P ^’rKA y^atl Adcock w nnswc*rod durlnj; th^ total ot uH urs Iraveloo irs. In nddi- three “blood In Char- harleston, S. tit can save NCY o faga Grover News KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS. MOUNTAIN. N. C. Precinct Meetings Thursday, May 9, 1968 WOW Sets Dinnei Meeting Cabaniss of with Mrs. Paulino Wattorstm and will conduct Mrs. Tommy Kcotor. Ava Gibbons VV(‘dnosday nielli, May 15 the . ,, IShiloh Presbyterian con^rouation’spent several days m Houston. . went to for his at The Rev, Don Mjiledgoville, Ga. the Sunday morning service the First Baptist church. Rev Scott V/oodmansee who is will visit Trinilv FDiscooal shilfen Q college church in Kings Mountain.* remodeling of the Shiloh ^ church sanctuaiy is near com- T.. u; I ^ White, plotion and a dedication service Ji., and son, Stewart in are on will bo lield Mav 19. vacation. They are A special offering for tlie isitlng her parents, Dr. and “Presbyterian Home" in High Anderson in Pensa- Point will be taken next Sunday Shiloh. A Baptismal service w'as con-i Bible school will be held at duct^ at the First Baptist church* the First BaW'ist church, June Sunday night for Judy Evans and! 3-7 with Mrs. A. F. (’ollins as Patsy Robinson, young daughters superintendent. Evans, Mrs. P. A. Francis spoke to and Mr. and .Mrs. Charlie Robin-jlhe women of the Glendale Pres- o u byterian church Sunday after- Tlie Sunbeams mot at the Fir.stinoon in Gastonia. home Friday after visiting for three weeks in Badin. Mrs. W. C. Crump and Mrs. J. V. Beam ac companied her honM* and spent the night, Mr. and Mrs. James Rollins Woodmen Of The M'orld Lodge are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James >JC-15 of Kings Mountain mem- Klinkenborg in Kansas City, invited to menu with Mrs. Holmes Harry Kan. Woodmen Court 32S(i on Main .Sgt. and Mrs. Paul^ Sheppard, street, Gastonia, on Thursday, Texas where Mr. Harry went to Lisa and B()h of Fort Bragg vlay 9, for a dinner meeting. Valcmiiv stated that each pre the Methodist hospital for his spent the wekenj with Mr. and meeting will convene* at dnei committee has be(*n in< teas “check-up”. Mrs. Robert Cavney and Mr. and dinner to b(‘ s(‘rved ed from five to ten members. Mrs. Renn Aljernathy with a Mis. B. E. Sheppard. promptly at 7 p.m. Speakej- for thereby adding 10.95.5 preianet group from Shelby spent a few .Sunday III and children, Robin and Scott spent the weekend at that AnselJ Hardin attenrled the Ma> Day exercise at Cecil Business : children, Laura, Johny and Ron- ret urn f-d home Friday morning. College in Spartanburg Salur dav Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tessen(»ei ind Mr. and Mrs. Monrop Craw- “o^d visited Mrs. C. R. Crawford in.i (laughter n(*ar Boiling ■springs .Sunday and attended Memorial service at Trinity wood were guests of Miss Vera at Sunday church. , Hardin. Miss Hardin and Mrs.', services at Sunday night, Mrs. P. A. Fiam . j. spent last weekend i Whilo th(*re they visitcMl Mr. and as addressed the women of the j First Presbyterian church n ^ - - Chen-yville on T.R.A.V. Miss Deb- ^ ^ ^4,^ friends. Mrs. Edith Morgan and bi'Oth- er, Vardell Neal spent a feiw d/ys in Staunton, Virginia with their sister. Mrs. Addle Beam returned The enlargement of pn*rinc! committees is a part of the State Dem(XTatic Party’s new IMan of Organization, which was approv ed in January at the Slate Demo erratic Executive* C’ommittee meet ing. Valentine .said lhal good atfen Donna Hardin, daughter of dance at Saturday’s pr(*cinct meet- and Mrs. Ansell Hardin of ings is imperative to tlu* success Black.sbui'g was erown(‘ 02. Pkg. % • JANE PARKER — HOME STYLE DONUTS MARBLE POUND CAKES 15-0.-. PKg. • JANE PARKER — FRESHLY BAKED 1-Lb. 80z. Pkg. DUTCH APPLE PIES ; uN^r ... Values For Our Best Girl—YOU! IDEAL GIFT FOR MOTHER'S DAY! YOU SAVE 10 CENTS! MELLOWMOOD NYLONS > ^0C£=^0CSk0Q ahoy-;=3 SEAMLESS MICRO MESH OR PLAIN KNIT • PAIR 00 • A8.r» 'OUR FINEST" GRADE "A" APPLE SAUCE 2 cS GOLDEN RISE FLAKY • A&r DRY ROASTED MIHIA PEANUTS': 33c BISCUITS <« pic.. • A&P VACUUM PACKED 59c SPANISH PEAHUTS'L: Frozen Food Buys! A8.P FROZEN SHOE STRINO POTATOES 20-Oz. Pkgs. 40.Ok. < 5 DELICtOUS FLAVORS—MARVEL Vz Sol. On. ICE CREAM 49c CUP-OF-JOY ICE CREAM CONES • DIXIE GARDEN BRAND FROZEN Field Peas & Snaps 2V^39c?«45c • DIXIE GARDEN BPANO FROZEN Blackeye Peas 2’^?" 39c 45c • DIXIE GAP.rrS BPA.ND FROZEN Speckled Butterbeons 2 85c Values for the Quality-Conscious! Fruits & Vegetables! Ai! rUR«'0:E for GARDENING Y/^ PEATHUMUS urruu 2'35 FLORIDA ORANGES jEC : ALAD PERFE9° 19c 18-oz. bot. 39e . 1-lb. con 99c 49c 59c AMN PACt-- It, SIALtY FINI *’ • cr, Mh ANN AAGC SMOOTH 0* KRUNCHY • 24-Ob. it IF UNARLE to purchase any advertised item. PLEASE REQUEST A RAIN CHECK [eicHT?*! Wtvm \toff3K MILD AND MELLOW EIGHT O’CLOCK 1-LB. BAG $' 3-LB. BAG 49c IDEAL FOR DRINKING OR COOKING? A&P EVAPORATED MILK3'^