funeral rito.s for John Frank Harris, ,S3. of Troy. S. C.. father of funeral diiecior and Cleveland County Coroner J. Ollie Harris, wore held Sunday at 2 p.m. Iror' ilijnh Funeral Home in Green- : wood, S. C. I Graveside services, with Rev. fames Wilder and Rev. Robert riadcn offi’iatiicr ^^-pie held at 5 p.m. at Shelby’s Sunset c-cme- ter.v. Mr. Harris died Friday at 12:30 p.m. in a Greenvvooj, S. C h" pital after serious illness of tw weeks. A native of Winston-S^' em. ho was son of the !a^e M CIT'I M"S. John ^r?r]k Harris. A graduate of Sh!*ib'- high school •nd Go-'wh-^ '-.dir e, lio tIso at- ‘enik’d N. C- .'^I’lte colh'gc. He ItT I o.j.p.,,,. *lie ' s Tin Shop, Shclhy. and Die nn r'.s-Harris Tin Shop, Aruk t-son. .*^, ('. h,, ^vas a member of Horeb Bantist church. Mr. Harris was twice married; ♦o Jessie M.ip Hambright Harris who died in 1912 and to Agnes Ciiiles Hambright, who survives. Surviving in addition to his wife and son are a daughter, Mrs. \V. F. Folsnn of Henderson ville; two biothers, W. C. Harris -n I IMpier F. narn^. both of **Ur,iUy. ,>.■./> Mrs. Terrv' Monro of Marion: five g'*andchif- dren and five gn'-at-grandchil* dren. invested Pirniii To Cilv The city h.a.*^ inveded with Kings Mountain’s two hanks $9(M',(KK) of the million dollar •-cvvHgr bond sale. Base;! cn the citv’s overage intered rote over (lie .unorli/.i- tion period of 1.71 percent tlie citv will moke ;i profit. The eertificates of (h'posit bought by th<' city; .\l First Citizctis Bonk ami Trust Company. $l(H..()nq for 161 days omi StotHMlU for 191 days, both al .5 87.'^ pcp'ent. .M Kirs) Union National Bank. $15(M>90 for 38 days and $206.- 000 for 68 days, both at 5.5 per cent; and $200,0(X') for 99 days and SlOO.lXKl for ICO days, both at 5.8 percent.

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